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Course Package 1

 /* File:
    This is a simple sample standalone text-based Java application.
    Output is generated to StdOut (Standard Out), which in this case is the user's console.
    In a Java application, execution begins with the main() method (defined below).
    If you're working from the command line (such as on mislab)
    compile and execute this program with the commands:
      javac                   (creates Hello.class)
      java  Hello                        (runs the JVM to execute byte code)
    (Note: The file names in these commands are case-sensitive.)
    javac.exe is the Java compiler. javac translates source code (stored in
    a .java file) into platform-independent byte code (stored in a .class
    file). Byte code is interpreted and executed by a JVM (Java Virtual Machine).
    java.exe is a JVM. Some consumer electronics are hardware JVM's (their electronics can
    actually interpret and execute Java byte code). A JVM is platform-dependent.
    That is, you must have a JVM that runs in your environment.
    The main method must be defined as it is in the example below. The only
    thing that you can change is the name of the parameter (args).
    The main method receives an Array of String objects.
     Some elements of programming style which are demonstrated here:
    1. the class name begins with an upper-case letter
    2. corresponding curly braces are aligned
    3. statements within a body of code are indented
    4. blank lines are used to enhance readability
    5. comments are used to enhance readability and understandability

 public class Hello                              // Hello class header
 {                                               // the body of the class is enclosed in curly braces,
                                                 // which are aligned to enhance readability
   public static void main(String[] args)        // main() method header; execution begins here
   {                                             // the body of the method is enclosed in curly braces
     System.out.println("Hello world");          // call the println method to generate output
                                                 // to StdOut
 // You should type this program, compile it, and execute it to test your Java environment.

// You should type this program, compile it, and execute it to test your Java environment.
 /* File:
    DOS1a uses a "for loop" to calculate the sum of the integers between
    two hard-coded values.
    This program uses three primitive int scalar variables. There are eight types of
    primitives in Java: boolean, char, byte, short, int, long, float, double.
    Everything else is object-oriented!
 public class DOS1a                                      // DOS1a class header
   public static void main(String[] args)                // main() method header
     int start,stop,sum;                                 // define (declare) 3 primitive int variables
                                                         // this defines name, data type, and size
                                                         // these variables have "block scope"; they are
                                                         // visible until the } at the end of this block
                                                         // of code (this method)
     start=11;                                           // initialize the variables (give each a value)
     for(int i=start;i<=stop;i++)                        // for loop; "i" has block scope; its life is
                                                         // the block of this for loop
       System.out.println(i);                            // print value of "i" to StdOut, followed by LF
       sum=sum+i;                                        // accumulate running total
                                                         // i is no longer available
     System.out.println("\n"+sum);                       // print blank line, then value of "sum"

/* File:
    DOS1b uses a hard-coded, comma-delimited string of Fahrenheit temperatures as its input.
    It uses the String class's split method to split that string apart into its separate values,
    then converts those values to Centigrade.
    This program uses the "split" method from the String class. The documentation of the String
    class describes the "interface" of the method: what you pass to the method, and what
    the method returns to you. The following comes from the documentation of the method:
    (textbook: page 431)
    public String[] split(String s)
    This tells you that:
 split is an instance method (the method header does not include the word "static");
       because it's an instance method, it "operates on" a String object; in calling this method,
       use a String object to the left of the dot
 the method accepts a String object as its sole parameter
 the method returns an array of String objects
    This program uses the length property of an Array object to know the number of
    elements in the array (inputs.length).
    This program uses the "parseDouble" method from the Double class. The documentation of the Double
    class describes the interface of the "parseDouble" method: what you pass to the method, and what
    the method returns to you. The following comes from the documentation of the method:
    (textbook: page 445)
    public static double parseDouble(String s)
    This tells you that:
 parseDouble is a class method (the method header includes the word "static"); in calling
       this method, use the name of its class to the left of the dot: Double.parseDouble()
 it accepts a String object as its sole parameter
 it returns a double primitive
 public class DOS1b
   public static void main(String[] args)
     String string="0,32,100,212";
     String[] inputs=string.split(",");                  // define an array of String objects
                                                         // split the initial string to populate that array
     for(int i=0;i<inputs.length;i++)                    // step through the elements in the array
     {                                                   //  (use length property of the Array object)
       String s=inputs[i];                               // get next element
       double f=Double.parseDouble(s);                   // call parseDouble class method (of Double class)
       double c=(f-32)*5/9;                              // now calculate Celsius temp
       System.out.println(f+"F = "+c+"C");               // concatenated items for output

 /* File:
    This program accepts both integer and double input from the keyboard.
    It uses the Utility.readInt() method to read an int value, and the
    Utility.readDouble() method to read doubles. Both of these methods are
    user-defined methods, contained in the Utility class, which is stored
    in is a user-defined class that is available on our course web site.
    Note that methods from the Utility class are not compiled INTO your byte
    code. A separate Utility.class is created by the compiler. You need
    Utility.class in the directory along with your program when you try to
    run your program.
    In this program, the user can enter a series of double values, which are
    stored in an array. The array is sorted, and the sorted list is displayed
    on the screen.
    The "sort" method from the Arrays class is used in this program (textbook: page 558).
    The Arrays class is stored in the java.util package. The import statement is used to make
    this class available to the compiler.
 import java.util.*;                                     // make classes and interfaces from the
                                                         // java.util package available to the compiler
 public class DOS1c
   public static void main(String[] args)
     int     limit;                                      // define int scalar
     double[] doubleArray;                               //  and array of primitive doubles
                                                         // at this point, the value of doubleArray is: null
                                                         // if you try to refer to doubleArray's value,
                                                         //  you will get a nullPointerException
     System.out.println("How many values? ");            // display prompt for input
     limit=Utility.readInt();                            // use Utility.readInt() to accept input
     doubleArray=new double[limit];                      // allocate memory for array of "limit" double elements
                                                         // doubleArray is an Array object
                                                         // each element in the array will be a primitive double
     System.out.println();                               // print a blank line
     for(int i=0;i<limit;i++)                            // loop to get input values
     {                                                   //  ++ is the increment operator
       System.out.println("next value? ");
       doubleArray[i]=Utility.readDouble();              // read next double into array
     Arrays.sort(doubleArray);                           // use Arrays.sort to sort our array
     System.out.println("\nYour output is:");
     for(int i=0;i<doubleArray.length;i++)               // step through array, generate output

/* File:
    This program instantiates a "Person" object (an instance of the "Person" class).
    It then uses some of the properties and methods of a Person object.
    The Person class is defined in (the next class in this course packet).
    This is a user-defined class; it is not part of the standard Java API.
 public class DOS2a
   public static void main(String[] args)
     Person subject;                                             // define a Person reference variable;
                                                                 //  allocate memory for a reference variable
                                                                 //  that will contain the memory address
                                                                 //  of a Person object
     subject=new Person();                                       // instantiate a Person object by calling the
                                                                 //  Person class's zero-argument constructor
                                                                 // assign its memory address to the reference
                                                                 //  variable "subject"
     subject.lastName="Gilligan";                                // assign values to properties
     System.out.println("\nThe first Person is:");
     subject=new Person("Buck","Logan",52);                      // instantiate another Person object
                                                                 //  by calling its constructor method
                                                                 //  that accepts String, String, int
     System.out.println("Last Name: "+subject.lastName);         // access the "lastName" property of the object
     System.out.println("    First: "+subject.firstName);
     System.out.println("      Age: "+subject.age+"\n");
     subject.age++;                                              // increment the value of the "age" property
     System.out.println("Last Name: "+subject.lastName);
     System.out.println("    First: "+subject.firstName);
     System.out.println("      Age: "+subject.age+"\n");
     System.out.println("   Packed: "+subject.toString());       // use the "toString()" method

/* File:
    This file defines the Person class, which can be used to instantiate a
    Person object.
    In object-oriented analysis, design, and programming, you try to identify the
    objects that are the components of a system. Then you develop a class (a blueprint)
    for each of these types of objects.
    When you write a class to represent an object, such as a Person, ask yourself:
 What are the attributes of a Person object?
 What methods does the class need, to operate on a Person object?
   A "constructor method" is called to instantiate an instance of a class, such as:
     new Person();
   The name of a constructor must match the name of the class (in this case, Person).
   This is a unique characteristic of constructor methods, when compared to other methods:
   a constructor method's name begins with an upper-case letter, since it must match the
   name of the class (which, by convention, begins with an upper-case letter).
   A constructor method may NOT specify a return data type.
   public Person()         is a constructor method
   public void Person()    is not a constructor method
 public class Person
   public int    age;                                    // instance variable (property, attribute)
   public String lastName,firstName;                     // instance variables
   public Person()                                       // zero-argument constructor method
     this.age=0;                                         // initialize properties with default values
   }                                                     // constructor may not have a return
                                                         //  and may not specify a return data type
   public Person(String s1,String s2,int i)              // constructor, accepts three parameters
                                                         //  String, String, int
     this.firstName=s1;                                  // set the properties of this object
     this.lastName=s2;                                   //  based on received parameters
   public String toString()                              // instance method (not static)
     return this.firstName.trim()+" "+this.lastName.trim();  // build string, then return it

/* File:
    This program uses the NewPerson class rather than the Person class.
    NewPerson demonstrates "data hiding" and better "encapsulation" by making its
    properties private, and providing accessor and mutator methods for those properties.
 public class DOS2b
   public static void main(String[] args)
     NewPerson subject=new NewPerson();          // declare a NewPerson reference variable
                                                 //  and instantiate a NewPerson object
     subject.setFirstName("Buck");               // call mutator methods to change values
     System.out.println("First Name: "+subject.getFirstName());
     System.out.println(" Last Name: "+subject.getLastName());
     System.out.println("       Age: "+subject.getAge());
     subject.setLastName("");                    // can you set the last name to null?
     if(!subject.setAge(-1))                     // can you set the age to a negative value?
       System.out.println("Error changing age.\n\n");
     System.out.println("First Name: "+subject.getFirstName());
     System.out.println(" Last Name: "+subject.getLastName());
     System.out.println("       Age: "+subject.getAge());

/* File:
    The NewPerson class modifies the Person class. In particular,
    the properties of this class are declared private so that outside
    classes can not directly manipulate the values of the properties.
    To retrieve or change the value of firstName, lastName, or age
    (the properties of a NewPerson object), you have to call the appropriate
    accessor (get...) or mutator (set...) method.
    Encapsulation is an important concept in object-oriented programming.
    When we define a class, we want to include all relevant properties and
    methods of the class in that class. We want to encapsulate the attributes
    and behaviors of instances of that class, minimizing interactions with
    the outside.
    By making properties private, we have control over the values assigned
    to those properties. Our mutator methods can do whatever error-checking
    is appropriate before modifying a property. Even in accessor methods,
    we can implement whatever controls are appropriate to access the value
    of a property.
    Although it adds more programming, adding accessor and mutator methods,
    and making properties private, is an important component of encapsulation.
    The name of an accessor method, by convention, begins with the word "get",
    followed by the name of the associated property (capitalizing the first
    letter of the property name). See examples in this class.
    The name of a mutator method, by convention, begins with the word "set",
    followed by the name of the associated property (capitalizing the first
    letter of the property name). See examples in this class.
 public class NewPerson
   private String firstName,lastName;            // private instance variables (properties)
   private int    age;
   public NewPerson()                            // zero-argument constructor method
     this.firstName="";                          // default values for properties
   public String getFirstName()                  // accessor method to retrieve value of firstName
   {                                             // returns a String
     return this.firstName;
   public boolean setFirstName(String s)         // method to change value of firstName
   {                                             //  returns a primitive boolean
     if(s.length()==0)                           // call length() method of String object
     {                                           // don't change firstName to null String
       return false;
     this.firstName=s;                           // change firstName
     return true;                                // value was changed
   public String getLastName()                   // accessor method to retrieve value of lastName
   {                                             // returns a String
     return this.lastName;
   public boolean setLastName(String s)          // method to change value of lastName
     if(s.length()==0)                           // call length() method of String object
     {                                           // don't change lastName to null String
       return false;
     this.lastName=s;                            // change lastName
     return true;                                // value was changed
   public int getAge()                           // accessor method to retrieve value of age
   {                                             // returns an int value
     return this.age;                            // return value of this.age
   public boolean setAge(int i)                  // mutator method to change value of age
   {                                             // returns boolean indicating if value was changed
     if(i<0)                                     // don't change age to negative value
       return false;                             // value was not changed
     this.age=i;                                 // i >= 0, valid value
     return true;                                // value was changed

/* File:
    This system uses three classes: DOS2c, NewerPerson, and Employee.
    The Employee class is a subclass of the NewerPerson class. This program
    instantiates an Employee object.
 public class DOS2c
   public static void main(String[] args)
     Employee subject;
     subject=new Employee(101,"Barney","Fife",51,17.25);     // instantiate an Employee object
     System.out.println("   EmpNum: "+subject.getEmpNum());  // call several of the object's instance methods
     System.out.println("Last Name: "+subject.getLastName());
     System.out.println("    First: "+subject.getFirstName());
     System.out.println("      Age: "+subject.getAge());
     System.out.println("     Rate: "+subject.getPayRate());

/* File:
    The NewerPerson class modifies the NewPerson class.
    The NewPerson class used private instance variables (properties). But we now want to
    be able to subclass the NewPerson class to further define a specific type of NewPerson,
    an Employee. The problem is that private properties may not be accessed by other classes,
    even by a subclass. NewerPerson changes the access modifier on those properties to protected,
    rather than private.
 public class NewerPerson
   protected String firstName,lastName;          // protected instance variables
   protected int    age;
   public NewerPerson()                          // constructor method
     this.firstName="";                          // default values for properties
   public NewerPerson(String f,String l,int i)   // overloaded constructor method
     this.firstName=f;                           // set values for properties
   public String getFirstName()                  // accessor method to retrieve value of firstName
   {                                             // returns a String
     return this.firstName;
   public boolean setFirstName(String s)         // method to change value of firstName
     if(s.length()==0)                           // call length() method of String object
     {                                           // don't change firstName to null String
       return false;
     this.firstName=s;                           // change firstName
     return true;                                // value was changed
   public String getLastName()                   // accessor method to retrieve value of lastName
   {                                             // returns a String
     return this.lastName;
   public boolean setLastName(String s)          // method to change value of lastName
     if(s.length()==0)                           // call length() method of String object
     {                                           // don't change lastName to null String
       return false;
     this.lastName=s;                            // change lastName
     return true;                                // value was changed
   public String getName()
     return this.lastName.trim()+", "+this.firstName.trim();
   public int getAge()                           // accessor method to retrieve value of age
   {                                             // returns an int value
     return this.age;                            // return value of this.age
   public boolean setAge(int i)                  // mutator method to change value of age
   {                                             // returns boolean indicating if value was changed
     if(i<0)                                     // don't change age to negative value
       return false;                             // value was not changed
     this.age=i;                                 // i >= 0, valid value
     return true;                                // value was changed

/* File:
    The Employee class subclasses the NewerPerson class (which subclasses the Object class).
    Therefore, Employee inherits properties and methods of the superclass (NewerPerson).
    It may optionally over-ride any property or method that would otherwise be inherited
    (this is done with the toString() method, below).
 public class Employee extends NewerPerson               // subclass the NewerPerson class
   protected Integer empNum;                             // add specific properties of the subclass
   protected double payRate;
   public Employee()                                     // zero-argument constructor
     super();                                            // call zero-argument constructor of superclass
     this.empNum=new Integer(0);                         // then set values of subclass's instance variables
   public Employee(int i,String s1,String s2,int j,double d)
     super(s1,s2,j);                                     // call constructor from superclass
     this.empNum=new Integer(i);                         // then set values of subclass's instance variables
   public int getEmpNum()                                // accessor method, returns a primitive int
     return this.empNum.intValue();                      // use intValue() method of Integer class
   public double getPayRate()
     return this.payRate;
   public String toString()                              // over-ride toString method from Person class
     return this.empNum+" "+this.firstName.trim()+" "+this.lastName.trim()+" rate: "+this.payRate;

/* File:
    This program instantiates a Taxpayer object, then calculates a weekly
    tax withholding amount using the calcTax() method of the Taxpayer class.
    This program demonstrates reading records from a sequential data file.
    This program uses several classes that are in the package. To
    help the compiler resolve these external references, the import statement
    is used. The import statement makes classes and interfaces from the
    specified package available to the compiler.
    The documentation of a class will tell you what package the class is in.
    Any class that is in the java.lang package is available automatically.
    You need an import statement for any class (or interface) that is in any
    package other than java.lang.
 import*;                                    // import classes and interfaces from the package
 public class DOS2d
   public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception // this method throws Exception objects to its caller
     int            hours;
     String         record;
     Taxpayer       subject;
     FileReader     reader;
     BufferedReader in;
     reader=new FileReader("Taxpayer.dat");           // specify local file name: Taxpayer.dat
     in=new BufferedReader(reader);                   // open the file so we can read its records
     record=in.readLine();                            // attempt to read next record
     while(record!=null)                              // execute loop if record has any characters
       subject=new Taxpayer(record);                  // pass record data, instantiate taxpayer object
       System.out.println("Taxpayer: "+subject.getName());
       System.out.println("Pay rate: "+subject.getPayRate()+"\n");
       System.out.println("Hours worked?");
       hours=Utility.readInt();                       // ask for hours worked; keyboard input
       System.out.println("\n"+subject.getName()+"     taxes: "+subject.calcTax(hours));
       System.out.print(subject.getName()+" formatted: ");
       record=in.readLine();                          // attempt to read next record
     in.close();                                      // close the file

 /* File:
    This class includes tax tables. It includes a calcTax() method which will
    calculate the weekly withholding tax for a taxpayer.
    To calculate the weekly withholding tax:
 calculate weekly gross pay:    gross=hours*payRate
 estimate annual gross pay:     annualized=gross*52
 use tax brackets to estimate annual tax
-18550 in annualized gross is taxed at 15%
-44900 marginal rate of 28%
                >44900 marginal rate of 33%
 calculate weekly withholding:  weeklyTax=annualTax/52
 public class Taxpayer extends Employee                  // subclass the Employee class
   private static final double TAXRATE1=.15;             // class variable (3 tax rates)
   private static final double TAXRATE2=.28;
   private static final double TAXRATE3=.33;
   private static final double TAXLIMIT1=18550;          // upper limits of tax brackets
   private static final double TAXLIMIT2=44900;
   public Taxpayer(String s)                             // constructor, accepts String parameter
     this.empNum=new Integer(s.substring(0,5));          // extract substrings from record
                                                         //  empNum is inherited from Employee
     this.firstName=s.substring(5,20);                   // properties inherited from NewerPerson
   public double calcTax(int hours)                      // receive one int parameter
     double gross,annualized,annualTax,weeklyTax;        // declare several primitive double items
     gross=hours*this.payRate;                           // 1. calculate weekly gross pay
     annualized=gross*52;                                // 2. annualize it
     if(annualized<=Taxpayer.TAXLIMIT1)                  // 3. now handle marginal brackets
       annualTax=Taxpayer.TAXRATE1*gross;                // lowest bracket, simple
       {                                                 // middle bracket; use marginal rate!
       {                                                 // highest bracket
     weeklyTax=annualTax/52;                             // 4. calculate weekly tax
     return weeklyTax;                                   // return a float value


Taxpayer.dat (fixed-length fields)
each record consists of:
characters  0- 4: employee number
-19: first name
-34: last name
-36: age
-42: pay rate
George         Washington     54295.00
Benjamin       Franklin       61149.95

 /* file:
    This program generates a list of random numbers without replacement. This program is a text-based
    application. It uses the user-defined RandomNumbersWithoutReplacement class, which contains all
    of the functionality one needs to get random numbers (without replacement).
 public class RandomNumbers
   public static void main(String[] args)
     System.out.print("Enter the desired lower limit of your range of random numbers: ");
     int lower=Utility.readInt();
     System.out.print("                                          and the upper limit: ");
     int upper=Utility.readInt();
 // instantiate a (user-defined) RandomNumbersWithoutReplacement object    
     RandomNumbersWithoutReplacement list=new RandomNumbersWithoutReplacement(lower,upper);
 // get random numbers, one at a time

 /* file:
    Re-usable class to generate a list of random numbers without replacement.
    The two steps to using this class are: 
 instantiate a RandomNumbersWithoutReplacement object. There are two options for this:
       - pass a single integer indicating the desired number of random numbers
       - pass two integers, indicating the low number and the high number in the desired range
       RandomNumbersWithoutReplacement list=new RandomNumbersWithoutReplacement(16);
       will set up a list of random numbers in the range 0 through 15 (16 random numbers)
       RandomNumbersWithoutReplacement list=new RandomNumbersWithoutReplacement(11,20);
       will set up a list of random numbers in the range 11 through 20 (10 random numbers)
 Call this class's next method to get the next random number.
 import java.util.*;                                     // the Vector class is in the java.util package
 public class RandomNumbersWithoutReplacement
   private Vector v=new Vector();                         // instantiate a Vector object
   public RandomNumbersWithoutReplacement(int i)          // constructor method that receives a single int,
   {                                                      //  indicating desired number of random numbers
     this(0,i-1);                                         // call other constructor; random numbers will be in
   }                                                      //  the range 0 through i-1
   public RandomNumbersWithoutReplacement(int low,int high) // constructor method that receives two primitive ints
   {                                                       //  indicating beginning and ending values for the
                                                           //  random numbers
     if(high<low)                                          // do a little error checking
     {                                                     // make sure that high is not less than low
     for(int j=low;j<=high;j++)                          // populate the vector with Integer objects
       Integer val=new Integer(j);                       // instantiate next Integer object
       v.addElement(val);                                // add it to the vector
   public int next()                                     // method to get next random number
     if(v.size()==0)                                     // if the vector is already empty,
     {                                                   //  return a -1 (all the random numbers have
       return -1;                                        //  already been used)
     int ran=Math.floor(Math.random()*v.size());         // pick a random vector index
     Integer val=(Integer) v.elementAt(ran);             // get the Integer object from the vector
     v.removeElementAt(ran);                             // remove the element from the vector
     return val.intValue();                              // and return an int value of the Integer object

 /* File:
    This text-based application reads Trivia events from the sequential file Trivia.fil
    and displays output to the screen. Since Trivia.fil contains records with fixed-length fields,
    the String class's substring method is used to extract fields from each record.
    This program uses three classes from optional java packages, plus two methods from
    the user-defined
    - (textbook: page 672)
    - (textbook: page 676)
    - java.util.Date (textbook: page 586)
   Some methods in the Data class have been deprecated, meaning that there is a newer (and
   perhaps better) method, perhaps in some other class, that provides identical functionality.
   The nice thing about the methods from the Date class is that they are easy to use. And they
   still work -- deprecated does not mean obsolete.
   You will get a warning from the compiler when you use deprecated methods. This is a warning,
   not an error message.
 import*;                                       // for and
 import java.util.*;                                     // for java.util.Date
 public class TriviaFileList
   public static void main(String[] args)
     Date date=new Date();                               // instantiate a Date object (some methods deprecated)
     int todayMonth=date.getMonth()+1;                   // getMonth returns 0-11 (increment by 1 for 1-12)
     int todayDay=date.getDate();                        // day of the month (1-31)
                                                         // generate a heading
     System.out.println("\n\nToday is " + Utility.getDayName(date.getDay()+1) + ", " +
       Utility.getMonthName(todayMonth) + " " + todayDay + ", " + (date.getYear()+1900) + "\n");
     System.out.println("On this day in history, the following events happened:\n");
     try                                                     // put I/O stuff in a try/catch block
       BufferedReader in=new BufferedReader(new FileReader("Trivia.fil"));  // data file is now open
       String record=in.readLine();                          // attempt to read next record
       while(record!=null)                                   // execute loop if record was read
         int month=Integer.parseInt(record.substring(0,2));  // extract substrings from data record
         int day=Integer.parseInt(record.substring(3,5));
         if(month==todayMonth && day==todayDay)              // did this event happen on current month/day?
           int year=Integer.parseInt(record.substring(6,10));
           String event=record.substring(12);                // extract the event
           while(event.endsWith(" "))                        // strip off trailing spaces
           System.out.println(year+"  "+event);              // generate a line of output
         record=in.readLine();                               // attempt to read next record
       in.close();                                           // close the file
     catch(Exception e)                                      // catch any exceptions
       System.out.println("I/O exception");
     System.out.println();                                   // final blank line


