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Assignment #xx (not this one)

States Database Query System

Filenames: States.html,

Create an HTML form that the user can use to perform queries on the mislab States mysql table. You should provide the following options:

1. Sort order: List states alphabetically (by state name), by population, by area, or by population density. In all cases, provide options to list in either ascending or descending order.

2. Selection options: Provide a textfield for each of the four fields: state name, population, area, and population density. If the user enters any letters into the state name textfield, list states that begin with that string (if the user enters Mi, the list all states that begin with Mi; this search should be case-insensitive). If the user enters a number into any of the other three textfields, list all states that match that value or greater (treat the number as a minimum value).

3. Display your output in a well-formatted table.