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Assignment #1a

misweb registration

Our class uses misweb for the class's course technology. We do not use MyCourses, or any other course technology system. You can use either a desktop computer or a mobile device (with a web browser) to access our class's online resources:

1. In your web browser, go to the main misweb page:

This will take you to the main misweb page, which displays the College of Business (COB) academic areas.

2. In a desktop browser, you will see a list of all of the COB faculty. A mobile browser (with its much smaller screen) will display only the academic areas – on a mobile device, you will need to tap on your teacher's academic area to open a list of faculty in that area.

3. Tap on your teacher's name to go to his or her faculty profile page.

4. In a desktop browser, you will see your teacher's complete misweb page; scroll down to the Courses Taught section. In a mobile browser, tap on the "Courses taught" button; this will open a list of courses that your teacher teaches.

5. Find your class in the list of your teacher's courses taught, and tap on the "online gradebook" button for that class.

6. You will see a login page similar to the one shown to the right. When the login page loads in your browser, you can save a bookmark to that page for fast access to this page in the future.

If you have not previously registered for misweb, you will need to register. Upon trying to log in, you will see a form that has several input fields. Enter any information that is needed to complete all fields. Please try to type correctly!

Click the Continue button. That’s all there is to it! You are now registered for the misweb system. You can now access any of your class's course technology.

If you have any questions about this system, please email:

Checking your misweb online grades

To check your grades, go to the main misweb page, at:

Go to your teacher's faculty profile page. Scroll down to the Courses Taught section. Click on any link for Online Grades.

On the next screen, select your class from the list of Online Gradebooks, enter your net id and password in the textfields, and click the Log in button.

Assuming that you log in correctly, you will see one or more buttons for your class. These buttons (if available) link to:

  • your grades
  • the private course web site
  • an online class calendar
  • the class email archive
  • the class message board


The buttons page also has a link at the very top that you can use to log out of misweb. For (your own) security reasons, you should always log out rather than just moving to a different web page, since logging out physically terminates your misweb session.

For your homework assignment, you must do the following:

 1. Register for misweb.

 2. Enter your basic information. You must enter your name and email address; everything else is optional.

 3. Check your grades in this class.

 4. While you are checking your grades, familiarize yourself with the available buttons, such as Private Course Web Site, EMail Archive, and Class Message Board.

 5. Post a message on the Class Message Board under the Topic:

 Characteristics of a Good Software Developer

If the Topic has not been created yet, create it. If it has been created, add your message to the Topic. Try to add something meaningful.

Pay attention to what you are doing when you post a message on the Class Message Board. If the Topic already exists, DO NOT CREATE A NEW TOPIC. Instead, add a message to the existing Topic.


To add a message to an existing topic, you must actually read at least one existing message on the topic. When you read a message, you will see a button to Post a New Message.


6. When you access the class message board, you will see an option at the bottom to set your “Message Board notification” level. Select “detail”, so you get an automatic email as soon as anyone posts a message to the class message board. This is a required part of this assignment.


The messages posted on the class message board could be an invaluable tool when you are working on your homework assignments. 


You do not need to turn in any type of paper or report for this assignment (or any other assignment in this class). Everything will be graded electronically.

misweb Online Gradebook System mobile access

Student Instructions

A new feature in misweb provides you with convenient access to selected course technology through your mobile web browser (smartphone, laptop, or other mobile device). Once set up, you will be able to access your online grades, course web site, and more with just a few simple taps on your mobile device.

To set your device up for quick access in the future, follow these one-time steps:

1. In your device's web browser, go to the main misweb page:

 This will take you to the main misweb page, which displays the College of Business academic areas.

2. Tap on your teacher's academic area to open a list of faculty in that area.

3. Tap on your teacher's name to go to his or her faculty profile page.

4. On your teacher's misweb page, tap on the "Courses taught" button. This will open a list of courses that your teacher teaches.

5. Find your class in the list of courses, and tap on the "online gradebook" button for that class.

6. You will see a login page similar to the one shown to the right. When the login page loads in your browser, you can save a bookmark to that page for fast access in the future. [On an iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad, tap the middle icon at the bottom of the screen (a rectangle, with an arrow pointing to the right), and select the “Add to Home Screen” option. This will create an icon on your Home Screen that you can use in the future to quickly check your grades in this class.]

On this login page, you can select your class from your teacher's list of online gradebooks, enter your net id, and save that information on your device for future accesses. With that information saved, all you will need to do in future accesses is tap your home screen icon, type in your net password, and tap the Log in button.

You can save your net password on your device as well, although for privacy and security reasons, this is not recommended. If you do save your net password on your device, on future accesses you will simply tap your home screen icon, then the Log in button. Two taps, and you're logged in.

Upon logging in, you will see a concise version of the Online Gradebook System, with larger buttons, larger text, and no superfluous text (as shown to the left).





Be sure to read this page. It describes a problem that confuses many web users.



If you ever access a web page, and it seems like you are getting an old copy of the page, your web browser may be giving you a copy of that page from its cache. In general, a cache is a temporary holding place. When you access a web page, your browser can store the page in its cache, on your local hard drive. Then, if you ask for the page again, the browser can give you the copy from its cache rather than going back to the internet for the page. If the page has not changed, the copy from cache is just fine. But if the page HAS changed, you have a problem.


You can normally force the browser to give you a new copy by holding down the shift key, and clicking on the Refresh (or Reload) button.


Past versions of the major browsers had good options that you could use to configure the browser cache settings. The current browsers, however, do not give you many cache configuration options. Always remember to suspect that you might be getting a cached page, and use shift-reload to force your browser to load a new page.


As a web professional, always remember that browsers may be configured differently, so something that works one way on one computer may work a different way on a different computer. Caching is one of those things that can be configured differently, and it can really confuse the inexperienced user.