01/01/1801  Giuseppe Piazzi discoved 1st asteroid, later named Ceres
01/01/1801  United Kingdom of Great Britain & Ireland established
01/01/1804  Haiti gains its independence
01/01/1863  Emancipation Proclamation issued by Lincoln.
01/01/1892  Brooklyn merges with NY to form present City of NY Ellis Island became reception center for new immigrants
01/01/1901  Commonwealth of Australia established
01/01/1902  first Rose Bowl game held in Pasadena, California.
01/01/1912  first running of SF's famed "Bay to Breakers" race (7.63 miles)
01/01/1934  Alcatraz officially becomes a Federal Prison.
01/01/1956  Sudan gains its independence
01/01/1958  European Economic Community (EEC) starts operation.
01/01/1971  Cigarette advertisements banned on TV
01/01/1984  AT & T broken up into 8 companies.
01/01/1986  Spain & Portugal become 11th & 12th members of Common Market
01/02/1776  first American revolutionary flag displayed.
01/02/1788  Georgia is 4th state to ratify US constitution
01/02/1893  World's Columbian Exposition opens in Chicago
01/02/1921  DeYoung Museum in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park opens.
01/02/1936  first electron tube described, St Louis, Missouri
01/02/1959  USSR launches Mechta, 1st lunar probe & artificial in solar orbit
01/02/1968  Dr Christian Barnard performs 1st successful heart transplant
01/02/1972  Mariner 9 begins mapping Mars
01/03/1521  Martin Luther excommunicated by Roman Catholic Church
01/03/1777  Washington defeats British at Battle of Princeton, NJ
01/03/1852  First Chinese arrive in Hawaii.
01/03/1870  Brooklyn Bridge begun, completed on May 24, 1883
01/03/1888  1st drinking straw is patented.
01/03/1957  first electric watch introduced, Lancaster Pennsylvania
01/03/1959  Alaska becomes the 49th state.
01/03/1977  Apple Computer incorporated.
01/04/1754  Columbia University openes
01/04/1784  US treaty with Great Britain is ratified
01/04/1790  President Washington delivers first "State of the Union" speech.
01/04/1896  Utah becomes 45th state
01/04/1948  Burma gains independence from Britain (National Day)
01/04/1959  Soviet Luna 1 first craft to leave Earth's gravity
01/04/1982  Golden Gate Bridge closed for the 3rd time by fierce storm.
01/05/1809  Treaty of Dardanelles was concluded between Britain & France
01/05/1911  San Francisco has its first official airplane race.
01/05/1933  Work on Golden Gate Bridge begins, on Marin County side.
01/05/1969  USSR Venera 5 launched.  1st successful planet landing - Venus
01/05/1972  NASA announces development of Space Shuttle
01/05/1975  Salyut 4 with crew of 2 is launched for 30 days
01/06/1663  Great earthquake in New England
01/06/1838  first public demonstration of telegraph, by Samuel F. B. Morse
01/06/1914  Stock brokerage firm of Merrill Lynch founded.
01/06/1941  FDR names 4 freedoms (speech, religion; from want, from fear)
01/06/1942  first around world flight by Pan Am "Pacific Clipper"
01/07/1558  Calais, last English possession in France, retaken by French
01/07/1610  Galileo discovers 1st 3 moons of Jupiter, Io, Europa & Ganymede
01/07/1714  The typewriter is patented (it was built years later)
01/07/1785  1st balloon flight across the English Channel.
01/07/1822  Liberia colonized by Americans
01/07/1929  "Tarzan", one of the first adventure comic strips appears.
01/07/1963  First Class postage raised from 4 cents to 5 cents.
01/07/1968  First Class postage raised from 5 cents to 6 cents.
01/08/1815  Battle of New Orleans, made a hero out of Andrew Jackson (the War of 1812 had ended on 12/24/1814, but nobody knew that).
01/08/1880  The passing of Norton I, Emperor of the US, Protector of Mexico
01/08/1932  Ratification of present San Francisco City Charter.
01/08/1935  Spectrophotometer patented, by AC Hardy
01/08/1958  Cuban revolutionary forces capture Havana
01/08/1968  US Surveyor 7 lands near crater Tycho on moon
01/08/1973  USSR launches Luna 21 for moon landing
01/09/1788  Conneticut becomes 5th state
01/09/1793  Jean Pierre Blanchard makes 1st balloon flight in North America
01/09/1799  1st income tax imposed, in England.
01/09/1839  Thomas Henderson measures 1st stellar parallax Alpha Centauri
01/09/1839  The daguerrotype process announced at French Academy of Science
01/09/1843  Caroline Herschel, "1st lady of astronomy," dies at 98 in Germany
01/09/1847  first San Francisco paper, 'California Star', published.
01/09/1978  Commonwealth of Northern Marianas established
01/09/1982  5.9 earthquake in New England/Canada; last one was in 1855.
01/10/1776  "Common Sense" by Thomas Paine is published.
01/10/1840  The Penny Post mail system is started.
01/10/1863  1st underground railway opens in London.
01/10/1945  Los Angeles Railway (with 5 streetcar lines) forced to close.
01/10/1946  UN General Assembly meets for first time
01/10/1946  US Army establishes first radar contact with moon.  It's there.
01/10/1949  first Jewish family show - The Goldberg's begin
01/10/1951  first jet passenger trip made
01/10/1969  USSR's Venera 6 launched for parachute landing on Venus
01/10/1978  Soyuz 27 is launched
01/11/1642  Isaac Newton is elected a member of Royal Society
01/11/1787  Titania & Oberon, moons of Uranus, discovered by William Herschel
01/11/1813  First pineapples planted in Hawaii.
01/11/1935  1st woman to fly solo across Pacific left Honolulu, AE Putnam
01/11/1935  Amelia Earhart flies from Hawaii to California, non-stop
01/11/1975  Soyuz 17 is launched
01/12/1777  Mission Santa Clara de Asis founded in California
01/12/1820  Royal Astronomical Society, founded in England
01/12/1986  24th Space Shuttle Mission - Columbia 7 is launched
01/13/1610  Galileo Galilei discovers Callisto, 4th satellite of Jupiter
01/13/1630  Patent to Plymouth Colony issued
01/13/1854  Anthony Foss obtains patent for the Accordion.
01/13/1854  Anthony Foss obtains patent for accordion
01/13/1920  NY Times Editorial says rockets can never fly.
01/13/1930  Mickey Mouse comic strip first appears
01/13/1971  Apollo 14 launched (what was that about rockets can't fly??)
01/14/1784  Revolutionary War ends when Congress ratifies Treaty of Paris
01/14/1914  Henry Ford introduces the Assembly Line for his cars.
01/14/1936  L.M. "Mario" Giannini elected president of Bank of America.
01/14/1939  All commercial ferry service to the East Bay ends.
01/14/1969  Soyuz 4 is launched
01/15/1535  Henry VIII declares himself head of English Church
01/15/1759  British Museum opens
01/15/1778  Nootka Sound discovered by Capt. Cook
01/15/1861  Steam elevator patented by Elisha Otis
01/15/1927  Dunbarton Bridge, 1st bridge in Bay Area, opens.
01/15/1948  World's largest office building, The Pentagon, is completed.
01/15/1968  Soyuz 5 launched
01/16/1883  Pendleton Act creates basis of federal civil service system
01/16/1887  Cliff House badly damaged when a cargo of gunpowder on the schooner "Parallel" explodes nearby.
01/16/1920  18th Amendment, prohibition, goes into effect; repealed in 1933
01/16/1969  Soviet Soyuz 4 & Soyuz 5 perform 1st transfer of crew in space
01/16/1973  USSR's Lunakhod begins radio-controlled exploration of moon
01/16/1979  Iranian revolution overthrows shah.
01/16/1991  US led air forces begin raids on Iraq in response to Iraq's August 1990 takeover of Kuwait.
01/17/1773  Capt James Cook becomes 1st to cross Antarctic Circle (66ø 33' S)
01/17/1852  British recognize independence of Transvaal (in South Africa)
01/17/1861  Flush toilet is patented by Mr. Thomas Crapper (Honest!!).
01/17/1871  1st Cable Car is patented by Andrew S. Hallidie.
01/17/1893  Kingdom of Hawaii becomes a republic.
01/17/1899  US takes possession of Wake Island in Pacific
01/17/1943  It was Tin Can Drive Day.
01/17/1945  Liberation Day in Poland (end of Nazi occupation)
01/17/1957  Nine county commission recommends creation of BART.
01/17/1963  Joe Walker takes X-15 to altitude of 82 km
01/17/1976  Hermes rocket launched by ESA
01/18/1644  1st UFO sighting in America, by perplexed Pilgrims in Boston.
01/18/1778  Captain James Cook stumbles over the Hawaiian Islands.
01/18/1869  The elegant California Theatre opens in San Francisco.
01/18/1911  1st shipboard landing of a plane (from Tanforan Park to the USS Pennsylvania).
01/18/1919  Versailles Peace Conference, ending World War I
01/18/1956  Tunisian Revolution Day (National Day)
01/19/1903  1st regular transatlantic radio broadcast between US & England.
01/19/1921  Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras & El Salvador sign Pact of Union
01/20/1265  1st English Parliament, called by the Earl of Leicester
01/20/1872  California Stock Exchange Board organized.
01/20/1887  Pearl Harbor obtained by US from Hawaii for use as a naval base
01/20/1929  1st talking motion picture taken outdoors "In Old Arizona"
01/20/1937  Inauguration day, every 4th year
01/20/1981  US embassy hostages freed in Tehran after 444 days.
01/21/1813  The pineapple is introduced to Hawaii.
01/21/1954  The Nautilus launched, first nuclear submarine.
01/21/1962  Snow falls in San Francisco, believe it or not.
01/21/1979  Neptune becomes the outermost planet (Pluto moves closer).
01/22/1850  The Alta California becomes a daily paper, 1st such in Calif.
01/22/1939  Aquatic Park dedicated.
01/22/1968  Apollo 5 launched to moon, Unmanned lunar module tests made
01/22/1975  Lansat 2, an Earth Resources Technology Satellite, is launched
01/23/1579  Union of Utrecht signed, forming protestant Dutch Republic
01/23/1964  24th Amendment ratified, Barred poll tax in federal elections
01/24/1848  James Marshall finds gold in Sutter's Mill in Coloma, Calif
01/24/1899  The rubber heel is patented by Humphrey O'Sullivan.
01/24/1935  1st beer in cans is sold.
01/24/1982  San Francisco 49'ers win their 1st Super Bowl, 26-21.
01/24/1985  15th Space Shuttle Mission - Discovery 3 is launched
01/24/1986  Voyager 2 makes 1st fly-by of Uranus finds new moons, rings
01/25/1915  Alexander Bell in New York calls Thomas Watson in San Francisco.
01/25/1925  Largest diamond, Cullinan (3106 carets), found in South Africa
01/25/1949  first Emmy Awards are presented.
01/25/1949  first popular elections in Israel.
01/25/1959  first transcontinental commercial jet flight (LA to NY for $301).
01/25/1964  Echo 2, US communications satellite launched
01/26/1788  1st settlement established by the English in Australia.
01/26/1837  Michigan is admitted as the 26th of the United States
01/26/1841  Hong Kong was proclaimed a sovereign territory of Britain
01/26/1871  American income tax repealed.  Would that it had lasted!
01/26/1950  India becomes a republic ceasing to be a British dominion
01/26/1954  Ground breaking begins on Disneyland
01/27/1880  Thomas Edison granted patent for an electric incandescent lamp
01/27/1888  National Geographic Society founded in Washington, DC
01/27/1926  1st public demonstration of television.
01/27/1948  1st Tape Recorder is sold.
01/27/1967  Apollo 1 fire kills astronauts Grissom, White & Chaffee
01/27/1973  US & Vietnam sign cease-fire, ending the longest US war
01/28/1807  London's Pall Mall is the 1st street lit by gaslight.
01/28/1821  Bellingshausen discovers Alexander Island off Antarctica
01/28/1878  George W. Coy hired as 1st full-time telephone operator.
01/28/1915  US Coast Guard established, Semper Paratus
01/28/1938  1st Ski Tow starts running (in Vermont).
01/28/1958  Construction began on 1st private thorium-uranium nuclear reactor
01/28/1960  first photograph bounced off moon, Washington DC
01/28/1986  Space Shuttle Challenger explodes, killing a brave crew and NASA.
01/29/1788  Australia Day
01/29/1861  Kansas becomes 34th state
01/29/1904  1st athletic letters given: to Univ of Chicago football team.
01/29/1920  Walt Disney starts 1st job as an artist $40 week with KC Slide Co
01/29/1959  Walt Disney's "Sleeping Beauty" is released
01/30/1847  Yerba Buena renamed San Francisco.
01/30/1862  US Navy's 1st ironclad warship, the "Monitor", launched.
01/30/1917  1st jazz record in United States is cut.
01/30/1969  US/Canada ISIS 1 launched to study ionosphere
01/31/1851  San Francisco Orphan's Asylum, 1st in California, founded.
01/31/1862  Telescope maker Alvin Clark discovers dwarf companion of Sirius
01/31/1871  Birds fly over the western part of San Francisco in such large numbers that they actually darken the sky.
01/31/1911  Congress passes resolution naming San Francisco as the site of the celebration of the opening of the Panama Canal.
01/31/1950  Pres Truman authorized production of H-Bomb
01/31/1958  1st U.S. satellite launched, Explorer I.
01/31/1958  James van Allen discovers radiation belt
01/31/1961  Ham the chimp is 1st animal sent into space by the US.
01/31/1966  Luna 9 launched for moon
01/31/1971  Apollo 14 launched, 1st landing in lunar highlands.
02/01/1709  Alexander Selkirk (aka Robinson Crusoe) rescued from Juan Fernand
02/01/1790  US Supreme Court convened for first time (NYC)
02/01/1865  13th amendment approved (National Freedom Day)
02/01/1867  Bricklayers start working 8-hour days.
02/01/1920  The first armored car is introduced.
02/01/1958  Egypt & Syria join to form United Arab Republic
02/01/1972  First scientific hand-held calculator (HP-35) introduced
02/02/1848  First shipload of Chinese immigrants arrive in San Francisco.
02/02/1848  Mexico sells California, New Mexico and Arizona to the USA.
02/02/1876  National Baseball League formed with 8 teams.
02/02/1880  SS Strathleven arrives in London with first successful shipment of frozen mutton from Australia.
02/02/1935  Lie detector first used in court in Portage, Wisconsin
02/02/1962  Eight of the planets line up for the first time in 400 years.
02/03/1918  Twin Peaks Tunnel, longest (11,920 feet) streetcar tunnel in the world, begins service in San Francisco.
02/03/1945  Yalta Conference, Russia agrees to enter WWII against Japan
02/03/1966  Soviet Luna 9 first spacecraft to soft-land on moon
02/04/1887  Interstate Commerce Act: Federal regulation of railroads
02/04/1932  First Winter Olympics held (At Lake Placid, NY).
02/04/1936  First radioactive substance produced synthetically - radium E
02/04/1948  Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) gains independence.
02/04/1957  First electric portable typewriter placed on sale, Syracuse NY
02/04/1974  Patricia Hearst kidnapped by Symbionese Liberation Army
02/05/1887  Snow falls on San Francisco.
02/05/1953  Walt Disney's "Peter Pan" released
02/05/1971  Apollo 14, 3rd manned expedition to moon, lands near Fra Mauro
02/05/1974  Mariner 10 takes first close-up photos of Venus' cloud structure
02/05/1979  According to Census Bureau, US population reaches 200 million
02/06/1693  College of William and Mary chartered in Williamsburg, Va
02/06/1900  Spanish-American War ends
02/06/1922  US, UK, France, Italy & Japan sign Washington Naval Arms Limitation Treaty
02/06/1952  Elizabeth II becomes queen of Great Britain
02/07/1889  Astronomical Society of Pacific holds first meeting in SF
02/07/1940  Walt Disney's "Pinocchio" released
02/08/1693  Charter granted for College of William & Mary, 2nd college in US
02/08/1883  Louis Waterman begins experiments that invent the fountain pen.
02/08/1908  Boy Scouts of America founded.
02/08/1922  Radio arrives in the White House.
02/08/1977  Earthquake, at 5.0, strongest since 1966.
02/09/1877  U.S. Weather Service is founded.
02/09/1885  First Japanese arrive in Hawaii.
02/09/1964  First appearance of the Beatles on Ed Sullivan
02/09/1969  The Boeing 747 makes its first commercial flight.
02/10/1720  Edmund Halley is appointed 2nd Astronomer Royal of England
02/10/1763  Treaty of Paris ends French & Indian War
02/10/1870  City of Anaheim incorporated (first time).
02/10/1879  First electric arc light used (in California Theater).
02/11/0660  Traditional founding of Japan by Emperor Jimmu Tenno
02/11/1854  Major streets lit by coal gas for first time.
02/11/1929  Vatican City (world's Smallest Country) made an enclave of Rome
02/11/1970  Japan becomes 4th nation to put a satellite (Osumi) in orbit
02/12/1541  Santiago, Chile founded.
02/12/1924  Gershwin's "Rhapsody In Blue" premiers in Carnegie Hall
02/12/1934  Export-Import Bank incorporated.
02/12/1945  San Francisco selected for site of United Nations Conference.
02/12/1947  A daytime fireball & meteorite fall is seen in eastern Siberia
02/12/1961  USSR launches Venera 1 toward Venus
02/13/1741  First magazine published in America (The American Magazine)
02/13/1867  "Blue Danube" waltz premiers in Vienna
02/13/1937  "Prince Valiant" comic strip appears; known for historical detail and fine detail drawing.  Thanks Hal.
02/14/1859  Oregon admitted as 33rd State
02/14/1876  Alexander Graham Bell files for a patent on the telephone.
02/14/1912  Arizona becomes 48th state
02/14/1961  Element 103, lawrencium, first produced in Berkeley California
02/14/1980  Solar Maximum Mission Observatory launched to study solar flares.
02/15/1861  Fort Point completed & garrisoned (but has never fired it's cannon in anger).
02/15/1898  USS Maine sinks in Havana harbor, cause unknown.
02/15/1917  San Francisco Public Library dedicated.
02/15/1950  Walt Disney's "Cinderella" released
02/15/1954  First bevatron in operation - Berkeley, California
02/16/1883  Ladies Home Journal begins publication.
02/16/1914  First airplane flight to Los Angeles from San Francisco.
02/16/1918  Lithuania proclaims its short-lived independence.
02/16/1923  Howard Carter finds the tomb of Pharoah Tutankhamun
02/16/1937  Nylon patented, WH Carothers
02/16/1946  First commercially designed helicopter tested, Bridgeport Ct
02/17/1870  Mississippi readmitted to U.S. after Civil War
02/17/1876  Sardines were first canned, in Eastport, Maine.
02/17/1878  First telephone exchange in San Francisco opens with 18 phones.
02/18/1850  Legislature creates the 9 San Francisco Bay Area counties.
02/18/1930  Pluto, the ninth planet, is discovered by Clyde Tombaugh.
02/18/1939  Golden Gate International Exposition opens on Treasure Island (which was built for the occasion) in San Francisco Bay.
02/19/1878  Thomas Alva Edison patents the phonograph.
02/19/1945  Marines land on Iwo Jima.
02/19/1977  President Ford pardons Iva Toguri D'Aquino ("Tokyo Rose").
02/20/1873  University of California gets its first Medical School (UC/SF).
02/20/1901  First territorial legislature of Hawaii convenes.
02/20/1915  Panama-Pacific International Exposition opens in San Francisco.
02/20/1931  Congress allows California to build the Oakland-Bay Bridge.
02/20/1962  John Glenn is first American to orbit the Earth.
02/21/1804  First self-propelled locomotive on rails demonstrated, in Wales.
02/21/1878  First Telephone book is issued, in New Haven, Conn.
02/22/1900  Hawaii becomes a US Territory.
02/23/1887  Congress grants Seal Rocks to San Francisco.
02/23/1900  Steamer "Rio de Janiero" sinks in San Francisco Bay.
02/23/1958  Last SF Municipal arc light, over intersection of Mission & 25th Street, removed (it had been installed in 1913).
02/24/1857  Los Angeles Vineyard Society organized.
02/24/1942  Voice of America begins broadcasting (in German).
02/25/1919  Oregon is first state to tax gasoline (1 cent per gallon).
02/26/1863  President Lincoln signs the National Currency Act.
02/26/1933  Golden Gate Bridge ground-breaking ceremony.
02/27/1844  Dominican Republic gains it's independence.
02/27/1991  President Bush declares a cease-fire, halting the Gulf War.
02/28/1849  First steamship enters San Francisco Bay.
02/28/1883  First vaudeville theater opens.
02/28/1914  Construction begins on the Tower of Jewels for the Exposition.
02/28/1956  Forrester issued a patent for computer core memory.
03/01/1781  The Articles of Confederation adopted by Continental Congress.
03/01/1859  Present seal of San Francisco adopted (2nd seal for city).
03/01/1864  Patent issued for taking & projecting motion pictures to Louis Ducos du Hauron (he never did build such a machine, though).
03/01/1867  Nebraska becomes a state.
03/01/1872  Yellowstone becomes world's first national park
03/01/1961  President Kennedy establishes the Peace Corps.
03/01/1966  Venera 3 becomes the first manmade object to impact another planet - Venus.
03/01/1970  End of commercial whale hunting by the US.  Japan, stop it!
03/01/1982  Soviet Venera 13 makes a soft landing on Venus.
03/02/1836  Texas declares independence from Mexico.
03/02/1861  Congress creates the Territory of Nevada.
03/02/1917  Puerto Rico territory created, US citizenship granted.
03/02/1929  US Court of Customs & Patent Appeals created by US Congress.
03/02/1949  First automatic street light installed. (In New Milford, CT)
03/02/1958  First surface crossing of the Antarctic continent ends.
03/02/1972  Pioneer 10 launched for Jupiter flyby.
03/02/1974  First Class postage raised to 10 cents from 8 cents.
03/02/1978  Soyuz 28 carries 2 cosmonauts (1 Czechoslovakian) to Salyut 6
03/03/1791  Congress passed a resolution ordering U.S. Mint be established.
03/03/1812  Congress passes first foreign aid bill.
03/03/1845  Florida becomes 27th state
03/03/1849  Gold Coinage Act passed, allowing gold coins to be minted.
03/03/1851  Congress authorizes smallest US silver coin, the 3-cent piece.
03/03/1861  Russian Tsar Alexander II abolishes serfdom
03/03/1863  Abraham Lincoln approves charter for National Academy of Sciences
03/03/1875  A 20-cent coin was authorized by Congress (It lasted 3 years).
03/03/1878  Bulgaria liberated from Turkey
03/03/1885  American Telephone and Telegraph incorporated.
03/03/1923  Time magazine publishes its first issue.
03/03/1931  "Star Spangled Banner" officially becomes US national anthem.
03/03/1956  Morocco gains its independence.
03/03/1969  Apollo 9 launched
03/03/1972  Pioneer 10 launched thru asteroid belt & Jupiter
03/04/1675  John Flamsteed appointed first Astronomer Royal of England.
03/04/1789  Congress declares the Constitution to be in effect.
03/04/1791  Vermont admitted as 14th state.
03/04/1792  Oranges introduced to Hawaii.
03/04/1793  Shortest inauguration speech, 133 words, Washington (2nd time).
03/04/1801  Jefferson is the first President inaugurated in Washington, DC.
03/04/1826  First US railroad chartered, the Granite Railway in Quincy, Mass.
03/04/1841  Longest inauguration speech, 8443 words, William Henry Harrison.
03/04/1861  Confederate States adopt "Stars & Bars" flag
03/04/1902  American Automobile Association (AAA) founded.
03/04/1933  Roosevelt inaugurated, "We have nothing to fear but fear itself"
03/04/1934  Easter Cross on Mt. Davidson dedicated.
03/04/1955  First radio facsimile transmission is sent across the continent.
03/04/1959  Pioneer 4 makes first US lunar flyby.
03/04/1968  Orbiting Geophysical Observatory 5 launched
03/04/1977  First CRAY 1 supercomputer shipped to Los Alamos Labs, NM
03/04/1979  US Voyager I photo reveals Jupiter's rings
03/05/1616  Corpernicus' DE REVOLUTIONIBUS placed on Catholic forbidden index
03/05/1770  Boston Massacre
03/05/1845  Congress appropriates $30,000 to ship camels to western US.
03/05/1908  1st ascent of Mt. Erebus, Antarctica
03/05/1933  FDR proclaims 10-day bank holiday.
03/05/1946  Winston Churchill's "Iron Curtain" speech
03/05/1979  Voyager I's closest approach to Jupiter
03/06/1665  "The Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society" was first published, and is still published today.
03/06/1836  Alamo falls.  Remember it!
03/06/1857  Dred Scott decision rendered.
03/06/1986  Soviet Vega 1 probe passes within 10,000 km of Halley's comet
03/07/1778  James Cook first sights Oregon coast, at Yaquina Bay
03/07/1848  In Hawaii, the Great Mahele (division of lands) is signed.
03/07/1876  Alexander Graham Bell patents the telephone.
03/07/1912  Roald Amundsen announces the discovery of the South Pole
03/07/1926  First transatlantic telephone call (London-New York)
03/07/1933  The game "Monopoly" is invented.
03/07/1936  Hitler breaks Treaty of Versailles, sends troops to Rhineland
03/07/1962  US Orbiting Solar Observatory is launched.
03/07/1981  Walter Cronkite's final CBS anchor appearance.  Still unequaled.
03/08/1862  The Confederate ironclad "Merrimack" launched.
03/08/1917  US invades Cuba, for third time.  No wonder they're paranoid.
03/08/1934  Edwin Hubble photo shows as many galaxies as Milky Way has stars
03/08/1965  First US forces arrive in Vietnam.  Oh unhappy day!
03/08/1976  Largest observed falling single stony meteorite (Jiling, China)
03/09/1497  Nicolaus Copernicus first recorded astronomical observation.
03/09/1796  Napoleon Bonaparte marries Josephine de Beauharnais
03/09/1822  Charles Graham of NY granted patent for artificial teeth
03/09/1862  The ironclads "Monitor" (Union) & "Merrimack" (Rebel) battle in Hampton Roads.  It was a standoff.
03/09/1954  Edward R. Murrow criticizes Senator McCarthy (See it Now)
03/09/1961  Sputnik 9 carries Chernushka (dog) into orbit
03/09/1979  First extraterrestrial volcano found, (Jupiter's satellite Io).
03/10/1847  First money minted in Hawaii.
03/10/1849  Abraham Lincoln applies for a patent, only US president to do so.
03/10/1876  First telephone call, made by Alexander Graham Bell
03/10/1933  Big earthquake in Long Beach (W.C. Fields was making a movie when it struck & the cameras kept running).
03/10/1977  Rings of Uranus discovered during occultation of SAO
03/11/1810  Emperor Napoleon married by proxy to Archduchess Marie Louise
03/11/1861  Confederate convention in Montgomery, adopts constitution
03/11/1867  Great Mauna Loa eruption (volcano in Hawaii).
03/11/1892  First public game of basketball.
03/11/1938  Germany invades Austria.
03/11/1941  FDR signs Lend-Lease Bill with England.
03/11/1942  Gen MacArthur leaves Bataan for Australia.
03/11/1960  Pioneer 5 launched; orbits sun between Earth & Venus
03/11/1985  Mikhail Gorbachev replaces Konstantin Chernenko.
03/12/1850  First $20 Gold piece issued.
03/12/1868  Congress abolishes manufacturers tax
03/12/1912  Girl Guides (Girl Scouts) founded in Savanah Ga
03/12/1925  First transatlantic radio broadcast.
03/12/1936  FDR conducts his first "Fireside Chat"
03/12/1981  Soyuz T-4 carries 2 cosmonauts to Salyut 6 space station
03/13/1639  Harvard University is named for clergyman John Harvard.
03/13/1677  Massachusets gains title to Maine for $6,000.
03/13/1852  Uncle Sam makes his debut in the New York "Lantern"
03/13/1877  Chester Greenwood patents ear muffler
03/13/1884  US adopts standard time
03/13/1925  Law passed in Tennessee prohibiting teaching evolution
03/13/1930  Clyde Tombaugh announces discovery of Pluto at Lowell Observatory
03/13/1970  Digital Equipment Corp introduces the PDP-11 minicomputer.
03/13/1986  Soyuz T-15 launched
03/14/1629  Royal charter grants Massachusets Bay Colony
03/14/1644  Royal patent for Providence Plantations (now Rhode Island).
03/14/1794  Eli Whitney patents the cotton gin
03/14/1870  Legislature approves act making Golden Gate Park possible.
03/14/1896  Sutro Baths opens by Cliff House (closed Sept 1, 1952).
03/14/1900  US currency goes on gold standard
03/14/1903  First national bird reserve established in Sebastian, Florida
03/14/1923  President Harding is the first president to file his income tax.
03/14/1948  Freedom Train arrives in San Francisco.
03/14/1965  Israeli cabinet approves diplomatic relations with W Germany
03/14/1983  OPEC cuts oil prices for first time in 23 years.
03/15/1944  Julius C‘sar assassinated in Roman Senate.  Et tu, Brute?
03/15/1820  Maine admitted as 23rd state
03/15/1913  Woodrow Wilson holds the first Presidential Press Conference.
03/15/1916  Pershing and 15,000 troops chase Pancho Villa into Mexico.
03/15/1917  Nicholas II, last Russian tsar, abdicates
03/15/1937  First blood bank established, Chicago, Illinois
03/15/1956  My Fair Lady opens in New York.
03/15/1960  Key Largo Coral Reef Preserve established (first underwater park)
03/15/1968  US Mint stops buying and selling gold.
03/15/1968  US Mint stops buying and selling gold.
03/15/1999  Pluto again becomes the outermost planet.
03/16/1621  First Indian appears at Plymouth, Massachusets
03/16/1802  Law signed to establish US Military Academy at West Point, NY
03/16/1827  First US black newspaper, Freedom's Journal, New York
03/16/1916  US and Canada sign Migratory Bird Treaty
03/16/1926  Robert Goddard launches first liquid fuel rocket - 184 feet
03/16/1935  Hitler orders German rearmament, violating Versailles Treaty
03/16/1966  Gemini 8 launched with 2 astronauts
03/16/1975  US Mariner 10 makes 3rd, and final, fly-by of Mercury.
03/17/1906  President Theodore Roosevelt first uses the term "muckrake".
03/17/1910  Camp Fire Girls are organized.
03/17/1941  National Gallery of Art opens in Washington, DC
03/17/1950  Element 98 (Californium) is announced.
03/17/1958  Vanguard 1 measures shape of Earth
03/17/1959  Dalai Lama flees Tibet for India
03/17/1966  US sub locates missing hydrogen bomb in Mediterranean.
03/17/1969  Golda Meir becomes Israeli Prime Minister.
03/18/1541  de Soto is first European to record flooding of the Mississippi
03/18/1766  Britain repeals Stamp Act, partial cause of American Revolution.
03/18/1850  American Express founded.
03/18/1850  American Express founded
03/18/1881  Barnum & Bailey's Greatest Show on Earth opens in Madison Square Garden in New York City.
03/18/1892  Lord Stanley proposes silver cup challenge for Hockey
03/18/1909  Einar Dessau of Denmark - first ham broadcaster.
03/18/1931  First electric razor marketed by Schick.
03/18/1938  Mexico takes control of foreign-owned oil properties.
03/18/1952  First plastic lens for cataract patients fitted, Philadelphia.
03/18/1959  Pres Eisenhower signs Hawaii statehood bill
03/18/1965  Russia launches 2nd Voshkod, first spacewalk - Aleksei Leonov.
03/19/1822  Boston, Mass incorporated
03/19/1859  Faust by Charles Gounod premiers in Paris
03/19/1917  US Supreme Court upheld 8 hour work day for the railroads.
03/19/1918  Congress authorizes time zones & approves daylight time
03/19/1920  US Senate rejects Treaty of Versailles for 2nd time
03/19/1928  Amos & Andy debuts on radio
03/19/1928  'Amos and Andy' debut on radio.
03/19/1931  Nevada legalized gambling
03/19/1949  First museum devoted exclusively to atomic energy, Oak Ridge, TN
03/20/1760  Great Fire of Boston destroys 349 buildings
03/20/1833  US and Siam conclude their first commercial treaty
03/20/1852  Harriet Beecher Stowe's `Uncle Tom's Cabin,' published
03/20/1886  First commercial AC-power plant begins operation
03/20/1942  MacArthur vowes to Phillipinos, "I shall return"
03/21/1851  Yosemite Valley discovered in California, paradise found.
03/21/1965  US Ranger 9 launched takes 5,814 pictures before lunar impact
03/21/1965  Martin Luther King Jr begins march from Selma to Montgomery
03/22/1621  Massasoit & Pilgrims agree on league of friendship (Plymouth)
03/22/1733  Joseph Priestly (father of soda pop) invents carbonated water.
03/22/1765  Britain enacts the now infamous Stamp Act
03/22/1778  Captain Cook sights Cape Flattery, in Washington state
03/22/1882  Congress outlaws polygamy.  Male longevity increases.
03/22/1941  Grand Coulee Dam in Washington state goes into operation
03/22/1945  Arab League is founded
03/22/1946  Jordan (formerly Transjordan) gains independence from Britain.
03/22/1957  Earthquake gives San Francisco the shakes.
03/22/1960  Schawlow and Townes obtain a patent for the laser.
03/22/1963  Beatles release their first album, Please Please Me
03/22/1968  President Johnson's daughter, Lynda, ordered off Cable Car because she was eating an ice cream cone (no food on cars!).
03/22/1977  Indira Gandhi resigns as PM of India
03/22/1978  Robert Frost Plaza, at California, Drumm & Market, dedicated.
03/22/1981  First Class Postage raised from 15 cents to 18 cents.
03/22/1981  Soyuz 39 carries 2 cosmonauts (1 Mongolian) to Salyut 6.
03/22/1982  3rd Space Shuttle Mission - Columbia 3 launched
03/23/1743  George Frederic Handel's oratorio "Messiah" premieres in London.
03/23/1752  Pope Stephen II elected to succeed Zacharias, dies 2 days later.
03/23/1775  Patrick Henry asks for Liberty or Death.
03/23/1806  Lewis the Clark reach the Pacific coast.
03/23/1840  First photo of moon is taken.
03/23/1919  Benito Mussolini founds the Fascist movement in Milan, Italy.
03/23/1929  First telephone installed in the White House.
03/23/1933  German Reichstag grantes Adolf Hitler dictatorial powers.
03/23/1944  Nicholas Alkemade falls 5,500 m without a parachute and lives.
03/23/1956  Pakistan becomes independent within British Commonwealth.
03/23/1962  President John F. Kennedy visits San Francisco.
03/23/1965  Gemini 3 blasts off, first US 2-man space flight.
03/23/1976  International Bill of Rights goes into effect, 35 nations ratify.
03/24/1765  Britain enacts Quartering Act
03/24/1882  German scientist Robert Koch discovers bacillus cause of TB
03/24/1882  German Robert Koch discovers bacillus, cause of Tuberculosis.
03/24/1934  FDR grants future independence to Philippines
03/24/1955  Tennessee Williams, "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof" opens on Broadway.
03/24/1965  US Ranger 9 strikes moon 10 miles NE of crater Alphonsus
03/24/1972  Great Britain imposes direct rule over Northern Ireland
03/24/1976  Argentine President Isabel Peron deposed by country's miltitary.
03/24/1986  Libya attacks US forces in Gulf of Sidra.  US 2, Libya 0.
03/25/1634  Maryland founded as a Catholic colony
03/25/1655  Christiaan Huygens discovers Titan, (Saturn's largest satelite)
03/25/1821  Greece gains its independence.
03/25/1857  Frederick Laggenheim takes the 1st photograph of a solar eclipse
03/25/1951  Purcell and Ewen detect 21-cm radiation at Harvard physics lab
03/25/1954  RCA manufactures the first COLOR television.
03/25/1955  East Germany granted full sovereignty by occupying power, USSR
03/25/1960  First guided missile launched from nuclear powered sub (Halibut)
03/26/1845  Adhesive medicated plaster patented, precusor of bandaid.
03/26/1878  Hastings College of Law founded.
03/26/1885  Eastman Film Company makes first commercial motion picture film
03/26/1937  Spinach growers of Crystal City, Tx, erect statue of Popeye
03/26/1953  Dr Jonas Salk announces new vaccine against polio
03/26/1958  Army launched US's 3rd successful satellite Explorer III
03/26/1970  Golden Gate Park Conservatory made a City Landmark.
03/26/1971  East Pakistan proclaimed independence taking name Bangladesh
03/26/1979  Camp David peace treaty between Israel and Egypt
03/26/1982  Groundbreaking in Washington DC for Vietnam Veterans Memorial
03/27/1512  Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de Leon sights Florida.
03/27/1625  Charles I King of England Scotland & Ireland ascends to throne
03/27/1794  The US Navy is founded.  Anchors Aweigh!
03/27/1802  Asteroid Pallas discovered by Heinrich Olbers
03/27/1807  Asteroid Vesta discovered by Olbers
03/27/1836  First Mormon temple dedicated in Kirtland, Ohio.
03/27/1855  Abraham Gesner receives a patent for kerosene
03/27/1860  ML Byrn patents the corkscrew.  Bless you sir!
03/27/1933  US Farm Credit Administration authorized.
03/27/1964  Earthquake strikes Alaska, 8.4 on Richter scale.
03/27/1968  SF Japanese Trade and Cultural Center (Japan Center) dedicated.
03/27/1972  Soviet spacecraft Venera 8 launched to Venus
03/27/1980  Mount St. Helens becomes active after 123 years
03/28/1794  Nathan Briggs gets patent for the washing machine.
03/28/1930  Constantinople and Angora change names to Istanbul and Ankara.
03/28/1939  Spanish Civil War ends, facist Francisco Franco wins
03/29/1871  Albert Hall opens it's doors in London.
03/29/1886  Coca-Cola is created (with cocaine).  It satisfies your craving.
03/29/1961  23rd Amendment ratified, Washington DC can vote for the president
03/29/1973  US troops leave Vietnam, 9 yrs after Tonkin Resolution
03/29/1974  Mariner 10's first fly-by of Mercury, returns photos
03/30/1842  Dr. Crawford Long, first uses ether as an anesthetic.
03/30/1853  Patent granted to Hyman Lipman for a pencil with an ERASER!
03/30/1867  US purchases Alaska for $7,200,000 (Seward's Folly)
03/30/1870  15th Amendment passed, guarantees right to vote to all races
03/30/1932  Amelia Earhart is 1st woman to fly across the Atlantic solo
03/30/1950  Invention of the Phototransistor is announced at Murray Hill, NJ
03/31/1854  Commodore Perry makes Japan opens its ports to foreign trade
03/31/1870  Thomas P Mundy became 1st black to vote in US (Perth Amboy NJ)
03/31/1880  Wabash Ind - first town completely illuminated by electric light
03/31/1889  Eiffel Tower completed.
03/31/1932  Ford publicly unveils its first V-8 engine
03/31/1933  Congress authorizes Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC).
03/31/1943  Rodgers & Hammerstein musical "Oklahoma!" opens on Broadway
03/31/1949  Newfoundland becomes 10th Canadian province
03/31/1963  Los Angeles ends streetcar service after nearly 90 years.
03/31/1966  USSR launches Luna 10, first spacecraft to orbit moon
04/01/1778  Oliver Pollock, a New Orleans Businessman, creates the "$".
04/01/1850  San Francisco County Government established.
04/01/1853  Cincinnati became first US city with salaried firefighters
04/01/1918  Royal Air Force established
04/01/1952  "Big Bang" theory published by Alpher, Bethe and Gamow
04/01/1960  TIROS I (Television and Infra-Red Observation Satellite) launched to improve weather prediction.
04/01/1964  USSR launches Zond 1 towards Venus
04/01/1971  US/Canada ISIS II launched to study ionosphere
04/01/1979  Iran proclaimed an Islamic Republic following fall of the Shah
04/02/1513  Florida discovered, claimed for Spain by Ponce de Le¢n
04/02/1792  Congress establishes Coin denominations and authorizes US Mint
04/02/1935  Watson Watt granted a patent for RADAR.
04/02/1958  NACA renamed NASA
04/02/1972  Apollo 16's Young and Duke land on the moon and hot-rod with the Boeing Lunar Rover #2
04/03/1910  Highest mountain in North America, Alaska's Mt McKinley climbed
04/03/1948  Harry Truman signs Marshall Plan (Aid to Europe)
04/03/1966  USSR's Luna 10 becomes the first craft to orbit the Moon
04/03/1982  UN Security Council demands Argentina withdraw from Falklands.
04/04/1818  Congress decided US flag is 13 red and white stripes and 20 stars
04/04/1860  Pony Express begins service, from St. Joseph, Missouri.
04/04/1870  Golden Gate Park established by City Order #800.
04/04/1902  Cecil Rhodes scholarship fund established with $10 million
04/04/1949  NATO established
04/04/1983  Maiden voyage of STS Space shuttle Challenger
04/05/1614  Indian princess Pocahontas marries English colonist John Rolfe
04/05/1973  Pioneer 11 blasts off toward Jupiter
04/05/1991  Atlantis lifts off carrying the 17.5 ton Gamma Ray Observatory.
04/06/0648  BC Earliest total solar eclipse chronicled by Greeks is observed
04/06/1663  Kings Charles II signs Carolina Charter
04/06/1862  Battle of Shiloh.
04/06/1868  Brigham Young marries number 27, his final wife.
04/06/1896  First modern Olympics
04/06/1906  First animated cartoon copyrighted
04/06/1909  North Pole reached by Americans Robert Peary and Matthew Henson
04/06/1909  First credit union established in US
04/06/1917  US declares war on Germany (WWI)
04/06/1926  4 planes take off on first successful around-the-world flight.
04/06/1957  New York City ends trolley car service.
04/06/1965  Intelsat 1 ("Early Bird") first commercial geosynchronous communications satellite
04/06/1973  Pioneer 11 launched to Jupiter and Saturn
04/07/1931  Seals Stadium opens.
04/07/1933  Prohibition ends. "Gimme a beer, Mac."
04/07/1948  World Health Organization is established.
04/07/1953  First jet transatlantic non-stop flight (west to east)
04/07/1959  NASA selects first seven astronauts
04/07/1959  Radar first bounced off sun, from Stanford California.
04/08/1513  Ponce de Leon arrives in Florida.
04/08/1913  17th Amendment, requiring direct election of senators, ratified
04/08/1974  Hank Aaron hits 715th home run, beats Babe Ruth's record.
04/08/1986  Clint Eastwood elected mayor of Carmel, California.
04/09/1831  Robert Jenkins loses an ear: war between Britain and Spain.
04/09/1865  Lee surrenders at Appomattox, ending Civil War.
04/09/1953  TV Guide publishes their first issue.
04/09/1955  United Nations Charter hearing.
04/10/1790  US Patent system established
04/10/1825  First hotel in Hawaii opens.
04/10/1849  Safety pin is patented by Walter Hunt.
04/10/1866  ASPCA (Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) organized.
04/10/1878  California Street Cable Car Railroad Company starts service.
04/10/1882  Matson founds his shipping company (San Francisco and Hawaii)
04/10/1912  RMS Titanic sets sail for its first and last voyage
04/10/1930  Synthetic rubber first produced
04/10/1953  House of Wax, first 3-D movie, released in New York.
04/10/1960  Senate passes landmark Civil Rights Bill
04/11/1876  Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks organized.
04/11/1943  Frank Piasecki, flies his first single-rotor helicopter
04/11/1947  Jackie Robinson becomes first black in major league baseball.
04/11/1970  Apollo 13 launched to moon; unable to land, returns in 6 days
04/12/1204  4th Crusade sacks Constantinople
04/12/1861  Fort Sumter, S. C., shelled by Confederacy, starts Civil War.
04/12/1877  British annex Transvaal, in South Africa
04/12/1898  Army transfers Yerba Buena Island to Navy.
04/12/1933  Moffatt Field (Naval Air Station) is commissioned.
04/12/1938  First US law requiring medical tests for marriage licenses, NY
04/12/1955  Salk polio vaccine safe and effective; four billion dimes marched
04/12/1961  Cosmonaut Yuri Alexeyevich Gagarin becomes first man in orbit.
04/12/1981  Maiden voyage Space Transit System-space shuttle Columbia.
04/13/1796  First elephant brought to America
04/13/1829  English Parliament grants freedom of religion to Catholics
04/13/1976  $2 bill re-introduced as United States currency, failed again.
04/14/1611  Word "telescope" is first used by Prince Federico Cesi
04/14/1817  First American school for deaf (Hartford, Conn)
04/14/1828  First edition of Noah Webster's dictionary is published.
04/14/1860  First Pony Express rider arrives in SF from St. Joseph, Missouri.
04/14/1865  Abraham Lincoln assassinated in Ford's Theater.
04/14/1894  First public showing of Edison's kinetoscope (moving pictures).
04/14/1956  Ampex Co. demonstrates first commercial videotape recorder.
04/14/1971  Fort Point dedicated as first National Park in SF Bay Area.
04/14/1981  First Space Shuttle - Columbia 1 returns to Earth.
04/15/1598  Edict of Nantes grants political rights to French Huguenots
04/15/1790  First US patent law passed
04/15/1850  City of San Francisco incorporated.
04/15/1912  Titanic sinks in the North Atlantic at 2:20 AM.
04/15/1923  Insulin becomes generally available for diabetics.
04/15/1923  First talking picture is screened before a paying audience.
04/15/1955  Ray Kroc starts the McDonald's fast food restaurants.
04/15/1983  Tokyo Disneyland opens
04/16/1705  Queen Anne of England knights Isaac Newton at Trinity College,
04/16/1866  Nitroglycerine at the Wells Fargo and Co. office explodes.
04/16/1912  Harriet Quimby flies English Channel, first woman to do so
04/16/1917  Lenin returns to Russia to start Bolshevik Revolution
04/16/1972  Apollo 16 launched; 5th lunar landing at Decartes Highlands
04/17/1492  Christopher Columbus contracts with Spain to find the Indies.
04/17/1524  New York Harbor discovered by Giovanni Verrazano.
04/17/1895  Treaty of Shimonoseki, ends first Sino-Japanese War (1894-1895).
04/17/1941  Office of Price Administration established (handled rationing)
04/17/1946  France grants Syria independence (Natl Day)
04/17/1961  Bay of Pigs, how not to run an invasion.
04/18/1775  'The British are Coming!' Paul Revere rides.
04/18/1868  San Francisco Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals born.
04/18/1869  First International Cricket Match, held in SF, won by Californian
04/18/1906  San Francisco Earthquake and Fire, "The Big One"
04/18/1907  Fairmont Hotel opens.
04/18/1934  First "Washateria" (laundromat) is opened, in Fort Worth, Texas
04/18/1936  The Pan Am "Clipper" begins regular passenger flights from San Francisco to Honolulu.
04/18/1946  League of Nations went out of business, replaced by UN
04/18/1949  Irish Republic comes into existence
04/18/1950  First transatlantic jet passenger trip
04/18/1978  U S Senate approves transfer of Panama Canal to Panama
04/19/1775  At Lexington Common, the shot 'heard round the world'.
04/19/1852  California Historical Society founded.
04/19/1892  Charles Duryea takes the first American-made auto out for a spin.
04/19/1934  Shirley Temple appears in her first movie, "Stand Up and Cheer"
04/19/1939  Connecticut approves the Bill of Rights (only 148 years late).
04/19/1967  US Surveyor III lands on moon
04/20/1775  British begin siege of Boston
04/20/1902  Marie and Pierre Curie isolated radioactive element radium
04/20/1940  First electron microscope demonstrated, Philadelphia, Pa
04/20/1973  Canadian ANIK A2 became first commercial satellite in orbit
04/20/1978  Korean Air Lines 707 forced to land; violated Soviet airspace
04/21/0753  BC - Rome founded.
04/21/1828  Noah Webster publishes first American dictionary
04/21/1857  A. Douglas patents the bustle (it's all behind us now).
04/21/1862  Congress establishes US Mint in Denver, Colorado.
04/21/1892  First buffalo born in Golden Gate Park.
04/21/1898  Spanish American war begins (Remember the Maine).
04/21/1967  Svetlana Alliluyeva (Stalin's daughter) defected in NYC
04/21/1972  Orbiting Astronomical Observer 4 (Copernicus) is launched
04/21/1977  Broadway play "Annie" opens, first of 2377 performances
04/21/1983  Soyuz T-8 is launched
04/21/1984  Franz Weber of Austria skis downhill at a record 209.8 kph
04/22/1500  Pedro Alvarez Cabral discovers Brazil
04/22/1509  Henry VIII ascends to throne of England
04/22/1529  Spain & Portugal divide eastern hemisphere in Treaty of Saragossa
04/22/1864  US Congress authorized "In God We Trust" on coinage
04/22/1889  Oklahoma land rush officially started; some were Sooner
04/23/1871  Blossom Rock in San Francisco Bay blown up.
04/23/1949  Courtesy Mail Boxes for motorists started in San Francisco.
04/23/1962  First US satellite to reach moon launched from Cape Canaveral
04/23/1965  Launch of first Soviet communications satelite
04/23/1967  Soyuz 1 launched, Vladimir Komarov becomes 1st inflight casualty
04/23/1972  Apollo 16 astronauts explores Moon surface
04/24/1800  Library of Congress founded with a $5000 allocation.
04/24/1865  SF Fire Alarm and Police Telegraph system put into operation.
04/24/1934  Wind gusts reach 372 kph at Mt Washington, NH
04/24/1953  Winston Churchill knighted by Queen Elizabeth II
04/24/1962  MIT sends TV signal by satellite for first time:  CA to MA
04/24/1970  China launchs first satellite, transmitting song "East is Red".
04/24/1981  The IBM Personal Computer (PC) is introduced.
04/24/1990  Hubble Space Telescope put into orbit by shuttle Discovery.
04/25/1901  New York becomes first state requiring license plates for cars
04/25/1945  United Nations Conference starts.
04/25/1957  First experimental sodium nuclear reactor is operated.
04/25/1959  St Lawrence Seaway opens to shipping
04/25/1961  Mercury/Atlas rocket lifted off with an electronic mannequin.
04/25/1961  Robert Noyce granted a patent for the integrated circuit.
04/25/1972  Glider pilot Hans Grosse flies a record 1461 km
04/25/1975  First Boeing Jetfoil service, Hong Kong to Macao.
04/26/1607  First British to establish an American colony land at Cape Henry.
04/26/1777  16 year old Sybil Ludington rode from NY to CT rallying her father's militia to fight British in Danbury.
04/26/1920  Shapley and Curtis hold the "Great Debate" on nature of nebulae.
04/26/1954  Nationwide test of the Salk anti-polio begins.
04/26/1962  US/UK launched Ariel; first Intl payload.
04/26/1971  San Francisco Lightship replaced by automatic buoy.
04/26/1986  Chernobyl - world's worst nuclear power plant disaster.
04/27/1565  First Spanish settlement in Phillipines, Cebu City.
04/27/1897  Grant's Tomb (famed of song and legend) is dedicated.
04/27/1937  US Social Security system makes its first benefit payment.
04/27/1945  Founding of the Second Republic, in Austria.
04/27/1946  First radar installation aboard a commercial ship installed.
04/27/1960  First atomic-electric drive submarine launched (Tullibee).
04/27/1986  Captain Midnight (John R MacDougall) interrupts HBO.
04/27/4977  BC - Johannes Kepler's date for creation of universe.
04/28/0585  War between Lydia and Media is ended by a solar eclipse.
04/28/1686  First volume of Isaac Newton's PRINCIPIA is published.
04/28/1754  Mutiny on the HMS Bounty occurs.
04/28/1914  W. H. Carrier patents air conditioner.
04/28/1919  First successful parachute jump is made.
04/28/1942  "WW II" titled so, as result of Gallup Poll.
04/28/1947  Thor Heyerdahl and Kon-Tiki sail from Peru to Polynesia.
04/28/1952  WW II Pacific peace treaty takes effect.
04/28/1974  Last Americans evacuated from Saigon.
04/28/1977  Christopher Boyce convicted for selling satellite secrets.
04/29/1429  Joan of Arc leads Orleans, France, to victory over English.
04/29/1913  Gideon Sundback of Hoboken NJ patents the zipper.
04/29/1971  Salyut 1, world's First space station, launched into earth orbit.
04/30/1789  George Washington inaugurated as first president of the US
04/30/1798  Department of the Navy established.
04/30/1803  US more than doubles its size thru the Louisiana Purchase.
04/30/1900  Hawaii becomes a US Territory
04/30/1939  NBC/RCA make first US demo of TV at opening of NY World's Fair.
04/30/1942  First submarine built on the Great Lakes launched, the "Peto", from Manitowoc, Wisconsin.
04/30/1947  Boulder Dam renamed in honor of Herbert Hoover
04/30/1948  Organization of American States (OAS) charter signed in Bogot .
04/30/1973  Nixon announces resigtration of Haldeman, Ehrlichman, et al
04/30/1975  US forces evacuated Vietnam; Saigon surrenders
04/30/1980  Terrorists seize Iranian Embassy in London
05/01/1840  1st adhesive postage stamps (English "Penny Blacks") issued.
05/01/1850  John Geary becomes 1st mayor of City of San Francisco.
05/01/1860  1st school for the deaf founded.
05/01/1869  Folies-Bergere opens in Paris.
05/01/1884  Construction begins in Chicago on the 1st skyscraper.
05/01/1892  US Quarantine Station opens on Angel Island.
05/01/1928  Lei Day begun (a Hawaiian celebration)
05/02/1925  Kezar Stadium in Golden Gate Park opens.
05/02/1939  Lou Gehrig sets record for most consecutive games (2130)
05/03/1830  1st regular steam train passenger service starts.
05/03/1919  America's 1st passenger flight (New York-Atlantic City)
05/03/1971  national noncommercial network radio begins programming.
05/04/1626  Indians sell Manhattan Island for $24 in cloth and buttons.
05/04/1851  1st of the major San Francisco fires.
05/04/1878  Phonograph shown for 1st time at the Grand Opera House.
05/05/1908  The Great White Fleet arrives in San Francisco.
05/05/1949  Council of Europe established.
05/05/1961  Alan Shepard becomes 1st American in space (onboard Freedom 7).
05/06/1851  Patent granted to Dr. John Farrie for a "refrigeration machine"
05/06/1860  The Olympic Club, 1st athletic club in US, founded in SF.
05/07/1824  Beethoven's Ninth Symphony presented for first time.
05/07/1927  San Francisco Municipal Airport (Mills Field) dedicated.
05/07/1945  World War II ends in Europe.
05/07/1963  Telstar 2 launched (apogee 6,700 miles).
05/08/1541  Hernando de Soto discovers the Mississippi River.
05/08/1945  Germany surrenders, ending World War II in Europe.
05/10/1775  Continental Congress issues paper currency for 1st time.
05/10/1869  The Driving of the Golden Spike, Promontory Point, Utah: The Transcontinential railroad is completed.
05/10/1930  The first US planetarium opens, in Chicago.
05/11/1752  1st US fire insurance policy is issued, in Philadelphia.
05/11/1929  1st regularly scheduled TV broadcasts (3 nights per week).
05/11/1951  Jay Forrester patents computer core memory.
05/13/1607  English land to found Jamestown (1st permanent settlement)
05/13/1846  US declares war on Mexico.
05/13/1884  Institute for Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEE) founded
05/14/1811  Paraguay gains its independence.
05/14/1853  Gail Borden applies for patent for making condensed milk.
05/14/1948  State of Israel proclaimed.
05/14/1973  United States launches space station "Skylab".
05/15/1940  1st nylon stockings are sold in America.
05/15/1963  Last of the Mercury flights, the "Faith 7", launched.
05/16/1866  Congress authorizes nickel 5-cent piece (the silver half-dime was used up to this point).
05/16/1929  1st Oscars announced (best film was 'Wings').
05/16/1971  First Class Mail now costs 8 cents (was 6 cents).
05/17/1792  24 brokers meet to found the New York Stock Exchange
05/17/1804  Lewis & Clark begin their exploration of the Louisiana Purchase
05/17/1954  Supreme Court rules on Brown v. Topeka Board of Education, overthrowing the principle of 'separate but equal'.
05/18/1933  Tennessee Valley Authority Act signed by President Roosevelt.
05/18/1980  Mount St. Helens blew its top in Washington State.
05/19/1862  The Homestead Act becomes law.
05/20/1927  At 7:40am, Lindbergh takes off from New York to cross Atlantic
05/21/1881  The American Red Cross is founded.
05/21/1927  Lindburgh lands in Paris, after 1st solo across Atlantic.
05/23/1898  1st Phillipine Expeditionary Troops sail from San Francisco.
05/23/1908  Dirigible explodes over SF Bay, 16 passengers fall, none die.
05/24/1844  Samual F.B. Morse taps out "What Hath God Wrought"
05/24/1866  Berkeley named (for George Berkeley, Bishop of Cloyne).
05/24/1883  The Brooklyn Bridge opened by Pres. Arthur & Gov. Cleveland.
05/24/1899  In Boston, the 1st auto repair shop opens.
05/25/1787  Constitutional Convention convenes in Philadelphia.
05/25/1927  Henry Ford stops producing the Model T car (begins Model A).
05/25/1940  Golden Gate International Exposition reopens.
05/25/1978  "Star Wars" is released.
05/25/1983  "Return of the Jedi" (Star Wars 3) is released.
05/26/1868  President Johnson avoids impeachment by 1 vote.
05/26/1937  Golden Gate Bridge opens.
05/26/1946  Patent filed in US for the H-Bomb.
05/27/1907  Bubonic Plague breaks out in San Francisco
05/27/1937  Golden Gate Bridge dedicated.
05/28/1926  United States Customs Court created by Congress.
05/29/1453  Constantinople falls to the Turks (some believe this signalled the end of the Middle Ages).
05/29/1953  Hillary & Norkay reach top of Mount Everest.
05/29/1978  First Class postage now 15 cents (was 13 cents for 3 years).
05/30/1911  Indianapolis 500 car race run for 1st time.
05/31/1433  Joan of Arc has a hot time at the stake...
05/31/1678  Lady Godiva takes a ride through Coventry
05/31/1868  1st recorded bicycle race, 2 kilometers in Paris.
05/31/1879  1st electric railway opens at Berlin Trades Exposition.
05/31/1889  Johnstown Flood
06/01/1638  First earthquake recorded in U.S., at Plymouth, Mass
06/01/1792  Kentucky becomes 15th state
06/01/1796  Tennessee becomes 16th state
06/01/1813  Capt John Lawrence utters Navy motto: 'Don't give up the ship'.
06/01/1845  Homing pigeon ends an 11,000 km trip (Namibia-London) in 55 days.
06/01/1925  Lou Gehrig starts in first of 2130 consecutive games, a record.
06/01/1933  Century of Progress world's fair opens in Chicago
06/01/1965  Penzias and Wilson detect 3 degree Kelvin primordial background.
06/01/1967  Beatles release "Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band".
06/02/0455  Gaiseric sacks Rome, what a Vandal.
06/02/1858  Donati Comet first seen, named after it's discoverer
06/02/1873  Construction of world's first cable car system, begins in SF.
06/02/1910  Pygmies discovered in Dutch New Guinea
06/02/1936  Gen. Anastasio Somoza takes over as dictator of Nicaragua
06/02/1953  Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II in Westminster Abbey
06/02/1966  Surveyor 1 lands in Oceanus Procellarum first moon soft-landing.
06/02/1977  New Jersey legalizes casino gambling in Atlantic City.
06/02/1979  John Paul II first pope to visit a communist country - Poland.
06/03/1539  Hernando De Soto claims Florida for Spain
06/03/1621  Dutch West India Company receives charter for "New Netherlands"
06/03/1770  Mission San Carlos Borromeo de Carmelo founded in California
06/03/1789  Alex Mackenzie began exploration of Mackenzie River
06/03/1888  "Casey at the Bat" is first published (by the SF Examiner)
06/03/1934  Dr Frederick Banting, co-discoverer of insulin knighted.
06/03/1935  French "Normandie" sets Atlantic crossing record: 1077 hours.
06/03/1937  Edward VIII, Duke of Windsor marries Wallis Warfield Simpson.
06/03/1942  Battle of Midway begins: first major battle won by airpower.
06/03/1948  200 inch Hale telescope dedicated at Palomar Observatory.
06/03/1949  "Dragnet" is first broadcast on radio (KFI in Los Angeles).
06/03/1965  Gemini IV is launched Ed White first American to walk in space
06/03/1976  US presented with oldest known copy of Magna Carta
06/03/1980  Crew of Soyuz 36 returns to Earth aboard Soyuz 35
06/04/0780  BC first total solar eclipse reliably recorded by Chinese
06/04/1784  Mme. Thible becomes first woman to fly (in a balloon)
06/04/1896  Henry drives his first Ford through streets of Detroit.
06/04/1940  British complete miracle of Dunkirk by evacuating 300,000 troops
06/04/1944  First submarine captured and boarded on high seas - German U 505
06/04/1947  Taft-Hartley Act approved despite a Truman veto.
06/04/1956  Speech by Khrushchev blasting Stalin is made public.
06/04/1986  Jonathan Pollard, spy for Israel, pleads guilty.
06/05/1783  Joseph and Jacques Montgolfier make first public balloon flight.
06/05/1833  Ada Lovelace (future computer programmer) meets Charles Babbage
06/05/1849  Denmark becomes a constitutional monarchy.
06/05/1875  Formal opening of the Pacific Stock Exchange.
06/05/1947  Sec of State George C. Marshall outlines `The Marshall Plan'.
06/05/1972  U.N. Conference on the Human Environment opens in Stockholm
06/05/1975  Suez Canal reopens (after 6 Day War caused it to close)
06/05/1980  Soyuz T-2 carries 2 cosmonauts to Salyut 6 space station
06/06/1809  Swedish Constitution and Flag Day (National Day)
06/06/1844  YMCA founded in London
06/06/1932  US Federal gas tax enacted
06/06/1933  First drive-in theatre opens, in Camden, New Jersey.
06/06/1934  Securities and Exchange Commission established
06/06/1944  D-Day, the Allied Invasion of "Festung Europa"
06/06/1946  Henry Morgan is first to take off his shirt on TV.
06/06/1967  Six Day War between Israel and its Arab neighbors begins.
06/06/1971  Soyuz 11 takes 3 cosmonauts to Salyut 1 space station
06/06/1975  British voters decide to remain on Common Market
06/06/1977  Supreme Court tosses out automatic death penalty laws
06/06/1978  Proposition 13 cuts California property taxes 57%  Yipee!
06/06/1982  Israel invades Lebanon to drive out PLO
06/06/2012  Transit of Venus (between Earth and Sun) occurs.
06/07/1769  Daniel Boone begins exploring the Bluegrass State of Kentucky.
06/07/1776  Richard Lee of Virginia calls for Declaration of Independence.
06/07/1839  The Hawaiian Declaration of Rights is signed.
06/07/1839  Hawaiian Declaration of Rights is signed
06/07/1905  Norway declares independence from Sweden
06/07/1929  Vatican City becomes a soverign state
06/07/1938  First Boeing 314 Clipper "Flying Boat" flown by Eddie Allen
06/07/1948  Communists take over Czechoslovakia
06/07/1953  First color network telecast from Boston, Massachusets.
06/07/1965  Gemini 4 completes 62 orbits
06/07/1971  Soviet Soyuz 11 crew completes first transfer to orbiting Salyut
06/07/1972  German Chancellor Willy Brandt visits Israel
06/07/1977  Anita Bryant leads successful crusade against Miami gay law
06/07/1981  Israel bombs Iraqi plutonium production facility at Osirak.
06/08/1786  First commercially made ice cream sold in New York.
06/08/1869  Ives McGaffey patents his vacuum cleaner.
06/08/1918  Nova Aquila, brightest nova since Kepler's in 1604, is discovered
06/08/1940  Discovery of element 93 "Neptunium"  is announced.
06/08/1953  Supreme Court forbids segregated lunch counters in Washington DC.
06/08/1975  Soviets launch Venera 9 to Venus
06/08/1979  The Source, first public computer info. service, goes online.
06/08/2004  Transit of Venus (between Earth and Sun) occurs.
06/09/1732  Royal Charter for Georgia, granted to James Oglethorpe.
06/09/1860  First dime novel published.
06/09/1898  China leases Hong Kong's New Territories to Britain for 99 years.
06/09/1931  Goddard patents rocket-fueled aircraft design.
06/09/1959  First ballistic missile launched from sub "George Washington"
06/10/1639  First American log cabin at Ft Christina (Wilmington, Del).
06/10/1752  Ben Franklin flies a kite in a thunderstorm, shocking!
06/10/1772  British revenue cutter "Gaspee" is burned by Rhode Islanders.
06/10/1801  State of Tripoli declares war on the US
06/10/1854  Georg F.B. Reiman proposes that space is curved
06/10/1869  The 'Agnes' arrives in New Orleans with the first ever shipment of frozen beef.
06/10/1898  US Marines land at Cuba in Spanish-American War.
06/10/1921  Babe Ruth becomes all time homerune champ with 120 of them.
06/10/1932  First demonstration of artificial lightning Pittsfield Mass.
06/10/1935  Alcoholics Anonymous formed in Akron by Dr Robert Smith
06/10/1940  Italy declares war on France and Britain
06/10/1954  PBS reaches San Francisco: KQED (Channel 9) starts broadcasting.
06/10/1977  Apple Computer ships its first Apple II.
06/11/1770  Capt Cook runs aground on Australian Great Barrier Reef
06/11/1859  Comstock silver load discovered near Virginia City, Nevada.
06/11/1895  First auto race.
06/11/1942  US and USSR sign Lend-Lease agreement during WW II.
06/11/1947  WW II sugar rationing finally ends.
06/11/1955  First magnesium jet airplane is flown.
06/11/1970  US leaves Wheelus Air Force Base in Libya.
06/11/1982  Movie "E T, The Extra-Terrestrial" is released.
06/12/1665  English rename New Amsterdam to New York after the Dutch leave.
06/12/1776  Virginia is first to adopt the Bill of Rights.
06/12/1812  Napoleon invades Russia.  Classic "what not to" lesson.
06/12/1838  Hopkins Observatory, dedicated in Williamstown, Mass
06/12/1839  The first baseball game is played in America.  Thanks Abner!
06/12/1898  Phillipines gains its independence from Spain.
06/12/1934  Black-McKeller Bill splits United Airlines from Boeing.
06/12/1957  Paul Anderson of US back-lifts a record 2850 kg.
06/12/1967  USSR launches Venera 4 for parachute landing on Venus
06/12/1967  Israel wins the Six Day War.
06/12/1979  Bryan Allen flies the "Gossamer Albatross", the first man-powered aircraft, over the English Channel.
06/13/1373  Anglo-Portuguese Treaty of Alliance (world's oldest) is signed
06/13/1611  John Fabricius dedicates the earliest sunspot publication.
06/13/1898  Yukon Territory of Canada organized, Dawson chosen as capital.
06/13/1900  China's Boxer Rebellion begins, against foreigners and Christians
06/13/1963  Valentina Tereshkova aboard Vostok 6, becomes the first woman in space.  You've come a long way, baby.
06/13/1967  Thurgood Marshall nominated as first black Supreme Court justice.
06/13/1983  Pioneer 10 is first man-made object to leave the Solar System.
06/14/1775  The US Army is founded.
06/14/1777  Stars and Stripes adopted as US flag, replacing Grand Union flag.
06/14/1846  California (Bear Flag) Republic proclaimed in Sonoma.
06/14/1847  Bunson invents a gas burner.
06/14/1870  All-pro Cincinnati Red Stockings suffer first loss in 130 games.
06/14/1900  Hawaiian Territorial Government begins.
06/14/1919  First direct airplane crossing of the Atlantic.
06/14/1938  Chlorophyll patented by Benjamin Grushkin.  How'd he do that?
06/14/1942  Walt Disney's "Bambi" is released.
06/14/1948  TV Guide is first published.
06/14/1951  UNIVAC 1, first commercial computer, is unveiled.
06/14/1952  Keel laid for first nuclear powered submarine, the Nautilus.
06/14/1967  Launch of Mariner V for Venus flyby
06/14/1975  USSR launches Venera 10 for Venus landing
06/14/1982  Britain wins the 74 day war for the Falkland Islands.
06/15/1215  King John reluctantly signs the Magna Carta at Runnymede.
06/15/1520  The pope threatens to toss Luther out of the Catholic Church.
06/15/1664  The state of New Jersey is founded.
06/15/1752  Ben Franklin's kite is struck by lightning, shocking!
06/15/1775  Washington appointed commander-in-chief of the American Army.
06/15/1836  Arkansas becomes 25th state
06/15/1844  Goodyear patents the process for vulcanization of rubber.
06/15/1846  Oregon Treaty signed, setting US-British boundary at 49ø North.
06/15/1878  First attempt at motion pictures(using 12 cameras, each taking one picture (to see if all 4 horse's hooves leave the ground
06/15/1919  First flight across Atlantic (Alcock and Brown).
06/15/1940  France surrenders to Hitler.
06/15/1951  First commercial electronic computer dedicated in Philadelphia.
06/15/1975  Soyuz 19 launched
06/15/1977  Spain's first free elections since 1936.
06/15/1978  Soyuz 29 carries 2 cosmonauts to Salyut 6; they stay 139 days.
06/15/1982  Riots in Argentina after Falklands/Malvinas defeat.
06/16/1567  Mary Queen of Scots thrown into Lochleven Castle prison
06/16/1775  The Battle of Bunker Hill (actually it was Breed's Hill).
06/16/1858  "A house divided against itself cannot stand" - Abraham Lincoln.
06/16/1903  Ford Motor Company, a vehicle manufacturer, is founded.
06/16/1933  US Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) is created.
06/16/1963  Valentina Tereshkova becomes first woman in space.
06/16/1977  Leonid Brezhnev named president of USSR
06/16/1984  Edwin Moses wins his 100th consecutive 400-meter hurdles race
06/17/1856  Republican Party opened its first convention in Philadelphia.
06/17/1885  Statue of Liberty arrives in NYC aboard French ship "Isere".
06/17/1944  Republic of Iceland proclaimed at Thingvallir, Iceland.
06/17/1947  First around-the-world civil air service leaves New York.
06/17/1963  Supreme Court strikes down Lord's Prayer recitation
06/17/1971  US returns control of Okinawa to Japanese
06/17/1972  Democratic HQ at Watergate burglarized by Republicans.
06/17/1982  Ronald Reagan delivers "evil empire" speech.
06/18/1178  Proposed time of origin of lunar crater Giordano Bruno.
06/18/1812  War of 1812 begins as US declares war against Britain.
06/18/1815  Battle of Waterloo. Napoleon defeated by Wellington and Blcher.
06/18/1873  Susan B Anthony fined $100 for attempting to vote for President.
06/18/1892  Macademia nuts first planted in Hawaii.
06/18/1928  Amelia Earhart is the first woman to fly across the Atlantic.
06/18/1953  Egypt is proclaimed a republic.
06/18/1959  First television broadcast transmitted from England to US.
06/18/1977  Space Shuttle test model "Enterprise" carries a crew aloft for first time, It was fixed to a modified Boeing 747
06/18/1981  Sandra Day O'Connor becomes first woman on the US Supreme Court.
06/18/1983  Sally Ride becomes first US woman in space, aboard Challenger.
06/19/0240  BC - Eratosthenes estimates the circumference of the earth.
06/19/1756  146 English people imprisoned in Black Hole of Calcutta.
06/19/1778  Washington's troops finally leave Valley Forge.
06/19/1846  First baseball game: NY Nines 23, Knickerbockers 1 (Hoboken, NJ).
06/19/1862  Slavery outlawed in US territories.
06/19/1910  Father's Day celebrated for first time in Spokane, Washington.
06/19/1931  First commercial photoelectric cell installed in West Haven Ct.
06/19/1932  First concert given in San Francisco's Stern Grove.
06/19/1934  Federal Communications Commission (FCC) created
06/19/1947  First plane to exceed 600 mph - Albert Boyd at Muroc, CA.
06/19/1976  Viking 1 enters Martian orbit after 10 month flight from earth.
06/19/1981  European Space Agency's Ariane carries two satellites into orbit.
06/20/1782  Congress approves Great Seal of US and the Eagle as it's symbol.
06/20/1791  King Louis XVI caught trying to escape French Revolution
06/20/1837  Queen Victoria at 18 ascends British throne following death of uncle King William IV. She ruled for 63 years, until 1901.
06/20/1863  West Virginia became 35th state
06/20/1948  Ed Sullivan has his first really big 'shoe' on Sunday night TV.
06/20/1963  US and USSR agree to set up a "Hot Line".
06/20/1968  Jim Hines becomes first person to run 100 meters in under 10 secs
06/20/1977  Oil enters Trans-Alaska pipeline exits 38 days later at Valdez.
06/20/1982  National Bald Eagle Day was declared.
06/21/1633  Galileo Galilei is forced by the Inquisition to "abjure, curse, and detest" his Copernican heliocentric views.  Still in effect!
06/21/1788  US Constitution effective as NH is ninth state to ratify it.
06/21/1834  Cyrus Hall McCormick patents reaping machine.
06/21/1879  F. W. Woolworth opens his first store (failed almost immediately, so he found a new location and you know the rest...)
06/21/1948  First stored computer program run, on the Manchester Mark I.
06/21/1963  Pope Paul VI (Giovanni Battista Montini) succeeds John XXIII
06/22/1611  Henry Hudson set adrift in Hudson Bay during mutiny.
06/22/1675  Royal Greenwich Observatory established in England by Charles II.
06/22/1772  Slavery is outlawed in England.
06/22/1775  First Continental currency authorized
06/22/1807  British board USS Chesapeake, leading to the War of 1812.
06/22/1808  Zebulon Pike reaches his peak, it was all downhill after that.
06/22/1847  The doughnut is invented.
06/22/1910  First passenger carrying airship, the Zeppelin "Deutscheland".
06/22/1911  King George V of England crowned
06/22/1944  FDR signs "GI Bill of Rights" (Servicemen's Readjustment Act)
06/22/1978  The planet Pluto's partner, Charon, is discovered.
06/22/1983  First time a satellite is retrieved from orbit, by Space Shuttle.
06/23/1683  William Penn signs friendship treaty with Lenni Lenape indians in Pennsylvania; the only treaty "not sworn to, nor broken".
06/23/1757  Robert Clive defeats Indians at Plassey, wins control of Bengal
06/23/1868  Christopher Latham Sholes patents the typewriter.
06/23/1955  Walt Disney's "Lady And The Tramp" is released
06/23/1976  CN Tower in Toronto, tallest free-standing structure (555m) opens
06/23/1986  Tip O'Neill refuses to let Reagan address House
06/24/1314  Battle of Bannockburn; Scotland regains independence from England
06/24/1441  Eton College founded by Henry VI
06/24/1497  John Cabot claims eastern Canada for England
06/24/1509  Henry VIII becomes King of England
06/24/1817  First coffee planted in Hawaii, on the Kona coast.
06/24/1930  First radar detection of aircraft, at Anacostia, DC.
06/24/1949  Cargo airlines first licensed by US Civil Aeronautics Board.
06/24/1949  Hopalong Cassidy becomes first network western.
06/24/1963  First demonstration of home video recorder, BBC Studios, London.
06/24/1982  Soyuz T-6 lifts 3 cosmonauts (1 French) to Salyut 7 space station
06/24/1982  Equal Rights Amendment goes down in defeat.
06/24/1986  US Senate approves "tax reform" - taxes went up.
06/25/1178  Five Canterbury monks report something exploding on the Moon (the only known observation of probable meteor strike).
06/25/1630  The Fork is introduced to American dining by Governor Winthrop.
06/25/1835  Pueblo founded with construction of first building (start of Yerba Buena, later to be called San Francisco).
06/25/1938  Federal minimum wage law guarantees workers 40› per hour.
06/25/1950  Korean War begins; North Korea invades South.
06/25/1950  El Al begins air service.
06/25/1951  1st color TV broadcast: CBS' Arthur Godfrey from NYC to 4 cities
06/25/1953  First passenger flies commercially around the world < 100 hours.
06/25/1977  Roy C Sullivan of Virginia is struck by lightening for 7th time!
06/26/1483  Richard III crowned King of England.  Villified by Thomas More.
06/26/1797  Charles Newbold patents first cast-iron plow.
06/26/1876  Custer's Last Stand
06/26/1900  Walter Reed begins research that beats yellow fever
06/26/1911  Nieuport sets an aircraft speed record of 133 kph
06/26/1934  FDR signs Federal Credit Union Act, establishing Credit Unions.
06/26/1945  UN Charter signed by 50 nations in San Francisco.
06/26/1948  US responses to Soviet blockade of Berlin with an airlift.
06/26/1949  Walter Baade discovers asteroid Icarus INSIDE orbit of Mercury.
06/26/1959  St Lawrence Seaway opens, linking Atlantic Ocean with Great Lakes
06/26/1963  John F. Kennedy visits West Berlin, "Ich bin ein Berliner".
06/26/1968  Iwo Jima and Bonin Islands returned to Japan by US
06/26/1978  First dedicated oceanographic satellite, SEASAT 1 launched.
06/27/1806  Buenos Aires captured by British
06/27/1838  Queen Victoria is crowned
06/27/1929  First color TV demo, in New York
06/27/1942  FBI captures 8 Nazi saboteurs from a sub off Long Island, NY.
06/27/1950  President Truman orders Air Force and Navy into Korean conflict.
06/27/1955  First automobile seat belt legislation enacted Illinois
06/27/1960  Chlorophyll "A" synthesized in Cambridge Mass
06/27/1962  NASA X-15 flies at 4105 mph
06/27/1963  Robert Rushworth in X-15 reaches 87 km
06/27/1978  Soyuz 30 launched
06/27/1982  4th Space Shuttle Mission - Columbia 4 launched
06/27/1983  Soyuz T-9 carries 2 cosmonauts to Salyut 7 space station
06/28/1820  The tomato is proved to be nonpoisonous.
06/28/1919  The Treaty of Versailles, ending World War I, was signed.
06/28/1939  Pan Am begins transatlantic air service with the Dixie Clipper.
06/28/1951  "Amos 'n Andy" show premiers on television (CBS).
06/29/1776  Mission Dolores founded by San Francisco Bay.
06/29/1854  Congress ratifies Gadsden Purchase of parts of New Mexico, Ariz.
06/29/1863  The very first First National Bank opens in Davenport, Iowa.
06/29/1916  The first Boeing aircraft flies.
06/29/1929  First high-speed jet wind tunnel completed Langley Field, CA.
06/29/1946  British arrest 2700 Jews in Palestine as alleged terrorists
06/29/1952  First aircraft carrier to sail around Cape Horn - the Oriskany.
06/29/1962  First flight of the Vickers VC-10 long-range airliner.
06/29/1971  Soyuz 11 docks with Salyut 1 for 22 days
06/30/1834  Congress creates Indian Territory
06/30/1893  The Excelsior diamond (blue-white, 995 carats) discovered.
06/30/1906  Pure Food and Drug Act and Meat Inspection Act adopted
06/30/1908  Giant fireball impacts in Central Siberia (the Tunguska Event)
06/30/1930  First round-the-world radio broadcast, from Schenectady NY.
06/30/1936  40 hour work week law approved in US.
06/30/1948  Transistor demonstrated Murray Hill, NJ.
06/30/1960  Zaire gains its independence.
06/30/1972  Timekeeping adjusted with the first leap second.
07/01/1535  Sir Thomas More went on trial in England charged with treason
07/01/1847  1st adhesive US postage stamps go on sale
07/01/1850  At least 626 ships lying at anchor around San Francisco Bay.
07/01/1863  Battle of Gettysburg, PA - Lee's northward advance halted.
07/01/1867  Dominion of Canada formed.
07/01/1873  Prince Edward Island becomes 7th Canadian province.
07/01/1898  Teddy Roosevelt and his Rough Riders charge up San Juan Hill.
07/01/1899  SF City Hall turned over to city, after 29 years of building
07/01/1919  First Class Postage DROPS to 2 cents from 3 cents.
07/01/1941  1st TV licenses granted: W2XBS-WNBT (NBC) & WCBW (CBS), New York
07/01/1943  first automatic withholding tax from paychecks
07/01/1944  Bretton Woods Conference starts, establishing world-wide financial systems (like the IMF and the World Bank).
07/01/1960  Italian Somalia gains independence, unites with Somali Republic.
07/01/1960  Ghana becomes a republic.
07/01/1962  Burundi & Rwanda gain independence from Belgium (National Days).
07/01/1966  Medicare goes into effect.
07/01/1968  US, Britain, USSR & 58 nations sign Nuclear Nonproliferation Trea
07/01/1969  Charles Philip Arthur George invested as the Prince of Wales
07/01/1971  Golden Gate Bridge paid for (so why is there still a toll?).
07/01/1982  Kosmos 1383, 1st search and rescue satellite, launched.
07/02/1890  Sherman Antitrust Act prohibits industrial monopolies.
07/02/1900  first flight of a Zeppelin (the LZ-1).
07/02/1926  US Army Air Corps created
07/02/1937  Amelia Earhart & Fred Noonan disappeared over the Pacific Ocean
07/02/1957  1st submarine built to fire guided missiles launched, "Grayback"
07/02/1964  President Johnson signs the Civil Rights Act.
07/02/1976  Supreme Court ruled death penalty not inherently cruel or unusual
07/02/1985  Proto launched on its way to Halley's Comet
07/03/1608  City of Quebec founded by Samuel de Champlain
07/03/1775  Washington takes command of Continental Army at Cambridge, Mass
07/03/1819  1st savings bank in US (Bank of Savings in NYC) opens its doors
07/03/1861  Pony Express arrives in SF with overland letters from New York.
07/03/1890  Idaho becomes 43rd state.
07/03/1898  US Navy defeats Spanish fleet in the harbor at Santiago Cuba
07/03/1962  Algeria becomes independent after 132 years of French rule
07/03/1983  Calvin Smith (US) becomes fastest man alive (36.25 kph for 100 m)
07/03/1986  Renovated Statue of Liberty is rededicated with great ceremony.
07/04/1054  Brightest known super-nova starts shining, for 23 days.
07/04/1057  Crab Nebula supernova recorded by Chinese & Japanese astronomers.
07/04/1776  Declaration of Independence - US gains independence from Britain
07/04/1802  US Military Academy officially openes at West Point, NY
07/04/1828  first US passenger railroad started, The Baltimore & Ohio
07/04/1845  Thoreau moves into his shack on Walden Pond.
07/04/1862  Lewis Carroll begins inventing "Alice in Wonderland" for his friend Alice Pleasance Liddell during a boating trip
07/04/1863  Boise, Idaho founded (now capital of Idaho).
07/04/1876  1st public exhibition of electric light in San Francisco.
07/04/1882  Telegraph Hill Observatory opens.
07/04/1884  Statue of Liberty is presented to theUnited States, in Paris.
07/04/1894  Elwood Haynes successfully tests one of the first US autos
07/04/1894  Republic of Hawaii established.
07/04/1903  Pacific Cable (San Francisco, Hawaii, Guam, Phillipines) opens. President Roosevelt sends a message to the Phillipines,
07/04/1933  Work begins on the Oakland Bay Bridge.
07/04/1946  Philippines gains independence from US
07/04/1965  Mariner 4 flies past Mars, sends first close-up photos.
07/04/1967  Freedom of Information Act goes into effect
07/04/1976  Raid on Entebbe - Israel rescues 229 Air France passengers
07/05/1687  Isaac Newton's PRINCIPIA is published by Royal Society in England
07/05/1811  Venezuela gains independence from Spain.
07/05/1859  Captain N.C. Brooks discovers Midway Islands.
07/05/1865  William Booth founds the Salvation Army, in London, England.
07/05/1935  first Hawaii Calls radio program is broadcast.
07/05/1938  Herb Caen gets his first column in the S.F. Chronicle.
07/05/1944  first rocket airplane flown
07/05/1950  Law of Return passes allowing all Jews rights to live in Israel
07/05/1951  Junction transistor invention announced, Murray Hill, NJ
07/05/1975  Cape Verde Islands independent, 500 years under Portuguese rule
07/05/1978  Soyuz 30 is launched
07/06/1885  1st inoculation (for rabies) of a human being, by Louis Pasteur
07/06/1928  Preview of 1st all-talking motion picture took place in NYC
07/06/1932  First Class postage back up to 3 cents from 2 cents.
07/06/1933  1st All-Star baseball game.  American League won 5-2.
07/06/1964  Malawi (then Nyasaland) gains independence from Britain
07/06/1975  Comoros Islands gain independence from France (most of them).
07/06/1976  Soyuz 21 carries 2 cosmonauts to Salyut 5 space station.
07/07/1846  United States annexs California
07/07/1891  A patent was granted for the travelers cheque.
07/07/1898  Hawaii annexed to the United States.
07/07/1930  Construction began on Boulder (later Hoover) Dam
07/07/1946  Mother Frances X Cabrini canonized as 1st American saint
07/07/1978  Solomon Islands gains independence from Britain (National Day).
07/07/1980  first solar-powered aircraft crosses English Channel.
07/07/1990  The world's 3 greatest tenors: Carreras, Domingo and Pavarotti appear together, for the only time, in Rome.  Simply ahhhsome!
07/08/1663  King Charles II of England granted a charter to Rhode Island
07/08/1776  Col. John Nixon gives 1st public reading of Decl of Independence
07/08/1796  1st American Passport issued by the US State Department.
07/08/1835  The Liberty Bell cracks (again).
07/08/1889  Vol 1, No 1, of "The Wall Street Journal" published.
07/08/1896  William Jennings Bryan makes his 'cross of gold' speech at the Democratic Convention in Chicago.
07/08/1905  Part of Angel Island (in SF bay ) becomes an Immigration Detention Center (port of entry for immigrants).
07/08/1907  Florenz Ziegfeld staged 1st `Follies' on NY Theater roof
07/08/1947  Demolition begins in New York for headquarters of United Nations
07/08/1977  Sabra Starr finishes longest recorded belly dance (100 hrs).
07/08/1978  Pioneer-Venus 2 Multi-probe launched to Venus.
07/09/1540  Henry VIII's 6-month marriage to Anne of Cleves is annulled.
07/09/1816  Argentina gains its independence.
07/09/1846  Capt Montgomery claims Yerba Buena (San Francisco) for the U.S.
07/09/1953  first helicopter passenger service, in New York
07/09/1957  Announcement of discovery of element 102 - nobelium
07/09/1979  Voyager II flies past Jupiter.
07/10/1890  Wyoming becomes the 44th state.
07/10/1925  USSR's official news agency TASS established.
07/10/1925  The Scopes 'Monkey Trial' on evolution, starts.
07/10/1940  Battle of Britain began as Nazi forces attack by air.
07/10/1962  Telstar, 1st communications satelite launched.
07/10/1966  Orbiter 1 Launched to moon.
07/10/1980  Ayatollah Khomeini releases Iran hostage Richard I. Queen
07/10/1985  French agents sink Greenpeace "Rainbow Warrior" in New Zealand.
07/11/1533  Pope Clement VII excommunicates England's King Henry VIII
07/11/1798  US Marine Corps is created by an act of Congress
07/11/1804  Burr and Hamilton duel.  Burr won.
07/11/1864  Confederate forces, led by Gen J Early, invade Washington DC
07/11/1955  USAF Academy dedicated at Lowry AFB in Colorado
07/11/1962  Cosmonaut Micolaev set longevity space flight record-4 days
07/11/1962  1st transatlantic TV transmission via satellite (Telstar I).
07/11/1977  Medal of Freedom awarded posthumously to Martin Luther King
07/11/1979  US Skylab enters atmosphere over Australia & disintegrates.
07/11/1986  Mary Beth Whitehead christens her surrogate "Baby M", Sara.
07/12/1543  Henry VIII marries Catharine Parr (his 6th & last wife).
07/12/1812  US forces lead by Gen. Hull invade Canada (War of 1812).
07/12/1862  Congress authorizes Medal of Honor
07/12/1933  Congress passes 1st minimum wage law ($0.33 per hour).
07/12/1960  Echo I, 1st passive satellite launched.
07/12/1960  USSR's Sputnik 5 launched with 2 dogs.
07/12/1962  Cosmonaut Popovich in space 1st time 2, manned craft in space
07/12/1977  first free flight test of Space Shuttle Enterprise.
07/12/1979  Kiribati (Gilbert & Ellice Is.) gains independence from Britain.
07/12/1984  Geraldine Ferraro, Democrat, becomes the first woman to be a major-party candicate for Vice President.
07/13/1865  Horace Greeley advises readers to "Go west". He meant Michigan.
07/13/1919  first lighter-than-air transatlantic flight completed.
07/13/1977  New York City experiences a 25 hr black-out
07/13/1984  Sergei Bubka of USSR pole vaults a record 5.89 m.
07/14/1771  Mission San Antonio de Padua founded in California
07/14/1789  Citizens of Paris storm the (near empty) Bastille prison.
07/14/1850  1st public demonstration of ice made by refrigeration.
07/14/1853  Commodore Perry requests trade relations with the Japanese.
07/14/1865  1st ascent of the Matterhorn.
07/14/1953  first national monument dedicated to a Negro - GW Carver
07/14/1958  Iraqi army Iraq overthrew monarchy, a Colonel Saddam Hussein.
07/14/1959  first atomic powered cruiser, the Long Beach, Quincy Mass
07/14/1965  US Mariner IV, 1st Mars probe, passes at 6,100 miles
07/14/1987  Taiwan ends 37 years of martial law
07/15/1662  Charles II grants a charter to establish Royal Society in London.
07/15/1815  Napoleon Bonaparte captured.
07/15/1870  NW Territories created & Manitoba becomes 5th Canadian province.
07/15/1940  first betatron placed in operation, Urbana, Illinois
07/15/1954  first US passenger jet transport airplane tested (Boeing 707).
07/15/1975  Soyuz 19 and Apollo 18 launched; rendezvous 2 days later.
07/16/1212  Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa; end of Moslem power in Spain.
07/16/1548  La Paz, Bolivia is founded.
07/16/1769  Father Serra founds Mission San Diego, 1st mission in Calif.
07/16/1790  Congress establishes the District of Columbia.
07/16/1861  1st major battle of the Civil War -- Bull Run.
07/16/1935  1st automatic parking meter in US installed, Oklahoma City, OK
07/16/1945  1st atomic blast, Trinity Site, Alamogordo, New Mexico.
07/16/1969  Apollo 11, first manned ship to land on the moon is launched with astronauts Buzz Aldrin, Neil Armstrong and Michael Collins.
07/17/1821  Spain ceded Florida to US
07/17/1841  British humor magazine `Punch' 1st published.
07/17/1850  Harvard Observatory takes 1st photograph of a star (Vega)
07/17/1898  Spanish American War ends, in Santiago, Cuba.
07/17/1917  British royal family adopts the name `Windsor.'
07/17/1945  Potsdam Conference. FDR, Stalin, Churchill hold first meeting.
07/17/1948  Republic of Korea founded.
07/17/1954  Construction begins on Disneyland...
07/17/1955  ... Disneyland opens its doors in rural Orange County.
07/17/1959  Tibet abolishes serfdom
07/17/1962  Robert White in X-15 sets altitude record of 108 km (354,300 ft).
07/17/1969  Apollo/Soyuz, the first US/USSR linkup in space
07/17/0197  Pioneer 7 launched.
07/17/1984  Soyuz T-12 carries 3 cosmonauts to space station Salyut 7.
07/18/1964  The Great Fire of Rome begins (Nero didn't fiddle).
07/18/1536  Pope's authority declared void in England.
07/18/1872  Britain introduces voting by secret ballot.
07/18/1931  first air-conditioned ship launched - "Mariposa"
07/18/1936  Spanish Civil War begans, Francisco Franco leads uprising.
07/18/1938  Douglas `Wrong Way' Corrigan lands in Ireland-left NY for Calif
07/18/1955  first electric power generated from atomic energy sold.
07/18/1966  Carl Sagan turns one billion seconds old
07/18/1966  Gemini 10 launched.
07/18/1968  Intel Corporation is incorporated.  Made first microchip.
07/18/1980  Rohini 1, first Indian satellite, is launched.
07/18/1984  Svetlana Savitskaya accompanies Vladimir Dzhanibekov on EVA outside Salyut 7, becoming first woman to walk in space.
07/18/1986  Videotapes released showing Titanic's sunken remains
07/19/1848  First Women's Rights Convention. Seneca Falls, NY
07/19/1880  SF Public Library allows patrons to start borrowing books.
07/19/1935  1st parking meters installed in Oklahoma City business district.
07/19/1955  "Balclutha" ties up at SF Pier 43 & becomes a floating museum.
07/19/1961  1st In-flight movie is shown (on TWA).
07/20/1810  Columbia gains its independence.
07/20/1859  admission fee first charged to see a baseball game (50 cents).
07/20/1871  British Columbia becomes 6th Canadian province.
07/20/1960  USSR recovered 2 dogs; 1st living organisms to return from space.
07/20/1960  1st submerged submarine fires Polaris missile, George Washington
07/20/1969  first men land on the moon, aboard Apollo 11 at 09:18 GMT. Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin establish Tranquility Base
07/20/1976  first pictures from Mars surface received (courtesy Viking 2).
07/20/1977  Voyager 2 launched to the outer solar system.
07/21/1831  Belgium gains its independence.
07/21/1873  World's 1st train robbery, by Jesse James.
07/21/1940  Soviet Union annexes Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania.
07/21/1959  first atomic powered merchant ship, Savannah, christened.
07/21/1961  Mercury 4 is launched into sub-orbital flight
07/21/1965  Gemini 5 launched atop Titan V with Cooper and Conrad
07/21/1969  Neil Armstrong steps onto the moon at 02:56:15 GMT. "It's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind."
07/21/1969  Independence Day, celebrated in Belgium.
07/22/1933  Wiley Post completes 1st round-the-world solo flight.
07/22/1972  Venera 8 makes a soft landing on Venus.
07/23/1798  Napoleon captures Alexandria, Egypt.
07/23/1829  Typewriter is patented.
07/23/1904  The Ice Cream Cone is invented.
07/23/1937  Isolation of pituitary hormone announced
07/23/1968  PLO's 1st hijacking of an EL AL plane
07/23/1972  ERTS 1 (Earth Resources Technology Satellite) later called LANDSA launched to start its multi-spectral scans of Earth
07/23/1972  1st Earth Resources Technology Satellite (ERTS) is launched
07/23/1980  Soyuz 37 ferries 2 cosmonauts (1 Vietnamese) to Salyut 6.
07/24/1701  French make 1st landing at site of Detroit.
07/24/1704  Great Britain takes Gibralter from Spain
07/24/1847  Mormon leader Brigham Young & followers arrive at Salt Lake City,
07/24/1929  Hoover proclaims Kellogg-Briand Pact which renounced war
07/24/1946  US detonates atomic bomb at Bikini Atoll.  See film Radio Bikini.
07/24/1959  Nixon has the `Kitchen Debate' with Khrushchev
07/25/1909  first airplane flight across the English Channel.
07/25/1952  Commonwealth of Puerto Rico created.
07/25/1956  Italian liner Andrea Doria sank after collision with Stockholm.
07/25/1963  US Russia & England sign nuclear test ban treaty
07/25/1973  USSR launches Mars 5
07/25/1981  Voyager 2 encounters Saturn, "thousands of rings".
07/25/1987  USSR launches Kosmos 1870, 15-ton earth-study satellite.
07/26/1775  Benjamin Franklin becomes the first Postmaster General.
07/26/1847  Liberia gains its independence.
07/26/1887  first book published in Esperanto.  Not a hit.
07/26/1908  Federal Bureau of Investigation established
07/26/1947  Department of Defense established
07/26/1953  Fidel Castro begins revolution against Batista
07/26/1953  Korean War Armistice is signed.
07/26/1956  Egypt seizes the Suez Canal
07/26/1957  USSR launchs 1st intercontinental multi-stage ballistic missle.
07/26/1963  US launches Syncom 2, the first geosynchronous satellite
07/26/1965  Republic of Maldives gains independence from Britain (Nat'l Day).
07/26/1971  US launches Apollo 15 to the Moon
07/26/1982  Canada's Anik D1 comsat launched by US delta rocket.
07/27/1501  Copernicus formally installed as canon of Frauenberg Cathedral
07/27/1694  Bank of England is chartered.
07/27/1836  Adelaide, South Australia founded.
07/27/1866  Atlantic telegraph cable successfully laid (1,686 miles long).
07/27/1940  Billboard magazine starts publishing best-seller's charts.
07/27/1955  Austria regains full independence after 4-power occupation.
07/27/1962  Mariner 2 launched on a flyby mission to venus
07/27/1969  Pioneer 10 Launched.
07/28/1586  Sir Thomas Harriot introduces potatoes to Europe.
07/28/1821  Peru gains its independence.
07/28/1849  "Memmon" is first clipper to reach SF, 120 days out of NY
07/28/1851  total solar eclipse captured on a daguerreotype photograph
07/28/1866  Metric system becomes a legal measurement system in US
07/28/1868  14th Amendment ratified, citizenship to exslaves.
07/28/1900  The Hamburger is created by Louis Lassing in Connecticut
07/28/1914  Austria-Hungary attacks Serbia - World War I begins.
07/28/1931  Congress makes The Star-Spangled Banner our 2nd National Anthem
07/28/1932  President Hoover evicts bonus marchers from their encampment.
07/28/1933  1st Singing Telegram is delivered (to Rudy Vallee).
07/28/1964  Ranger 7 launched to the moon; sends back 4308 TV pictures.
07/28/1973  Skylab 3's astronauts are launched
07/28/1976  Eldon Joersz & Geo. Morgan set world airspeed record of 3,530 kph
07/29/1858  1st commercial treaty between US and Japan is signed.
07/29/1914  1st transcontinental phone link.  Between NYC and San Francisco.
07/29/1920  1st transcontinental airmail flight: New York to San Francisco
07/29/1957  International Atomic Energy Agency established by UN
07/29/1978  Pioneer 11 transmits images of Saturn & its rings.
07/29/1981  The wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana
07/29/1985  19th Space Shuttle Mission - Challenger 8 is launched
07/30/1619  The House of Burgesses in Virginia is formed.  1st elective governing body in a British colony.
07/30/1836  1st English newspaper published in Hawaii.
07/30/1946  1st rocket to attain 100-mile altitude, White Sands, NM
07/30/1956  Motto of US "In God We Trust" authorized
07/30/1971  US Apollo 15 lands on Mare Imbrium.
07/30/1980  Vanuatu (then New Hebrides) gains independence from Britain, Fran
07/30/1983  STS-8 3rd flight of Challenger. 1st night launch & land.
07/30/1984  STS-14 first flight of the shuttle Discovery.
07/31/1498  Christopher Columbus discovers island of Trinidad.
07/31/1588  English fleet attacks Spanish armada
07/31/1790  1st US Patent granted (for a potash process).
07/31/1948  President Truman dedicates Idlewild Field (Kennedy Airport), NY
07/31/1964  Ranger 7 transmits the 1st lunar close-up photos before impact
07/31/1970  Chet Huntley retires from NBC, ending 'Huntley-Brinkley Report' (No more "Goodnight, David", "Goodnight, Chet")
08/01/1291  Everlasting League forms, the basis of the Swiss Confederation
08/01/1790  First U.S. Census
08/01/1794  Whisky Rebellion
08/01/1852  Black Methodists establish 1st black SF church, Zion Methodist
08/01/1901  Burial within San Francisco City limits prohibited.
08/01/1946  President Truman establishes Atomic Energy Commission.
08/01/1953  California introduces its Sales Tax (for Education).
08/01/1958  First Class postage up to 4 cents (had been 3 cents for 26 years
08/02/1873  1st trial run of an SF cable car, on Clay Street between Kearny and Jones, downhill all the way, at 4AM.
08/02/1877  San Francisco Public Library opens with 5000 volumes.
08/02/1990  Saddam Hussein of Iraq invades neighboring Kuwait in the first act of the 1991 Persian Gulf War.
08/03/1492  Columbus sets sail for 'the Indies'.
08/04/1693  Champagne is invented by Dom Perignon.
08/05/1775  The 1st Spanish ship, 'San Carlos', enters San Francisco bay.
08/05/1861  US levies its first Income Tax (3% of incomes over $800).
08/05/1864  Spectrum of a comet observed for 1st time, by Giovanni Donati
08/05/1963  Nuclear Test Ban Treaty signed.
08/06/1835  Bolivia gains its independence
08/06/1926  The first woman swims the English Channel.
08/06/1945  The first Atom Bomb was dropped on Hiroshima by the 'Enola Gay'.
08/07/1807  1st servicable steamboat, the Cleremont, goes on 1st voyage.
08/09/1842  The US-Canada border defined by the Webster-Ashburton Treaty.
08/09/1945  The 2nd Atom Bomb dropped on Nagasaki.
08/09/1974  Richard Nixon resigns presidency.
08/10/1809  Ecuador gains its independence.
08/10/1981  Pete Rose tops Stan Musial's record of 3630 hits.
08/11/1877  Asaph Hall discovers Mars' moon Deimos
08/11/1929  Babe Ruth hits his 500th homer
08/11/1933  Temp. hits 58øC (136øF) at San Luis Potos¡, Mex. (world record)
08/12/1851  Issac Singer granted a patent for his sewing machine.
08/12/1898  The peace protocol ending the Spanish-American War was signed.
08/12/1915  `Of Human Bondage,' by William Somerset Maugham, published.
08/12/1934  Babe Ruth's final game at Fenway Park, 41,766 on hand
08/13/1642  Christiaan Huygens discovers the Martian south polar cap
08/13/1876  Reciprocity Treaty between US and Hawaii ratified.
08/13/1961  Berlin Wall erected in East Germany
08/14/0410  Alaric sacks Rome, he really was a Vandal.
08/14/1457  Oldest exactly dated printed book (c. 3 years after Gutenberg)
08/14/1846  Henry David Thoreau jailed for tax resistance.
08/14/1848  Oregon Territory created
08/14/1935  Social Security Act became law
08/14/1941  Atlantic Charter signed by FDR & Churchill
08/14/1945  VJ Day - Japan surrendered to end World War II.
08/14/1966  First US lunar orbiter does it.
08/15/1901  Arch Rock, danger to Bay shipping, blasted with 30 tons of nitrogelatin (and that ain't jello).
08/15/1945  South Korea liberated from Japanese rule.
08/15/1945  Riot in San Francisco celebrating end of World War II.
08/15/1960  The Congo (Brazzaville) gains its independence.
08/16/1863  Emancipation Proclamation signed
08/16/1969  Woodstock festival begins in New York.
08/16/1970  Venera 7 launched by USSR for soft landing on Venus
08/17/1807  R. Fulton's steamboat Clermont begins 1st trip up Hudson River
08/17/1896  Gold discovered at Bonanza Creek, in Klondike region of the Yukon
08/17/1939  "The Wizard of Oz" opens at Loew's Capitol Theater in NY
08/17/1950  Indonesia gains its independence.
08/18/1868  Pierre Janssan discovers helium in solar spectrum during eclipse
08/18/1914  Pres Wilson issues Proclamation of Neutrality
08/18/1963  James Meredith becomes 1st black graduate of Univ of Miss.
08/18/1976  USSR's Luna 24 softlands on the Moon
08/19/1826  Canada Co. chartered to colonize Upper Canada (Ontario).
08/19/1891  William Huggins describes use of spectrum in astronomy.
08/19/1960  Francis Gary Powers convicted of spying by USSR (U-2 incident)
08/19/1960  Sputnik 5 carries 3 dogs into orbit (recovered alive)  Yeaaa!
08/19/1979  The crew of Soyuz 32 returns to Earth aboard Soyuz 34
08/19/1982  Soyuz T-7 is launched
08/20/1866  President Andrew Johnson formally declared the Civil War over
08/20/1920  US's first radio broadcaster, 8MK later WWJ, Detroit begins daily broadcasting.
08/20/1930  Dumont's 1st TV Broadcast for home reception, NY city
08/20/1940  Churchill says of the Royal Air Force, "Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few."
08/20/1942  WW II dimout regulations implemented in San Francisco.
08/20/1977  Voyager II launched.
08/21/1841  John Hampson patents the venetian blind
08/21/1959  Hawaii became the 50th state.
08/21/1965  Gemini 5 launched into earth orbit (2 astronauts)
08/21/1968  Soviet Union invades Czechoslovakia.
08/21/1968  William Dana reaches 80 km (last high-altitude X-15 flight)
08/21/1972  US orbiting astronomy observatory Copernicus is launched
08/22/1485  Richard III slain at Bosworth Field - Last of the Plantagenets
08/22/1787  John Fitch's steamboat completes its tests, years before Fulton
08/22/1851  Gold fields discovered in Australia
08/22/1963  Joe Walker in a NASA X-15, reaches 106 km (67 miles)
08/23/1833  Britain abolishes slavery in colonies; 700,000 slaves freed
08/23/1869  1st carload of freight (boots & shoes) arrives in San Francisco, from Boston, after a 16-day rail trip.
08/23/1919  "Gasoline Alley" cartoon strip premiers in Chicago Tribune
08/23/1957  Digital Equipment Corp. founded
08/23/1966  Lunar Orbiter 1 takes 1st photograph of earth from the moon
08/23/1973  First Intelsat communications satellite launched
08/23/1977  1st man-powered flight (Bryan Allen in Gossamer Condor)
08/24/0079  Mt. Vesuvius erupts; Pompeii & Herculaneum are buried
08/24/1814  British sack Washington, DC.  Please, it needs it again!
08/24/1869  The Waffle Iron is invented.
08/24/1909  Workers start pouring concrete for the Panama Canal.
08/24/1932  1st transcontinental non-stop flight by a woman, AE Putnam
08/24/1956  1st non-stop transcontinental helicopter flight arrived Wash DC
08/24/1960  temp. drops to -88ø (-127ø F) at Vostok, Antarctica (world record)
08/24/1989  Voyager II passes Neptune, Triton, finds rings here too.
08/25/1689  Montreal taken by the Iroquois
08/25/1825  Uruguay gains its independence.
08/25/1929  Graf Zeppelin passes over San Francisco, headed for Los Angeles after trans-Pacific voyage from Tokyo.
08/25/1981  Voyager II flies past Saturn. sees not a few, but thousands of rings.
08/25/1981  Voyager 2 in its closest approach to Saturn,
08/26/1955  B.C. Roman forces under Julius Caesar invaded Britain.
08/26/1346  English longbows defeat French in Battle of Cr‚cy
08/26/1629  Cambridge Agreement pledged.  Massachusetts Bay Co. stockholders agreed to emigrate to New England.
08/26/1791  John Fitch granted a US patent for his working steamboat.
08/26/1846  W. A. Bartlett appointed 1st US mayor of Yerba Buena (SF).
08/26/1907  Houdini escapes from chains underwater at SF's Aquatic Park in 57 seconds.
08/26/1920  19th Amendment passes - Women's Suffrage granted (about time!)
08/26/1952  Fluoridation of San Francisco water begins.
08/26/1962  Mariner 2 launched for 1st planet flyby (Venus)
08/26/1973  Women's Equality Day
08/27/1776  Americans defeated by British in Battle of Long Island
08/27/1783  1st hydrogen-filled balloon ascent (unmanned)
08/27/1859  1st successful oil well drilled near Titusville, Penn.
08/27/1859  1st successful oil well drilled, near Titusville, Penn
08/27/1883  Krakatoa, Java explodes with a force of 1,300 megatons
08/27/1883  Krakatoa, WEST of Java, blew apart (Top that, St Helens).
08/27/1928  Kellogg-Briand Pact, where 60 nations agreed to outlaw war.
08/28/1565  St Augustine, Fla established
08/28/1609  Delaware Bay explored by Henry Hudson for the Netherlands
08/28/1789  William Herschel discovers Enceladus, satellite of Saturn
08/28/1828  Russian novelist Leo Tolstoy was born near Tula.
08/28/1907  United Parcel Service begins service, in Seattle
08/28/1917  10 suffragists were arrested as they picketed the White House
08/28/1965  Astronauts Cooper & Conrad complete 120 Earth orbits in Gemini 5
08/29/1526  Hungary conquered by Turks in Battle of Moh cs
08/29/1533  Last Incan King of Peru, Atahualpa, murdered by Spanish conquerors
08/29/1896  Chop suey invented in NYC by chef of visiting Chinese Ambassador
08/29/1949  USSR explodes its 1st atomic bomb
08/29/1954  San Francisco International Airport (SFO) opens.
08/30/1850  Honolulu, Hawaii becomes a city.
08/30/1979  1st recorded occurrance of a comet hitting the sun (the energy released was about equal to 1 million hydrogen bombs).
08/30/1983  8th Space Shuttle Mission - Challenger 3 is launched
08/30/1984  12th Space Shuttle Mission - Discovery 1 is launched
08/31/1842  US Naval Observatory is authorized by an act of Congress
08/31/1955  1st sun-powered automobile demonstrated, Chicago, IL
08/31/1977  Aleksandr Fedotov sets world aircraft altitude record of 38.26 km (125,524 ft) in a Mikoyan E-266M turbojet
08/31/1980  Solidarity Labor Union in Poland is founded.
09/01/1772  Mission San Luis Obispo de Tolosa founded in California
09/01/1807  Aaron Burr aquitted of charges of plotting to set up an empire.
09/01/1849  California Constitutional Convention held in Monterey.
09/01/1859  Carrington & Hodgson make first observation of a solar flare.
09/01/1878  1st woman telephone operator starts work (Emma Nutt in Boston).
09/01/1905  Alberta and Saskatchewan become 8th and 9th Canadian provinces.
09/01/1939  PHYSICAL REVIEW publishes first paper to deal with "black holes"
09/01/1939  Germany invades Poland, starting World War II.
09/01/1969  Moammar Gadhafi deposes Libya's King Idris
09/01/1977  First TRS-80 Model I computer is sold.
09/01/1979  Pioneer 11 makes 1st fly-by of Saturn, discovers new moon, rings
09/01/1983  A Korean Boeing 747, carrying 269 passengers, strays into Soviet air space and is shot down by a Soviet jet fighter.
09/01/1985  SS Titanic, sunk in 1912, is found by French & American scientists
09/02/1931  BC At the Battle of Actium; Octavian defeats Antony, and becomes the Emporer Augustus.
09/02/0490  BC Phidippides runs the first marathon, seeking aid from Sparta against the Persians.
09/02/1666  Great Fire of London starts; destroys St. Paul's Church
09/02/1789  US Treasury Department established by Congress
09/02/1804  Harding discovers Juno, the 3rd known asteroid
09/02/1898  Lord Kitchener retakes Sudan for Britain
09/02/1945  Vietnam declares independence from France (National Day)
09/02/1945  V-J Day; Japan formally surrenders aboard the USS Missouri.
09/02/1963  CBS & NBC expand network news from 15 to 30 minutes
09/03/1783  Treaty of Paris, ending the Revolutionary War, is signed.
09/03/1849  California State Constitutional Convention convenes in Monterey
09/03/1900  British annex Natal (South Africa)
09/03/1935  First automobile to exceed 300 mph, Sir Malcolm Campbell
09/03/1939  Britain declared war on Germany. France followed six hours later, quickly joined by Australia, New Zealand, South Africa & Canada
09/03/1940  First showing of high definition color television
09/03/1940  US gives Britain 50 destroyers in exchange for military bases
09/03/1976  US Viking 2 lands on Mars at Utopia
09/03/1978  Crew of Soyuz 31 returns to Earth aboard Soyuz 29
09/03/1985  20th Space Shuttle Mission - Discovery 6 returns to Earth
09/04/0476  Romulus Augustulus, last Roman emperor in the west, is deposed.
09/04/1609  Navigator Henry Hudson discovers the island of Manhattan.
09/04/1781  Los Angeles is founded in the Valley of Smokes (Indian Name).
09/04/1833  1st newsboy in the US hired (Barney Flaherty), by the NY Sun
09/04/1870  French republic proclaimed
09/04/1882  First district lit by electricty (NY's Pearl Street Station)
09/04/1886  Geronimo is captured, ending last major US-Indian war
09/04/1888  George Eastman patents 1st rollfilm camera & registers "Kodak".
09/04/1911  Garros sets world altitude record of 4,250 m (13,944 ft)
09/04/1918  US troops land in Archangel, Russia, stay 10 months
09/04/1933  First airplane to exceed 300 mph, JR Wendell, Glenview, Illinois
09/04/1950  First helicopter rescue of American pilot behind enemy lines.
09/04/1951  First transcontinental TV broadcast, by President Truman
09/04/1954  1st passage of McClure Strait, fabled Northwest Passage completed
09/04/1957  Ford introduces the Edsel.
09/04/1964  NASA launches its first Orbital Geophysical Observatory (OGO-1)
09/04/1972  US swimmer Mark Spitz is 1st athlete to win 7 olympic gold medals
09/04/1980  Iraqi troops seize Iranian territory in a border dispute.
09/05/1774  First Continental Congress assembles, in Philadelphia
09/05/1781  Battle of Virginia Capes, where the French Fleet defeats the British rescue fleet, trapping Cornwallis at Yorktown.
09/05/1885  1st gasoline pump is delivered to a gasoline dealer.
09/05/1953  First privately operated atomic reactor - Raleigh NC
09/05/1958  First color video recording on mag. tape shown, Charlotte NC
09/05/1977  Voyager II launched towards Jupiter and Saturn.
09/05/1978  Sadat, Begin and Carter began peace conference at Camp David, Md.
09/05/1980  World's longest auto tunnel, St. Gotthard in Swiss Alps, opens.
09/06/1628  Puritans land at Salem, form Massachusetts Bay Colony.
09/06/1716  First lighthouse in US built, in Boston
09/06/1869  First westbound train arrives in San Francisco.
09/06/1909  Word received: Peary discovered the North Pole five months ago.
09/06/1966  Star Trek appears on TV for the 1st time, on NBC.  Beam me up!
09/07/1822  Brazil declares independence from Portugal (National Day).
09/07/1907  Sutro's ornate Cliff House in SF is destroyed by fire.
09/07/1948  First use of synthetic rubber in asphaltic concrete, Akron OH
09/07/1956  Bell X-2 sets Unofficial manned aircraft altitude record 126,000+
09/08/1380  Russians defeat Tatars at Kulikovo, beginning decline of Tatars.
09/08/1565  1st permanent settlement in US founded at St Augustine, Florida
09/08/1565  Turkish siege of Malta broken by Maltese & Knights of St. John.
09/08/1664  Dutch surrender New Amsterdam (NY) to English.
09/08/1771  Mission San Gabriel Archangel founded in California.
09/08/1858  Lincoln makes a speech describing when you can fool people.
09/08/1883  Northern Pacific RR's last spike driven at Independence Creek, Mo
09/08/1920  1st US Air Mail service begins.
09/08/1943  Italy surrenders to the allies in WW II
09/08/1945  US invades Japanese-held Korea.
09/09/1513  Battle of Flodden Fields; English defeat James IV of Scotland.
09/09/1776  Continental Congress authorizes the name "United States".
09/09/1839  John Herschel takes the first glass plate photograph
09/09/1850  California becomes the 31st state.
09/09/1867  Luxembourg gains independence.
09/09/1892  E.E.Barnard at Lick discovers Amalthea, 5th moon of Jupiter.
09/09/1926  NBC created by the Radio Corporation of America.
09/09/1942  First bombing of the continental US, at Mount Emily Oregon by a Japanese plane launched from a submarine.
09/09/1967  First successful test flight of a Saturn V rocket.
09/09/1975  Viking 2 launched toward orbit around Mars, soft landing.
09/09/1982  "Conestoga I", the world's first private rocket, is launched.
09/10/1608  John Smith elected president of Jamestown colony council, Va.
09/10/1813  Oliver H. Perry defeats the British in the Battle of Lake Erie
09/10/1846  Elias Howe receives patent for his sewing machine.
09/10/1919  NYC welcomes home Gen. John J. Pershing and 25,000 WW I soldiers
09/10/1945  Vidkun Quisling sentenced to death for collaborating with Nazis.
09/10/1953  Swanson sells its first "TV Dinner".
09/10/1955  "Gunsmoke" premieres on CBS television.
09/10/1963  Twenty black students enter public schools in Alabama.
09/10/1974  Guinea-Bissau gains independence from Portugal.
09/11/1777  Battle of Brandywine, PA -  Americans lose to British.
09/11/1814  Battle of Lake Champlain, NY - British lose to Americans
09/11/1850  Jenny Lind, the "Swedish Nightingale", makes first US concert.
09/11/1910  1st commercially successful electric bus line opens, in Hollywood
09/11/1936  FDR dedicates Boulder Dam, now known as Hoover Dam
09/11/1944  FDR and Churchill meet in Canada at the second Quebec Conference
09/11/1946  First mobile long-distance, car-to-car telephone conversation.
09/11/1947  US Department of Defense is formed.
09/11/1950  First typesetting machine without metal type is exhibited.
09/11/1954  First Miss America TV broadcast
09/11/1967  US Surveyor 5 makes first chemical analysis of lunar material.
09/11/1972  BART begins service with a 26 mile line from Oakland to Fremont
09/11/1985  Pete Rose, Cincinnati Reds, gets hit 4,192 - eclipsing Ty Cobb.
09/12/0490  BC Athenians defeat 2nd Persian invasion of Greece at Marathon.
09/12/1609  Henry Hudson discovers what is now called the Hudson River.
09/12/1758  Charles Messier observes the Crab Nebula and begins catalog.
09/12/1941  First German ship in WW II is captured by US ship (Busko)
09/12/1953  Khrushchev becomes First Secretary of the Communist Party
09/12/1959  Luna 1 launched by USSR; 1st spacecraft to impact on the moon.
09/12/1959  Bonanza, horse opera, premiers on television
09/12/1966  Gemini XI launched
09/12/1970  Luna 16 launched; returns samples from Mare Fecunditatis
09/12/1974  Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia overthrown.
09/13/1788  New York City becomes the capitol of the United States.
09/13/1906  First airplane flight in Europe.
09/13/1959  Soviet Lunik 2 becomes 1st human-made object to crash on moon.
09/13/1963  The Outer Limits premiers
09/14/1716  1st lighthouse in US is lit (in Boston Harbor).
09/14/1752  England and colonies adopt Gregorian calendar, 11 days disappear.
09/14/1812  Napoleon occupies Moscow.
09/14/1814  Francis Scott Key inspired to write 'The Star-Spangled Banner'.
09/14/1847  US troops capture Mexico City.
09/14/1886  The typewriter ribbon is patented.
09/14/1899  While in New York, Henry Bliss becomes 1st automobile fatality
09/14/1940  Congress passes 1st peace time draft law.
09/14/1956  First prefrontal lobotomy performed in Washington DC. Common now.
09/14/1964  Walt Disney awarded the Medal of Freedom at the White House
09/14/1968  USSR's Zond 5 is launched on first circum lunar flight
09/14/1974  Charles Kowal discovers Leda, 13th satellite of Jupiter.
09/15/1776  British forces occupy New York during the American Revolution.
09/15/1789  Department of Foreign Affairs is renamed the Department of State
09/15/1821  Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatamala, Honduras & Nicaragua all gain their independence.
09/15/1917  Russia is proclaimed a republic by Alexander Kerensky
09/15/1947  First 4 engine jet propelled fighter plane tested, Columbus, Oh
09/15/1950  UN forces land at Inchon during Korean conflict.
09/15/1959  Soviet Premier Khrushchev arrives in US to begin a 13-day visit
09/15/1976  Soyuz 22 carries two cosmonauts into earth orbit for 8 days.
09/16/1620  The Mayflower departs from Plymouth, England with 102 pilgrims.
09/16/1630  Massachusets village of Shawmut changes its name to Boston
09/16/1662  Flamsteed sees solar eclipse, 1st known astronomical observation
09/16/1795  British capture Capetown
09/16/1857  Patent is issued for the typesetting machine.
09/16/1893  Cherokee Strip, Oklahoma opened to white settlement homesteaders
09/16/1908  William Crapo Durant incorporates General Motors
09/16/1919  The American Legion is incorporated.
09/16/1945  Barometric pressure at 856 mb (25.55") off Okinawa (record low)
09/16/1966  Metropolitan Opera opens at New York's Lincoln Center
09/16/1968  Richard Nixon appears on Laugh-in
09/16/1972  First TV series about mixed marriage - Bridgit Loves Bernie.
09/16/1974  BART begins regular transbay service.
09/16/1974  Pres Ford announces conditional amnesty for Vietnam deserters
09/16/1975  Papua New Guinea gains independence from Australia.
09/16/1976  Episcopal Church approves ordination of women as priests & bishop
09/17/1776  The Presidio of San Francisco was founded as Spanish fort.
09/17/1787  The Constitution of The United States is adopted.
09/17/1789  William Herschel discovers Mimas, satellite of Saturn
09/17/1819  1st whaling ship arrives in Hawaii.
09/17/1908  Thomas Selfridge becomes 1st fatality of powered flight
09/17/1953  First successful separation of Siamese twins
09/17/1968  Zond 5 completes circumnavigation of the Moon
09/17/1972  BART begins passenger service
09/17/1978  Begin, Sadat and Carter sign the Camp David accord.
09/17/1985  Soyuz T-14 carries 3 cosmonauts to Salyut 7 space station
09/18/1755  Fort Ticonderoga, New York opened
09/18/1793  Washington lays cornerstone of Capitol building
09/18/1810  Chile gains its independence.
09/18/1851  "The New York Times" goes on sale, at 2 cents a copy.
09/18/1851  New York Times starts publishing, at 2› a copy
09/18/1927  Columbia Broadcasting System goes on the air.
09/18/1966  Gemini X is launched
09/18/1977  US Voyager I takes 1st space photograph of earth & moon together
09/18/1980  Soyuz 38 carries 2 cosmonauts (1 Cuban) to Salyut 6 space station
09/18/1984  Joe Kittinger completes 1st solo balloon crossing of Atlantic
09/19/1356  English defeat French at Battle of Poitiers
09/19/1796  George Washington's presidential farewell address
09/19/1812  Napoleon's retreat from Russia begins
09/19/1848  Bond (US) & Lassell (England) independently discover Hyperion
09/19/1849  First commercial laundry established, in Oakland, California.
09/19/1873  Black Friday: Jay Cooke & Co. fails, causing a securities panic
09/19/1968  Baby born on Golden Gate Bridge (those Marin County folk!).
09/19/1982  Streetcars stop running on Market St after 122 years of service
09/20/1519  Magellan starts 1st successful circumnavigation of the world.
09/20/1797  US frigate "Constitution" (Old Ironsides) launched in Boston.
09/20/1859  Patent granted on the electric range.
09/20/1884  Equal Rights Party founding convention in San Francisco, nominated female candidates for President, Vice President.
09/20/1945  German rocket engineers begin work in US
09/20/1951  First North Pole jet crossing
09/20/1954  First FORTRAN computer program is run
09/20/1970  Luna 16 lands on Moon's Mare Fecunditatis, drills core sample
09/21/1784  1st daily newspaper in US begins publication in Pennsylvania.
09/21/1895  1st auto manufacturer opens -- Duryea Motor Wagon Company.
09/21/1930  Johann Ostermeyer patents his invention, the flashbulb.
09/21/1954  The nuclear submarine "Nautilus" is commissioned.
09/21/1958  1st airplane flight exceeding 1200 hours, lands at Dallas Texas
09/21/1964  Malta gains independence from Britain
09/21/1974  US Mariner 10 makes second fly-by of Mercury
09/21/1981  Sandra Day O'Conner becomes the 1st female Supreme Court Justice
09/21/1982  SF cable cars cease operations for 2 years of repairs
09/22/1789  The US Post Office was established.
09/22/1863  President Lincoln makes his Emancipation Proclamation speech.
09/22/1893  1st auto built in US (by Duryea brothers) runs in Springfield
09/22/1903  Italo Marchiony granted a patent for the ice cream cone
09/22/1980  War between Iran and Iraq begins, lasts eight years.  No winner.
09/23/1779  Naval engagement between 'Bonhomme Richard' and 'HMS Serepis'.
09/23/1780  John Andre reveals Benedict Arnold's plot to betray West Point.
09/23/1846  Johann Galle & Heinrich d'Arrest find Neptune
09/23/1912  First Mack Sennett "Keystone Comedy" movie is released.
09/23/1932  Kingdom of Saudi Arabia formed, (National Day)
09/23/1952  First closed circuit pay-TV telecast of a sports event.
09/23/1952  Richard Nixon makes his "Checker's" speech
09/23/1973  Largest known prime, 2 ^ 132,049 - 1, is calculated.
09/24/1789  Congress creates the Post Office.
09/24/1845  1st baseball team is organized.
09/24/1852  A new invention, the dirigible, is demonstrated.
09/24/1853  1st round-the-world trip by yacht (Cornelius Vanderbilt).
09/24/1869  Black Friday: crashing gold prices causes stock market panic.
09/24/1895  1st round-the-world trip by a woman on a bicycle (took 15 months
09/24/1929  Lt James H Doolittle guided a Consolidated N-Y-2 Biplane over Mitchell Field in NY in the 1st all-instrument flight
09/24/1934  Babe Ruth makes his farewell appearance as a baseball player
09/24/1941  Nine Allied govts pledged adherence to the Atlantic Charter
09/24/1954  "The Tonight Show" premieres.
09/24/1957  Eisenhower orders US troops to desegregate Little Rock schools
09/24/1960  USS Enterprise, 1st nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, launched
09/24/1963  Senate ratifies treaty with Britain & USSR limit nuclear testing
09/24/1979  CompuServe system starts, first public computer info service.
09/25/1493  Columbus sails on his second voyage to America
09/25/1513  Vasco Nunez de Balboa, the 1st European to see the Pacific Ocean
09/25/1639  First printing press in America goes to work.
09/25/1789  Congress proposes the Bill of Rights.
09/25/1890  Congress establishes Yosemite National Park.
09/25/1926  Henry Ford announces the five day work week
09/25/1956  First transatlantic telephone cable goes into operation
09/25/1973  3-man crew of Skylab II make safe splashdown after 59 days.
09/26/1542  Cabrillo discovers California
09/26/1687  Parthenon destroyed in war between Turks & Venetians
09/26/1789  Jefferson appointed 1st Sec of State; John Jay 1st chief justice; Samuel Osgood 1st Postmaster & Edmund J Randolph 1st Attorney Gen
09/26/1824  Kapiolani defies Pele (Hawaiian volcano goddess) and lives.
09/26/1896  John Philip Sousa's Band's first performance in Plainfield, NJ
09/26/1914  Federal Trade Commission formed to regulate interstate commerce
09/26/1950  UN troops in Korean War recaptured South Korean capital of Seoul
09/26/1966  Japan launches its 1st satellite in to space
09/26/1966  The Staten Island is 1st icebreaker to enter SF bay
09/26/1983  Australia II wins The America's Cup yacht race
09/26/1983  Cosmonauts Titov & Strekalov are saved from exploding Soyuz T-10
09/27/1540  Society of Jesus (Jesuits) founded by Ignatius Loyola
09/27/1787  Constitution submitted to the states for ratification
09/27/1825  Railroad transportation is born with 1st track in England.
09/27/1941  First WWII liberty ship, freighter Patrick Henry, is launched
09/27/1964  Warren Commission finds that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone.  Ha!
09/27/1973  Soyuz 12 launched
09/28/1066  William the Conqueror landed in England
09/28/1542  Juan Cabrillo discovers California, at San Diego Bay.
09/28/1781  Siege of Yorktown begins, last battle of the Revolutionary War
09/28/1858  Donati's comet becomes the 1st to be photographed
09/28/1920  Baseball's biggest scandal, grand jury indicts 8 White Sox for throwing the 1919 World Series with the Cincinnati Reds
09/28/1924  2 US Army planes completed 1st around the world flight
09/28/1965  Jack McKay in X-15 reaches 90 km
09/28/1970  Anwar Sadat replaces Nassar as President of Egypt
09/29/1829  Scotland Yard formed in London
09/29/1859  Spectacular auroral display visible over most of the US
09/29/1923  Steinhart Aquarium in Golden Gate Park opens to public.
09/29/1977  Soviet space station Salyut 6 launched into earth orbit
09/30/1452  1st book published, Johann Guttenberg's Bible
09/30/1659  Robinson Crusoe is shipwrecked (according to Defoe)
09/30/1781  siege of Yorktown begins
09/30/1846  William Morris 1st tooth extraction under anesthetics Charlestown
09/30/1880  Henry Draper takes the first photograph of the Orion Nebula
09/30/1898  City of New York is established
09/30/1939  1st manned rocket flight (by auto maker Fritz von Opel)
09/30/1967  USSR's Kosmos 186 & 188 complete the 1st automatic docking
09/30/1967  Palace of Fine Arts reopens (1st time during 1915 exposition)
10/01/0331  BC Alexander of Macedon defeats Persian army at Gaugamela
10/01/1869  1st postcards are issued in Vienna.
10/01/1896  Yosemite becomes a National Park.
10/01/1903  1st World Series starts between the National & American Leagues
10/01/1908  Henry Ford introduces the Model T car.
10/01/1940  Pennsylvania Turnpike, pioneer toll thruway, opens.
10/01/1949  People's Republic of China proclaimed (National Day)
10/01/1952  first Ultra High Frequency (UHF) TV station, in Portland, Oregon
10/01/1958  Vanguard Project transferred from military to NASA
10/01/1960  Nigeria gains its independence.
10/01/1962  Johnny Carson's Tonight Show and The Lucy Show both premier.
10/01/1962  National Radio Astronomy Observatory gets a 300' radio telescope
10/01/1964  Cable Cars declared a National Landmark.
10/01/1971  Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida opens.
10/01/1979  US returns Canal Zone, not the canal, to Panama after 75 years.
10/02/1608  Hans Lippershey offers the Dutch a new invention - the telescope
10/02/1836  Darwin returns to England aboard the HMS Beagle.
10/02/1870  Italy annexes Rome & the Papal States; Rome made Italian capital
10/02/1889  first Pan American conference.
10/02/1935  NY Hayden Planetarium, the 4th in the US, opens
10/02/1936  first alcohol power plant established, Atchison, Kansas
10/02/1942  first self-sustaining nuclear reaction demonstrated, in Chicago.
10/02/1950  The comic strip 'Peanuts' first appears, in nine newspapers.
10/02/1958  Guinea gains its independence.
10/02/1967  Thurgood Marshall is sworn as first black Supreme Court Justice
10/03/1789  Washington proclaims the 1st national Thanksgiving Day on Nov 26
10/03/1863  Lincoln designates the last Thursday in November as Thanksgiving
10/03/1913  Federal Income Tax is signed into law (at 1%).
10/03/1932  Iraq gains full independence from Britain
10/03/1942  Launch of the first A-4 (V-2) rocket to altitude of 53 miles
10/03/1947  first 200 inch telescope lens is completed.
10/03/1955  Captain Kangaroo premieres.  Good Morning, Captain!
10/03/1960  San Francisco's White House department store is first to accept the BankAmericard in lieu of cash.
10/03/1962  Wally Schirra in Sigma 7 launched into earth orbit
10/03/1967  AF pilot Pete Knight flies the X-15 to a record 4,534 MPH.
10/04/1636  first code of law for Plymouth Colony
10/04/1824  Mexico becomes a republic
10/04/1926  The dahlia is officially designated as the SF City Flower.
10/04/1957  USSR launches Sputnik, the first artificial earth satellite.
10/04/1958  Transatlantic jet passenger service begins
10/04/1959  USSR's Luna 3 sends back first photos of Moon's far side
10/04/1960  Courier 1B Launched: first active repeater satellite in orbit
10/04/1966  Lesotho (Basutoland) gains independence from Britain
10/04/1985  21st Space Shuttle Mission - Atlantis 1 is launched
10/05/1908  Bulgaria declares independence from Turkey
10/05/1910  Portugal overthrows monarchy, proclaims republic
10/05/1921  first radio broadcast of the World Series.
10/05/1923  Edwin Hubble identifies the first Cepheid variable star
10/05/1931  first nonstop transpacific flight, Japan to Washington state
10/05/1970  PBS becomes a network.  TV worth watching.
10/05/1982  Unmanned rocket sled reaches 9,851 kph at White Sands, N. Mexico
10/05/1984  Challenger carries first Canadian, Marc Garneau, into orbit.
10/06/1889  Thomas Edison shows his first motion picture.
10/06/1927  "The Jazz Singer", 1st movie with a sound track, premieres.
10/06/1959  Soviet Luna 3, first successful photo spacecraft, impacts moon.
10/06/1973  Egypt and Syria invade Israel - The Yom Kippur war
10/07/1571  Turkish fleet defeated by Spanish & Italians in Battle of Lepanto
10/07/1765  The Stamp Act Congress convenes in New York
10/07/1777  British defeated by Americans at the Battle of Saratoga
10/07/1826  Granite Railway (1st chartered railway in US) begins operations
10/07/1931  first infra-red photographis taken, in Rochester, NY
10/07/1949  Democratic Republic of Germany (East) is formed.
10/07/1959  Luna 3 photographs the far side of the moon.
10/07/1968  Motion Picture Association of America adopts film rating system.
10/08/1604  The supernova called "Kepler's nova" is first sighted.
10/08/1871  The Great Fire destroys over 4 square miles of Chicago.
10/08/1896  Dow Jones starts reporting an average of industrial stocks
10/08/1933  San Francisco's Coit Tower is dedicated to firefighters.
10/08/1935  Ozzie & Harriet Nelson are married.
10/08/1970  Alexander Solzhenitsyn is awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature.
10/09/1000  Leif Ericson discovers "Vinland" (possibly New England)
10/09/1635  Religious dissident Roger Williams banished from Mass Bay Colony
10/09/1776  Mission Delores is founded by San Francisco Bay.
10/09/1888  Public admitted to Washington Monument.
10/09/1936  Hoover Dam begins transmitting electricity to Los Angeles
10/09/1962  Uganda gains independence from Britain (National Day).
10/09/1975  Andrei Sakharov wins the Nobel Peace Prize
10/10/1845  US Naval academy opens at Annapolis, Maryland
10/10/1846  Neptune's moon Triton discovered by William Lassell
10/10/1911  The Manchu Dynasty is overthrown in China.
10/10/1933  first synthetic detergent for home use marketed
10/10/1963  Nuclear Atmospheric Test Ban treaty is signed by US, UK, USSR.
10/10/1964  18th Summer Olympic Games opened in Tokyo.
10/10/1970  Fiji gains independence from Britain (National Day).
10/10/1973  VP Spiro T. Agnew pleads no contest to tax evasion & resigns.
10/10/1975  Israel formally signs Sinai accord with Egypt
10/10/1980  Very Large Array (VLA) radio telescope network dedicated.
10/10/1985  US jets force Egyptian plane carrying hijackers of Italian ship Achille Lauro to land in Italy.  Gunmen are placed in custody.
10/11/1797  British naval forces defeat Dutch off Camperdown, Netherlands
10/11/1811  "Juliana", the first steam-powered ferryboat, begins operation.
10/11/1890  Daughters of the American Revolution founded.
10/11/1958  Pioneer 1 launched; first spacecraft launched by NASA
10/11/1968  Apollo 7 launched, first of the manned Apollo missions.
10/11/1969  Soyuz 6 launched; Soyuz 7 & 8 follow in next two days.
10/11/1980  Cosmonauts Popov & Ryumin set space endurance record of 184 days
10/11/1984  Kathy Sullivan becomes first American woman to walk in space.
10/11/1987  200,000 gays march for civil rights in Washington.
10/12/1492  Columbus arrives in the Bahamas; the real Columbus Day.
10/12/1957  first commercial flight between California and Antartica.
10/12/1960  Nikita Khrushchev pounds his shoe at UN General Assembly session.
10/12/1963  Archaeological dig begins at Masada, Israel
10/12/1964  USSR launches first 3-man crew into space
10/12/1968  Equatorial Guinea gains independence from Spain.
10/12/1972  Mariner 9 takes pictures of the Martian north pole.  No Santa.
10/12/1985  International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War get the Nobel Peace Prize.
10/13/1775  Continental Congress establishes a navy
10/13/1792  George Washington lays the cornerstone of the Executive Mansion
10/13/1969  Soyuz 8 is launched
10/13/1985  13th Space Shuttle Mission - Challenger 6 is launched
10/13/1987  1st military use of trained dolphins, by US Navy in Persian Gulf.
10/14/1066  Battle of Hastings, in which William the Conqueror wins England
10/14/1774  1st declaration of colonial rights in America.
10/14/1947  Chuck Yeager makes 1st supersonic flight, Mach 1.015 at 12,800m.
10/15/1860  Grace Bedell writes to Lincoln, tells him to grow a beard.
10/15/1914  ASCAP founded (American Soc of Composers, Authors & Publishers)
10/15/1964  Kosygin & Brezhnev replace Soviet premier Nikita Krushchev
10/16/1846  Dentist William T. Morton demonstrates the effectiveness of ether
10/16/1859  John Brown attacks the armory at Harper's Ferry.
10/16/1869  A hotel in Boston becomes the 1st to have indoor plumbing.
10/16/1916  Margaret Sanger opens first birth control clinic, in New York.
10/16/1962  Cuban missile crisis begins: JFK learns of missiles in Cuba.
10/16/1964  Brezhnev & Kosygin replace Krushchev as head of Russia
10/16/1964  China becomes world's 5th nuclear power
10/16/1970  Anwar Sadat becomes president of Egypt, succeeds Gamal Nassar.
10/16/1973  Henry Kissinger & Le Duc Tho jointly awarded Nobel Peace Prize
10/16/1978  Polish Cardinal Karol Wojtyla elected supreme pontiff-John Paul I
10/16/1982  Mt Palomar Observatory 1st to detect Halley's comet 13th return
10/16/1982  Shultz warns US will withdraw from UN if it excludes Israel.
10/16/1985  Intel introduces 32-bit 80386 microcomputer chip.
10/17/1492  Columbus sights the isle of San Salvador.
10/17/1777  British General John Burgoyne surrenders at Saratoga, NY
10/17/1781  Cornwallis defeated at Yorktown.
10/17/1919  the Radio Corporation of America (RCA), is created.
10/17/1931  Al Capone is sentenced to 11 years in prison for tax evasion.
10/17/1933  Albert Einstein arrives in the US, a refugee from Nazi Germany.
10/17/1941  1st American destroyer torpedoed in WW II, USS Kearny off Iceland
10/17/1973  The Arab oil embargo begins. It will last until March, 1974.
10/17/1977  West German commandos storm hijacked Lufthansa plane in Mogadishu Somalia, freeing 86 hostages & kill three of the four hijackers.
10/17/1979  Mother Teresa of India was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize
10/17/1989  Destructive 7.1 earthquake strikes Northern California.
10/18/1685  Louis XIV revokes Edict of Nantes, outlaws Protestantism.
10/18/1867  US takes formal possession of Alaska from Russia ($7.2 million).
10/18/1869  The United States take possession of Alaska.
10/18/1873  The Ivy League establishes rules for college football.
10/18/1892  1st commercial long-distance phone line opens (Chicago - NYC)
10/18/1922  British Broadcasting Corporation, the BBC, is established.
10/18/1962  Watson of US, Crick & Wilkins of Britain win Nobel Prize for Medicine for work in determining the structure of DNA.
10/18/1967  Soviet Venera 4 is the first probe to send data back from Venus
10/18/1968  US Olympic Committee suspended Tommie Smith & John Carlos, for giving `black power' salute as a protest during victory ceremony
10/18/1968  Robert Beaman of US broad jumps a record 8.90 m.  Still stands.
10/19/1781  Cornwallis surrenders at 2PM, the fighting is over.
10/19/1845  Wagner's opera Tannh„user performed for the first time.
10/19/1879  Thomas A. Edison successfully demenstrates the electric light
10/19/1967  Mariner 5 flies by Venus
10/19/1968  Golden Gate Bridge charges tolls only for southbound cars.
10/20/1600  Battle of Sekigahara, which established the Tokugawa clan as rulers of Japan (SHOGUN) until 1865 (basis of Clavell's novel).
10/20/1740  Maria Theresa becomes ruler of Austria, Hungary & Bohemia
10/20/1803  the Senate ratifies the Louisiana Purchase.
10/20/1818  US & Britain agree to joint control of Oregon country.
10/20/1820  Spain gives Florida to the United States.
10/20/1906  Dr Lee DeForest gives a demonstration of his radio tube.
10/20/1944  MacArthur returns to the Phillipines, says "I have returned."
10/20/1979  John F. Kennedy Library dedicated in Boston.
10/21/1797  US Navy frigate Constitution, Old Ironsides, launched in Boston
10/21/1805  Battle of Trafalgar, where Nelson established British naval supremacy for the next century.
10/21/1868  Severe earthquake at 7:53AM.
10/21/1879  Thomas Edison commercially perfects the light bulb.
10/21/1897  Yerkes Observatory of the University of Chicago is dedicated.
10/21/1918  Margaret Owen sets world typing speed record of 170 wpm for 1 min
10/21/1923  Deutsches Museum, Walther Bauersfeld's first Zeiss Planetarium.
10/21/1945  Women in France allowed to vote for the first time
10/21/1975  Venera 9, 1st craft to orbit the planet Venus launched
10/21/1976  Saul Bellow wins Nobel Prize for Literature
10/21/1977  US recalls William Bowdler, ambassador to South Africa
10/22/1746  Princeton University in New Jersey received its charter.
10/22/1797  Andr‚-Jacques Garnerin makes 1st parachute jump from balloon
10/22/1836  Sam Houston inaugurated as 1st elected pres of Republic of Texas
10/22/1953  Laos gains full independence from France.
10/22/1962  Pacific Science Center opens at Seattle Center.
10/22/1962  JFK imposes naval blockade on Cuba, beginning missile crisis.
10/22/1975  Soviet spacecraft Venera 9 lands on Venus
10/22/1981  US National debt topped $1 TRILLION (nothing to celebrate).
10/22/1981  Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization is decertified.
10/22/4004  B.C. Universe created at 8:00 PM, according to the 1650 pronouncement of Anglican archbishop James Ussher.
10/23/1910  Blanche Scott becomes first woman solo a public airplane flight
10/23/1915  25,000 women march in New York, demanding the right to vote
10/23/1941  Walt Disney's "Dumbo" is released
10/23/1946  UN Gen Assembly convenes in NY for 1st time in Flushing Meadow.
10/23/1956  The ill-fated revolt in Communist Hungary starts, later crushed by Soviet tanks.
10/23/1958  Soviet novelist Boris Pasternak, wins Nobel Prize for Literature
10/23/1977  By 2/3 majority, Panamanians vote to approve a new Canal Treaty
10/23/1980  Soviet Premier Alexei Kosygin resigns, due to illness.
10/24/1836  the match is patented.
10/24/1851  William Lassell discovers Ariel & Umbriel, satellites of Unranus.
10/24/1901  Anna Taylor, first to go over Niagara Falls in a barrel & live
10/24/1929  "Black Thursday," the beginning of the stock market crash.
10/24/1945  United Nations Charter goes into effect.
10/24/1964  Zambia (Northern Rhodesia) gains independence from Britain
10/24/1973  Yom Kippur War ends, Israel 65 miles from Cairo, 26 from Damascus
10/25/1415  Battle of Agincourt, Welsh longbow defeats the armored knight
10/25/1671  Giovanni Cassini discovers Iapetus, satellite of Saturn.
10/25/1675  Iapetus, moon of Saturn, Discovered by Giovanni Cassini
10/25/1825  Erie Canal opens for business in New York.
10/25/1854  The Light Brigade charges (Battle of Balaklava) (Crimean War)
10/25/1903  Senate begins investigating Teapot Dome scandals of Harding admin
10/25/1960  first electronic wrist watch placed on sale, New York
10/25/1971  UN General Assembly admits Mainland China & expels Taiwan.
10/25/1971  Roy Disney dedicates Walt Disney World
10/25/1975  USSR Venera 10 made day Venus landing
10/25/1983  US invades Grenada, a country of 1/2000 its population.
10/26/1825  Erie Canal between Hudson River & Lake Erie opened
10/26/1861  Telegraph service inaugurated in US (end of Pony Express).
10/26/1863  Soccer rules standardized; rugby starts as a separate game.
10/26/1881  Shootout at the OK corral, in Tombstone, Arizona.
10/26/1903  "Yerba Buena" is 1st Key System ferry to cross San Francisco Bay.
10/26/1949  Pres Truman increases minimum wage - from 40 cents to 75 cents.
10/26/1956  International Atomic Energy Agency established.
10/26/1957  Vatican Radio begins broadcasting
10/26/1958  PanAm flies the first transatlantic jet trip: New York to Paris.
10/26/1968  Soyuz 3 is launched
10/26/1970  the "Doonesbury" comic strip debuts in 28 newspapers
10/26/1972  Guided tours of Alcatraz (by Park Service) begin.
10/26/1979  St. Vincent & the Grenadines gains independence from Britain.
10/26/1984  "Baby Fae" gets a baboon heart in an experimental transplant in Loma Linda, CA.  She will live for 21 days with the animal heart.
10/27/1787  The 'Federalist' letters started appearing in NY newspapers.
10/27/1795  Treaty of San Lorenzo, provides free navigation of Mississippi
10/27/1858  RH Macy & Co. opens 1st store, on 6th Avenue, New York City.
10/27/1896  1st Pali Road completed in Hawaii (the Pali is a cliff where the winds are so strong streams flow UP! Honest!).
10/27/1938  DuPont announces its new synthetic fiber will be called 'nylon'
10/27/1961  first Saturn makes an unmanned flight test
10/27/1971  Republic of the Congo becomes Zaire.
10/27/1972  Golden Gate National Recreation Area created.
10/27/1978  Menachim Begin & Anwar Sadat win the Nobel Peace Prize
10/28/1492  Columbus discovers Cuba.
10/28/1636  Harvard University founded.
10/28/1793  Eli Whitney applies for patent for the cotton gin.
10/28/1886  Grover Cleveland dedicates the Statue of Liberty.
10/28/1904  St. Louis Police try a new investigation method - fingerprints.
10/28/1918  Czechoslovakia declares independence from Austria.
10/28/1919  Volstead Act passed by Congress, starting Prohibition.
10/28/1922  Benito Mussolini takes control of Italy's government.
10/28/1962  Krushchev orders withdrawal of Cuban missiles
10/28/1965  Pope Paul VI says Jews not collectively guilty for crucifixion.
10/28/1965  Gateway Arch (190 meters high) completed in St. Louis, Missouri.
10/28/1970  US/USSR signed an agreement to discuss joint space efforts
10/28/1971  England becomes 6th nation to have a satellite (Prospero) in orbi
10/29/0539  BC Babylon falls to Cyrus the Great of Persia.
10/29/1682  Pennsylvania granted to William Penn by King Charles II.
10/29/1727  a severe earthquake strikes New England.
10/29/1833  1st College Fraternity founded.
10/29/1863  International Committee of the Red Cross founded: It has been awarded Nobel Prizes in 1917, 1944 and 1963.
10/29/1863  Intl Comm. of the Red Cross founded (Nobel 1917, 1944, 1963).
10/29/1923  Turkey is proclaimed to have a republican government.
10/29/1929  "Black Tuesday", the Stock Market crash.
10/29/1939  Golden Gate International Exposition closes (1st closure).
10/29/1956  "Goodnight, David" "Goodnight, Chet" heard on NBC for 1st time. (Chet Huntley & David Brinkley, team up on NBC News).
10/30/1270  the 8th and last crusade is launched.
10/30/1864  Helena, capital of Montana, founded.
10/30/1905  Tsar Nicholas II grants Russia a constitution.
10/30/1938  Orson Welles panics nation with broadcast: "War of the Worlds"
10/30/1945  US govt announces end of shoe rationing.
10/30/1953  General George C. Marshall is awarded Nobel Peace Prize.
10/30/1953  Dr. Albert Schweitzer receives Nobel Peace Prize for 1952.
10/30/1961  Soviet Union detonates a 58 megaton hydrogen bomb
10/30/1961  Soviet Party Congress unanimously approves a resolution removing Josef Stalin's body from Lenin's tomb in Red Square.
10/30/1967  USSR Kosmos 186 & 188 make 1st automatic docking
10/30/1978  Laura Nickel & Curt Noll find 25th Mersenne prime, 2 ^ 21701 - 1.
10/30/1985  space shuttle Challenger carries 8 crewmen (2 Germans, 1 Dutch).
10/31/1517  Martin Luther posts his 95 Theses, begins Protestant Reformation
10/31/1864  Nevada admitted as 36th state.
10/31/1922  Benito Mussolini (Il Duce) becomes premier of Italy.
10/31/1952  first thermonuclear bomb detonated - Marshall Islands
10/31/1959  Lee Harvey Oswald announces in Moscow he will never return to US
11/01/1870  US Weather Bureau begins operations.
11/01/1943  WW II Dimout ban lifted in San Francisco Bay area.
11/01/1952  first hydrogen bomb exploded at Eniwetok Atoll in the Pacific.
11/01/1981  First Class Mail raised from 18 to 20 cents.
11/02/1917  Lansing-Ishii Agreement
11/02/1920  KDKA (Pittsburgh) on the air as 1st commercial radio station.
11/02/1947  Howard Hughes' Spruce Goose flies for 1st (& last) time.
11/02/1948  Truman beats Dewey, confounding pollsters and newspapers.
11/03/1620  Great Patent granted to Plymouth Colony
11/03/1903  Panama gains its independence from Columbia.
11/03/1917  First Class Mail now costs 3 cents.
11/03/1952  Charles Birdseye markets frozen peas.
11/03/1956  the Wizard of Oz is first televised.
11/03/1957  USSR launches the dog "Laika": the first animal in orbit
11/03/1973  Mariner 10 launched-first Venus pics, first mission to Mercury
11/03/1978  UK grants Dominica independence (National Day)
11/03/1979  63 Americans taken hostage at American Embassy in Teheran, Iran
11/03/1986  Lebanese magazine Ash Shirra reveals secret US arms sales to Iran
11/04/1854  Lighthouse established on Alcatraz Island
11/04/1922  Howard Carter discovers the tomb of Tutankhamen.
11/04/1924  1st woman governor in US elected in Wyoming.
11/04/1984  Nicaragua holds 1st free elections in 56 years; Sandinistas win 63%
11/05/1605  Plot to blow up British parliment fails - first Guy Fawkes day
11/05/1781  John Hanson elected 1st "President of the United States in Congress assembled" (8 years before Washington was elected).
11/05/1875  Susan B Anthony is arrested for attempting to vote
11/05/1895  1st US patent granted for the automobile, to George B Selden
11/05/1967  ATS-3 launched by US to take 1st pictures of full Earth disc
11/06/1844  Spain grants Dominican Rep independence
11/06/1860  Abraham Lincoln is elected the 16th president.
11/06/1862  1st Direct Telegraphic link between New York and San Francisco
11/06/1869  1st intercollegiate football game played (Rutgers 6, Princeton 4
11/06/1917  the Russian Bolshevik revolution begins.
11/06/1939  WGY-TV (Schenectady NY), 1st commercial-license station begins
11/06/1962  Nixon tells press he won't be available to kick around any more
11/07/1805  Lewis and Clark first sighted the Pacific Ocean.
11/07/1811  Battle of Tippecanoe, gave Harrison a presidential slogan.
11/07/1872  Mary Celeste sails from NY to Genoa; found abandoned 4 weeks later
11/07/1875  Verney Cameron is 1st European to cross equitorial Africa from sea to sea.
11/07/1885  Canada completes its own transcontinental railway.
11/07/1917  October Revolution overthrows Russian Provisional Government
11/07/1918  Goddard demonstrates tube-launched solid propellant rocket
11/07/1983  Bomb explodes in US Capitol, causing heavy damage but no injuries
11/08/1793  The Louvre, in Paris, is opened to the public.
11/08/1889  Montana admitted as 41st state
11/08/1895  Wilhelm R”ntgen discovers x-rays
11/08/1923  Hitler's "Beer Hall Putsch" failed, In jail, writes "Mein Kampf"
11/08/1939  Life with Father, opens on Broadway, closes in 1947, a record.
11/08/1984  14th Space Shuttle Mission - Discovery 2 is launched
11/09/1799  Napoleon becomes dictator (1st consul) of France
11/09/1865  Lee surrenders to Grant at Appomattox ending the US Civil War.
11/09/1953  Cambodia (now Kampuchea) gains independence within French Union
11/09/1965  at 5:16pm, a massive power failure blacks out New Engl. & Ontario
11/09/1967  first unmanned Saturn V flight to test Apollo 4 reentry module
11/10/1775  US Marine Corps established by Congress
11/10/1801  Kentucky outlaws dueling
11/10/1864  Austrian Archduke Maximilian became emperor of Mexico
11/10/1871  Stanley presumes to meet Livingston in Ujiji, Central Africa.
11/10/1891  1st Woman's Christian Temperance Union meeting held (in Boston)
11/10/1945  Nazi concentration camp at Buchenwald is liberated by US troops.
11/10/1951  1st Long Distance telephone call without operator assistance.
11/10/1968  USSR launches Zond 6 to moon
11/10/1969  Sesame Street premiers
11/10/1970  Luna 17, with unmanned self-propelled Lunokhod 1, is launched
11/10/1975  Ore ship Edmund Fitzgerald lost in a storm on Lake Superior
11/10/1980  Voyager I flies past Saturn, sees many rings, moons.
11/11/1620  41 Pilgrims sign a compact aboard the Mayflower
11/11/1889  Washington admitted as the 42nd state.
11/11/1918  Armistice Day -- WW I ends (at 11AM on the Western Front)
11/11/1921  President Harding dedicates the Tomb of The Unknown Soldier.
11/11/1924  Palace of Legion of Honor in San Francisco is dedicated.
11/11/1939  Kate Smith first sings Irving Berlin's "God Bless America"
11/11/1965  Rhodesia proclaimes independence from Britain
11/11/1966  Gemini 12 is launched on a four day flight.
11/11/1975  Portugal grants independence to Angola (National Day).
11/11/1980  Crew of Soyuz 35 returns to Earth aboard Soyuz 37
11/11/1982  Space Shuttle 'Columbia' makes the first commercial flight.
11/11/1987  Van Gogh's "Irises" sells for record $53.6 million at auction
11/12/1918  Austria becomes a republic
11/12/1927  Trotsky expelled from Soviet CP; Stalin is now total dictator.
11/12/1933  first known photo of Loch Ness monster (or whatever) is taken
11/12/1936  Oakland Bay Bridge opened.
11/12/1946  First "autobank" (banking by car) was established, in Chicago
11/12/1954  Ellis Island, immigration station in NY Harbor, closed
11/12/1965  Venera 2 launched by Soviet Union toward Venus
11/12/1965  Venera 2 launched by Soviet Union toward Venus
11/12/1980  US space probe Voyager I comes within 77,000 miles of Saturn
11/12/1981  First time a spacecraft is launched twice -- the Space Shuttle "Columbia" lifts off again.
11/12/1981  first balloon crossing of Pacific completed (Double Eagle V)
11/12/1984  Space shuttle astronauts snare a satellite: first space salvage.
11/13/1849  Peter Burnett is elected 1st governor of California.
11/13/1921  The Sheik, starring Rudolph Valentino, was released.
11/13/1937  NBC forms first full symphony orchestra exclusively for radio.
11/13/1940  Walt Disney's "Fantasia" is released
11/13/1956  Supreme Court strikes down segregation on public buses.
11/13/1971  Mariner 9, is the first space ship to orbit another planet, Mars.
11/13/1982  Vietnam War Memorial dedicated in Washington DC
11/14/1666  Samuel Pepys reports the first blood transfusion (between dogs)
11/14/1792  George Vancouver is first Englishman to enter San Francisco Bay
11/14/1832  first streetcar appears, in New York
11/14/1851  "Moby Dick", by Herman Melville, is published.
11/14/1889  Nellie Bly beats Phineas Fogg's time for a trip around the world by 8 days (72 days).
11/14/1910  1st airplane flight from the deck of a ship.
11/14/1922  BBC begins domestic radio service
11/14/1935  FDR proclaimes the Phillippines are a free commonwealth.
11/14/1959  Kilauea's most spectacular eruption (in Hawaii).
11/14/1969  Apollo 12 is launched
11/15/1777  Continental Congress approves the Articles of Confederation
11/15/1869  Free Postal Delivery formally inaugurated.
11/15/1881  American Federation of Labor (AFL) is founded in Pittsburgh
11/15/1920  League of Nations holds 1st meeting, in Geneva
11/15/1926  National Broadcasting Company goes on-the-air, with 24 stations
11/15/1939  Social Security Administration approves 1st unemployment check.
11/15/1949  KRON (Channel 4, San Francisco) signs on, from 7 to 10 PM.
11/16/1532  Pizarro seizes Incan emperor Atahualpa
11/16/1864  Sherman begins his march to sea thru Georgia
11/16/1907  Oklahoma becomes the 46th state
11/16/1933  Roosevelt establishes diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union
11/16/1965  Venera 3 launched, 1st land on another planet (Crashes on Venus)
11/16/1973  Skylab 4 launched into earth orbit.  Look out Australia!
11/17/1558  Elizabeth I ascends English throne upon death of Queen Mary
11/17/1800  Congress convened for its 1st Washington, DC session.
11/17/1869  Suez Canal opens.
11/17/1913  Panama Canal opens for use.
11/17/1970  Russia lands unmanned remote-controlled vehicle on Moon
11/17/1977  Egyptian President Sadat accepts an invitation to visit Israel.
11/18/1497  Bartolomeu Dias discovers Cape of Good Hope
11/18/1820  Antarctica discovered by US Navy Captain Nathaniel B. Palmer.
11/18/1903  Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty, gave US canal rights thru Panama
11/18/1913  Lincoln Deachey performs the first airplane loop-the-loop
11/18/1918  Latvia declares independence from Russia
11/18/1928  Mickey Mouse debuts in New York in "Steamboat Willy"
11/18/1936  Main span of the Golden Gate Bridge is joined.
11/19/1493  Christopher Columbus discovers Puerto Rico.
11/19/1620  Mayflower pilgrims reach Cape Cod
11/19/1863  Lincoln delivers his famous address in Gettysburg.  Expecting a long speech, the photographer wasn't ready before Lincoln left.
11/19/1895  The pencil is invented.
11/19/1919  Treaty of Versailles & League of Nations rejected by US Senate
11/19/1959  Ford cancels Edsel
11/19/1970  Golden Gate Park Conservatory becomes a State Historical Landmark
11/19/1977  Egyptian President Anwar Sadat arrives in Israel.
11/20/1789  New Jersey becomes the first state to ratify the Bill of Rights.
11/20/1888  William Bundy invents the first timecard clock.
11/20/1910  Revolution breaks out in Mexico, led by Francisco Madero.
11/20/1914  The State Department starts requiring photographs for passports
11/20/1931  Commercial teletype service began
11/20/1947  Britain's Princess Elizabeth, marries Duke Philip Mountbatten
11/20/1953  first airplane to exceed 1300 mph - Scott Crossfield.
11/20/1977  Egyptian Pres Sadat is 1st Arab leader to address Israel Knesset
11/20/1980  Steve Ptacek in Solar Challenger makes 1st solar-powered flight
11/20/1986  UN's WHO announces 1st global effort to combat AIDS.
11/21/1789  NC becomes 12th state
11/21/1933  first US ambassador is sent to the USSR - WC Bullitt
11/21/1959  Jack Benny(Violin) & Richard Nixon(Piano) play their famed duet
11/21/1964  the world's longest suspension bridge, Verrazano Narrows, opens.
11/22/1906  The International Radio Telegraphic Convention adopts "SOS" as the new call for help.
11/22/1943  Lebanon gains its independence (would that it could keep it)
11/22/1963  President John F. Kennedy is assassinated in Dallas.
11/23/1852  Just past midnight an earthquake makes Lake Merced drop 30 feet
11/23/1863  Patent granted for a process of making color photographs.
11/23/1948  Lens to provide zoom effects patented - FG Back
11/23/1948  a patent is granted for the first zoom lens to F.G. Back
11/24/1759  Destructive eruption of Vesuvius
11/24/1874  Patent granted to Joseph Glidden for barbed wire.
11/24/1963  first live murder on TV - Jack Ruby shoots Lee Harvey Oswald.
11/24/1971  "D B Cooper" parachutes from a Northwest 727 with $200,000.
11/25/1783  Britain evacuate New York, their last military position in US
11/25/1866  Alfred Nobel invents dynamite.
11/25/1884  John B Meyenberg of St Louis patents evaporated milk
11/25/1960  first atomic reactor for research & development, Richland WA.
11/25/1975  Netherlands grants Surinam independence (National Day)
11/25/1983  Soyuz T-9 returns to Earth, 149 days after take-off
11/26/1716  first lion to be exhibited in America (Boston)
11/26/1778  Captain Cook discovers Maui (in the Sandwich Islands).
11/26/1789  first national celebration of Thanksgiving
11/26/1865  Alice in Wonderland is published
11/26/1949  India adopts a constitution as a British Commonwealth Republic
11/26/1965  France launches first satellite, a 92-pound A1 capsule
11/26/1966  first major tidal power plant opened at Rance estuary, France
11/26/1985  23rd Space Shuttle Mission - Atlantis 2 is launched
11/27/1095  Pope Urban II preaches for the First Crusade
11/27/1582  the first Advent Sunday
11/27/1895  Alfred Nobel establishes the Nobel Prize
11/27/1910  New York's Penn Station opens - world's largest railway terminal
11/27/1951  first rocket to intercept an airplane, White Sands, NM
11/27/1971  Soviet Mars 2, is the first to crash land on Mars.
11/27/1985  Space shuttle Atlantis carries the first Mexican astronaut.
11/28/1520  Magellan begins crossing the Pacific Ocean.
11/28/1895  America's auto race starts: 6 cars, 55 miles, winner avgd 7mph
11/28/1912  Albania declares independence from Turkey
11/28/1929  Admiral RE Byrd makes first flight over the South Pole
11/28/1960  Mauritania gains independence from France (National Day)
11/28/1964  Mariner 4 launched; first probe to fly by Mars
11/28/1983  9th Space Shuttle Mission - Columbia 6 is launched
11/28/1986  Reagan administration exceeds SALT II arms agreement for 1st time
11/29/1887  US receives rights to Pearl Harbor, on Oahu, Hawaii.
11/29/1890  1st Army-Navy football game.  Score: Navy 25, Army 0.
11/29/1945  Yugoslav Republic Day is first proclamed.
11/29/1951  first underground atomic explosion, Frenchman Flat, Nevada
11/29/1961  Mercury 5 launches a chimp (Ham/Enos)
11/29/1975  Kilauea Volcano erupts in Hawaii
11/30/1939  USSR invades Finland over a border dispute
11/30/1954  first meteorite known to have struck a woman - Sylacauga Alabama
11/30/1958  first guided missile destroyer launched, the "Dewey", Bath, ME
11/30/1964  USSR launches Zond 2 towards Mars
11/30/1966  Barbados gains independence from Britain
11/30/1967  South Yemen (then Aden) gains independence from Britain
12/01/1640  Portugal becomes independent of Spain
12/01/1821  Santo Domingo (Dominican Rep) proclaims independence from Spain
12/01/1913  1st drive-up gasoline station opens, in Pittsburgh.
12/01/1917  Father Edward Flanagan founds Boys Town
12/01/1918  Iceland becomes independent state under the Danish crown
12/01/1922  first skywriting over the US: "Hello USA"  by Capt Turner, RAF.
12/01/1929  Bingo invented by Edwin S Lowe
12/01/1951  Golden Gate Bridge closed because of high winds.
12/01/1958  Central African Republic established (National Day)
12/01/1959  first color photograph of Earth is received from outer space.
12/01/1967  Queen Elizabeth inaugurates 98-inch Isaac Newton Telescope
12/02/1804  Napoleon becomes the first French emperor, crowning himself.
12/02/1805  Napoleon defeats Russians & Austrians at Austerlitz
12/02/1816  1st savings bank in US opens as the Philadelphia Savings Fund
12/02/1823  President James Monroe declares his doctrine.
12/02/1942  1st controlled nuclear reaction at University of Chicago.
12/02/1957  first commercial atomic electric power plant goes to work in PA.
12/02/1971  Soviet Mars 3 is first to soft land on Mars
12/02/1975  Lao People's Democratic Republic founded (National Day)
12/02/1982  1st permanent artificial heart successfully implanted.
12/03/1621  Galileo invents the telescope.
12/03/1954  Joseph McCarthy goes too far in his attacks and is condemned by the U.S. Senate.  Not well remembered.
12/03/1967  1st human heart transplant performed, in Capetown, South Africa
12/03/1973  Pioneer 10 passes Jupiter (first fly-by of an outer planet).
12/03/1985  23rd Shuttle Mission - Atlantis 2 returns to Earth
12/04/1783  Gen. Washington bids his officers farewell at Fraunce's Tavern,
12/04/1912  Roald Amundsen reaches South pole
12/04/1915  Panama Pacific International Exposition opens.
12/04/1965  Gemini 7 launched with 2 astronauts
12/05/1492  Columbus discovers Hispaniola
12/05/1776  Phi Beta Kappa, 1st American scholastic fraternity, founded.
12/05/1978  Pioneer Venus 1 begins orbiting Venus
12/06/1492  Haiti discovered by Columbus
12/06/1534  Quito, Ecuador is founded by the Spanish
12/06/1631  first predicted transit of Venus is observed, by Kepler.
12/06/1882  Atmosphere of Venus detected during transit
12/06/1917  Finland gains its independence, from Russia.
12/06/1957  1st US attempt to launch a satellite - Vanguard rocket blows up.
12/07/1787  Delaware ratifies the Constitution, becomes the first state.
12/07/1842  the New York Philharmonic plays its first concert.
12/07/1941  first Japanese submarine sunk by American ship (USS Ward)
12/07/1941  Pearl Harbor is attacked ("A day that will live in infamy.")
12/07/1960  France grants the Ivory Coast independence (National Day)
12/07/1972  Apollo 17, last of the Apollo moon series, launched.
12/08/1931  Coaxial cable is patented
12/09/1792  the first cremation in the US
12/09/1793  Noah Webster establishes New York's 1st daily newspaper.
12/09/1907  1st Christmas Seals sold, in the Wilmington Post Office.
12/09/1961  Tanganyika gains independence from Britain
12/09/1978  Pioneer Venus 2 drops 5 probes into atmosphere of Venus
12/10/1520  Martin Luther publicly burns the papal edict demanding he recant.
12/10/1817  Mississippi becomes 20th state
12/10/1869  Women granted right to vote in Wyoming Territory
12/10/1898  Spanish-American War ends - US acquires Guam from Spain
12/10/1901  first Nobel Peace Prizes (to Jean Henri Dunant, Fr‚d‚ric Passy).
12/10/1906  Theodore Roosevelt (first American) awarded Nobel Peace Prize.
12/10/1920  President Woodrow Wilson receives Nobel Peace Prize.
12/10/1948  UN Genl Assembly adopts Universal Declaration on Human Rights
12/10/1950  Ralph J. Bunche (1st black American) presented Nobel Peace Prize
12/10/1963  Zanzibar gains independence from Britain
12/10/1975  A. Sakharov's wife Yelena Bonner, accepts his Nobel Peace Prize.
12/10/1982  Soyuz T-5 returns to Earth, 211 days after take-off
12/10/1986  Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel accepts 1986 Nobel Peace Prize
12/11/1816  Indiana becomes 19th state
12/11/1917  German-occupied Lithuania proclaims independence from Russia
12/11/1932  Snow falls in San Francisco.
12/11/1946  UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) established (Nobel 1965)
12/11/1958  Upper Volta (now Bourkina Fasso) gains autonomy from France
12/11/1975  First Class Mail now costs 13 cents (had been 10 cents).
12/12/1787  Pennsylvania becomes the 2nd state
12/12/1871  Jules Janssen discovers dark lines in solar corona spectrum
12/12/1901  Marconi receives 1st trans-Atlantic radio signal: England to US.
12/12/1937  the first mobile TV unit, in New York.
12/12/1963  Kenya gains its independence from Britain (National Day).
12/12/1964  Russia launches Voshkod I, 1st multi-crew in space (3 men)
12/13/1903  Wright brothers first airplane flight at Kittyhawk.
12/13/1918  Wilson becomes 1st to make a foreign visit while President.
12/13/1920  Interferometer used to measure 1st stellar diameter (Betelgeuse)
12/13/1974  Maltese Republic Day is declared.
12/13/1978  Susan B. Anthony dollar, 1st US coin to honor a woman, issued.
12/13/1981  Solidarity Day, in Poland.
12/14/1819  Alabama becomes 22nd state
12/14/1911  South Pole 1st reached by Amundsen.
12/14/1962  Mariner 2 makes 1st US visit to another planet (Venus)
12/15/1791  Bill of Rights ratified when Virginia gave its approval.
12/15/1859  G.R. Kirchoff describes chemical composition of sun
12/15/1877  Thomas Edison patents the phonograph.
12/15/1939  the first commercial manufacture of nylon yarn.
12/15/1964  American Radio Relay League, is founded.  Dit-Dah.
12/15/1965  first rendevous in space: Gemini 6 and Gemini 7 link up.
12/15/1971  USSR's Venera 7 becomes the first craft to land on Venus.
12/15/1984  USSR launches Vega 1 for rendezvous with Halley's Comet
12/16/1689  English Parlimnt adopts Bill of Rights after Glorious Revolution
12/16/1773  Big Tea Party in Boston Harbor.  Indians most welcome.
12/16/1893  Antonin Dvor k's New World Symphony premieres
12/16/1905  "Variety", covering all phases of show business, 1st published.
12/16/1907  Great White Fleet sails from Hampton Downs on its World Cruise
12/16/1965  Gemini VI returns to Earth
12/17/1538  Pope Paul III excommunicates England's King Henry VIII
12/17/1777  France recognizes independance of the 13 colonies in America.
12/17/1790  an Aztec calendar stone is discovered in Mexico City.
12/17/1791  New York City traffic regulation creates the 1st one-way street
12/17/1843  Charles Dickens's classic, "A Christmas Carol" is published.
12/17/1903  1st sustained motorized air flight at 10:35AM, for 12 seconds, by the Wright Brothers (of course).
12/17/1933  1st professional football game: Chicago Bears vs. NY Giants.
12/17/1969  Tiny Tim and Miss Vicki are married on network television in front of 50 million underwhelmed viewers.
12/17/1979  Budweiser rocket car hits 1190 kph (record for wheeled vehicle)
12/18/1787  New Jersey becomes the 3rd state
12/18/1849  William Bond takes first photograph of moon through a telescope
12/18/1865  13th Amendment ratified, slavery abolished
12/18/1958  first voice from space:  Christmas message by Eisenhower
12/18/1958  Niger gains autonomy within French Community (National Day)
12/18/1961  India annexes Portuguese colonies of Goa, Damao & Diu
12/18/1965  Borman & Lovell splash down, ending 2 week Gemini VII orbit.
12/18/1969  Britain abolishes the death penalty
12/18/1985  UN Security Council unanimously condemns acts of hostage-taking
12/19/1686  Robinson Crusoe leaves his island after 28 years (as per Defoe)
12/19/1732  Benjamin Frankin begins publication of "Poor Richard's Almanack"
12/19/1777  Washington settles his troops at Valley Forge for the winter.
12/19/1842  US recognizes the independence of Hawaii
12/19/1889  Bishop Museum founded in Hawaii.
12/19/1932  the BBC begins transmitting overseas.
12/19/1946  War breaks out in Indochina as Ho Chi Minh attacks the French.
12/19/1971  NASA launches Intelsat 4 F-3 for COMSAT Corp
12/19/1986  USSR frees dissident Andrei Sakharov from internal exile
12/20/1606  Virginia Company settlers leave London to establish Jamestown
12/20/1699  Peter the Great orders Russian New Year changed: Sept 1 to Jan 1
12/20/1790  first successful US cotton mill, in Pawtucket, Rhode Island
12/20/1803  Louisiana Purchase officially transferred from France to the US.
12/20/1820  Missouri imposes a $1 bachelor tax on unmarried men from 21-50
12/20/1860  South Carolina becomes the first state to secede from the union.
12/20/1892  the pneumatic automobile tire is patented
12/20/1892  Phileas Fogg completes around world trip, according to Verne
12/20/1919  Canadian National Railways established (longest on continent with more than 50,000 kilometers of track in US & Canada)
12/20/1922  14 states form the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
12/20/1939  Radio Australia starts shortwave service
12/21/1620  The pilgrims land at Plymouth Rock.
12/21/1913  1st crossword puzzle (with 32 clues), printed in New York World
12/21/1937  the first feature-length cartoon with color and sound premieres, "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs".  Still one of the best.
12/21/1968  Apollo 8 (Borman, Lovell, Anders), first manned moon voyage
12/21/1973  Israel, Egypt, Syria, Jordan, US & USSR meet in Geneva: peace?
12/22/1964  Lockheed SR-71 spy aircraft reaches 3,530 kph (record for a jet)
12/23/1672  Giovanni Cassini discovers Rhea, a satellite of Saturn
12/23/1690  John Flamsteed sees Uranus but doesn't realize it's undiscovered
12/23/1920  Ireland is divided into two parts, each with its own parliament
12/23/1947  Transistor invented by Bardeen, Brattain & Shockley at Bell Labs
12/23/1968  Borman, Lovell & Anders are the first men to orbit the moon.
12/23/1973  six Persian Gulf nations double their oil prices
12/23/1975  Congress passes Metric Conversion Act
12/23/1986  Rutan & Yeager make 1st around-the-world flight without refueling
12/24/1582  Vasco daGama Day
12/24/1814  Treaty of Ghent signed, ending War of 1812 (this news did not arrive until after the Battle of New Orleans).
12/24/1818  "Silent Night" is composed by Franz Gruber and sung next day
12/24/1851  Library of Congress burns, 35,000 volumes are destroyed.
12/24/1865  Confederate veterans form the Ku Klux Klan in Pulaski, TN
12/24/1871  Giuseppe Verdi's "Aida" premieres in Cairo, at Suez canal opening
12/24/1906  the first radio program is broadcast, in Brant Rock, Mass
12/24/1920  Enrico Caruso gave his last public performance
12/24/1936  first radioactive isotope medicine administered, Berkeley, CA
12/24/1951  Libya gains independence from Italy
12/24/1966  Soviet Luna 13 lands on moon
12/24/1968  Apollo 8 astronauts broadcast seasons greetings from the moon.
12/25/0336  first recorded celebration of Christmas on Dec. 25: in Rome
12/25/1066  William the Conqueror was crowned king of England
12/25/1776  Washington crosses the Delaware and surprises the Hessians.
12/25/1868  Despite bitter opposition, Johnson grants unconditional pardons to everyone involved in the Southern rebellion (the Civil War).
12/25/1926  Hirohito becomes Emperor of Japan
12/25/1939  Montgomery Ward introduces Rudolph the 9th reindeer
12/26/1492  first Spanish settlement in the new world founded, by Columbus.
12/26/1865  James Mason invents the 1st American coffee percolator.
12/26/1933  US foreswears armed intervention in Western Hemisphere.  Ha!
12/27/1825  first public steam railroad completed in England.
12/27/1831  Darwin begins his voyage onboard the HMS Beagle.
12/27/1903  "Sweet Adaline", a barbershop quartet favorite, is 1st sung.
12/27/1932  Radio City Music Hall in New York City opens.
12/27/1934  the first youth hostel is opened, in Northfield, Mass
12/27/1945  International Monetary Fund established-World Bank founded
12/27/1979  Soviet troops invade Afghanistan
12/28/1669  A patent for chewing gum is granted to William Semple.
12/28/1846  Iowa becomes the 29th state
12/28/1890  Battle of Wounded Knee, SD - Last major conflict with Indians
12/28/1902  Trans-Pacific cable links Hawaii to US.
12/28/1912  San Francisco Municipal Railway starts operation at Geary St. (MUNI was the 1st municpally-owned transit system)
12/29/1845  Texas becomes the 28th state
12/29/1848  Gas lights installed at White House for 1st time
12/29/1911  San Francisco Symphony formed.
12/29/1931  Identification of heavy water publicly announced, HC Urey
12/29/1937  Pan Am starts San Francisco to Auckland, New Zealand service.
12/29/1949  first UHF TV station operating regular basis, Bridgeport CT
12/29/1952  first transistorized hearing aid offered for sale, Elmsford NY
12/30/1809  Wearing masks at balls is forbidden in Boston
12/30/1817  first coffee planted in Hawaii
12/30/1853  Gadsden Purchase 45,000 sq miles by Gila River from Mexico for $10 million. Area is now southern Arizona & New Mexico
12/30/1924  Edwin Hubble announces existence of other Milky Way systems
12/30/1938  Electronic television system patented, VK Zworykin
12/30/1975  Democratic Republic of Madagascar founded
12/31/1600  British East India Company chartered
12/31/1744  James Bradley announces earth's motion of nutation (wobbling).
12/31/1857  Queen Victoria chooses Ottawa as new capital of Canada
12/31/1862  Union ironclad ship "Monitor" sinks off Cape Hatteras, NC
12/31/1879  Cornerstone laid for Iolani Palace (only royal palace in US).
12/31/1879  Edison gives public demonstration of his incandescent lamp.
12/31/1890  Ellis Island opens as a US immigration depot
12/31/1946  President Truman officially proclaims the end of World War II
12/31/1961  Marshall Plan expires after distributing more than $12 billion
12/31/1974  US citizens allowed to buy & own gold for 1st time in 40 years
12/31/1999  Control of the Panama Canal reverts to Panama                                                                                     

/* File:
   This program demonstrates writing to an ASCII text file using the FileWriter
   class (textbook: page 673). This program handles exceptions that might be thrown
   to it by enclosing I/O methods in try/catch blocks.
   This program does not generate output to the screen (other than a potential error
   message). Get a directory listing to look for the output file (SampleFileWriter.txt),
   and use your text editor to look at the file.
 public class SampleFileWriter
   public static void main(String[] args)
     FileWriter file;
     try                                               // put calls to I/O methods in try/catch blocks
       file=new FileWriter("SampleFileWriter.txt");
     catch(Exception e)
       System.out.println("Error opening file");
       return;                                         // if exception is encountered, leave the method
       file.write("Hello world.\nThis is a test.\n\nThank your for your business.\n");
     catch(Exception e)
       System.out.println("Error writing to file");
     catch(Exception e)
       System.out.println("Error closing file");

/* File:
    This file contains several utility methods that are designed to be used
    by other programs.
    readInt   - reads an int value from the keyboard
    readDouble - reads a double value from the keyboard
    readString - reads a String from the keyboard
    padString - pads a numeric string value with a designated character to form a fixed length string
    fixString - pads a string with trailing spaces to form a fixed length string
    commaString - inserts commas into a string for readability
    getMonthName - returns the name of the month
    getDayName   - returns the name of the day
    addComponent - adds a component to a container
 import java.text.*;                                     // needed for DecimalFormat class
 import java.util.*;
 import java.awt.*;                                      // used by addComponent method
 public class Utility
  Method which reads an int value from the keyboard.
    an int value
    -999999f if error (invalid input)
    int i=Utility.readInt();
   public static int readInt()
     int i;
     String s=Utility.readString();                      // read a String from the keyboard
       i=Integer.parseInt(s);                            // try to parse String into an int
     catch(Exception e)                                  // catch exception thrown by Integer.parseInt
       i=-999999;                                        // flag to indicate input error
     return i;
   }                                                     // return value of i
  Method which reads a double value from the keyboard.
    a double value
    -999999f if error (invalid input)
    double d=Utility.readDouble();
   public static double readDouble()
     double d;
     String s=Utility.readString();                      // read a String from the keyboard
       Double doubleObject=Double.valueOf(s);            // try to parse String into a Double
     catch(Exception e)                                  // catch exception
       d=-999999;                                        // flag to indicate input error
     return d;
   }                                                     // return value of f
  Method which reads a String value from the keyboard.
    a String object
    String inString=Utility.readString();
   public static String readString()
     int    input=0;                                     // define and initialize an int variable
     String s="";                                        // define and initialize a String object
     while(input!=10)                                    // loop until LF byte is read
       {;                         // read next byte from keyboard
       catch(Exception e)
       if(input!=13 && input!=10)                        // if byte is not CR and not LF, concatenate
         s=s+(char)input;                                // cast int input as char, then concatenate
     return s;                                           // return String to calling program
  Method which pads a string of digits with trailing zeroes and a specified
  leading padding character to form a fixed length string with
  optional decimal places.
    Number number           input Number object
    int    chars            length of desired fixed length string
    int    decimals         desired number of digits to the right of the decimal point
                                  in returned fixed length string
    String lead             character to be used for leading padding
    a String object
    String output=Utility.padString(50.4,6,2,"*");
    output will have a String value of "*50.40"
   public static String padString(Number number,int chars,int decimals,String lead)
     DecimalFormat format;
     String        s="";
       for(int i=0;i<decimals;i++)
     int digits=chars-s.length();
     for(int i=0;i<digits;i++)
       if(i>0 && i%3==0)
     format=new DecimalFormat(s);
     for(int i=0;i<digits;i++)
     return s;
   public static String padString(long number,int chars,int decimals,String lead)
     return Utility.padString(new Long(number),chars,decimals,lead);
   public static String padString(double number,int chars,int decimals,String lead)
     return Utility.padString(new Double(number),chars,decimals,lead);
   public static String padString(String number,int chars,int decimals,String lead)
     return Utility.padString(new Double(number),chars,decimals,lead);
   public static String padString(Number number,int chars,int decimals)
     return Utility.padString(number,chars,decimals," ");
   public static String padString(long number,int chars,int decimals)
     return Utility.padString(new Long(number),chars,decimals," ");
   public static String padString(double number,int chars,int decimals)
     return Utility.padString(new Double(number),chars,decimals," ");
   public static String padString(String number,int chars,int decimals)
     return Utility.padString(new Double(number),chars,decimals," ");
   public static String padString(Number number,int chars)
     return Utility.padString(number,chars,0," ");
   public static String padString(long number,int chars)
     return Utility.padString(new Long(number),chars,0," ");
   public static String padString(double number,int chars)
     return Utility.padString(new Double(number),chars,0," ");
   public static String padString(String number,int chars)
     return Utility.padString(new Double(number),chars,0," ");
   public static String padString(Number number,int chars,String lead)
     return Utility.padString(number,chars,0,lead);
   public static String padString(long number,int chars,String lead)
     return Utility.padString(new Long(number),chars,0,lead);
   public static String padString(double number,int chars,String lead)
     return Utility.padString(new Double(number),chars,0,lead);
   public static String padString(String number,int chars,String lead)
     return Utility.padString(new Double(number),chars,0,lead);
  Method which pads a string with trailing spaces to form a fixed length field.
    String inString         input string of digits
    int    chars            length of desired fixed length string
    a String object
    output will have a String value of "test      "
   public static String fixString(String inString,int chars)
     String s=inString;                                  // get temp string
     for(int i=0;i<chars-inString.length();i++)          // add trailing spaces
       s=s+" ";
     return s.substring(0,chars);                        // return fixed length field
  Method which inserts commas into a number for readability
    String inString         input string of digits
    int    chars            length of desired fixed length string
    a String object
    output will have a String value of "test      "
   public static String commaString(String inString)
     String s="";
     int decimal=inString.indexOf(".");
         return inString;
     return s;
   public static String commaString(long number)
     return Utility.commaString(number+"");
   public static String commaString(double number)
     return Utility.commaString(number+"");
  Returns the month name of a desired month.
    int    monthNumber      month number (1-12)
    a String object
    String monthName=Utility.getMonthName(7);
   public static String getMonthName(int monthNumber)
     String[] monthNames=new String[12];
     return monthNames[monthNumber-1];
  Returns the day name of a desired day number.
    int    dayNumber      day number (1-7)
    a String object
    String dayName=Utility.getDayName(7);
   public static String getDayName(int dayNumber)
     String[] dayNames=new String[7];
     return dayNames[dayNumber-1];
  addComponent(Container container,Component component,int align)
  Method which adds a component to a container. This method will use a components
  preferred size, not necessarily filling up the container (as GridLayout would do).
    Container container      the container to which the component is to be added
    Component component      the component
    int       align          a constant from the FlowLayout class
    Panel myPanel=new Panel();
    myPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(4,2));
    Button myButton=new Button("click me");
   public static void addComponent(Container container,Component component,int align)
     Panel tempPanel=new Panel();
     tempPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout(align));
   public static void addComponent(Container container,Component component)

/* File:
    This is a JFrame-based (GUI) Java application.
    GUI1 sub-classes (extends) the Java class hierarchy, defining a new class
    that is a sub-class (child) of the JFrame class.
    The class hierarchy, from top to GUI1, consists of the following classes:
    The corresponding class declarations for the classes shown in this
    hierarchy include:
      class Object
      class Component extends Object
      class Container extends Component
      class Window extends Container
      class Frame extends Window
      class JFrame extends Frame
      class GUI1 extends JFrame
    GUI1 inherits methods and properties from its super-classes. It also
    uses classes that are available in the java.awt and javax.swing packages.
    Inherited methods used by GUI1:
    - setSize()          inherited from the Component class
    - setTitle()         inherited from the Frame class
    - setVisible()       inherited from the Component class
 import javax.swing.*;
 public class GUI1 extends JFrame                        // sub-class the JFrame class
   public static void main(String[] args)                // main() method; execution starts here
     new GUI1();                                         // instantiate a GUI1 object (call its constructor)
   public GUI1()                                         // constructor for the GUI1 class
     JTextArea display;                                  // define a JTextArea object (from javax.swing package)
     this.setTitle("Title for GUI1");                    // setTitle() is inherited from superclass
     this.setSize(400,600);                              //  as is setSize(); operate on current GUI1 object
     display=new JTextArea();                            // instantiate a JTextArea object
     this.add(display);                                  // add the object to the current GUI1 object
     this.setVisible(true);                              // switch to GUI and display frame
     for(int i=1;i<=10;i++)
       display.append(i+"\n");                           // append string to display object

/* File:
    GUI2a demonstrates the use of a layout manager to arrange (and maintain
    the arrangement of) widgets on the screen. Java has several Layout Managers:
      - FlowLayout
      - GridLayout
      - BorderLayout
      - GridBagLayout
    This program uses the FlowLayout layout manager.
    GUI2a demonstrates placing several GUI components (widgets) on the screen
    (into a frame). It demonstrates the use of three different widgets,
    each of which is a class defined in the javax.swing package:
    - JLabel
    - JTextField
    - JButton
    GUI2a demonstrates event-driven programming by responding to a button click
    in the program. The program implements the ActionListener interface by defining
    an actionPerformed() method. The ActionListener interface has one abstract method:
    actionPerformed. To implement an interface, you must provide a definition for each
    of the interfaces abstract methods.
    Java uses a delegation-based event-handling model. You can place various Event Sources
    on your layout (GUI application). Most components (JButtons, JTextFields, etc)
    can be Event Sources. You then register an Event Listener for each Event Source.
    An Event Listener is anything that implements one of the Listener interfaces.
    In this example, for instance, GUI2a implements ActionListener, so GUI2a "is a"
    ActionListener. It can, therefore, be used as an ActionListener, registered to
    listen for events on an Event Source.
    To incorporate event-handling in your program, you need to do four things:
 import classes and interfaces from the awt.event package
 include "implements ActionListener" in your class declaration (so that your class
       "is a" ActionListener)
 actually implement the ActionListener interface -- over-ride the actionPerformed() method
 register an Event Listener for any desired Event Source
 import java.awt.event.*;                                // for the ActionListener interface
 import java.awt.*;                                      // for the layout managers
 import javax.swing.*;                                   // for the GUI swing components
 public class GUI2a extends JFrame implements ActionListener
   private JTextField startText,stopText,sumText;
   private JButton    calcButton,doneButton;
   public static void main(String[] args)
     new GUI2a();                                        // instantiate a GUI2a object
   public GUI2a()                                        // the constructor for the GUI2a class
     this.setLayout(new FlowLayout());                   // set "this" GUI2a's layout manager to FlowLayout
     this.setTitle("Title for GUI2a");                   // setTitle of "this" GUI2a object
     this.add(new JLabel("starting value:"));            // add a JLabel object to the frame
     startText=new JTextField(10);                       // instantiate a JTextField object
     this.add(startText);                                // add to frame
     this.add(new JLabel("ending value:"));              // add another JLabel object
     stopText=new JTextField(10);                        // and another JTextField object
     this.add(new JLabel("sum:"));                       // another JLabel object
     sumText=new JTextField(10);                         // another JTextField object
     sumText.setEditable(false);                         // use method to prevent editing of this object
     calcButton=new JButton("Calculate");                // instantiate JButton object
     calcButton.addActionListener(this);                 // register this GUI2a object as Event Listener
                                                         //   for calcButton (Event Source)
     doneButton=new JButton("Quit");                     // another button
     doneButton.addActionListener(this);                 // register Event Listener for this Event Source
     this.setVisible(true);                              // make frame visible
   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)            // event-handling method, receives ActionEvent object
     if(e.getSource()==this.calcButton)                  // check source of event that occurred
     {                                                   //  was it calcButton?
       int start,stop,sum;                               // define three int variables
       start=Integer.parseInt(startText.getText());      // convert startText value to int
       stop =Integer.parseInt(stopText.getText());
       sum=0;                                            // initialize sum
       for(int i=start;i<=stop;i++)                      // loop to calculate sum
       sumText.setText(Integer.toString(sum));           // set text of sumText TextField object for display
     if(e.getSource()==doneButton)                       // was event caused by doneButton?
       System.exit(0);                                   // quit program

/* File:
    GUI2b uses the GridLayout Layout Manager. It reads events from Trivia.fil and displays
    today's Trivia events in a JTextArea (it uses the Date class to get the current date).
    Since Trivia.fil contains records with fixed-length fields, the program uses the String
    class's substring() method to extract individual fields from the records.
    This program also implements an additional event listener, WindowListener. The WindowListener
    interface includes seven methods. To implement this interface, you must over-ride all seven of
    these methods. This program is actually interested in only one of the methods, windowClosing.
    This program provides code for when the user clicks on the little X in the top right corner of
    the window to close the window.
 import java.awt.*;                                      // for the layout managers
 import java.awt.event.*;                                // for the listener interfaces
 import javax.swing.*;                                   // for the GUI swing components
 import java.util.*;                                     // for the Date class
 import*;                                       // for the I/O classes
 public class GUI2b extends JFrame implements ActionListener,WindowListener
   private JButton    triviaButton,clearButton,quitButton;  // define three JButton objects
   private JTextArea display;                               // and a JTextArea for output
   public static void main(String[] args)
     new GUI2b();
   public GUI2b()
     this.setTitle("Title for GUI2b");
     this.setLayout(new GridLayout(2,1));                // set layout manager of the GUI2b
                                                         //  object to GridLayout (2 rows, 1 column)
     Panel topPanel=new Panel();                         // instantiate a Panel (container) to hold
                                                         //  three buttons for the top of the GridLayout
     topPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,3));            // set the Panel's layout manager
     triviaButton=new JButton("Show Trivia");            // instantiate JButton object
     triviaButton.addActionListener(this);               // register Event Listener
     topPanel.add(triviaButton);                         // add button to Panel container
     clearButton=new JButton("Clear");
     quitButton=new JButton("Quit");
     this.add(topPanel);                                 // add Panel to the Frame
     display=new JTextArea();                            // instantiate JTextArea object
     display.setEditable(false);                         // prevent user editing of the TextArea
     this.add(display);                                  // add textArea to Frame
     this.addWindowListener(this);                       // register WindowListener
   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)            // event-handling method, receives ActionEvent object
     if(e.getSource()==this.triviaButton)                // check source of event that occurred
     {                                                   //  was it the triviaButton Button object?
       Date date=new Date();                             // instantiate a Date object (deprecated)
       int todayMonth=date.getMonth()+1;                 // getMonth returns 0-11 (increment by 1)
       int todayDay=date.getDate();                      // day of the month (1-31)
       int listCount=0;                                  // initialize a counter
                                                         // initialize a string
       String string="On "+todayMonth+"/"+todayDay+", the following events happened:\n";
       try                                                 // put I/O stuff in a try/catch block
         BufferedReader in=new BufferedReader(new FileReader("Trivia.fil"));  // data file is now open
         String record=in.readLine();                      // attempt to read next record
         while(record!=null)                               // execute loop if record was read
           int thisMonth=Integer.parseInt(record.substring(0,2));  // extract month and day from record
           int thisDay=Integer.parseInt(record.substring(3,5));    // convert from String to int
           if(todayMonth==thisMonth && todayDay==thisDay)  // is this trivia event for today?
           record=in.readLine();                           // attempt to read next record
         in.close();                                       // close the file
       catch(Exception ex)                                 // catch any exceptions
         display.setText("error attempting to process Trivia.fil\n"+ex.toString());
       string=string+"\n"+listCount+" trivia events listed\n";
     if(e.getSource()==this.clearButton)                 // was event caused by clearButton?
       display.setText("");                              // clear the textArea
     if(e.getSource()==this.quitButton)                  // was event caused by quitButton?
       System.exit(0);                                   // quit program
   public void windowActivated(WindowEvent e)            // define WindowListener's seven abstract methods
   public void windowClosed(WindowEvent e)
   public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)
   public void windowDeactivated(WindowEvent e)
   public void windowDeiconified(WindowEvent e)
   public void windowIconified(WindowEvent e)
   public void windowOpened(WindowEvent e)

/* File:
    GUI2c uses BorderLayout as the Layout Manager. It provides a JTextField, into which
    the user can enter a customer number (it responds to pressing Enter in the textfield).
    The program reads the records in Customer.dat to find the matching customer, and displays
    customer information in a JTextArea.
    Since Customer.dat contains variable-length, delimited fields, this program uses the
    String class's split method to split the records apart into their fields.
    This program uses a Panel object as a sub-Container. The Panel may have its own
    Layout Manager. You may add Components to the Panel, then add the Panel to your
 import java.awt.*;
 import java.awt.event.*;
 import javax.swing.*;
 public class GUI2c extends JFrame implements ActionListener
   private JTextField custNumText;
   private JTextArea  display;
   private JButton    quitButton;
   public static void main(String[] args)
     new GUI2c();
   public GUI2c()
     this.setTitle("Title for GUI2c");
     this.setLayout(new BorderLayout());                 // set Frame's Layout Manager
     Panel topPanel=new Panel();                         // instantiate a Panel object (container)
     topPanel.add(new JLabel("Customer number: "));      // instantiate a JLabel object and add
                                                         //  it to the panel
     custNumText=new JTextField(10);                     // instantiate a JTextField for input
     custNumText.addActionListener(this);                // respond to Enter in textfield
     this.add(topPanel,BorderLayout.NORTH);              // add Panel to top of Frame
     display=new JTextArea();                            // instantiate JTextArea for output
     this.add(display,BorderLayout.CENTER);              // add textArea to center of Frame
     quitButton=new JButton("Quit");                     // instantiate a JButton
     quitButton.addActionListener(this);                 // respond to button click
     this.add(quitButton,BorderLayout.SOUTH);            // add to bottom of frame
   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
     if(e.getSource()==this.custNumText)                 // was textfield the event source?
       try                                               // put I/O stuff in a try/catch block
       {                                                 // get customer number from textfield
         int customerNumber=Integer.parseInt(this.custNumText.getText());
         boolean flag=false;                             // set a flag to false
         BufferedReader in=new BufferedReader(new FileReader("Customer.dat"));  // open data file
         String record=in.readLine();                    // attempt to read next record
         while(record!=null)                             // execute loop if record was read
           String[] fields=record.split("\t");           // split record apart based on delimiter
           int thisNumber=Integer.parseInt(fields[0]);   // convert first field to int
           if(customerNumber==thisNumber)                // is this the desired customer?
             display.setText(fields[0]+"\n"+fields[1]+", "+fields[2]+"\n"+fields[4]+
             flag=true;                                  // set flag to true
             break;                                      // and break out of loop
           record=in.readLine();                           // attempt to read next record
         in.close();                                       // close the file
         if(!flag)                                         // if flag is still false,
         {                                                 //  customer not found
           display.setText("Customer not found");
       catch(Exception ex)                                 // catch any exceptions
         display.setText("error attempting to process Customer.dat\n"+ex.toString());
     if(e.getSource()==this.quitButton)                    // quit button


Sample records from Customer.dat (variable-length, tab-delimited records)
each record consists of: 
customer number, tab, last name, tab, first name, tab, year, tab, month, tab, day, tab, account balance
	Clark	Pamela	1986	3	1	179
	Harris	Rachel	1986	3	1	415
	Pittman	Lagatha	1986	3	1	940
	Medders	Barbara	1986	3	1	2175
	Prince	Leola	1986	3	1	837
	Coggins	Sharon	1986	3	1	3960
	Ray	Tracie O.	1986	3	1	1850
	Thompson	Nettie	1986	3	1	860
	Hughes	Beverly A.	1986	3	1	1640
	Isbell	Linda Jean	1986	3	1	1176
	Mason	Ollie Bell	1986	3	1	4462
	Richardson	Jayne	1986	3	1	1280
	Buchanan	Mary	1986	3	1	2000
	Carr	Linda	1986	3	1	400
	Copeland	Charlotte	1986	3	1	1050
	Davis	Catherine	1986	3	1	3280
	Foster	Linda J.	1986	3	1	2400
	Jackson	Mary A	1986	3	1	3270
	Pippin	Bonnie	1986	3	1	4400
	Stewart	Shirley	1986	3	1	3500
	Banks	Marie	1986	3	1	3829
	Clark	Janet Marie	1986	3	1	2450
	Bishop	Bertha	1986	3	1	1561
	Pennington	Deborah	1986	3	1	3772
	Bright	Linda	1986	3	1	4000
	Williams	Vanessa J.	1986	3	1	3200
	West	Wanda L.	1986	3	1	3000
	Houston	Bessie Mae	1986	3	1	4987
	Baker	Mary E.	1986	3	1	250
	Gandy	Wilda Q.	1986	4	1	1050
	Ward	Barbara	1986	4	1	1750
	Lucious	Mary	1986	4	1	50
	Lyons	Allie V.	1986	4	1	2572
	Sorrell	Valerie Kay	1986	5	1	250
	Park	Kangsook	1986	5	1	2140
	McDavitt	Pam	1986	5	1	1400
	Roy	Mary B.	1986	6	1	250

 /* File:
 This program demonstrates JScrollBar, AdjustmentListener, and Color objects.
 It also demonstrates the concept of an "Adapter class" -- WindowAdapter.
 Adapter classes provide an alternative to implementing an interface, subclass the
 Adapter class instead.
 import java.awt.*;
 import java.awt.event.*;
 import javax.swing.*;
 // the AdjustmentListener interface listens for sliding of a JScrollBar
 public class GUI3a extends JFrame implements AdjustmentListener
   private JScrollBar redScroll,greenScroll,blueScroll;
   private JLabel redLabel,greenLabel,blueLabel;
   private JTextArea display;
   public static void main(String[] args)
     new GUI3a();
   public GUI3a()
     this.setTitle("Title for GUI3a");
     this.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,2));                // the application uses GridLayout, 1 row, 2 columns
     Panel leftPanel=new Panel();                        // a Panel to hold components for the left cell
     leftPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(3,1));           // left panel will be 3 rows, 1 column
     Panel redPanel=new Panel();                         // contents for the first cell in leftPanel
     redPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,2));
     redPanel.setBackground(Color.RED);                  // set background color of this panel to red
     redScroll=new JScrollBar(JScrollBar.HORIZONTAL,128,1,0,256);  // instantiate a JScrollBar
     redScroll.addAdjustmentListener(this);              // register adjustmentListener
     redLabel=new JLabel("  128");                       // instantiate JLabel
     redLabel.setForeground(Color.WHITE);                // set its text color to white
     redPanel.add(redScroll);                            // add scrollbar to redPanel
     redPanel.add(redLabel);                             // add label to redPanel
     leftPanel.add(redPanel);                            // add redPanel to leftPanel
     Panel greenPanel=new Panel();                       // the greenPanel
     greenPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,2));
     greenScroll=new JScrollBar(JScrollBar.HORIZONTAL,128,1,0,256);
     greenLabel=new JLabel("  128");
     leftPanel.add(greenPanel);                          // add greenPanel to leftPanel
     Panel bluePanel=new Panel();                        // the bluePanel
     bluePanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,2));
     blueScroll=new JScrollBar(JScrollBar.HORIZONTAL,128,1,0,256);
     blueLabel=new JLabel("  128");
     leftPanel.add(bluePanel);                           // add bluePanel to leftPanel
     this.add(leftPanel);                                // add the left panel to the overall GridLayout
     display=new JTextArea();                            // JTextArea for right side of GUI3a
     display.setBackground(new Color(128,128,128));      // set to medium gray
     this.add(display);                                  // add textarea to overall GridLayout
     this.addWindowListener(new MyWindowListener());     // instantiate a MyWindowListener object,
                                                         // register it as a Window Listener
   public void adjustmentValueChanged(AdjustmentEvent e) // respond to sliding any scrollbar
     int red=redScroll.getValue();                       // get current "value" of each scrollbar
     int green=greenScroll.getValue();
     int blue=blueScroll.getValue();
     display.setBackground(new Color(red,green,blue));   // update backgroundcolor of textarea
     redLabel.setText("  "+red);                           // display current value of each scrollbar
     greenLabel.setText("  "+green);                       //  on its corresponding label
     blueLabel.setText("  "+blue);
   class MyWindowListener extends WindowAdapter          // named inner class, extends WindowAdapter
     public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)            // over-ride the windowClosing event

/* File:
 This program uses NO Layout Manager: null.
 import java.awt.*;
 import java.awt.event.*;
 import javax.swing.*;
 // the AdjustmentListener interface listens for sliding of a JScrollBar
 public class GUI3b extends JFrame implements AdjustmentListener
   private JScrollBar redScroll,greenScroll,blueScroll;
   private JLabel redLabel,greenLabel,blueLabel;
   private JTextArea display;
   public static void main(String[] args)
     new GUI3b();
   public GUI3b()
     this.setTitle("Title for GUI3b");
     this.setLayout(null);                               // explicitly state NO Layout Manager
     int left=10;
     int top=10;
     int width=250;
     int height=100;
     Panel redPanel=new Panel();                         // contents for the first cell in leftPanel
     redPanel.setLayout(null);                           // no Layout Manager for panel as well
     redPanel.setSize(width,height);                     // manually set the panel's size
     redPanel.setLocation(left,top);                     // and location
     redPanel.setBackground(Color.RED);                  // set background color of this panel to red
     redScroll=new JScrollBar(JScrollBar.HORIZONTAL,128,1,0,256);  // instantiate a JScrollBar
     redScroll.setSize(width-20,height/2);               // set its size
     redScroll.setLocation(10,10);                       //  and location (within redPanel)
     redScroll.addAdjustmentListener(this);              // register adjustmentListener
     redLabel=new JLabel("128",SwingConstants.CENTER);   // instantiate JLabel
     redLabel.setForeground(Color.WHITE);                // set its text color to white
     redPanel.add(redScroll);                            // add scrollbar to redPanel
     redPanel.add(redLabel);                             // add label to redPanel
     this.add(redPanel);                                 // add redPanel directly to application
     Panel greenPanel=new Panel();                       // the greenPanel
     greenScroll=new JScrollBar(JScrollBar.HORIZONTAL,128,1,0,256);
     greenLabel=new JLabel("128",SwingConstants.CENTER);
     Panel bluePanel=new Panel();                        // the bluePanel
     blueScroll=new JScrollBar(JScrollBar.HORIZONTAL,128,1,0,256);
     blueLabel=new JLabel("128",SwingConstants.CENTER);
     display=new JTextArea();                            // JTextArea for right side of GUI3a
     display.setBackground(new Color(128,128,128));      // set to medium gray
     this.addWindowListener(new MyWindowListener());     // instantiate a MyWindowListener object,
                                                         // register it as a Window Listener
   public void adjustmentValueChanged(AdjustmentEvent e) // respond to sliding any scrollbar
     int red=redScroll.getValue();                       // get current "value" of each scrollbar
     int green=greenScroll.getValue();
     int blue=blueScroll.getValue();
     display.setBackground(new Color(red,green,blue));   // update backgroundcolor of textarea
     redLabel.setText(""+red);                           // display current value of each scrollbar
     greenLabel.setText(""+green);                       //  on its corresponding label
   class MyWindowListener extends WindowAdapter          // named inner class, extends WindowAdapter
     public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)            // over-ride the windowClosing event

/* File:
    GUI4a modifies GUI3b, using a menu bar instead of buttons.
 import java.awt.*;
 import java.awt.event.*;
 import javax.swing.*;
 public class GUI4a extends JFrame implements ActionListener
   private JMenuItem  calculateItem,clearItem,exitItem;   // three menu items (to be clicked)
   private JTextField startText,stopText,sumText;
   private JTextArea  displayArea;
   public static void main(String[] args)
     new GUI4a();
   public GUI4a()
     JMenuBar menuBar=new JMenuBar();                    // instantiate a JMenuBar object
     this.setJMenuBar(menuBar);                           // add it to the frame
     JMenu fileMenu=new JMenu("File");                   // first main menu option
     calculateItem=new JMenuItem("Calculate");           // instantiate item for the menu option
     fileMenu.add(calculateItem);                        // and add it to the menu option
     calculateItem.addActionListener(this);              // register event listener for menu item
     clearItem=new JMenuItem("Clear");
     exitItem=new JMenuItem("Exit");
     menuBar.add(fileMenu);                              // add the menu option to the menubar
     this.setTitle("Title for GUI4a");
     this.setLayout(new BorderLayout());                 // set layout manager of the frame to BorderLayout
     JPanel topPanel=new JPanel();
     topPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(3,2));
     Utility.addComponent(topPanel,new Label("starting value:"),FlowLayout.RIGHT);
     startText=new JTextField(10);
     Utility.addComponent(topPanel,new Label("ending value:"),FlowLayout.RIGHT);
     stopText=new JTextField(10);
     Utility.addComponent(topPanel,new Label("sum:"),FlowLayout.RIGHT);
     sumText=new JTextField(10);
     displayArea=new JTextArea();                        // instantiate a JTextArea, and put it in a JScrollPane
     JScrollPane scroll=new JScrollPane(displayArea,
     this.add(scroll,BorderLayout.CENTER);               // add the JScrollPane to the center region
     this.addWindowListener(new MyWindowListener());
   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
   {                                                     // instead of calling e.getSource three times
     JMenuItem thisItem=(JMenuItem) e.getSource();       // call it once, and save its returned value
                                                         // (must cast Object object as MenuItem object)
     if(thisItem==this.calculateItem)                    // determine which menu item was clicked
       float start,stop,sum;
       try                                               // put Exception-throwing code in try block
         stop =Float.valueOf(stopText.getText()).floatValue();
       catch(Exception ex)                               // catch any possible Exceptions from try block
         displayArea.append("invalid input!\n");
         return;                                         // return after handling Exception
       displayArea.setText("");                          // clear displayArea (note null string, not " ")
       for(float f=start;f<=stop;f++)
     if(thisItem==this.clearItem)                        // clear item; reset text components
     if(thisItem==this.exitItem)                         // exit item; terminate program
   class MyWindowListener extends WindowAdapter          // named inner class, extends WindowAdapter
     public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)            // over-ride the windowClosing event

/* File:
    This GUI application demonstrates multi-threaded programming. To use a Thread in a Java program,
    you need to subclass the Thread class, over-riding the run() method to provide functionality
    to your thread. In this program: instantiate your subclassed thread, then call its start()
    method (the start() method will call the run() method).
    This program demonstrates both a running time-of-day clock, and an elapsed time clock.
    It also demonstrates the difference between an external class ( and a
    named inner class (TimerClock).
 import java.awt.*;
 import java.awt.event.*;
 import javax.swing.*;
 import java.util.*;
 public class Threader extends JFrame implements ActionListener
   private JLabel clockLabel;
   private JTextField counter1,counter2,upperLimit;
   private JButton startButton1,startButton2;
   private DateClock dateClock;                          // threaded time-of-day clock
   private Counter counter;                              // threaded counter
   public static void main(String[] args)                // main method
     new Threader();                                     // instantiate a Threader object
   public Threader()
     this.setTitle("Threader");                          // setTitle() is inherited from superclass
     this.setSize(800,600);                              //  as is setSize(); operate on current GUI1 object
     this.setLayout(new BorderLayout(0,75));             // set the GUI's layout manager
     JPanel bottomPanel=new JPanel();                    // instantiate two Panel objects (containers)
     JPanel centerPanel=new JPanel();
     clockLabel=new JLabel();
     this.add(clockLabel,BorderLayout.NORTH);            // add the Label object to NORTH section of screen
     bottomPanel.add(new JLabel("Enter upper limit:"));  // start populating a Panel for bottom of screen
     upperLimit=new JTextField(10);
     startButton1=new JButton("Unthreaded Start");
     startButton1.addActionListener(this);               // register event listener for event source
     startButton2=new JButton("Threaded Start");
     startButton2.addActionListener(this);               // register event listener for event source
     this.add(bottomPanel,BorderLayout.SOUTH);           // add Panel to SOUTH section of screen
     centerPanel.add(new JLabel("unthreaded:"));         // start populating the center Panel
     counter1=new JTextField(10);
     centerPanel.add(new JLabel("threaded:"));
     counter2=new JTextField(10);
     this.add(centerPanel,BorderLayout.CENTER);          // add third panel to CENTER of screen
     dateClock=new DateClock(clockLabel);                // instantiate DateClock object
                                                         //  (pass label for time display)
     dateClock.start();                                  // start dateClock execution
     this.setVisible(true);                              // make the GUI visible
   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)            // respond to button click
     int maxValue;
     try                                                 // try to get numeric representation of
     {                                                   //  contents of input field
     catch(Exception ex)                                 // catch conversion error
       for(int i=1;i<=maxValue;i++)
         counter1.setText(Integer.toString(i));          // change contents in textfield
       Counter counter=new Counter(maxValue);            // instantiate new Counter object
       counter.start();                                  // call its start method
       counter=null;                                     // remove reference to CounterClock object
   class Counter extends Thread
     private int maxValue;
     public Counter(int m)
     public void run()                                   // executes any time thread is running
       for(int i=0;i<=this.maxValue;i++)                 // counting loop
         counter2.setText(""+i);                         // set label text to count
           Thread.sleep(5);                              // put thread to sleep for 5 milliseconds
         catch(InterruptedException e)                   // sleep may throw an exception
           break;                                        // if so, break from loop

/* File:
    DateClock subclasses java.util.Thread to implement a running time-of-day clock by creating
    a separate execution thread for the clock.
    In subclassing a Thread, you will usually over-ride the run method to provide the
    desired functionality of your thread.
 import javax.swing.*;
 import java.util.*;
 public class DateClock extends Thread                   // subclass the Thread class
   private JLabel clockLabel;                             // instance variable
   public DateClock(JLabel l)                              // constructor method
     this.clockLabel=l;                                  // set instance variable to refer to passed object
   public void run()                                     // executes any time thread is running
     while (true)                                        // loop forever
       GregorianCalendar calendar=new GregorianCalendar();    // instantiate a GregorianCalendar object
         Thread.sleep(1000);                            // put thread to sleep for 1 second
       catch(InterruptedException e)                     // sleep may throw an exception
         break;                                          // if so, break from while loop

/* File:
    This is a simple Java servlet that displays Hello World on the user's web browser.
    The .class file for this servlet must be stored in your tomcat "classes" subdirectory.
    Your tomcat server must be running, and you must specify the correct primary port
    number when you try to access this class file from your browser.
    The servlet must be entered into your web.xml file (which is in your WEB-INF directory):
   IMPORTANT: Any time you change your web.xml, you must stoptom and starttom to re-process
   the web.xml file.
   Access the servlet with:
   (substitute your primary port number for "8080" and your net id for "abc123")
 import*;                                       // import statements
 import javax.servlet.*;
 import javax.servlet.http.*;
 public class ServletHello extends HttpServlet           // subclass the HttpServlet class
                                                         // over-ride the doGet method so we can respond
                                                         //  to a Get method request
                                                         // code in this method may throw an Exception,
                                                         //  so this method throws it as well
   public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response)
                     throws ServletException,IOException
     response.setContentType("text/html");               // set the response header (content-type)
     PrintWriter out=response.getWriter();               // get a PrintWriter object to print to browser
     out.println("Hello World");                         // use it to generate some output

/* File:
   This servlet reads the contents of the file and displays it to the browser
   as plain text (not to be rendered by the browser).
   Both the .class file for this servlet and the file that it reads ( must be
   stored in your tomcat "classes" subdirectory"
   The servlet must be entered into your web.xml file (which is in your WEB-INF directory).
 import*;                                       // import statements
 import javax.servlet.*;
 import javax.servlet.http.*;
 public class ReadFile extends HttpServlet
   public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response)
                     throws ServletException,IOException
     response.setContentType("text/plain");              // set the response header (content-type)
     String filename="/home/rpearson/tomcat/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes/";
     PrintWriter out=response.getWriter();               // get a PrintWriter object to print to browser
     try                                                 // put I/O stuff in a try/catch block
       BufferedReader in=new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename));  // data file is now open
       String record=in.readLine();                      // attempt to read next record
       while(record!=null)                               // execute loop if record was read
         out.println(record);                            // print this record, then
         record=in.readLine();                           // attempt to read next record
       in.close();                                       // close the file
     catch(Exception e)                                  // catch any exceptions
       out.println("error attempting to open "+filename);

/* File:
   This servlet reads the contents of the file Trivia.fil and displays its trivia events
   to the browser as an HTML table (to be rendered by the browser).
   Both the .class file for this servlet and the file that it reads (Trivia.fil) must be
   stored in your tomcat "classes" subdirectory.
   The servlet must be entered into your web.xml file (which is in your WEB-INF directory).
   Since Trivia.fil contains fixed-length records, this program uses the String class's
   substring method to extract fields from the records.
 import*;                                       // import statements
 import javax.servlet.*;
 import javax.servlet.http.*;
 public class AllTrivia extends HttpServlet              // servlets subclass the HttpServlet class
   public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response)
                     throws ServletException,IOException
     response.setContentType("text/html");               // set the response header (content-type)
     PrintWriter out=response.getWriter();               // get a PrintWriter object to print to browser
     out.println("<!doctype html>");                     // generate valid HTML for a web page
     out.println("<link rel=stylesheet type='text/css' href='/BIS3523.css'>");
     try                                                 // put I/O stuff in a try/catch block
       String filename="/home/rpearson/tomcat/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes/Trivia.fil";
       BufferedReader in=new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename));  // data file is now open
       String record=in.readLine();                      // attempt to read next record
       while(record!=null)                               // execute loop if record was read
         String date=record.substring(0,10);
         String event=record.substring(12);
         record=in.readLine();                           // attempt to read next record
       in.close();                                       // close the file
     catch(Exception e)                                  // catch any exceptions
       out.print("<tr><td>error attempting to process Trivia.fil<br>");


   border: thin solid black;
   border-collapse: collapse;
   padding: 6px;
 .noBorder {border: none}
 .left {text-align: left}
 .center {text-align: center}
 .right {text-align: right}
   color: black;
   background-color: yellow;

/* File:
   This servlet reads the contents of the file Trivia.dat and displays today's trivia events
   to the browser as an HTML table (to be rendered by the browser). "Today" is based on the
   server's date and time, not the client.
   Since Trivia.dat contains variable-length, delimited records, this program uses the String
   class's split method to split the records into their subordinate fields.
   This program uses methods of the "deprecated" Date class. You will get a warning when you
   compile, but the methods still work. They're deprecated, they're not obsolete.
 import*;                                       // import statements
 import javax.servlet.*;
 import javax.servlet.http.*;
 import java.util.*;
 public class ServerTrivia extends HttpServlet
   public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response)
                     throws ServletException,IOException
     response.setContentType("text/html");              // set the response header (content-type)
     Date date=new Date();                               // instantiate a Date object (deprecated)
     int todayMonth=date.getMonth()+1;                   // getMonth returns 0-11 (increment by 1)
     int todayDay=date.getDate();                        // day of the month (1-31)
     int listCount=0;                                    // initialize a counter
                                                         // generate a heading
     PrintWriter out=response.getWriter();               // get a PrintWriter object to print to browser
     out.println("<!doctype html>");                     // generate valid HTML for a web page
     out.println("<link rel=stylesheet type='text/css' href='/BIS3523.css'>");
     out.println("<tr><td colspan=2>On "+todayMonth+"/"+todayDay+", the following events happened:</td></tr>");
     try                                                 // put I/O stuff in a try/catch block
       String filename="/home/rpearson/tomcat/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes/Trivia.dat";
       BufferedReader in=new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename));  // data file is now open
       String record=in.readLine();                      // attempt to read next record
       while(record!=null)                               // execute loop if record was read
         String[] fields=record.split("\t");
         int thisMonth=Integer.parseInt(fields[0]);
         int thisDay=Integer.parseInt(fields[1]);
         if(todayMonth==thisMonth && todayDay==thisDay)
         record=in.readLine();                           // attempt to read next record
       in.close();                                       // close the file
     catch(Exception e)                                  // catch any exceptions
       out.print("<tr><td>error attempting to process Trivia.dat<br>");
     out.println("<tr><td colspan=2>"+listCount+" trivia events listed</td></tr>");


01	01	1801	Giuseppe Piazzi discoved 1st asteroid, later named Ceres
01	01	1801	United Kingdom of Great Britain & Ireland established
01	01	1804	Haiti gains its independence
01	01	1863	Emancipation Proclamation issued by Lincoln.
01	01	1892	Brooklyn merges with NY to form present City of NY Ellis Island became reception center for new immigrants
01	01	1901	Commonwealth of Australia established
01	01	1902	first Rose Bowl game held in Pasadena, California.
01	01	1912	first running of SF's famed "Bay to Breakers" race (7.63 miles)
01	01	1934	Alcatraz officially becomes a Federal Prison.
01	01	1956	Sudan gains its independence
01	01	1958	European Economic Community (EEC) starts operation.
01	01	1971	Cigarette advertisements banned on TV
01	01	1984	AT & T broken up into 8 companies.
01	01	1986	Spain & Portugal become 11th & 12th members of Common Market
01	02	1776	first American revolutionary flag displayed.
01	02	1788	Georgia is 4th state to ratify US constitution
01	02	1893	World's Columbian Exposition opens in Chicago
01	02	1921	DeYoung Museum in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park opens.
01	02	1936	first electron tube described, St Louis, Missouri
01	02	1959	USSR launches Mechta, 1st lunar probe & artificial in solar orbit
01	02	1968	Dr Christian Barnard performs 1st successful heart transplant
01	02	1972	Mariner 9 begins mapping Mars
01	03	1521	Martin Luther excommunicated by Roman Catholic Church
01	03	1777	Washington defeats British at Battle of Princeton, NJ
01	03	1852	First Chinese arrive in Hawaii.
01	03	1870	Brooklyn Bridge begun, completed on May 24, 1883
01	03	1888	1st drinking straw is patented.
01	03	1957	first electric watch introduced, Lancaster Pennsylvania
01	03	1959	Alaska becomes the 49th state.
01	03	1977	Apple Computer incorporated.
01	04	1754	Columbia University openes
01	04	1784	US treaty with Great Britain is ratified
01	04	1790	President Washington delivers first "State of the Union" speech.
01	04	1896	Utah becomes 45th state
01	04	1948	Burma gains independence from Britain (National Day)
01	04	1959	Soviet Luna 1 first craft to leave Earth's gravity
01	04	1982	Golden Gate Bridge closed for the 3rd time by fierce storm.
01	05	1809	Treaty of Dardanelles was concluded between Britain & France
01	05	1911	San Francisco has its first official airplane race.
01	05	1933	Work on Golden Gate Bridge begins, on Marin County side.
01	05	1969	USSR Venera 5 launched.  1st successful planet landing - Venus
01	05	1972	NASA announces development of Space Shuttle
01	05	1975	Salyut 4 with crew of 2 is launched for 30 days
01	06	1663	Great earthquake in New England
01	06	1838	first public demonstration of telegraph, by Samuel F. B. Morse
01	06	1914	Stock brokerage firm of Merrill Lynch founded.
01	06	1941	FDR names 4 freedoms (speech, religion; from want, from fear)
01	06	1942	first around world flight by Pan Am "Pacific Clipper"
01	07	1558	Calais, last English possession in France, retaken by French
01	07	1610	Galileo discovers 1st 3 moons of Jupiter, Io, Europa & Ganymede
01	07	1714	The typewriter is patented (it was built years later)
01	07	1785	1st balloon flight across the English Channel.
01	07	1822	Liberia colonized by Americans
01	07	1929	"Tarzan", one of the first adventure comic strips appears.
01	07	1963	First Class postage raised from 4 cents to 5 cents.
01	07	1968	First Class postage raised from 5 cents to 6 cents.
01	08	1815	Battle of New Orleans, made a hero out of Andrew Jackson (the War of 1812 had ended on 12/24/1814, but nobody knew that).
01	08	1880	The passing of Norton I, Emperor of the US, Protector of Mexico
01	08	1932	Ratification of present San Francisco City Charter.
01	08	1935	Spectrophotometer patented, by AC Hardy
01	08	1958	Cuban revolutionary forces capture Havana
01	08	1968	US Surveyor 7 lands near crater Tycho on moon
01	08	1973	USSR launches Luna 21 for moon landing
01	09	1788	Conneticut becomes 5th state
01	09	1793	Jean Pierre Blanchard makes 1st balloon flight in North America
01	09	1799	1st income tax imposed, in England.
01	09	1839	Thomas Henderson measures 1st stellar parallax Alpha Centauri
01	09	1839	The daguerrotype process announced at French Academy of Science
01	09	1843	Caroline Herschel, "1st lady of astronomy," dies at 98 in Germany
01	09	1847	first San Francisco paper, 'California Star', published.
01	09	1978	Commonwealth of Northern Marianas established
01	09	1982	5.9 earthquake in New England/Canada; last one was in 1855.
01	10	1776	"Common Sense" by Thomas Paine is published.
01	10	1840	The Penny Post mail system is started.
01	10	1863	1st underground railway opens in London.
01	10	1945	Los Angeles Railway (with 5 streetcar lines) forced to close.
01	10	1946	UN General Assembly meets for first time
01	10	1946	US Army establishes first radar contact with moon.  It's there.
01	10	1949	first Jewish family show - The Goldberg's begin
01	10	1951	first jet passenger trip made
01	10	1969	USSR's Venera 6 launched for parachute landing on Venus
01	10	1978	Soyuz 27 is launched
01	11	1642	Isaac Newton is elected a member of Royal Society
01	11	1787	Titania & Oberon, moons of Uranus, discovered by William Herschel
01	11	1813	First pineapples planted in Hawaii.
01	11	1935	1st woman to fly solo across Pacific left Honolulu, AE Putnam
01	11	1935	Amelia Earhart flies from Hawaii to California, non-stop
01	11	1975	Soyuz 17 is launched
01	12	1777	Mission Santa Clara de Asis founded in California
01	12	1820	Royal Astronomical Society, founded in England
01	12	1986	24th Space Shuttle Mission - Columbia 7 is launched
01	13	1610	Galileo Galilei discovers Callisto, 4th satellite of Jupiter
01	13	1630	Patent to Plymouth Colony issued
01	13	1854	Anthony Foss obtains patent for the Accordion.
01	13	1854	Anthony Foss obtains patent for accordion
01	13	1920	NY Times Editorial says rockets can never fly.
01	13	1930	Mickey Mouse comic strip first appears
01	13	1971	Apollo 14 launched (what was that about rockets can't fly??)
01	14	1784	Revolutionary War ends when Congress ratifies Treaty of Paris
01	14	1914	Henry Ford introduces the Assembly Line for his cars.
01	14	1936	L.M. "Mario" Giannini elected president of Bank of America.
01	14	1939	All commercial ferry service to the East Bay ends.
01	14	1969	Soyuz 4 is launched
01	15	1535	Henry VIII declares himself head of English Church
01	15	1759	British Museum opens
01	15	1778	Nootka Sound discovered by Capt. Cook
01	15	1861	Steam elevator patented by Elisha Otis
01	15	1927	Dunbarton Bridge, 1st bridge in Bay Area, opens.
01	15	1948	World's largest office building, The Pentagon, is completed.
01	15	1968	Soyuz 5 launched
01	16	1883	Pendleton Act creates basis of federal civil service system
01	16	1887	Cliff House badly damaged when a cargo of gunpowder on the schooner "Parallel" explodes nearby.
01	16	1920	18th Amendment, prohibition, goes into effect; repealed in 1933
01	16	1969	Soviet Soyuz 4 & Soyuz 5 perform 1st transfer of crew in space
01	16	1973	USSR's Lunakhod begins radio-controlled exploration of moon
01	16	1979	Iranian revolution overthrows shah.
01	16	1991	US led air forces begin raids on Iraq in response to Iraq's August 1990 takeover of Kuwait.
01	17	1773	Capt James Cook becomes 1st to cross Antarctic Circle (66ø 33' S)
01	17	1852	British recognize independence of Transvaal (in South Africa)
01	17	1861	Flush toilet is patented by Mr. Thomas Crapper (Honest!!).
01	17	1871	1st Cable Car is patented by Andrew S. Hallidie.
01	17	1893	Kingdom of Hawaii becomes a republic.
01	17	1899	US takes possession of Wake Island in Pacific
01	17	1943	It was Tin Can Drive Day.
01	17	1945	Liberation Day in Poland (end of Nazi occupation)
01	17	1957	Nine county commission recommends creation of BART.
01	17	1963	Joe Walker takes X-15 to altitude of 82 km
01	17	1976	Hermes rocket launched by ESA
01	18	1644	1st UFO sighting in America, by perplexed Pilgrims in Boston.
01	18	1778	Captain James Cook stumbles over the Hawaiian Islands.
01	18	1869	The elegant California Theatre opens in San Francisco.
01	18	1911	1st shipboard landing of a plane (from Tanforan Park to the USS Pennsylvania).
01	18	1919	Versailles Peace Conference, ending World War I
01	18	1956	Tunisian Revolution Day (National Day)
01	19	1903	1st regular transatlantic radio broadcast between US & England.
01	19	1921	Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras & El Salvador sign Pact of Union
01	20	1265	1st English Parliament, called by the Earl of Leicester
01	20	1872	California Stock Exchange Board organized.
01	20	1887	Pearl Harbor obtained by US from Hawaii for use as a naval base
01	20	1929	1st talking motion picture taken outdoors "In Old Arizona"
01	20	1937	Inauguration day, every 4th year
01	20	1981	US embassy hostages freed in Tehran after 444 days.
01	21	1813	The pineapple is introduced to Hawaii.
01	21	1954	The Nautilus launched, first nuclear submarine.
01	21	1962	Snow falls in San Francisco, believe it or not.
01	21	1979	Neptune becomes the outermost planet (Pluto moves closer).
01	22	1850	The Alta California becomes a daily paper, 1st such in Calif.
01	22	1939	Aquatic Park dedicated.
01	22	1968	Apollo 5 launched to moon, Unmanned lunar module tests made
01	22	1975	Lansat 2, an Earth Resources Technology Satellite, is launched
01	23	1579	Union of Utrecht signed, forming protestant Dutch Republic
01	23	1964	24th Amendment ratified, Barred poll tax in federal elections
01	24	1848	James Marshall finds gold in Sutter's Mill in Coloma, Calif
01	24	1899	The rubber heel is patented by Humphrey O'Sullivan.
01	24	1935	1st beer in cans is sold.
01	24	1982	San Francisco 49'ers win their 1st Super Bowl, 26-21.
01	24	1985	15th Space Shuttle Mission - Discovery 3 is launched
01	24	1986	Voyager 2 makes 1st fly-by of Uranus finds new moons, rings
01	25	1915	Alexander Bell in New York calls Thomas Watson in San Francisco.
01	25	1925	Largest diamond, Cullinan (3106 carets), found in South Africa
01	25	1949	first Emmy Awards are presented.
01	25	1949	first popular elections in Israel.
01	25	1959	first transcontinental commercial jet flight (LA to NY for $301).
01	25	1964	Echo 2, US communications satellite launched
01	26	1788	1st settlement established by the English in Australia.
01	26	1837	Michigan is admitted as the 26th of the United States
01	26	1841	Hong Kong was proclaimed a sovereign territory of Britain
01	26	1871	American income tax repealed.  Would that it had lasted!
01	26	1950	India becomes a republic ceasing to be a British dominion
01	26	1954	Ground breaking begins on Disneyland
01	27	1880	Thomas Edison granted patent for an electric incandescent lamp
01	27	1888	National Geographic Society founded in Washington, DC
01	27	1926	1st public demonstration of television.
01	27	1948	1st Tape Recorder is sold.
01	27	1967	Apollo 1 fire kills astronauts Grissom, White & Chaffee
01	27	1973	US & Vietnam sign cease-fire, ending the longest US war
01	28	1807	London's Pall Mall is the 1st street lit by gaslight.
01	28	1821	Bellingshausen discovers Alexander Island off Antarctica
01	28	1878	George W. Coy hired as 1st full-time telephone operator.
01	28	1915	US Coast Guard established, Semper Paratus
01	28	1938	1st Ski Tow starts running (in Vermont).
01	28	1958	Construction began on 1st private thorium-uranium nuclear reactor
01	28	1960	first photograph bounced off moon, Washington DC
01	28	1986	Space Shuttle Challenger explodes, killing a brave crew and NASA.
01	29	1788	Australia Day
01	29	1861	Kansas becomes 34th state
01	29	1904	1st athletic letters given: to Univ of Chicago football team.
01	29	1920	Walt Disney starts 1st job as an artist $40 week with KC Slide Co
01	29	1959	Walt Disney's "Sleeping Beauty" is released
01	30	1847	Yerba Buena renamed San Francisco.
01	30	1862	US Navy's 1st ironclad warship, the "Monitor", launched.
01	30	1917	1st jazz record in United States is cut.
01	30	1969	US/Canada ISIS 1 launched to study ionosphere
01	31	1851	San Francisco Orphan's Asylum, 1st in California, founded.
01	31	1862	Telescope maker Alvin Clark discovers dwarf companion of Sirius
01	31	1871	Birds fly over the western part of San Francisco in such large numbers that they actually darken the sky.
01	31	1911	Congress passes resolution naming San Francisco as the site of the celebration of the opening of the Panama Canal.
01	31	1950	Pres Truman authorized production of H-Bomb
01	31	1958	1st U.S. satellite launched, Explorer I.
01	31	1958	James van Allen discovers radiation belt
01	31	1961	Ham the chimp is 1st animal sent into space by the US.
01	31	1966	Luna 9 launched for moon
01	31	1971	Apollo 14 launched, 1st landing in lunar highlands.
02	01	1709	Alexander Selkirk (aka Robinson Crusoe) rescued from Juan Fernand
02	01	1790	US Supreme Court convened for first time (NYC)
02	01	1865	13th amendment approved (National Freedom Day)
02	01	1867	Bricklayers start working 8-hour days.
02	01	1920	The first armored car is introduced.
02	01	1958	Egypt & Syria join to form United Arab Republic
02	01	1972	First scientific hand-held calculator (HP-35) introduced
02	02	1848	First shipload of Chinese immigrants arrive in San Francisco.
02	02	1848	Mexico sells California, New Mexico and Arizona to the USA.
02	02	1876	National Baseball League formed with 8 teams.
02	02	1880	SS Strathleven arrives in London with first successful shipment of frozen mutton from Australia.
02	02	1935	Lie detector first used in court in Portage, Wisconsin
02	02	1962	Eight of the planets line up for the first time in 400 years.
02	03	1918	Twin Peaks Tunnel, longest (11,920 feet) streetcar tunnel in the world, begins service in San Francisco.
02	03	1945	Yalta Conference, Russia agrees to enter WWII against Japan
02	03	1966	Soviet Luna 9 first spacecraft to soft-land on moon
02	04	1887	Interstate Commerce Act: Federal regulation of railroads
02	04	1932	First Winter Olympics held (At Lake Placid, NY).
02	04	1936	First radioactive substance produced synthetically - radium E
02	04	1948	Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) gains independence.
02	04	1957	First electric portable typewriter placed on sale, Syracuse NY
02	04	1974	Patricia Hearst kidnapped by Symbionese Liberation Army
02	05	1887	Snow falls on San Francisco.
02	05	1953	Walt Disney's "Peter Pan" released
02	05	1971	Apollo 14, 3rd manned expedition to moon, lands near Fra Mauro
02	05	1974	Mariner 10 takes first close-up photos of Venus' cloud structure
02	05	1979	According to Census Bureau, US population reaches 200 million
02	06	1693	College of William and Mary chartered in Williamsburg, Va
02	06	1900	Spanish-American War ends
02	06	1922	US, UK, France, Italy & Japan sign Washington Naval Arms Limitation Treaty
02	06	1952	Elizabeth II becomes queen of Great Britain
02	07	1889	Astronomical Society of Pacific holds first meeting in SF
02	07	1940	Walt Disney's "Pinocchio" released
02	08	1693	Charter granted for College of William & Mary, 2nd college in US
02	08	1883	Louis Waterman begins experiments that invent the fountain pen.
02	08	1908	Boy Scouts of America founded.
02	08	1922	Radio arrives in the White House.
02	08	1977	Earthquake, at 5.0, strongest since 1966.
02	09	1877	U.S. Weather Service is founded.
02	09	1885	First Japanese arrive in Hawaii.
02	09	1964	First appearance of the Beatles on Ed Sullivan
02	09	1969	The Boeing 747 makes its first commercial flight.
02	10	1720	Edmund Halley is appointed 2nd Astronomer Royal of England
02	10	1763	Treaty of Paris ends French & Indian War
02	10	1870	City of Anaheim incorporated (first time).
02	10	1879	First electric arc light used (in California Theater).
02	11	0660	Traditional founding of Japan by Emperor Jimmu Tenno
02	11	1854	Major streets lit by coal gas for first time.
02	11	1929	Vatican City (world's Smallest Country) made an enclave of Rome
02	11	1970	Japan becomes 4th nation to put a satellite (Osumi) in orbit
02	12	1541	Santiago, Chile founded.
02	12	1924	Gershwin's "Rhapsody In Blue" premiers in Carnegie Hall
02	12	1934	Export-Import Bank incorporated.
02	12	1945	San Francisco selected for site of United Nations Conference.
02	12	1947	A daytime fireball & meteorite fall is seen in eastern Siberia
02	12	1961	USSR launches Venera 1 toward Venus
02	13	1741	First magazine published in America (The American Magazine)
02	13	1867	"Blue Danube" waltz premiers in Vienna
02	13	1937	"Prince Valiant" comic strip appears; known for historical detail and fine detail drawing.  Thanks Hal.
02	14	1859	Oregon admitted as 33rd State
02	14	1876	Alexander Graham Bell files for a patent on the telephone.
02	14	1912	Arizona becomes 48th state
02	14	1961	Element 103, lawrencium, first produced in Berkeley California
02	14	1980	Solar Maximum Mission Observatory launched to study solar flares.
02	15	1861	Fort Point completed & garrisoned (but has never fired it's cannon in anger).
02	15	1898	USS Maine sinks in Havana harbor, cause unknown.
02	15	1917	San Francisco Public Library dedicated.
02	15	1950	Walt Disney's "Cinderella" released
02	15	1954	First bevatron in operation - Berkeley, California
02	16	1883	Ladies Home Journal begins publication.
02	16	1914	First airplane flight to Los Angeles from San Francisco.
02	16	1918	Lithuania proclaims its short-lived independence.
02	16	1923	Howard Carter finds the tomb of Pharoah Tutankhamun
02	16	1937	Nylon patented, WH Carothers
02	16	1946	First commercially designed helicopter tested, Bridgeport Ct
02	17	1870	Mississippi readmitted to U.S. after Civil War
02	17	1876	Sardines were first canned, in Eastport, Maine.
02	17	1878	First telephone exchange in San Francisco opens with 18 phones.
02	18	1850	Legislature creates the 9 San Francisco Bay Area counties.
02	18	1930	Pluto, the ninth planet, is discovered by Clyde Tombaugh.
02	18	1939	Golden Gate International Exposition opens on Treasure Island (which was built for the occasion) in San Francisco Bay.
02	19	1878	Thomas Alva Edison patents the phonograph.
02	19	1945	Marines land on Iwo Jima.
02	19	1977	President Ford pardons Iva Toguri D'Aquino ("Tokyo Rose").
02	20	1873	University of California gets its first Medical School (UC/SF).
02	20	1901	First territorial legislature of Hawaii convenes.
02	20	1915	Panama-Pacific International Exposition opens in San Francisco.
02	20	1931	Congress allows California to build the Oakland-Bay Bridge.
02	20	1962	John Glenn is first American to orbit the Earth.
02	21	1804	First self-propelled locomotive on rails demonstrated, in Wales.
02	21	1878	First Telephone book is issued, in New Haven, Conn.
02	22	1900	Hawaii becomes a US Territory.
02	23	1887	Congress grants Seal Rocks to San Francisco.
02	23	1900	Steamer "Rio de Janiero" sinks in San Francisco Bay.
02	23	1958	Last SF Municipal arc light, over intersection of Mission & 25th Street, removed (it had been installed in 1913).
02	24	1857	Los Angeles Vineyard Society organized.
02	24	1942	Voice of America begins broadcasting (in German).
02	25	1919	Oregon is first state to tax gasoline (1 cent per gallon).
02	26	1863	President Lincoln signs the National Currency Act.
02	26	1933	Golden Gate Bridge ground-breaking ceremony.
02	27	1844	Dominican Republic gains it's independence.
02	27	1991	President Bush declares a cease-fire, halting the Gulf War.
02	28	1849	First steamship enters San Francisco Bay.
02	28	1883	First vaudeville theater opens.
02	28	1914	Construction begins on the Tower of Jewels for the Exposition.
02	28	1956	Forrester issued a patent for computer core memory.
03	01	1781	The Articles of Confederation adopted by Continental Congress.
03	01	1859	Present seal of San Francisco adopted (2nd seal for city).
03	01	1864	Patent issued for taking & projecting motion pictures to Louis Ducos du Hauron (he never did build such a machine, though).
03	01	1867	Nebraska becomes a state.
03	01	1872	Yellowstone becomes world's first national park
03	01	1961	President Kennedy establishes the Peace Corps.
03	01	1966	Venera 3 becomes the first manmade object to impact another planet - Venus.
03	01	1970	End of commercial whale hunting by the US.  Japan, stop it!
03	01	1982	Soviet Venera 13 makes a soft landing on Venus.
03	02	1836	Texas declares independence from Mexico.
03	02	1861	Congress creates the Territory of Nevada.
03	02	1917	Puerto Rico territory created, US citizenship granted.
03	02	1929	US Court of Customs & Patent Appeals created by US Congress.
03	02	1949	First automatic street light installed. (In New Milford, CT)
03	02	1958	First surface crossing of the Antarctic continent ends.
03	02	1972	Pioneer 10 launched for Jupiter flyby.
03	02	1974	First Class postage raised to 10 cents from 8 cents.
03	02	1978	Soyuz 28 carries 2 cosmonauts (1 Czechoslovakian) to Salyut 6
03	03	1791	Congress passed a resolution ordering U.S. Mint be established.
03	03	1812	Congress passes first foreign aid bill.
03	03	1845	Florida becomes 27th state
03	03	1849	Gold Coinage Act passed, allowing gold coins to be minted.
03	03	1851	Congress authorizes smallest US silver coin, the 3-cent piece.
03	03	1861	Russian Tsar Alexander II abolishes serfdom
03	03	1863	Abraham Lincoln approves charter for National Academy of Sciences
03	03	1875	A 20-cent coin was authorized by Congress (It lasted 3 years).
03	03	1878	Bulgaria liberated from Turkey
03	03	1885	American Telephone and Telegraph incorporated.
03	03	1923	Time magazine publishes its first issue.
03	03	1931	"Star Spangled Banner" officially becomes US national anthem.
03	03	1956	Morocco gains its independence.
03	03	1969	Apollo 9 launched
03	03	1972	Pioneer 10 launched thru asteroid belt & Jupiter
03	04	1675	John Flamsteed appointed first Astronomer Royal of England.
03	04	1789	Congress declares the Constitution to be in effect.
03	04	1791	Vermont admitted as 14th state.
03	04	1792	Oranges introduced to Hawaii.
03	04	1793	Shortest inauguration speech, 133 words, Washington (2nd time).
03	04	1801	Jefferson is the first President inaugurated in Washington, DC.
03	04	1826	First US railroad chartered, the Granite Railway in Quincy, Mass.
03	04	1841	Longest inauguration speech, 8443 words, William Henry Harrison.
03	04	1861	Confederate States adopt "Stars & Bars" flag
03	04	1902	American Automobile Association (AAA) founded.
03	04	1933	Roosevelt inaugurated, "We have nothing to fear but fear itself"
03	04	1934	Easter Cross on Mt. Davidson dedicated.
03	04	1955	First radio facsimile transmission is sent across the continent.
03	04	1959	Pioneer 4 makes first US lunar flyby.
03	04	1968	Orbiting Geophysical Observatory 5 launched
03	04	1977	First CRAY 1 supercomputer shipped to Los Alamos Labs, NM
03	04	1979	US Voyager I photo reveals Jupiter's rings
03	05	1616	Corpernicus' DE REVOLUTIONIBUS placed on Catholic forbidden index
03	05	1770	Boston Massacre
03	05	1845	Congress appropriates $30,000 to ship camels to western US.
03	05	1908	1st ascent of Mt. Erebus, Antarctica
03	05	1933	FDR proclaims 10-day bank holiday.
03	05	1946	Winston Churchill's "Iron Curtain" speech
03	05	1979	Voyager I's closest approach to Jupiter
03	06	1665	"The Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society" was first published, and is still published today.
03	06	1836	Alamo falls.  Remember it!
03	06	1857	Dred Scott decision rendered.
03	06	1986	Soviet Vega 1 probe passes within 10,000 km of Halley's comet
03	07	1778	James Cook first sights Oregon coast, at Yaquina Bay
03	07	1848	In Hawaii, the Great Mahele (division of lands) is signed.
03	07	1876	Alexander Graham Bell patents the telephone.
03	07	1912	Roald Amundsen announces the discovery of the South Pole
03	07	1926	First transatlantic telephone call (London-New York)
03	07	1933	The game "Monopoly" is invented.
03	07	1936	Hitler breaks Treaty of Versailles, sends troops to Rhineland
03	07	1962	US Orbiting Solar Observatory is launched.
03	07	1981	Walter Cronkite's final CBS anchor appearance.  Still unequaled.
03	08	1862	The Confederate ironclad "Merrimack" launched.
03	08	1917	US invades Cuba, for third time.  No wonder they're paranoid.
03	08	1934	Edwin Hubble photo shows as many galaxies as Milky Way has stars
03	08	1965	First US forces arrive in Vietnam.  Oh unhappy day!
03	08	1976	Largest observed falling single stony meteorite (Jiling, China)
03	09	1497	Nicolaus Copernicus first recorded astronomical observation.
03	09	1796	Napoleon Bonaparte marries Josephine de Beauharnais
03	09	1822	Charles Graham of NY granted patent for artificial teeth
03	09	1862	The ironclads "Monitor" (Union) & "Merrimack" (Rebel) battle in Hampton Roads.  It was a standoff.
03	09	1954	Edward R. Murrow criticizes Senator McCarthy (See it Now)
03	09	1961	Sputnik 9 carries Chernushka (dog) into orbit
03	09	1979	First extraterrestrial volcano found, (Jupiter's satellite Io).
03	10	1847	First money minted in Hawaii.
03	10	1849	Abraham Lincoln applies for a patent, only US president to do so.
03	10	1876	First telephone call, made by Alexander Graham Bell
03	10	1933	Big earthquake in Long Beach (W.C. Fields was making a movie when it struck & the cameras kept running).
03	10	1977	Rings of Uranus discovered during occultation of SAO
03	11	1810	Emperor Napoleon married by proxy to Archduchess Marie Louise
03	11	1861	Confederate convention in Montgomery, adopts constitution
03	11	1867	Great Mauna Loa eruption (volcano in Hawaii).
03	11	1892	First public game of basketball.
03	11	1938	Germany invades Austria.
03	11	1941	FDR signs Lend-Lease Bill with England.
03	11	1942	Gen MacArthur leaves Bataan for Australia.
03	11	1960	Pioneer 5 launched; orbits sun between Earth & Venus
03	11	1985	Mikhail Gorbachev replaces Konstantin Chernenko.
03	12	1850	First $20 Gold piece issued.
03	12	1868	Congress abolishes manufacturers tax
03	12	1912	Girl Guides (Girl Scouts) founded in Savanah Ga
03	12	1925	First transatlantic radio broadcast.
03	12	1936	FDR conducts his first "Fireside Chat"
03	12	1981	Soyuz T-4 carries 2 cosmonauts to Salyut 6 space station
03	13	1639	Harvard University is named for clergyman John Harvard.
03	13	1677	Massachusets gains title to Maine for $6,000.
03	13	1852	Uncle Sam makes his debut in the New York "Lantern"
03	13	1877	Chester Greenwood patents ear muffler
03	13	1884	US adopts standard time
03	13	1925	Law passed in Tennessee prohibiting teaching evolution
03	13	1930	Clyde Tombaugh announces discovery of Pluto at Lowell Observatory
03	13	1970	Digital Equipment Corp introduces the PDP-11 minicomputer.
03	13	1986	Soyuz T-15 launched
03	14	1629	Royal charter grants Massachusets Bay Colony
03	14	1644	Royal patent for Providence Plantations (now Rhode Island).
03	14	1794	Eli Whitney patents the cotton gin
03	14	1870	Legislature approves act making Golden Gate Park possible.
03	14	1896	Sutro Baths opens by Cliff House (closed Sept 1, 1952).
03	14	1900	US currency goes on gold standard
03	14	1903	First national bird reserve established in Sebastian, Florida
03	14	1923	President Harding is the first president to file his income tax.
03	14	1948	Freedom Train arrives in San Francisco.
03	14	1965	Israeli cabinet approves diplomatic relations with W Germany
03	14	1983	OPEC cuts oil prices for first time in 23 years.
03	15	1944	Julius C‘sar assassinated in Roman Senate.  Et tu, Brute?
03	15	1820	Maine admitted as 23rd state
03	15	1913	Woodrow Wilson holds the first Presidential Press Conference.
03	15	1916	Pershing and 15,000 troops chase Pancho Villa into Mexico.
03	15	1917	Nicholas II, last Russian tsar, abdicates
03	15	1937	First blood bank established, Chicago, Illinois
03	15	1956	My Fair Lady opens in New York.
03	15	1960	Key Largo Coral Reef Preserve established (first underwater park)
03	15	1968	US Mint stops buying and selling gold.
03	15	1968	US Mint stops buying and selling gold.
03	15	1999	Pluto again becomes the outermost planet.
03	16	1621	First Indian appears at Plymouth, Massachusets
03	16	1802	Law signed to establish US Military Academy at West Point, NY
03	16	1827	First US black newspaper, Freedom's Journal, New York
03	16	1916	US and Canada sign Migratory Bird Treaty
03	16	1926	Robert Goddard launches first liquid fuel rocket - 184 feet
03	16	1935	Hitler orders German rearmament, violating Versailles Treaty
03	16	1966	Gemini 8 launched with 2 astronauts
03	16	1975	US Mariner 10 makes 3rd, and final, fly-by of Mercury.
03	17	1906	President Theodore Roosevelt first uses the term "muckrake".
03	17	1910	Camp Fire Girls are organized.
03	17	1941	National Gallery of Art opens in Washington, DC
03	17	1950	Element 98 (Californium) is announced.
03	17	1958	Vanguard 1 measures shape of Earth
03	17	1959	Dalai Lama flees Tibet for India
03	17	1966	US sub locates missing hydrogen bomb in Mediterranean.
03	17	1969	Golda Meir becomes Israeli Prime Minister.
03	18	1541	de Soto is first European to record flooding of the Mississippi
03	18	1766	Britain repeals Stamp Act, partial cause of American Revolution.
03	18	1850	American Express founded.
03	18	1850	American Express founded
03	18	1881	Barnum & Bailey's Greatest Show on Earth opens in Madison Square Garden in New York City.
03	18	1892	Lord Stanley proposes silver cup challenge for Hockey
03	18	1909	Einar Dessau of Denmark - first ham broadcaster.
03	18	1931	First electric razor marketed by Schick.
03	18	1938	Mexico takes control of foreign-owned oil properties.
03	18	1952	First plastic lens for cataract patients fitted, Philadelphia.
03	18	1959	Pres Eisenhower signs Hawaii statehood bill
03	18	1965	Russia launches 2nd Voshkod, first spacewalk - Aleksei Leonov.
03	19	1822	Boston, Mass incorporated
03	19	1859	Faust by Charles Gounod premiers in Paris
03	19	1917	US Supreme Court upheld 8 hour work day for the railroads.
03	19	1918	Congress authorizes time zones & approves daylight time
03	19	1920	US Senate rejects Treaty of Versailles for 2nd time
03	19	1928	Amos & Andy debuts on radio
03	19	1928	'Amos and Andy' debut on radio.
03	19	1931	Nevada legalized gambling
03	19	1949	First museum devoted exclusively to atomic energy, Oak Ridge, TN
03	20	1760	Great Fire of Boston destroys 349 buildings
03	20	1833	US and Siam conclude their first commercial treaty
03	20	1852	Harriet Beecher Stowe's `Uncle Tom's Cabin,' published
03	20	1886	First commercial AC-power plant begins operation
03	20	1942	MacArthur vowes to Phillipinos, "I shall return"
03	21	1851	Yosemite Valley discovered in California, paradise found.
03	21	1965	US Ranger 9 launched takes 5,814 pictures before lunar impact
03	21	1965	Martin Luther King Jr begins march from Selma to Montgomery
03	22	1621	Massasoit & Pilgrims agree on league of friendship (Plymouth)
03	22	1733	Joseph Priestly (father of soda pop) invents carbonated water.
03	22	1765	Britain enacts the now infamous Stamp Act
03	22	1778	Captain Cook sights Cape Flattery, in Washington state
03	22	1882	Congress outlaws polygamy.  Male longevity increases.
03	22	1941	Grand Coulee Dam in Washington state goes into operation
03	22	1945	Arab League is founded
03	22	1946	Jordan (formerly Transjordan) gains independence from Britain.
03	22	1957	Earthquake gives San Francisco the shakes.
03	22	1960	Schawlow and Townes obtain a patent for the laser.
03	22	1963	Beatles release their first album, Please Please Me
03	22	1968	President Johnson's daughter, Lynda, ordered off Cable Car because she was eating an ice cream cone (no food on cars!).
03	22	1977	Indira Gandhi resigns as PM of India
03	22	1978	Robert Frost Plaza, at California, Drumm & Market, dedicated.
03	22	1981	First Class Postage raised from 15 cents to 18 cents.
03	22	1981	Soyuz 39 carries 2 cosmonauts (1 Mongolian) to Salyut 6.
03	22	1982	3rd Space Shuttle Mission - Columbia 3 launched
03	23	1743	George Frederic Handel's oratorio "Messiah" premieres in London.
03	23	1752	Pope Stephen II elected to succeed Zacharias, dies 2 days later.
03	23	1775	Patrick Henry asks for Liberty or Death.
03	23	1806	Lewis the Clark reach the Pacific coast.
03	23	1840	First photo of moon is taken.
03	23	1919	Benito Mussolini founds the Fascist movement in Milan, Italy.
03	23	1929	First telephone installed in the White House.
03	23	1933	German Reichstag grantes Adolf Hitler dictatorial powers.
03	23	1944	Nicholas Alkemade falls 5,500 m without a parachute and lives.
03	23	1956	Pakistan becomes independent within British Commonwealth.
03	23	1962	President John F. Kennedy visits San Francisco.
03	23	1965	Gemini 3 blasts off, first US 2-man space flight.
03	23	1976	International Bill of Rights goes into effect, 35 nations ratify.
03	24	1765	Britain enacts Quartering Act
03	24	1882	German scientist Robert Koch discovers bacillus cause of TB
03	24	1882	German Robert Koch discovers bacillus, cause of Tuberculosis.
03	24	1934	FDR grants future independence to Philippines
03	24	1955	Tennessee Williams, "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof" opens on Broadway.
03	24	1965	US Ranger 9 strikes moon 10 miles NE of crater Alphonsus
03	24	1972	Great Britain imposes direct rule over Northern Ireland
03	24	1976	Argentine President Isabel Peron deposed by country's miltitary.
03	24	1986	Libya attacks US forces in Gulf of Sidra.  US 2, Libya 0.
03	25	1634	Maryland founded as a Catholic colony
03	25	1655	Christiaan Huygens discovers Titan, (Saturn's largest satelite)
03	25	1821	Greece gains its independence.
03	25	1857	Frederick Laggenheim takes the 1st photograph of a solar eclipse
03	25	1951	Purcell and Ewen detect 21-cm radiation at Harvard physics lab
03	25	1954	RCA manufactures the first COLOR television.
03	25	1955	East Germany granted full sovereignty by occupying power, USSR
03	25	1960	First guided missile launched from nuclear powered sub (Halibut)
03	26	1845	Adhesive medicated plaster patented, precusor of bandaid.
03	26	1878	Hastings College of Law founded.
03	26	1885	Eastman Film Company makes first commercial motion picture film
03	26	1937	Spinach growers of Crystal City, Tx, erect statue of Popeye
03	26	1953	Dr Jonas Salk announces new vaccine against polio
03	26	1958	Army launched US's 3rd successful satellite Explorer III
03	26	1970	Golden Gate Park Conservatory made a City Landmark.
03	26	1971	East Pakistan proclaimed independence taking name Bangladesh
03	26	1979	Camp David peace treaty between Israel and Egypt
03	26	1982	Groundbreaking in Washington DC for Vietnam Veterans Memorial
03	27	1512	Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de Leon sights Florida.
03	27	1625	Charles I King of England Scotland & Ireland ascends to throne
03	27	1794	The US Navy is founded.  Anchors Aweigh!
03	27	1802	Asteroid Pallas discovered by Heinrich Olbers
03	27	1807	Asteroid Vesta discovered by Olbers
03	27	1836	First Mormon temple dedicated in Kirtland, Ohio.
03	27	1855	Abraham Gesner receives a patent for kerosene
03	27	1860	ML Byrn patents the corkscrew.  Bless you sir!
03	27	1933	US Farm Credit Administration authorized.
03	27	1964	Earthquake strikes Alaska, 8.4 on Richter scale.
03	27	1968	SF Japanese Trade and Cultural Center (Japan Center) dedicated.
03	27	1972	Soviet spacecraft Venera 8 launched to Venus
03	27	1980	Mount St. Helens becomes active after 123 years
03	28	1794	Nathan Briggs gets patent for the washing machine.
03	28	1930	Constantinople and Angora change names to Istanbul and Ankara.
03	28	1939	Spanish Civil War ends, facist Francisco Franco wins
03	29	1871	Albert Hall opens it's doors in London.
03	29	1886	Coca-Cola is created (with cocaine).  It satisfies your craving.
03	29	1961	23rd Amendment ratified, Washington DC can vote for the president
03	29	1973	US troops leave Vietnam, 9 yrs after Tonkin Resolution
03	29	1974	Mariner 10's first fly-by of Mercury, returns photos
03	30	1842	Dr. Crawford Long, first uses ether as an anesthetic.
03	30	1853	Patent granted to Hyman Lipman for a pencil with an ERASER!
03	30	1867	US purchases Alaska for $7,200,000 (Seward's Folly)
03	30	1870	15th Amendment passed, guarantees right to vote to all races
03	30	1932	Amelia Earhart is 1st woman to fly across the Atlantic solo
03	30	1950	Invention of the Phototransistor is announced at Murray Hill, NJ
03	31	1854	Commodore Perry makes Japan opens its ports to foreign trade
03	31	1870	Thomas P Mundy became 1st black to vote in US (Perth Amboy NJ)
03	31	1880	Wabash Ind - first town completely illuminated by electric light
03	31	1889	Eiffel Tower completed.
03	31	1932	Ford publicly unveils its first V-8 engine
03	31	1933	Congress authorizes Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC).
03	31	1943	Rodgers & Hammerstein musical "Oklahoma!" opens on Broadway
03	31	1949	Newfoundland becomes 10th Canadian province
03	31	1963	Los Angeles ends streetcar service after nearly 90 years.
03	31	1966	USSR launches Luna 10, first spacecraft to orbit moon
04	01	1778	Oliver Pollock, a New Orleans Businessman, creates the "$".
04	01	1850	San Francisco County Government established.
04	01	1853	Cincinnati became first US city with salaried firefighters
04	01	1918	Royal Air Force established
04	01	1952	"Big Bang" theory published by Alpher, Bethe and Gamow
04	01	1960	TIROS I (Television and Infra-Red Observation Satellite) launched to improve weather prediction.
04	01	1964	USSR launches Zond 1 towards Venus
04	01	1971	US/Canada ISIS II launched to study ionosphere
04	01	1979	Iran proclaimed an Islamic Republic following fall of the Shah
04	02	1513	Florida discovered, claimed for Spain by Ponce de Le¢n
04	02	1792	Congress establishes Coin denominations and authorizes US Mint
04	02	1935	Watson Watt granted a patent for RADAR.
04	02	1958	NACA renamed NASA
04	02	1972	Apollo 16's Young and Duke land on the moon and hot-rod with the Boeing Lunar Rover #2
04	03	1910	Highest mountain in North America, Alaska's Mt McKinley climbed
04	03	1948	Harry Truman signs Marshall Plan (Aid to Europe)
04	03	1966	USSR's Luna 10 becomes the first craft to orbit the Moon
04	03	1982	UN Security Council demands Argentina withdraw from Falklands.
04	04	1818	Congress decided US flag is 13 red and white stripes and 20 stars
04	04	1860	Pony Express begins service, from St. Joseph, Missouri.
04	04	1870	Golden Gate Park established by City Order #800.
04	04	1902	Cecil Rhodes scholarship fund established with $10 million
04	04	1949	NATO established
04	04	1983	Maiden voyage of STS Space shuttle Challenger
04	05	1614	Indian princess Pocahontas marries English colonist John Rolfe
04	05	1973	Pioneer 11 blasts off toward Jupiter
04	05	1991	Atlantis lifts off carrying the 17.5 ton Gamma Ray Observatory.
04	06	0648	BC Earliest total solar eclipse chronicled by Greeks is observed
04	06	1663	Kings Charles II signs Carolina Charter
04	06	1862	Battle of Shiloh.
04	06	1868	Brigham Young marries number 27, his final wife.
04	06	1896	First modern Olympics
04	06	1906	First animated cartoon copyrighted
04	06	1909	North Pole reached by Americans Robert Peary and Matthew Henson
04	06	1909	First credit union established in US
04	06	1917	US declares war on Germany (WWI)
04	06	1926	4 planes take off on first successful around-the-world flight.
04	06	1957	New York City ends trolley car service.
04	06	1965	Intelsat 1 ("Early Bird") first commercial geosynchronous communications satellite
04	06	1973	Pioneer 11 launched to Jupiter and Saturn
04	07	1931	Seals Stadium opens.
04	07	1933	Prohibition ends. "Gimme a beer, Mac."
04	07	1948	World Health Organization is established.
04	07	1953	First jet transatlantic non-stop flight (west to east)
04	07	1959	NASA selects first seven astronauts
04	07	1959	Radar first bounced off sun, from Stanford California.
04	08	1513	Ponce de Leon arrives in Florida.
04	08	1913	17th Amendment, requiring direct election of senators, ratified
04	08	1974	Hank Aaron hits 715th home run, beats Babe Ruth's record.
04	08	1986	Clint Eastwood elected mayor of Carmel, California.
04	09	1831	Robert Jenkins loses an ear: war between Britain and Spain.
04	09	1865	Lee surrenders at Appomattox, ending Civil War.
04	09	1953	TV Guide publishes their first issue.
04	09	1955	United Nations Charter hearing.
04	10	1790	US Patent system established
04	10	1825	First hotel in Hawaii opens.
04	10	1849	Safety pin is patented by Walter Hunt.
04	10	1866	ASPCA (Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) organized.
04	10	1878	California Street Cable Car Railroad Company starts service.
04	10	1882	Matson founds his shipping company (San Francisco and Hawaii)
04	10	1912	RMS Titanic sets sail for its first and last voyage
04	10	1930	Synthetic rubber first produced
04	10	1953	House of Wax, first 3-D movie, released in New York.
04	10	1960	Senate passes landmark Civil Rights Bill
04	11	1876	Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks organized.
04	11	1943	Frank Piasecki, flies his first single-rotor helicopter
04	11	1947	Jackie Robinson becomes first black in major league baseball.
04	11	1970	Apollo 13 launched to moon; unable to land, returns in 6 days
04	12	1204	4th Crusade sacks Constantinople
04	12	1861	Fort Sumter, S. C., shelled by Confederacy, starts Civil War.
04	12	1877	British annex Transvaal, in South Africa
04	12	1898	Army transfers Yerba Buena Island to Navy.
04	12	1933	Moffatt Field (Naval Air Station) is commissioned.
04	12	1938	First US law requiring medical tests for marriage licenses, NY
04	12	1955	Salk polio vaccine safe and effective; four billion dimes marched
04	12	1961	Cosmonaut Yuri Alexeyevich Gagarin becomes first man in orbit.
04	12	1981	Maiden voyage Space Transit System-space shuttle Columbia.
04	13	1796	First elephant brought to America
04	13	1829	English Parliament grants freedom of religion to Catholics
04	13	1976	$2 bill re-introduced as United States currency, failed again.
04	14	1611	Word "telescope" is first used by Prince Federico Cesi
04	14	1817	First American school for deaf (Hartford, Conn)
04	14	1828	First edition of Noah Webster's dictionary is published.
04	14	1860	First Pony Express rider arrives in SF from St. Joseph, Missouri.
04	14	1865	Abraham Lincoln assassinated in Ford's Theater.
04	14	1894	First public showing of Edison's kinetoscope (moving pictures).
04	14	1956	Ampex Co. demonstrates first commercial videotape recorder.
04	14	1971	Fort Point dedicated as first National Park in SF Bay Area.
04	14	1981	First Space Shuttle - Columbia 1 returns to Earth.
04	15	1598	Edict of Nantes grants political rights to French Huguenots
04	15	1790	First US patent law passed
04	15	1850	City of San Francisco incorporated.
04	15	1912	Titanic sinks in the North Atlantic at 2:20 AM.
04	15	1923	Insulin becomes generally available for diabetics.
04	15	1923	First talking picture is screened before a paying audience.
04	15	1955	Ray Kroc starts the McDonald's fast food restaurants.
04	15	1983	Tokyo Disneyland opens
04	16	1705	Queen Anne of England knights Isaac Newton at Trinity College,
04	16	1866	Nitroglycerine at the Wells Fargo and Co. office explodes.
04	16	1912	Harriet Quimby flies English Channel, first woman to do so
04	16	1917	Lenin returns to Russia to start Bolshevik Revolution
04	16	1972	Apollo 16 launched; 5th lunar landing at Decartes Highlands
04	17	1492	Christopher Columbus contracts with Spain to find the Indies.
04	17	1524	New York Harbor discovered by Giovanni Verrazano.
04	17	1895	Treaty of Shimonoseki, ends first Sino-Japanese War (1894-1895).
04	17	1941	Office of Price Administration established (handled rationing)
04	17	1946	France grants Syria independence (Natl Day)
04	17	1961	Bay of Pigs, how not to run an invasion.
04	18	1775	'The British are Coming!' Paul Revere rides.
04	18	1868	San Francisco Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals born.
04	18	1869	First International Cricket Match, held in SF, won by Californian
04	18	1906	San Francisco Earthquake and Fire, "The Big One"
04	18	1907	Fairmont Hotel opens.
04	18	1934	First "Washateria" (laundromat) is opened, in Fort Worth, Texas
04	18	1936	The Pan Am "Clipper" begins regular passenger flights from San Francisco to Honolulu.
04	18	1946	League of Nations went out of business, replaced by UN
04	18	1949	Irish Republic comes into existence
04	18	1950	First transatlantic jet passenger trip
04	18	1978	U S Senate approves transfer of Panama Canal to Panama
04	19	1775	At Lexington Common, the shot 'heard round the world'.
04	19	1852	California Historical Society founded.
04	19	1892	Charles Duryea takes the first American-made auto out for a spin.
04	19	1934	Shirley Temple appears in her first movie, "Stand Up and Cheer"
04	19	1939	Connecticut approves the Bill of Rights (only 148 years late).
04	19	1967	US Surveyor III lands on moon
04	20	1775	British begin siege of Boston
04	20	1902	Marie and Pierre Curie isolated radioactive element radium
04	20	1940	First electron microscope demonstrated, Philadelphia, Pa
04	20	1973	Canadian ANIK A2 became first commercial satellite in orbit
04	20	1978	Korean Air Lines 707 forced to land; violated Soviet airspace
04	21	0753	BC - Rome founded.
04	21	1828	Noah Webster publishes first American dictionary
04	21	1857	A. Douglas patents the bustle (it's all behind us now).
04	21	1862	Congress establishes US Mint in Denver, Colorado.
04	21	1892	First buffalo born in Golden Gate Park.
04	21	1898	Spanish American war begins (Remember the Maine).
04	21	1967	Svetlana Alliluyeva (Stalin's daughter) defected in NYC
04	21	1972	Orbiting Astronomical Observer 4 (Copernicus) is launched
04	21	1977	Broadway play "Annie" opens, first of 2377 performances
04	21	1983	Soyuz T-8 is launched
04	21	1984	Franz Weber of Austria skis downhill at a record 209.8 kph
04	22	1500	Pedro Alvarez Cabral discovers Brazil
04	22	1509	Henry VIII ascends to throne of England
04	22	1529	Spain & Portugal divide eastern hemisphere in Treaty of Saragossa
04	22	1864	US Congress authorized "In God We Trust" on coinage
04	22	1889	Oklahoma land rush officially started; some were Sooner
04	23	1871	Blossom Rock in San Francisco Bay blown up.
04	23	1949	Courtesy Mail Boxes for motorists started in San Francisco.
04	23	1962	First US satellite to reach moon launched from Cape Canaveral
04	23	1965	Launch of first Soviet communications satelite
04	23	1967	Soyuz 1 launched, Vladimir Komarov becomes 1st inflight casualty
04	23	1972	Apollo 16 astronauts explores Moon surface
04	24	1800	Library of Congress founded with a $5000 allocation.
04	24	1865	SF Fire Alarm and Police Telegraph system put into operation.
04	24	1934	Wind gusts reach 372 kph at Mt Washington, NH
04	24	1953	Winston Churchill knighted by Queen Elizabeth II
04	24	1962	MIT sends TV signal by satellite for first time:  CA to MA
04	24	1970	China launchs first satellite, transmitting song "East is Red".
04	24	1981	The IBM Personal Computer (PC) is introduced.
04	24	1990	Hubble Space Telescope put into orbit by shuttle Discovery.
04	25	1901	New York becomes first state requiring license plates for cars
04	25	1945	United Nations Conference starts.
04	25	1957	First experimental sodium nuclear reactor is operated.
04	25	1959	St Lawrence Seaway opens to shipping
04	25	1961	Mercury/Atlas rocket lifted off with an electronic mannequin.
04	25	1961	Robert Noyce granted a patent for the integrated circuit.
04	25	1972	Glider pilot Hans Grosse flies a record 1461 km
04	25	1975	First Boeing Jetfoil service, Hong Kong to Macao.
04	26	1607	First British to establish an American colony land at Cape Henry.
04	26	1777	16 year old Sybil Ludington rode from NY to CT rallying her father's militia to fight British in Danbury.
04	26	1920	Shapley and Curtis hold the "Great Debate" on nature of nebulae.
04	26	1954	Nationwide test of the Salk anti-polio begins.
04	26	1962	US/UK launched Ariel; first Intl payload.
04	26	1971	San Francisco Lightship replaced by automatic buoy.
04	26	1986	Chernobyl - world's worst nuclear power plant disaster.
04	27	1565	First Spanish settlement in Phillipines, Cebu City.
04	27	1897	Grant's Tomb (famed of song and legend) is dedicated.
04	27	1937	US Social Security system makes its first benefit payment.
04	27	1945	Founding of the Second Republic, in Austria.
04	27	1946	First radar installation aboard a commercial ship installed.
04	27	1960	First atomic-electric drive submarine launched (Tullibee).
04	27	1986	Captain Midnight (John R MacDougall) interrupts HBO.
04	27	4977	BC - Johannes Kepler's date for creation of universe.
04	28	0585	War between Lydia and Media is ended by a solar eclipse.
04	28	1686	First volume of Isaac Newton's PRINCIPIA is published.
04	28	1754	Mutiny on the HMS Bounty occurs.
04	28	1914	W. H. Carrier patents air conditioner.
04	28	1919	First successful parachute jump is made.
04	28	1942	"WW II" titled so, as result of Gallup Poll.
04	28	1947	Thor Heyerdahl and Kon-Tiki sail from Peru to Polynesia.
04	28	1952	WW II Pacific peace treaty takes effect.
04	28	1974	Last Americans evacuated from Saigon.
04	28	1977	Christopher Boyce convicted for selling satellite secrets.
04	29	1429	Joan of Arc leads Orleans, France, to victory over English.
04	29	1913	Gideon Sundback of Hoboken NJ patents the zipper.
04	29	1971	Salyut 1, world's First space station, launched into earth orbit.
04	30	1789	George Washington inaugurated as first president of the US
04	30	1798	Department of the Navy established.
04	30	1803	US more than doubles its size thru the Louisiana Purchase.
04	30	1900	Hawaii becomes a US Territory
04	30	1939	NBC/RCA make first US demo of TV at opening of NY World's Fair.
04	30	1942	First submarine built on the Great Lakes launched, the "Peto", from Manitowoc, Wisconsin.
04	30	1947	Boulder Dam renamed in honor of Herbert Hoover
04	30	1948	Organization of American States (OAS) charter signed in Bogot .
04	30	1973	Nixon announces resigtration of Haldeman, Ehrlichman, et al
04	30	1975	US forces evacuated Vietnam; Saigon surrenders
04	30	1980	Terrorists seize Iranian Embassy in London
05	01	1840	1st adhesive postage stamps (English "Penny Blacks") issued.
05	01	1850	John Geary becomes 1st mayor of City of San Francisco.
05	01	1860	1st school for the deaf founded.
05	01	1869	Folies-Bergere opens in Paris.
05	01	1884	Construction begins in Chicago on the 1st skyscraper.
05	01	1892	US Quarantine Station opens on Angel Island.
05	01	1928	Lei Day begun (a Hawaiian celebration)
05	02	1925	Kezar Stadium in Golden Gate Park opens.
05	02	1939	Lou Gehrig sets record for most consecutive games (2130)
05	03	1830	1st regular steam train passenger service starts.
05	03	1919	America's 1st passenger flight (New York-Atlantic City)
05	03	1971	national noncommercial network radio begins programming.
05	04	1626	Indians sell Manhattan Island for $24 in cloth and buttons.
05	04	1851	1st of the major San Francisco fires.
05	04	1878	Phonograph shown for 1st time at the Grand Opera House.
05	05	1908	The Great White Fleet arrives in San Francisco.
05	05	1949	Council of Europe established.
05	05	1961	Alan Shepard becomes 1st American in space (onboard Freedom 7).
05	06	1851	Patent granted to Dr. John Farrie for a "refrigeration machine"
05	06	1860	The Olympic Club, 1st athletic club in US, founded in SF.
05	07	1824	Beethoven's Ninth Symphony presented for first time.
05	07	1927	San Francisco Municipal Airport (Mills Field) dedicated.
05	07	1945	World War II ends in Europe.
05	07	1963	Telstar 2 launched (apogee 6,700 miles).
05	08	1541	Hernando de Soto discovers the Mississippi River.
05	08	1945	Germany surrenders, ending World War II in Europe.
05	10	1775	Continental Congress issues paper currency for 1st time.
05	10	1869	The Driving of the Golden Spike, Promontory Point, Utah: The Transcontinential railroad is completed.
05	10	1930	The first US planetarium opens, in Chicago.
05	11	1752	1st US fire insurance policy is issued, in Philadelphia.
05	11	1929	1st regularly scheduled TV broadcasts (3 nights per week).
05	11	1951	Jay Forrester patents computer core memory.
05	13	1607	English land to found Jamestown (1st permanent settlement)
05	13	1846	US declares war on Mexico.
05	13	1884	Institute for Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEE) founded
05	14	1811	Paraguay gains its independence.
05	14	1853	Gail Borden applies for patent for making condensed milk.
05	14	1948	State of Israel proclaimed.
05	14	1973	United States launches space station "Skylab".
05	15	1940	1st nylon stockings are sold in America.
05	15	1963	Last of the Mercury flights, the "Faith 7", launched.
05	16	1866	Congress authorizes nickel 5-cent piece (the silver half-dime was used up to this point).
05	16	1929	1st Oscars announced (best film was 'Wings').
05	16	1971	First Class Mail now costs 8 cents (was 6 cents).
05	17	1792	24 brokers meet to found the New York Stock Exchange
05	17	1804	Lewis & Clark begin their exploration of the Louisiana Purchase
05	17	1954	Supreme Court rules on Brown v. Topeka Board of Education, overthrowing the principle of 'separate but equal'.
05	18	1933	Tennessee Valley Authority Act signed by President Roosevelt.
05	18	1980	Mount St. Helens blew its top in Washington State.
05	19	1862	The Homestead Act becomes law.
05	20	1927	At 7:40am, Lindbergh takes off from New York to cross Atlantic
05	21	1881	The American Red Cross is founded.
05	21	1927	Lindburgh lands in Paris, after 1st solo across Atlantic.
05	23	1898	1st Phillipine Expeditionary Troops sail from San Francisco.
05	23	1908	Dirigible explodes over SF Bay, 16 passengers fall, none die.
05	24	1844	Samual F.B. Morse taps out "What Hath God Wrought"
05	24	1866	Berkeley named (for George Berkeley, Bishop of Cloyne).
05	24	1883	The Brooklyn Bridge opened by Pres. Arthur & Gov. Cleveland.
05	24	1899	In Boston, the 1st auto repair shop opens.
05	25	1787	Constitutional Convention convenes in Philadelphia.
05	25	1927	Henry Ford stops producing the Model T car (begins Model A).
05	25	1940	Golden Gate International Exposition reopens.
05	25	1978	"Star Wars" is released.
05	25	1983	"Return of the Jedi" (Star Wars 3) is released.
05	26	1868	President Johnson avoids impeachment by 1 vote.
05	26	1937	Golden Gate Bridge opens.
05	26	1946	Patent filed in US for the H-Bomb.
05	27	1907	Bubonic Plague breaks out in San Francisco
05	27	1937	Golden Gate Bridge dedicated.
05	28	1926	United States Customs Court created by Congress.
05	29	1453	Constantinople falls to the Turks (some believe this signalled the end of the Middle Ages).
05	29	1953	Hillary & Norkay reach top of Mount Everest.
05	29	1978	First Class postage now 15 cents (was 13 cents for 3 years).
05	30	1911	Indianapolis 500 car race run for 1st time.
05	31	1433	Joan of Arc has a hot time at the stake...
05	31	1678	Lady Godiva takes a ride through Coventry
05	31	1868	1st recorded bicycle race, 2 kilometers in Paris.
05	31	1879	1st electric railway opens at Berlin Trades Exposition.
05	31	1889	Johnstown Flood
06	01	1638	First earthquake recorded in U.S., at Plymouth, Mass
06	01	1792	Kentucky becomes 15th state
06	01	1796	Tennessee becomes 16th state
06	01	1813	Capt John Lawrence utters Navy motto: 'Don't give up the ship'.
06	01	1845	Homing pigeon ends an 11,000 km trip (Namibia-London) in 55 days.
06	01	1925	Lou Gehrig starts in first of 2130 consecutive games, a record.
06	01	1933	Century of Progress world's fair opens in Chicago
06	01	1965	Penzias and Wilson detect 3 degree Kelvin primordial background.
06	01	1967	Beatles release "Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band".
06	02	0455	Gaiseric sacks Rome, what a Vandal.
06	02	1858	Donati Comet first seen, named after it's discoverer
06	02	1873	Construction of world's first cable car system, begins in SF.
06	02	1910	Pygmies discovered in Dutch New Guinea
06	02	1936	Gen. Anastasio Somoza takes over as dictator of Nicaragua
06	02	1953	Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II in Westminster Abbey
06	02	1966	Surveyor 1 lands in Oceanus Procellarum first moon soft-landing.
06	02	1977	New Jersey legalizes casino gambling in Atlantic City.
06	02	1979	John Paul II first pope to visit a communist country - Poland.
06	03	1539	Hernando De Soto claims Florida for Spain
06	03	1621	Dutch West India Company receives charter for "New Netherlands"
06	03	1770	Mission San Carlos Borromeo de Carmelo founded in California
06	03	1789	Alex Mackenzie began exploration of Mackenzie River
06	03	1888	"Casey at the Bat" is first published (by the SF Examiner)
06	03	1934	Dr Frederick Banting, co-discoverer of insulin knighted.
06	03	1935	French "Normandie" sets Atlantic crossing record: 1077 hours.
06	03	1937	Edward VIII, Duke of Windsor marries Wallis Warfield Simpson.
06	03	1942	Battle of Midway begins: first major battle won by airpower.
06	03	1948	200 inch Hale telescope dedicated at Palomar Observatory.
06	03	1949	"Dragnet" is first broadcast on radio (KFI in Los Angeles).
06	03	1965	Gemini IV is launched Ed White first American to walk in space
06	03	1976	US presented with oldest known copy of Magna Carta
06	03	1980	Crew of Soyuz 36 returns to Earth aboard Soyuz 35
06	04	0780	BC first total solar eclipse reliably recorded by Chinese
06	04	1784	Mme. Thible becomes first woman to fly (in a balloon)
06	04	1896	Henry drives his first Ford through streets of Detroit.
06	04	1940	British complete miracle of Dunkirk by evacuating 300,000 troops
06	04	1944	First submarine captured and boarded on high seas - German U 505
06	04	1947	Taft-Hartley Act approved despite a Truman veto.
06	04	1956	Speech by Khrushchev blasting Stalin is made public.
06	04	1986	Jonathan Pollard, spy for Israel, pleads guilty.
06	05	1783	Joseph and Jacques Montgolfier make first public balloon flight.
06	05	1833	Ada Lovelace (future computer programmer) meets Charles Babbage
06	05	1849	Denmark becomes a constitutional monarchy.
06	05	1875	Formal opening of the Pacific Stock Exchange.
06	05	1947	Sec of State George C. Marshall outlines `The Marshall Plan'.
06	05	1972	U.N. Conference on the Human Environment opens in Stockholm
06	05	1975	Suez Canal reopens (after 6 Day War caused it to close)
06	05	1980	Soyuz T-2 carries 2 cosmonauts to Salyut 6 space station
06	06	1809	Swedish Constitution and Flag Day (National Day)
06	06	1844	YMCA founded in London
06	06	1932	US Federal gas tax enacted
06	06	1933	First drive-in theatre opens, in Camden, New Jersey.
06	06	1934	Securities and Exchange Commission established
06	06	1944	D-Day, the Allied Invasion of "Festung Europa"
06	06	1946	Henry Morgan is first to take off his shirt on TV.
06	06	1967	Six Day War between Israel and its Arab neighbors begins.
06	06	1971	Soyuz 11 takes 3 cosmonauts to Salyut 1 space station
06	06	1975	British voters decide to remain on Common Market
06	06	1977	Supreme Court tosses out automatic death penalty laws
06	06	1978	Proposition 13 cuts California property taxes 57%  Yipee!
06	06	1982	Israel invades Lebanon to drive out PLO
06	06	2012	Transit of Venus (between Earth and Sun) occurs.
06	07	1769	Daniel Boone begins exploring the Bluegrass State of Kentucky.
06	07	1776	Richard Lee of Virginia calls for Declaration of Independence.
06	07	1839	The Hawaiian Declaration of Rights is signed.
06	07	1839	Hawaiian Declaration of Rights is signed
06	07	1905	Norway declares independence from Sweden
06	07	1929	Vatican City becomes a soverign state
06	07	1938	First Boeing 314 Clipper "Flying Boat" flown by Eddie Allen
06	07	1948	Communists take over Czechoslovakia
06	07	1953	First color network telecast from Boston, Massachusets.
06	07	1965	Gemini 4 completes 62 orbits
06	07	1971	Soviet Soyuz 11 crew completes first transfer to orbiting Salyut
06	07	1972	German Chancellor Willy Brandt visits Israel
06	07	1977	Anita Bryant leads successful crusade against Miami gay law
06	07	1981	Israel bombs Iraqi plutonium production facility at Osirak.
06	08	1786	First commercially made ice cream sold in New York.
06	08	1869	Ives McGaffey patents his vacuum cleaner.
06	08	1918	Nova Aquila, brightest nova since Kepler's in 1604, is discovered
06	08	1940	Discovery of element 93 "Neptunium"  is announced.
06	08	1953	Supreme Court forbids segregated lunch counters in Washington DC.
06	08	1975	Soviets launch Venera 9 to Venus
06	08	1979	The Source, first public computer info. service, goes online.
06	08	2004	Transit of Venus (between Earth and Sun) occurs.
06	09	1732	Royal Charter for Georgia, granted to James Oglethorpe.
06	09	1860	First dime novel published.
06	09	1898	China leases Hong Kong's New Territories to Britain for 99 years.
06	09	1931	Goddard patents rocket-fueled aircraft design.
06	09	1959	First ballistic missile launched from sub "George Washington"
06	10	1639	First American log cabin at Ft Christina (Wilmington, Del).
06	10	1752	Ben Franklin flies a kite in a thunderstorm, shocking!
06	10	1772	British revenue cutter "Gaspee" is burned by Rhode Islanders.
06	10	1801	State of Tripoli declares war on the US
06	10	1854	Georg F.B. Reiman proposes that space is curved
06	10	1869	The 'Agnes' arrives in New Orleans with the first ever shipment of frozen beef.
06	10	1898	US Marines land at Cuba in Spanish-American War.
06	10	1921	Babe Ruth becomes all time homerune champ with 120 of them.
06	10	1932	First demonstration of artificial lightning Pittsfield Mass.
06	10	1935	Alcoholics Anonymous formed in Akron by Dr Robert Smith
06	10	1940	Italy declares war on France and Britain
06	10	1954	PBS reaches San Francisco: KQED (Channel 9) starts broadcasting.
06	10	1977	Apple Computer ships its first Apple II.
06	11	1770	Capt Cook runs aground on Australian Great Barrier Reef
06	11	1859	Comstock silver load discovered near Virginia City, Nevada.
06	11	1895	First auto race.
06	11	1942	US and USSR sign Lend-Lease agreement during WW II.
06	11	1947	WW II sugar rationing finally ends.
06	11	1955	First magnesium jet airplane is flown.
06	11	1970	US leaves Wheelus Air Force Base in Libya.
06	11	1982	Movie "E T, The Extra-Terrestrial" is released.
06	12	1665	English rename New Amsterdam to New York after the Dutch leave.
06	12	1776	Virginia is first to adopt the Bill of Rights.
06	12	1812	Napoleon invades Russia.  Classic "what not to" lesson.
06	12	1838	Hopkins Observatory, dedicated in Williamstown, Mass
06	12	1839	The first baseball game is played in America.  Thanks Abner!
06	12	1898	Phillipines gains its independence from Spain.
06	12	1934	Black-McKeller Bill splits United Airlines from Boeing.
06	12	1957	Paul Anderson of US back-lifts a record 2850 kg.
06	12	1967	USSR launches Venera 4 for parachute landing on Venus
06	12	1967	Israel wins the Six Day War.
06	12	1979	Bryan Allen flies the "Gossamer Albatross", the first man-powered aircraft, over the English Channel.
06	13	1373	Anglo-Portuguese Treaty of Alliance (world's oldest) is signed
06	13	1611	John Fabricius dedicates the earliest sunspot publication.
06	13	1898	Yukon Territory of Canada organized, Dawson chosen as capital.
06	13	1900	China's Boxer Rebellion begins, against foreigners and Christians
06	13	1963	Valentina Tereshkova aboard Vostok 6, becomes the first woman in space.  You've come a long way, baby.
06	13	1967	Thurgood Marshall nominated as first black Supreme Court justice.
06	13	1983	Pioneer 10 is first man-made object to leave the Solar System.
06	14	1775	The US Army is founded.
06	14	1777	Stars and Stripes adopted as US flag, replacing Grand Union flag.
06	14	1846	California (Bear Flag) Republic proclaimed in Sonoma.
06	14	1847	Bunson invents a gas burner.
06	14	1870	All-pro Cincinnati Red Stockings suffer first loss in 130 games.
06	14	1900	Hawaiian Territorial Government begins.
06	14	1919	First direct airplane crossing of the Atlantic.
06	14	1938	Chlorophyll patented by Benjamin Grushkin.  How'd he do that?
06	14	1942	Walt Disney's "Bambi" is released.
06	14	1948	TV Guide is first published.
06	14	1951	UNIVAC 1, first commercial computer, is unveiled.
06	14	1952	Keel laid for first nuclear powered submarine, the Nautilus.
06	14	1967	Launch of Mariner V for Venus flyby
06	14	1975	USSR launches Venera 10 for Venus landing
06	14	1982	Britain wins the 74 day war for the Falkland Islands.
06	15	1215	King John reluctantly signs the Magna Carta at Runnymede.
06	15	1520	The pope threatens to toss Luther out of the Catholic Church.
06	15	1664	The state of New Jersey is founded.
06	15	1752	Ben Franklin's kite is struck by lightning, shocking!
06	15	1775	Washington appointed commander-in-chief of the American Army.
06	15	1836	Arkansas becomes 25th state
06	15	1844	Goodyear patents the process for vulcanization of rubber.
06	15	1846	Oregon Treaty signed, setting US-British boundary at 49ø North.
06	15	1878	First attempt at motion pictures(using 12 cameras, each taking one picture (to see if all 4 horse's hooves leave the ground
06	15	1919	First flight across Atlantic (Alcock and Brown).
06	15	1940	France surrenders to Hitler.
06	15	1951	First commercial electronic computer dedicated in Philadelphia.
06	15	1975	Soyuz 19 launched
06	15	1977	Spain's first free elections since 1936.
06	15	1978	Soyuz 29 carries 2 cosmonauts to Salyut 6; they stay 139 days.
06	15	1982	Riots in Argentina after Falklands/Malvinas defeat.
06	16	1567	Mary Queen of Scots thrown into Lochleven Castle prison
06	16	1775	The Battle of Bunker Hill (actually it was Breed's Hill).
06	16	1858	"A house divided against itself cannot stand" - Abraham Lincoln.
06	16	1903	Ford Motor Company, a vehicle manufacturer, is founded.
06	16	1933	US Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) is created.
06	16	1963	Valentina Tereshkova becomes first woman in space.
06	16	1977	Leonid Brezhnev named president of USSR
06	16	1984	Edwin Moses wins his 100th consecutive 400-meter hurdles race
06	17	1856	Republican Party opened its first convention in Philadelphia.
06	17	1885	Statue of Liberty arrives in NYC aboard French ship "Isere".
06	17	1944	Republic of Iceland proclaimed at Thingvallir, Iceland.
06	17	1947	First around-the-world civil air service leaves New York.
06	17	1963	Supreme Court strikes down Lord's Prayer recitation
06	17	1971	US returns control of Okinawa to Japanese
06	17	1972	Democratic HQ at Watergate burglarized by Republicans.
06	17	1982	Ronald Reagan delivers "evil empire" speech.
06	18	1178	Proposed time of origin of lunar crater Giordano Bruno.
06	18	1812	War of 1812 begins as US declares war against Britain.
06	18	1815	Battle of Waterloo. Napoleon defeated by Wellington and Blcher.
06	18	1873	Susan B Anthony fined $100 for attempting to vote for President.
06	18	1892	Macademia nuts first planted in Hawaii.
06	18	1928	Amelia Earhart is the first woman to fly across the Atlantic.
06	18	1953	Egypt is proclaimed a republic.
06	18	1959	First television broadcast transmitted from England to US.
06	18	1977	Space Shuttle test model "Enterprise" carries a crew aloft for first time, It was fixed to a modified Boeing 747
06	18	1981	Sandra Day O'Connor becomes first woman on the US Supreme Court.
06	18	1983	Sally Ride becomes first US woman in space, aboard Challenger.
06	19	0240	BC - Eratosthenes estimates the circumference of the earth.
06	19	1756	146 English people imprisoned in Black Hole of Calcutta.
06	19	1778	Washington's troops finally leave Valley Forge.
06	19	1846	First baseball game: NY Nines 23, Knickerbockers 1 (Hoboken, NJ).
06	19	1862	Slavery outlawed in US territories.
06	19	1910	Father's Day celebrated for first time in Spokane, Washington.
06	19	1931	First commercial photoelectric cell installed in West Haven Ct.
06	19	1932	First concert given in San Francisco's Stern Grove.
06	19	1934	Federal Communications Commission (FCC) created
06	19	1947	First plane to exceed 600 mph - Albert Boyd at Muroc, CA.
06	19	1976	Viking 1 enters Martian orbit after 10 month flight from earth.
06	19	1981	European Space Agency's Ariane carries two satellites into orbit.
06	20	1782	Congress approves Great Seal of US and the Eagle as it's symbol.
06	20	1791	King Louis XVI caught trying to escape French Revolution
06	20	1837	Queen Victoria at 18 ascends British throne following death of uncle King William IV. She ruled for 63 years, until 1901.
06	20	1863	West Virginia became 35th state
06	20	1948	Ed Sullivan has his first really big 'shoe' on Sunday night TV.
06	20	1963	US and USSR agree to set up a "Hot Line".
06	20	1968	Jim Hines becomes first person to run 100 meters in under 10 secs
06	20	1977	Oil enters Trans-Alaska pipeline exits 38 days later at Valdez.
06	20	1982	National Bald Eagle Day was declared.
06	21	1633	Galileo Galilei is forced by the Inquisition to "abjure, curse, and detest" his Copernican heliocentric views.  Still in effect!
06	21	1788	US Constitution effective as NH is ninth state to ratify it.
06	21	1834	Cyrus Hall McCormick patents reaping machine.
06	21	1879	F. W. Woolworth opens his first store (failed almost immediately, so he found a new location and you know the rest...)
06	21	1948	First stored computer program run, on the Manchester Mark I.
06	21	1963	Pope Paul VI (Giovanni Battista Montini) succeeds John XXIII
06	22	1611	Henry Hudson set adrift in Hudson Bay during mutiny.
06	22	1675	Royal Greenwich Observatory established in England by Charles II.
06	22	1772	Slavery is outlawed in England.
06	22	1775	First Continental currency authorized
06	22	1807	British board USS Chesapeake, leading to the War of 1812.
06	22	1808	Zebulon Pike reaches his peak, it was all downhill after that.
06	22	1847	The doughnut is invented.
06	22	1910	First passenger carrying airship, the Zeppelin "Deutscheland".
06	22	1911	King George V of England crowned
06	22	1944	FDR signs "GI Bill of Rights" (Servicemen's Readjustment Act)
06	22	1978	The planet Pluto's partner, Charon, is discovered.
06	22	1983	First time a satellite is retrieved from orbit, by Space Shuttle.
06	23	1683	William Penn signs friendship treaty with Lenni Lenape indians in Pennsylvania; the only treaty "not sworn to, nor broken".
06	23	1757	Robert Clive defeats Indians at Plassey, wins control of Bengal
06	23	1868	Christopher Latham Sholes patents the typewriter.
06	23	1955	Walt Disney's "Lady And The Tramp" is released
06	23	1976	CN Tower in Toronto, tallest free-standing structure (555m) opens
06	23	1986	Tip O'Neill refuses to let Reagan address House
06	24	1314	Battle of Bannockburn; Scotland regains independence from England
06	24	1441	Eton College founded by Henry VI
06	24	1497	John Cabot claims eastern Canada for England
06	24	1509	Henry VIII becomes King of England
06	24	1817	First coffee planted in Hawaii, on the Kona coast.
06	24	1930	First radar detection of aircraft, at Anacostia, DC.
06	24	1949	Cargo airlines first licensed by US Civil Aeronautics Board.
06	24	1949	Hopalong Cassidy becomes first network western.
06	24	1963	First demonstration of home video recorder, BBC Studios, London.
06	24	1982	Soyuz T-6 lifts 3 cosmonauts (1 French) to Salyut 7 space station
06	24	1982	Equal Rights Amendment goes down in defeat.
06	24	1986	US Senate approves "tax reform" - taxes went up.
06	25	1178	Five Canterbury monks report something exploding on the Moon (the only known observation of probable meteor strike).
06	25	1630	The Fork is introduced to American dining by Governor Winthrop.
06	25	1835	Pueblo founded with construction of first building (start of Yerba Buena, later to be called San Francisco).
06	25	1938	Federal minimum wage law guarantees workers 40› per hour.
06	25	1950	Korean War begins; North Korea invades South.
06	25	1950	El Al begins air service.
06	25	1951	1st color TV broadcast: CBS' Arthur Godfrey from NYC to 4 cities
06	25	1953	First passenger flies commercially around the world < 100 hours.
06	25	1977	Roy C Sullivan of Virginia is struck by lightening for 7th time!
06	26	1483	Richard III crowned King of England.  Villified by Thomas More.
06	26	1797	Charles Newbold patents first cast-iron plow.
06	26	1876	Custer's Last Stand
06	26	1900	Walter Reed begins research that beats yellow fever
06	26	1911	Nieuport sets an aircraft speed record of 133 kph
06	26	1934	FDR signs Federal Credit Union Act, establishing Credit Unions.
06	26	1945	UN Charter signed by 50 nations in San Francisco.
06	26	1948	US responses to Soviet blockade of Berlin with an airlift.
06	26	1949	Walter Baade discovers asteroid Icarus INSIDE orbit of Mercury.
06	26	1959	St Lawrence Seaway opens, linking Atlantic Ocean with Great Lakes
06	26	1963	John F. Kennedy visits West Berlin, "Ich bin ein Berliner".
06	26	1968	Iwo Jima and Bonin Islands returned to Japan by US
06	26	1978	First dedicated oceanographic satellite, SEASAT 1 launched.
06	27	1806	Buenos Aires captured by British
06	27	1838	Queen Victoria is crowned
06	27	1929	First color TV demo, in New York
06	27	1942	FBI captures 8 Nazi saboteurs from a sub off Long Island, NY.
06	27	1950	President Truman orders Air Force and Navy into Korean conflict.
06	27	1955	First automobile seat belt legislation enacted Illinois
06	27	1960	Chlorophyll "A" synthesized in Cambridge Mass
06	27	1962	NASA X-15 flies at 4105 mph
06	27	1963	Robert Rushworth in X-15 reaches 87 km
06	27	1978	Soyuz 30 launched
06	27	1982	4th Space Shuttle Mission - Columbia 4 launched
06	27	1983	Soyuz T-9 carries 2 cosmonauts to Salyut 7 space station
06	28	1820	The tomato is proved to be nonpoisonous.
06	28	1919	The Treaty of Versailles, ending World War I, was signed.
06	28	1939	Pan Am begins transatlantic air service with the Dixie Clipper.
06	28	1951	"Amos 'n Andy" show premiers on television (CBS).
06	29	1776	Mission Dolores founded by San Francisco Bay.
06	29	1854	Congress ratifies Gadsden Purchase of parts of New Mexico, Ariz.
06	29	1863	The very first First National Bank opens in Davenport, Iowa.
06	29	1916	The first Boeing aircraft flies.
06	29	1929	First high-speed jet wind tunnel completed Langley Field, CA.
06	29	1946	British arrest 2700 Jews in Palestine as alleged terrorists
06	29	1952	First aircraft carrier to sail around Cape Horn - the Oriskany.
06	29	1962	First flight of the Vickers VC-10 long-range airliner.
06	29	1971	Soyuz 11 docks with Salyut 1 for 22 days
06	30	1834	Congress creates Indian Territory
06	30	1893	The Excelsior diamond (blue-white, 995 carats) discovered.
06	30	1906	Pure Food and Drug Act and Meat Inspection Act adopted
06	30	1908	Giant fireball impacts in Central Siberia (the Tunguska Event)
06	30	1930	First round-the-world radio broadcast, from Schenectady NY.
06	30	1936	40 hour work week law approved in US.
06	30	1948	Transistor demonstrated Murray Hill, NJ.
06	30	1960	Zaire gains its independence.
06	30	1972	Timekeeping adjusted with the first leap second.
07	01	1535	Sir Thomas More went on trial in England charged with treason
07	01	1847	1st adhesive US postage stamps go on sale
07	01	1850	At least 626 ships lying at anchor around San Francisco Bay.
07	01	1863	Battle of Gettysburg, PA - Lee's northward advance halted.
07	01	1867	Dominion of Canada formed.
07	01	1873	Prince Edward Island becomes 7th Canadian province.
07	01	1898	Teddy Roosevelt and his Rough Riders charge up San Juan Hill.
07	01	1899	SF City Hall turned over to city, after 29 years of building
07	01	1919	First Class Postage DROPS to 2 cents from 3 cents.
07	01	1941	1st TV licenses granted: W2XBS-WNBT (NBC) & WCBW (CBS), New York
07	01	1943	first automatic withholding tax from paychecks
07	01	1944	Bretton Woods Conference starts, establishing world-wide financial systems (like the IMF and the World Bank).
07	01	1960	Italian Somalia gains independence, unites with Somali Republic.
07	01	1960	Ghana becomes a republic.
07	01	1962	Burundi & Rwanda gain independence from Belgium (National Days).
07	01	1966	Medicare goes into effect.
07	01	1968	US, Britain, USSR & 58 nations sign Nuclear Nonproliferation Trea
07	01	1969	Charles Philip Arthur George invested as the Prince of Wales
07	01	1971	Golden Gate Bridge paid for (so why is there still a toll?).
07	01	1982	Kosmos 1383, 1st search and rescue satellite, launched.
07	02	1890	Sherman Antitrust Act prohibits industrial monopolies.
07	02	1900	first flight of a Zeppelin (the LZ-1).
07	02	1926	US Army Air Corps created
07	02	1937	Amelia Earhart & Fred Noonan disappeared over the Pacific Ocean
07	02	1957	1st submarine built to fire guided missiles launched, "Grayback"
07	02	1964	President Johnson signs the Civil Rights Act.
07	02	1976	Supreme Court ruled death penalty not inherently cruel or unusual
07	02	1985	Proto launched on its way to Halley's Comet
07	03	1608	City of Quebec founded by Samuel de Champlain
07	03	1775	Washington takes command of Continental Army at Cambridge, Mass
07	03	1819	1st savings bank in US (Bank of Savings in NYC) opens its doors
07	03	1861	Pony Express arrives in SF with overland letters from New York.
07	03	1890	Idaho becomes 43rd state.
07	03	1898	US Navy defeats Spanish fleet in the harbor at Santiago Cuba
07	03	1962	Algeria becomes independent after 132 years of French rule
07	03	1983	Calvin Smith (US) becomes fastest man alive (36.25 kph for 100 m)
07	03	1986	Renovated Statue of Liberty is rededicated with great ceremony.
07	04	1054	Brightest known super-nova starts shining, for 23 days.
07	04	1057	Crab Nebula supernova recorded by Chinese & Japanese astronomers.
07	04	1776	Declaration of Independence - US gains independence from Britain
07	04	1802	US Military Academy officially openes at West Point, NY
07	04	1828	first US passenger railroad started, The Baltimore & Ohio
07	04	1845	Thoreau moves into his shack on Walden Pond.
07	04	1862	Lewis Carroll begins inventing "Alice in Wonderland" for his friend Alice Pleasance Liddell during a boating trip
07	04	1863	Boise, Idaho founded (now capital of Idaho).
07	04	1876	1st public exhibition of electric light in San Francisco.
07	04	1882	Telegraph Hill Observatory opens.
07	04	1884	Statue of Liberty is presented to theUnited States, in Paris.
07	04	1894	Elwood Haynes successfully tests one of the first US autos
07	04	1894	Republic of Hawaii established.
07	04	1903	Pacific Cable (San Francisco, Hawaii, Guam, Phillipines) opens. President Roosevelt sends a message to the Phillipines,
07	04	1933	Work begins on the Oakland Bay Bridge.
07	04	1946	Philippines gains independence from US
07	04	1965	Mariner 4 flies past Mars, sends first close-up photos.
07	04	1967	Freedom of Information Act goes into effect
07	04	1976	Raid on Entebbe - Israel rescues 229 Air France passengers
07	05	1687	Isaac Newton's PRINCIPIA is published by Royal Society in England
07	05	1811	Venezuela gains independence from Spain.
07	05	1859	Captain N.C. Brooks discovers Midway Islands.
07	05	1865	William Booth founds the Salvation Army, in London, England.
07	05	1935	first Hawaii Calls radio program is broadcast.
07	05	1938	Herb Caen gets his first column in the S.F. Chronicle.
07	05	1944	first rocket airplane flown
07	05	1950	Law of Return passes allowing all Jews rights to live in Israel
07	05	1951	Junction transistor invention announced, Murray Hill, NJ
07	05	1975	Cape Verde Islands independent, 500 years under Portuguese rule
07	05	1978	Soyuz 30 is launched
07	06	1885	1st inoculation (for rabies) of a human being, by Louis Pasteur
07	06	1928	Preview of 1st all-talking motion picture took place in NYC
07	06	1932	First Class postage back up to 3 cents from 2 cents.
07	06	1933	1st All-Star baseball game.  American League won 5-2.
07	06	1964	Malawi (then Nyasaland) gains independence from Britain
07	06	1975	Comoros Islands gain independence from France (most of them).
07	06	1976	Soyuz 21 carries 2 cosmonauts to Salyut 5 space station.
07	07	1846	United States annexs California
07	07	1891	A patent was granted for the travelers cheque.
07	07	1898	Hawaii annexed to the United States.
07	07	1930	Construction began on Boulder (later Hoover) Dam
07	07	1946	Mother Frances X Cabrini canonized as 1st American saint
07	07	1978	Solomon Islands gains independence from Britain (National Day).
07	07	1980	first solar-powered aircraft crosses English Channel.
07	07	1990	The world's 3 greatest tenors: Carreras, Domingo and Pavarotti appear together, for the only time, in Rome.  Simply ahhhsome!
07	08	1663	King Charles II of England granted a charter to Rhode Island
07	08	1776	Col. John Nixon gives 1st public reading of Decl of Independence
07	08	1796	1st American Passport issued by the US State Department.
07	08	1835	The Liberty Bell cracks (again).
07	08	1889	Vol 1, No 1, of "The Wall Street Journal" published.
07	08	1896	William Jennings Bryan makes his 'cross of gold' speech at the Democratic Convention in Chicago.
07	08	1905	Part of Angel Island (in SF bay ) becomes an Immigration Detention Center (port of entry for immigrants).
07	08	1907	Florenz Ziegfeld staged 1st `Follies' on NY Theater roof
07	08	1947	Demolition begins in New York for headquarters of United Nations
07	08	1977	Sabra Starr finishes longest recorded belly dance (100 hrs).
07	08	1978	Pioneer-Venus 2 Multi-probe launched to Venus.
07	09	1540	Henry VIII's 6-month marriage to Anne of Cleves is annulled.
07	09	1816	Argentina gains its independence.
07	09	1846	Capt Montgomery claims Yerba Buena (San Francisco) for the U.S.
07	09	1953	first helicopter passenger service, in New York
07	09	1957	Announcement of discovery of element 102 - nobelium
07	09	1979	Voyager II flies past Jupiter.
07	10	1890	Wyoming becomes the 44th state.
07	10	1925	USSR's official news agency TASS established.
07	10	1925	The Scopes 'Monkey Trial' on evolution, starts.
07	10	1940	Battle of Britain began as Nazi forces attack by air.
07	10	1962	Telstar, 1st communications satelite launched.
07	10	1966	Orbiter 1 Launched to moon.
07	10	1980	Ayatollah Khomeini releases Iran hostage Richard I. Queen
07	10	1985	French agents sink Greenpeace "Rainbow Warrior" in New Zealand.
07	11	1533	Pope Clement VII excommunicates England's King Henry VIII
07	11	1798	US Marine Corps is created by an act of Congress
07	11	1804	Burr and Hamilton duel.  Burr won.
07	11	1864	Confederate forces, led by Gen J Early, invade Washington DC
07	11	1955	USAF Academy dedicated at Lowry AFB in Colorado
07	11	1962	Cosmonaut Micolaev set longevity space flight record-4 days
07	11	1962	1st transatlantic TV transmission via satellite (Telstar I).
07	11	1977	Medal of Freedom awarded posthumously to Martin Luther King
07	11	1979	US Skylab enters atmosphere over Australia & disintegrates.
07	11	1986	Mary Beth Whitehead christens her surrogate "Baby M", Sara.
07	12	1543	Henry VIII marries Catharine Parr (his 6th & last wife).
07	12	1812	US forces lead by Gen. Hull invade Canada (War of 1812).
07	12	1862	Congress authorizes Medal of Honor
07	12	1933	Congress passes 1st minimum wage law ($0.33 per hour).
07	12	1960	Echo I, 1st passive satellite launched.
07	12	1960	USSR's Sputnik 5 launched with 2 dogs.
07	12	1962	Cosmonaut Popovich in space 1st time 2, manned craft in space
07	12	1977	first free flight test of Space Shuttle Enterprise.
07	12	1979	Kiribati (Gilbert & Ellice Is.) gains independence from Britain.
07	12	1984	Geraldine Ferraro, Democrat, becomes the first woman to be a major-party candicate for Vice President.
07	13	1865	Horace Greeley advises readers to "Go west". He meant Michigan.
07	13	1919	first lighter-than-air transatlantic flight completed.
07	13	1977	New York City experiences a 25 hr black-out
07	13	1984	Sergei Bubka of USSR pole vaults a record 5.89 m.
07	14	1771	Mission San Antonio de Padua founded in California
07	14	1789	Citizens of Paris storm the (near empty) Bastille prison.
07	14	1850	1st public demonstration of ice made by refrigeration.
07	14	1853	Commodore Perry requests trade relations with the Japanese.
07	14	1865	1st ascent of the Matterhorn.
07	14	1953	first national monument dedicated to a Negro - GW Carver
07	14	1958	Iraqi army Iraq overthrew monarchy, a Colonel Saddam Hussein.
07	14	1959	first atomic powered cruiser, the Long Beach, Quincy Mass
07	14	1965	US Mariner IV, 1st Mars probe, passes at 6,100 miles
07	14	1987	Taiwan ends 37 years of martial law
07	15	1662	Charles II grants a charter to establish Royal Society in London.
07	15	1815	Napoleon Bonaparte captured.
07	15	1870	NW Territories created & Manitoba becomes 5th Canadian province.
07	15	1940	first betatron placed in operation, Urbana, Illinois
07	15	1954	first US passenger jet transport airplane tested (Boeing 707).
07	15	1975	Soyuz 19 and Apollo 18 launched; rendezvous 2 days later.
07	16	1212	Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa; end of Moslem power in Spain.
07	16	1548	La Paz, Bolivia is founded.
07	16	1769	Father Serra founds Mission San Diego, 1st mission in Calif.
07	16	1790	Congress establishes the District of Columbia.
07	16	1861	1st major battle of the Civil War -- Bull Run.
07	16	1935	1st automatic parking meter in US installed, Oklahoma City, OK
07	16	1945	1st atomic blast, Trinity Site, Alamogordo, New Mexico.
07	16	1969	Apollo 11, first manned ship to land on the moon is launched with astronauts Buzz Aldrin, Neil Armstrong and Michael Collins.
07	17	1821	Spain ceded Florida to US
07	17	1841	British humor magazine `Punch' 1st published.
07	17	1850	Harvard Observatory takes 1st photograph of a star (Vega)
07	17	1898	Spanish American War ends, in Santiago, Cuba.
07	17	1917	British royal family adopts the name `Windsor.'
07	17	1945	Potsdam Conference. FDR, Stalin, Churchill hold first meeting.
07	17	1948	Republic of Korea founded.
07	17	1954	Construction begins on Disneyland...
07	17	1955	... Disneyland opens its doors in rural Orange County.
07	17	1959	Tibet abolishes serfdom
07	17	1962	Robert White in X-15 sets altitude record of 108 km (354,300 ft).
07	17	1969	Apollo/Soyuz, the first US/USSR linkup in space
07	17	0197	Pioneer 7 launched.
07	17	1984	Soyuz T-12 carries 3 cosmonauts to space station Salyut 7.
07	18	1964	The Great Fire of Rome begins (Nero didn't fiddle).
07	18	1536	Pope's authority declared void in England.
07	18	1872	Britain introduces voting by secret ballot.
07	18	1931	first air-conditioned ship launched - "Mariposa"
07	18	1936	Spanish Civil War begans, Francisco Franco leads uprising.
07	18	1938	Douglas `Wrong Way' Corrigan lands in Ireland-left NY for Calif
07	18	1955	first electric power generated from atomic energy sold.
07	18	1966	Carl Sagan turns one billion seconds old
07	18	1966	Gemini 10 launched.
07	18	1968	Intel Corporation is incorporated.  Made first microchip.
07	18	1980	Rohini 1, first Indian satellite, is launched.
07	18	1984	Svetlana Savitskaya accompanies Vladimir Dzhanibekov on EVA outside Salyut 7, becoming first woman to walk in space.
07	18	1986	Videotapes released showing Titanic's sunken remains
07	19	1848	First Women's Rights Convention. Seneca Falls, NY
07	19	1880	SF Public Library allows patrons to start borrowing books.
07	19	1935	1st parking meters installed in Oklahoma City business district.
07	19	1955	"Balclutha" ties up at SF Pier 43 & becomes a floating museum.
07	19	1961	1st In-flight movie is shown (on TWA).
07	20	1810	Columbia gains its independence.
07	20	1859	admission fee first charged to see a baseball game (50 cents).
07	20	1871	British Columbia becomes 6th Canadian province.
07	20	1960	USSR recovered 2 dogs; 1st living organisms to return from space.
07	20	1960	1st submerged submarine fires Polaris missile, George Washington
07	20	1969	first men land on the moon, aboard Apollo 11 at 09:18 GMT. Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin establish Tranquility Base
07	20	1976	first pictures from Mars surface received (courtesy Viking 2).
07	20	1977	Voyager 2 launched to the outer solar system.
07	21	1831	Belgium gains its independence.
07	21	1873	World's 1st train robbery, by Jesse James.
07	21	1940	Soviet Union annexes Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania.
07	21	1959	first atomic powered merchant ship, Savannah, christened.
07	21	1961	Mercury 4 is launched into sub-orbital flight
07	21	1965	Gemini 5 launched atop Titan V with Cooper and Conrad
07	21	1969	Neil Armstrong steps onto the moon at 02:56:15 GMT. "It's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind."
07	21	1969	Independence Day, celebrated in Belgium.
07	22	1933	Wiley Post completes 1st round-the-world solo flight.
07	22	1972	Venera 8 makes a soft landing on Venus.
07	23	1798	Napoleon captures Alexandria, Egypt.
07	23	1829	Typewriter is patented.
07	23	1904	The Ice Cream Cone is invented.
07	23	1937	Isolation of pituitary hormone announced
07	23	1968	PLO's 1st hijacking of an EL AL plane
07	23	1972	ERTS 1 (Earth Resources Technology Satellite) later called LANDSA launched to start its multi-spectral scans of Earth
07	23	1972	1st Earth Resources Technology Satellite (ERTS) is launched
07	23	1980	Soyuz 37 ferries 2 cosmonauts (1 Vietnamese) to Salyut 6.
07	24	1701	French make 1st landing at site of Detroit.
07	24	1704	Great Britain takes Gibralter from Spain
07	24	1847	Mormon leader Brigham Young & followers arrive at Salt Lake City,
07	24	1929	Hoover proclaims Kellogg-Briand Pact which renounced war
07	24	1946	US detonates atomic bomb at Bikini Atoll.  See film Radio Bikini.
07	24	1959	Nixon has the `Kitchen Debate' with Khrushchev
07	25	1909	first airplane flight across the English Channel.
07	25	1952	Commonwealth of Puerto Rico created.
07	25	1956	Italian liner Andrea Doria sank after collision with Stockholm.
07	25	1963	US Russia & England sign nuclear test ban treaty
07	25	1973	USSR launches Mars 5
07	25	1981	Voyager 2 encounters Saturn, "thousands of rings".
07	25	1987	USSR launches Kosmos 1870, 15-ton earth-study satellite.
07	26	1775	Benjamin Franklin becomes the first Postmaster General.
07	26	1847	Liberia gains its independence.
07	26	1887	first book published in Esperanto.  Not a hit.
07	26	1908	Federal Bureau of Investigation established
07	26	1947	Department of Defense established
07	26	1953	Fidel Castro begins revolution against Batista
07	26	1953	Korean War Armistice is signed.
07	26	1956	Egypt seizes the Suez Canal
07	26	1957	USSR launchs 1st intercontinental multi-stage ballistic missle.
07	26	1963	US launches Syncom 2, the first geosynchronous satellite
07	26	1965	Republic of Maldives gains independence from Britain (Nat'l Day).
07	26	1971	US launches Apollo 15 to the Moon
07	26	1982	Canada's Anik D1 comsat launched by US delta rocket.
07	27	1501	Copernicus formally installed as canon of Frauenberg Cathedral
07	27	1694	Bank of England is chartered.
07	27	1836	Adelaide, South Australia founded.
07	27	1866	Atlantic telegraph cable successfully laid (1,686 miles long).
07	27	1940	Billboard magazine starts publishing best-seller's charts.
07	27	1955	Austria regains full independence after 4-power occupation.
07	27	1962	Mariner 2 launched on a flyby mission to venus
07	27	1969	Pioneer 10 Launched.
07	28	1586	Sir Thomas Harriot introduces potatoes to Europe.
07	28	1821	Peru gains its independence.
07	28	1849	"Memmon" is first clipper to reach SF, 120 days out of NY
07	28	1851	total solar eclipse captured on a daguerreotype photograph
07	28	1866	Metric system becomes a legal measurement system in US
07	28	1868	14th Amendment ratified, citizenship to exslaves.
07	28	1900	The Hamburger is created by Louis Lassing in Connecticut
07	28	1914	Austria-Hungary attacks Serbia - World War I begins.
07	28	1931	Congress makes The Star-Spangled Banner our 2nd National Anthem
07	28	1932	President Hoover evicts bonus marchers from their encampment.
07	28	1933	1st Singing Telegram is delivered (to Rudy Vallee).
07	28	1964	Ranger 7 launched to the moon; sends back 4308 TV pictures.
07	28	1973	Skylab 3's astronauts are launched
07	28	1976	Eldon Joersz & Geo. Morgan set world airspeed record of 3,530 kph
07	29	1858	1st commercial treaty between US and Japan is signed.
07	29	1914	1st transcontinental phone link.  Between NYC and San Francisco.
07	29	1920	1st transcontinental airmail flight: New York to San Francisco
07	29	1957	International Atomic Energy Agency established by UN
07	29	1978	Pioneer 11 transmits images of Saturn & its rings.
07	29	1981	The wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana
07	29	1985	19th Space Shuttle Mission - Challenger 8 is launched
07	30	1619	The House of Burgesses in Virginia is formed.  1st elective governing body in a British colony.
07	30	1836	1st English newspaper published in Hawaii.
07	30	1946	1st rocket to attain 100-mile altitude, White Sands, NM
07	30	1956	Motto of US "In God We Trust" authorized
07	30	1971	US Apollo 15 lands on Mare Imbrium.
07	30	1980	Vanuatu (then New Hebrides) gains independence from Britain, Fran
07	30	1983	STS-8 3rd flight of Challenger. 1st night launch & land.
07	30	1984	STS-14 first flight of the shuttle Discovery.
07	31	1498	Christopher Columbus discovers island of Trinidad.
07	31	1588	English fleet attacks Spanish armada
07	31	1790	1st US Patent granted (for a potash process).
07	31	1948	President Truman dedicates Idlewild Field (Kennedy Airport), NY
07	31	1964	Ranger 7 transmits the 1st lunar close-up photos before impact
07	31	1970	Chet Huntley retires from NBC, ending 'Huntley-Brinkley Report' (No more "Goodnight, David", "Goodnight, Chet")
08	01	1291	Everlasting League forms, the basis of the Swiss Confederation
08	01	1790	First U.S. Census
08	01	1794	Whisky Rebellion
08	01	1852	Black Methodists establish 1st black SF church, Zion Methodist
08	01	1901	Burial within San Francisco City limits prohibited.
08	01	1946	President Truman establishes Atomic Energy Commission.
08	01	1953	California introduces its Sales Tax (for Education).
08	01	1958	First Class postage up to 4 cents (had been 3 cents for 26 years
08	02	1873	1st trial run of an SF cable car, on Clay Street between Kearny and Jones, downhill all the way, at 4AM.
08	02	1877	San Francisco Public Library opens with 5000 volumes.
08	02	1990	Saddam Hussein of Iraq invades neighboring Kuwait in the first act of the 1991 Persian Gulf War.
08	03	1492	Columbus sets sail for 'the Indies'.
08	04	1693	Champagne is invented by Dom Perignon.
08	05	1775	The 1st Spanish ship, 'San Carlos', enters San Francisco bay.
08	05	1861	US levies its first Income Tax (3% of incomes over $800).
08	05	1864	Spectrum of a comet observed for 1st time, by Giovanni Donati
08	05	1963	Nuclear Test Ban Treaty signed.
08	06	1835	Bolivia gains its independence
08	06	1926	The first woman swims the English Channel.
08	06	1945	The first Atom Bomb was dropped on Hiroshima by the 'Enola Gay'.
08	07	1807	1st servicable steamboat, the Cleremont, goes on 1st voyage.
08	09	1842	The US-Canada border defined by the Webster-Ashburton Treaty.
08	09	1945	The 2nd Atom Bomb dropped on Nagasaki.
08	09	1974	Richard Nixon resigns presidency.
08	10	1809	Ecuador gains its independence.
08	10	1981	Pete Rose tops Stan Musial's record of 3630 hits.
08	11	1877	Asaph Hall discovers Mars' moon Deimos
08	11	1929	Babe Ruth hits his 500th homer
08	11	1933	Temp. hits 58øC (136øF) at San Luis Potos¡, Mex. (world record)
08	12	1851	Issac Singer granted a patent for his sewing machine.
08	12	1898	The peace protocol ending the Spanish-American War was signed.
08	12	1915	`Of Human Bondage,' by William Somerset Maugham, published.
08	12	1934	Babe Ruth's final game at Fenway Park, 41,766 on hand
08	13	1642	Christiaan Huygens discovers the Martian south polar cap
08	13	1876	Reciprocity Treaty between US and Hawaii ratified.
08	13	1961	Berlin Wall erected in East Germany
08	14	0410	Alaric sacks Rome, he really was a Vandal.
08	14	1457	Oldest exactly dated printed book (c. 3 years after Gutenberg)
08	14	1846	Henry David Thoreau jailed for tax resistance.
08	14	1848	Oregon Territory created
08	14	1935	Social Security Act became law
08	14	1941	Atlantic Charter signed by FDR & Churchill
08	14	1945	VJ Day - Japan surrendered to end World War II.
08	14	1966	First US lunar orbiter does it.
08	15	1901	Arch Rock, danger to Bay shipping, blasted with 30 tons of nitrogelatin (and that ain't jello).
08	15	1945	South Korea liberated from Japanese rule.
08	15	1945	Riot in San Francisco celebrating end of World War II.
08	15	1960	The Congo (Brazzaville) gains its independence.
08	16	1863	Emancipation Proclamation signed
08	16	1969	Woodstock festival begins in New York.
08	16	1970	Venera 7 launched by USSR for soft landing on Venus
08	17	1807	R. Fulton's steamboat Clermont begins 1st trip up Hudson River
08	17	1896	Gold discovered at Bonanza Creek, in Klondike region of the Yukon
08	17	1939	"The Wizard of Oz" opens at Loew's Capitol Theater in NY
08	17	1950	Indonesia gains its independence.
08	18	1868	Pierre Janssan discovers helium in solar spectrum during eclipse
08	18	1914	Pres Wilson issues Proclamation of Neutrality
08	18	1963	James Meredith becomes 1st black graduate of Univ of Miss.
08	18	1976	USSR's Luna 24 softlands on the Moon
08	19	1826	Canada Co. chartered to colonize Upper Canada (Ontario).
08	19	1891	William Huggins describes use of spectrum in astronomy.
08	19	1960	Francis Gary Powers convicted of spying by USSR (U-2 incident)
08	19	1960	Sputnik 5 carries 3 dogs into orbit (recovered alive)  Yeaaa!
08	19	1979	The crew of Soyuz 32 returns to Earth aboard Soyuz 34
08	19	1982	Soyuz T-7 is launched
08	20	1866	President Andrew Johnson formally declared the Civil War over
08	20	1920	US's first radio broadcaster, 8MK later WWJ, Detroit begins daily broadcasting.
08	20	1930	Dumont's 1st TV Broadcast for home reception, NY city
08	20	1940	Churchill says of the Royal Air Force, "Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few."
08	20	1942	WW II dimout regulations implemented in San Francisco.
08	20	1977	Voyager II launched.
08	21	1841	John Hampson patents the venetian blind
08	21	1959	Hawaii became the 50th state.
08	21	1965	Gemini 5 launched into earth orbit (2 astronauts)
08	21	1968	Soviet Union invades Czechoslovakia.
08	21	1968	William Dana reaches 80 km (last high-altitude X-15 flight)
08	21	1972	US orbiting astronomy observatory Copernicus is launched
08	22	1485	Richard III slain at Bosworth Field - Last of the Plantagenets
08	22	1787	John Fitch's steamboat completes its tests, years before Fulton
08	22	1851	Gold fields discovered in Australia
08	22	1963	Joe Walker in a NASA X-15, reaches 106 km (67 miles)
08	23	1833	Britain abolishes slavery in colonies; 700,000 slaves freed
08	23	1869	1st carload of freight (boots & shoes) arrives in San Francisco, from Boston, after a 16-day rail trip.
08	23	1919	"Gasoline Alley" cartoon strip premiers in Chicago Tribune
08	23	1957	Digital Equipment Corp. founded
08	23	1966	Lunar Orbiter 1 takes 1st photograph of earth from the moon
08	23	1973	First Intelsat communications satellite launched
08	23	1977	1st man-powered flight (Bryan Allen in Gossamer Condor)
08	24	0079	Mt. Vesuvius erupts; Pompeii & Herculaneum are buried
08	24	1814	British sack Washington, DC.  Please, it needs it again!
08	24	1869	The Waffle Iron is invented.
08	24	1909	Workers start pouring concrete for the Panama Canal.
08	24	1932	1st transcontinental non-stop flight by a woman, AE Putnam
08	24	1956	1st non-stop transcontinental helicopter flight arrived Wash DC
08	24	1960	temp. drops to -88ø (-127ø F) at Vostok, Antarctica (world record)
08	24	1989	Voyager II passes Neptune, Triton, finds rings here too.
08	25	1689	Montreal taken by the Iroquois
08	25	1825	Uruguay gains its independence.
08	25	1929	Graf Zeppelin passes over San Francisco, headed for Los Angeles after trans-Pacific voyage from Tokyo.
08	25	1981	Voyager II flies past Saturn. sees not a few, but thousands of rings.
08	25	1981	Voyager 2 in its closest approach to Saturn,
08	26	1955	B.C. Roman forces under Julius Caesar invaded Britain.
08	26	1346	English longbows defeat French in Battle of Cr‚cy
08	26	1629	Cambridge Agreement pledged.  Massachusetts Bay Co. stockholders agreed to emigrate to New England.
08	26	1791	John Fitch granted a US patent for his working steamboat.
08	26	1846	W. A. Bartlett appointed 1st US mayor of Yerba Buena (SF).
08	26	1907	Houdini escapes from chains underwater at SF's Aquatic Park in 57 seconds.
08	26	1920	19th Amendment passes - Women's Suffrage granted (about time!)
08	26	1952	Fluoridation of San Francisco water begins.
08	26	1962	Mariner 2 launched for 1st planet flyby (Venus)
08	26	1973	Women's Equality Day
08	27	1776	Americans defeated by British in Battle of Long Island
08	27	1783	1st hydrogen-filled balloon ascent (unmanned)
08	27	1859	1st successful oil well drilled near Titusville, Penn.
08	27	1859	1st successful oil well drilled, near Titusville, Penn
08	27	1883	Krakatoa, Java explodes with a force of 1,300 megatons
08	27	1883	Krakatoa, WEST of Java, blew apart (Top that, St Helens).
08	27	1928	Kellogg-Briand Pact, where 60 nations agreed to outlaw war.
08	28	1565	St Augustine, Fla established
08	28	1609	Delaware Bay explored by Henry Hudson for the Netherlands
08	28	1789	William Herschel discovers Enceladus, satellite of Saturn
08	28	1828	Russian novelist Leo Tolstoy was born near Tula.
08	28	1907	United Parcel Service begins service, in Seattle
08	28	1917	10 suffragists were arrested as they picketed the White House
08	28	1965	Astronauts Cooper & Conrad complete 120 Earth orbits in Gemini 5
08	29	1526	Hungary conquered by Turks in Battle of Moh cs
08	29	1533	Last Incan King of Peru, Atahualpa, murdered by Spanish conquerors
08	29	1896	Chop suey invented in NYC by chef of visiting Chinese Ambassador
08	29	1949	USSR explodes its 1st atomic bomb
08	29	1954	San Francisco International Airport (SFO) opens.
08	30	1850	Honolulu, Hawaii becomes a city.
08	30	1979	1st recorded occurrance of a comet hitting the sun (the energy released was about equal to 1 million hydrogen bombs).
08	30	1983	8th Space Shuttle Mission - Challenger 3 is launched
08	30	1984	12th Space Shuttle Mission - Discovery 1 is launched
08	31	1842	US Naval Observatory is authorized by an act of Congress
08	31	1955	1st sun-powered automobile demonstrated, Chicago, IL
08	31	1977	Aleksandr Fedotov sets world aircraft altitude record of 38.26 km (125,524 ft) in a Mikoyan E-266M turbojet
08	31	1980	Solidarity Labor Union in Poland is founded.
09	01	1772	Mission San Luis Obispo de Tolosa founded in California
09	01	1807	Aaron Burr aquitted of charges of plotting to set up an empire.
09	01	1849	California Constitutional Convention held in Monterey.
09	01	1859	Carrington & Hodgson make first observation of a solar flare.
09	01	1878	1st woman telephone operator starts work (Emma Nutt in Boston).
09	01	1905	Alberta and Saskatchewan become 8th and 9th Canadian provinces.
09	01	1939	PHYSICAL REVIEW publishes first paper to deal with "black holes"
09	01	1939	Germany invades Poland, starting World War II.
09	01	1969	Moammar Gadhafi deposes Libya's King Idris
09	01	1977	First TRS-80 Model I computer is sold.
09	01	1979	Pioneer 11 makes 1st fly-by of Saturn, discovers new moon, rings
09	01	1983	A Korean Boeing 747, carrying 269 passengers, strays into Soviet air space and is shot down by a Soviet jet fighter.
09	01	1985	SS Titanic, sunk in 1912, is found by French & American scientists
09	02	1931	BC At the Battle of Actium; Octavian defeats Antony, and becomes the Emporer Augustus.
09	02	0490	BC Phidippides runs the first marathon, seeking aid from Sparta against the Persians.
09	02	1666	Great Fire of London starts; destroys St. Paul's Church
09	02	1789	US Treasury Department established by Congress
09	02	1804	Harding discovers Juno, the 3rd known asteroid
09	02	1898	Lord Kitchener retakes Sudan for Britain
09	02	1945	Vietnam declares independence from France (National Day)
09	02	1945	V-J Day; Japan formally surrenders aboard the USS Missouri.
09	02	1963	CBS & NBC expand network news from 15 to 30 minutes
09	03	1783	Treaty of Paris, ending the Revolutionary War, is signed.
09	03	1849	California State Constitutional Convention convenes in Monterey
09	03	1900	British annex Natal (South Africa)
09	03	1935	First automobile to exceed 300 mph, Sir Malcolm Campbell
09	03	1939	Britain declared war on Germany. France followed six hours later, quickly joined by Australia, New Zealand, South Africa & Canada
09	03	1940	First showing of high definition color television
09	03	1940	US gives Britain 50 destroyers in exchange for military bases
09	03	1976	US Viking 2 lands on Mars at Utopia
09	03	1978	Crew of Soyuz 31 returns to Earth aboard Soyuz 29
09	03	1985	20th Space Shuttle Mission - Discovery 6 returns to Earth
09	04	0476	Romulus Augustulus, last Roman emperor in the west, is deposed.
09	04	1609	Navigator Henry Hudson discovers the island of Manhattan.
09	04	1781	Los Angeles is founded in the Valley of Smokes (Indian Name).
09	04	1833	1st newsboy in the US hired (Barney Flaherty), by the NY Sun
09	04	1870	French republic proclaimed
09	04	1882	First district lit by electricty (NY's Pearl Street Station)
09	04	1886	Geronimo is captured, ending last major US-Indian war
09	04	1888	George Eastman patents 1st rollfilm camera & registers "Kodak".
09	04	1911	Garros sets world altitude record of 4,250 m (13,944 ft)
09	04	1918	US troops land in Archangel, Russia, stay 10 months
09	04	1933	First airplane to exceed 300 mph, JR Wendell, Glenview, Illinois
09	04	1950	First helicopter rescue of American pilot behind enemy lines.
09	04	1951	First transcontinental TV broadcast, by President Truman
09	04	1954	1st passage of McClure Strait, fabled Northwest Passage completed
09	04	1957	Ford introduces the Edsel.
09	04	1964	NASA launches its first Orbital Geophysical Observatory (OGO-1)
09	04	1972	US swimmer Mark Spitz is 1st athlete to win 7 olympic gold medals
09	04	1980	Iraqi troops seize Iranian territory in a border dispute.
09	05	1774	First Continental Congress assembles, in Philadelphia
09	05	1781	Battle of Virginia Capes, where the French Fleet defeats the British rescue fleet, trapping Cornwallis at Yorktown.
09	05	1885	1st gasoline pump is delivered to a gasoline dealer.
09	05	1953	First privately operated atomic reactor - Raleigh NC
09	05	1958	First color video recording on mag. tape shown, Charlotte NC
09	05	1977	Voyager II launched towards Jupiter and Saturn.
09	05	1978	Sadat, Begin and Carter began peace conference at Camp David, Md.
09	05	1980	World's longest auto tunnel, St. Gotthard in Swiss Alps, opens.
09	06	1628	Puritans land at Salem, form Massachusetts Bay Colony.
09	06	1716	First lighthouse in US built, in Boston
09	06	1869	First westbound train arrives in San Francisco.
09	06	1909	Word received: Peary discovered the North Pole five months ago.
09	06	1966	Star Trek appears on TV for the 1st time, on NBC.  Beam me up!
09	07	1822	Brazil declares independence from Portugal (National Day).
09	07	1907	Sutro's ornate Cliff House in SF is destroyed by fire.
09	07	1948	First use of synthetic rubber in asphaltic concrete, Akron OH
09	07	1956	Bell X-2 sets Unofficial manned aircraft altitude record 126,000+
09	08	1380	Russians defeat Tatars at Kulikovo, beginning decline of Tatars.
09	08	1565	1st permanent settlement in US founded at St Augustine, Florida
09	08	1565	Turkish siege of Malta broken by Maltese & Knights of St. John.
09	08	1664	Dutch surrender New Amsterdam (NY) to English.
09	08	1771	Mission San Gabriel Archangel founded in California.
09	08	1858	Lincoln makes a speech describing when you can fool people.
09	08	1883	Northern Pacific RR's last spike driven at Independence Creek, Mo
09	08	1920	1st US Air Mail service begins.
09	08	1943	Italy surrenders to the allies in WW II
09	08	1945	US invades Japanese-held Korea.
09	09	1513	Battle of Flodden Fields; English defeat James IV of Scotland.
09	09	1776	Continental Congress authorizes the name "United States".
09	09	1839	John Herschel takes the first glass plate photograph
09	09	1850	California becomes the 31st state.
09	09	1867	Luxembourg gains independence.
09	09	1892	E.E.Barnard at Lick discovers Amalthea, 5th moon of Jupiter.
09	09	1926	NBC created by the Radio Corporation of America.
09	09	1942	First bombing of the continental US, at Mount Emily Oregon by a Japanese plane launched from a submarine.
09	09	1967	First successful test flight of a Saturn V rocket.
09	09	1975	Viking 2 launched toward orbit around Mars, soft landing.
09	09	1982	"Conestoga I", the world's first private rocket, is launched.
09	10	1608	John Smith elected president of Jamestown colony council, Va.
09	10	1813	Oliver H. Perry defeats the British in the Battle of Lake Erie
09	10	1846	Elias Howe receives patent for his sewing machine.
09	10	1919	NYC welcomes home Gen. John J. Pershing and 25,000 WW I soldiers
09	10	1945	Vidkun Quisling sentenced to death for collaborating with Nazis.
09	10	1953	Swanson sells its first "TV Dinner".
09	10	1955	"Gunsmoke" premieres on CBS television.
09	10	1963	Twenty black students enter public schools in Alabama.
09	10	1974	Guinea-Bissau gains independence from Portugal.
09	11	1777	Battle of Brandywine, PA -  Americans lose to British.
09	11	1814	Battle of Lake Champlain, NY - British lose to Americans
09	11	1850	Jenny Lind, the "Swedish Nightingale", makes first US concert.
09	11	1910	1st commercially successful electric bus line opens, in Hollywood
09	11	1936	FDR dedicates Boulder Dam, now known as Hoover Dam
09	11	1944	FDR and Churchill meet in Canada at the second Quebec Conference
09	11	1946	First mobile long-distance, car-to-car telephone conversation.
09	11	1947	US Department of Defense is formed.
09	11	1950	First typesetting machine without metal type is exhibited.
09	11	1954	First Miss America TV broadcast
09	11	1967	US Surveyor 5 makes first chemical analysis of lunar material.
09	11	1972	BART begins service with a 26 mile line from Oakland to Fremont
09	11	1985	Pete Rose, Cincinnati Reds, gets hit 4,192 - eclipsing Ty Cobb.
09	12	0490	BC Athenians defeat 2nd Persian invasion of Greece at Marathon.
09	12	1609	Henry Hudson discovers what is now called the Hudson River.
09	12	1758	Charles Messier observes the Crab Nebula and begins catalog.
09	12	1941	First German ship in WW II is captured by US ship (Busko)
09	12	1953	Khrushchev becomes First Secretary of the Communist Party
09	12	1959	Luna 1 launched by USSR; 1st spacecraft to impact on the moon.
09	12	1959	Bonanza, horse opera, premiers on television
09	12	1966	Gemini XI launched
09	12	1970	Luna 16 launched; returns samples from Mare Fecunditatis
09	12	1974	Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia overthrown.
09	13	1788	New York City becomes the capitol of the United States.
09	13	1906	First airplane flight in Europe.
09	13	1959	Soviet Lunik 2 becomes 1st human-made object to crash on moon.
09	13	1963	The Outer Limits premiers
09	14	1716	1st lighthouse in US is lit (in Boston Harbor).
09	14	1752	England and colonies adopt Gregorian calendar, 11 days disappear.
09	14	1812	Napoleon occupies Moscow.
09	14	1814	Francis Scott Key inspired to write 'The Star-Spangled Banner'.
09	14	1847	US troops capture Mexico City.
09	14	1886	The typewriter ribbon is patented.
09	14	1899	While in New York, Henry Bliss becomes 1st automobile fatality
09	14	1940	Congress passes 1st peace time draft law.
09	14	1956	First prefrontal lobotomy performed in Washington DC. Common now.
09	14	1964	Walt Disney awarded the Medal of Freedom at the White House
09	14	1968	USSR's Zond 5 is launched on first circum lunar flight
09	14	1974	Charles Kowal discovers Leda, 13th satellite of Jupiter.
09	15	1776	British forces occupy New York during the American Revolution.
09	15	1789	Department of Foreign Affairs is renamed the Department of State
09	15	1821	Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatamala, Honduras & Nicaragua all gain their independence.
09	15	1917	Russia is proclaimed a republic by Alexander Kerensky
09	15	1947	First 4 engine jet propelled fighter plane tested, Columbus, Oh
09	15	1950	UN forces land at Inchon during Korean conflict.
09	15	1959	Soviet Premier Khrushchev arrives in US to begin a 13-day visit
09	15	1976	Soyuz 22 carries two cosmonauts into earth orbit for 8 days.
09	16	1620	The Mayflower departs from Plymouth, England with 102 pilgrims.
09	16	1630	Massachusets village of Shawmut changes its name to Boston
09	16	1662	Flamsteed sees solar eclipse, 1st known astronomical observation
09	16	1795	British capture Capetown
09	16	1857	Patent is issued for the typesetting machine.
09	16	1893	Cherokee Strip, Oklahoma opened to white settlement homesteaders
09	16	1908	William Crapo Durant incorporates General Motors
09	16	1919	The American Legion is incorporated.
09	16	1945	Barometric pressure at 856 mb (25.55") off Okinawa (record low)
09	16	1966	Metropolitan Opera opens at New York's Lincoln Center
09	16	1968	Richard Nixon appears on Laugh-in
09	16	1972	First TV series about mixed marriage - Bridgit Loves Bernie.
09	16	1974	BART begins regular transbay service.
09	16	1974	Pres Ford announces conditional amnesty for Vietnam deserters
09	16	1975	Papua New Guinea gains independence from Australia.
09	16	1976	Episcopal Church approves ordination of women as priests & bishop
09	17	1776	The Presidio of San Francisco was founded as Spanish fort.
09	17	1787	The Constitution of The United States is adopted.
09	17	1789	William Herschel discovers Mimas, satellite of Saturn
09	17	1819	1st whaling ship arrives in Hawaii.
09	17	1908	Thomas Selfridge becomes 1st fatality of powered flight
09	17	1953	First successful separation of Siamese twins
09	17	1968	Zond 5 completes circumnavigation of the Moon
09	17	1972	BART begins passenger service
09	17	1978	Begin, Sadat and Carter sign the Camp David accord.
09	17	1985	Soyuz T-14 carries 3 cosmonauts to Salyut 7 space station
09	18	1755	Fort Ticonderoga, New York opened
09	18	1793	Washington lays cornerstone of Capitol building
09	18	1810	Chile gains its independence.
09	18	1851	"The New York Times" goes on sale, at 2 cents a copy.
09	18	1851	New York Times starts publishing, at 2› a copy
09	18	1927	Columbia Broadcasting System goes on the air.
09	18	1966	Gemini X is launched
09	18	1977	US Voyager I takes 1st space photograph of earth & moon together
09	18	1980	Soyuz 38 carries 2 cosmonauts (1 Cuban) to Salyut 6 space station
09	18	1984	Joe Kittinger completes 1st solo balloon crossing of Atlantic
09	19	1356	English defeat French at Battle of Poitiers
09	19	1796	George Washington's presidential farewell address
09	19	1812	Napoleon's retreat from Russia begins
09	19	1848	Bond (US) & Lassell (England) independently discover Hyperion
09	19	1849	First commercial laundry established, in Oakland, California.
09	19	1873	Black Friday: Jay Cooke & Co. fails, causing a securities panic
09	19	1968	Baby born on Golden Gate Bridge (those Marin County folk!).
09	19	1982	Streetcars stop running on Market St after 122 years of service
09	20	1519	Magellan starts 1st successful circumnavigation of the world.
09	20	1797	US frigate "Constitution" (Old Ironsides) launched in Boston.
09	20	1859	Patent granted on the electric range.
09	20	1884	Equal Rights Party founding convention in San Francisco, nominated female candidates for President, Vice President.
09	20	1945	German rocket engineers begin work in US
09	20	1951	First North Pole jet crossing
09	20	1954	First FORTRAN computer program is run
09	20	1970	Luna 16 lands on Moon's Mare Fecunditatis, drills core sample
09	21	1784	1st daily newspaper in US begins publication in Pennsylvania.
09	21	1895	1st auto manufacturer opens -- Duryea Motor Wagon Company.
09	21	1930	Johann Ostermeyer patents his invention, the flashbulb.
09	21	1954	The nuclear submarine "Nautilus" is commissioned.
09	21	1958	1st airplane flight exceeding 1200 hours, lands at Dallas Texas
09	21	1964	Malta gains independence from Britain
09	21	1974	US Mariner 10 makes second fly-by of Mercury
09	21	1981	Sandra Day O'Conner becomes the 1st female Supreme Court Justice
09	21	1982	SF cable cars cease operations for 2 years of repairs
09	22	1789	The US Post Office was established.
09	22	1863	President Lincoln makes his Emancipation Proclamation speech.
09	22	1893	1st auto built in US (by Duryea brothers) runs in Springfield
09	22	1903	Italo Marchiony granted a patent for the ice cream cone
09	22	1980	War between Iran and Iraq begins, lasts eight years.  No winner.
09	23	1779	Naval engagement between 'Bonhomme Richard' and 'HMS Serepis'.
09	23	1780	John Andre reveals Benedict Arnold's plot to betray West Point.
09	23	1846	Johann Galle & Heinrich d'Arrest find Neptune
09	23	1912	First Mack Sennett "Keystone Comedy" movie is released.
09	23	1932	Kingdom of Saudi Arabia formed, (National Day)
09	23	1952	First closed circuit pay-TV telecast of a sports event.
09	23	1952	Richard Nixon makes his "Checker's" speech
09	23	1973	Largest known prime, 2 ^ 132,049 - 1, is calculated.
09	24	1789	Congress creates the Post Office.
09	24	1845	1st baseball team is organized.
09	24	1852	A new invention, the dirigible, is demonstrated.
09	24	1853	1st round-the-world trip by yacht (Cornelius Vanderbilt).
09	24	1869	Black Friday: crashing gold prices causes stock market panic.
09	24	1895	1st round-the-world trip by a woman on a bicycle (took 15 months
09	24	1929	Lt James H Doolittle guided a Consolidated N-Y-2 Biplane over Mitchell Field in NY in the 1st all-instrument flight
09	24	1934	Babe Ruth makes his farewell appearance as a baseball player
09	24	1941	Nine Allied govts pledged adherence to the Atlantic Charter
09	24	1954	"The Tonight Show" premieres.
09	24	1957	Eisenhower orders US troops to desegregate Little Rock schools
09	24	1960	USS Enterprise, 1st nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, launched
09	24	1963	Senate ratifies treaty with Britain & USSR limit nuclear testing
09	24	1979	CompuServe system starts, first public computer info service.
09	25	1493	Columbus sails on his second voyage to America
09	25	1513	Vasco Nunez de Balboa, the 1st European to see the Pacific Ocean
09	25	1639	First printing press in America goes to work.
09	25	1789	Congress proposes the Bill of Rights.
09	25	1890	Congress establishes Yosemite National Park.
09	25	1926	Henry Ford announces the five day work week
09	25	1956	First transatlantic telephone cable goes into operation
09	25	1973	3-man crew of Skylab II make safe splashdown after 59 days.
09	26	1542	Cabrillo discovers California
09	26	1687	Parthenon destroyed in war between Turks & Venetians
09	26	1789	Jefferson appointed 1st Sec of State; John Jay 1st chief justice; Samuel Osgood 1st Postmaster & Edmund J Randolph 1st Attorney Gen
09	26	1824	Kapiolani defies Pele (Hawaiian volcano goddess) and lives.
09	26	1896	John Philip Sousa's Band's first performance in Plainfield, NJ
09	26	1914	Federal Trade Commission formed to regulate interstate commerce
09	26	1950	UN troops in Korean War recaptured South Korean capital of Seoul
09	26	1966	Japan launches its 1st satellite in to space
09	26	1966	The Staten Island is 1st icebreaker to enter SF bay
09	26	1983	Australia II wins The America's Cup yacht race
09	26	1983	Cosmonauts Titov & Strekalov are saved from exploding Soyuz T-10
09	27	1540	Society of Jesus (Jesuits) founded by Ignatius Loyola
09	27	1787	Constitution submitted to the states for ratification
09	27	1825	Railroad transportation is born with 1st track in England.
09	27	1941	First WWII liberty ship, freighter Patrick Henry, is launched
09	27	1964	Warren Commission finds that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone.  Ha!
09	27	1973	Soyuz 12 launched
09	28	1066	William the Conqueror landed in England
09	28	1542	Juan Cabrillo discovers California, at San Diego Bay.
09	28	1781	Siege of Yorktown begins, last battle of the Revolutionary War
09	28	1858	Donati's comet becomes the 1st to be photographed
09	28	1920	Baseball's biggest scandal, grand jury indicts 8 White Sox for throwing the 1919 World Series with the Cincinnati Reds
09	28	1924	2 US Army planes completed 1st around the world flight
09	28	1965	Jack McKay in X-15 reaches 90 km
09	28	1970	Anwar Sadat replaces Nassar as President of Egypt
09	29	1829	Scotland Yard formed in London
09	29	1859	Spectacular auroral display visible over most of the US
09	29	1923	Steinhart Aquarium in Golden Gate Park opens to public.
09	29	1977	Soviet space station Salyut 6 launched into earth orbit
09	30	1452	1st book published, Johann Guttenberg's Bible
09	30	1659	Robinson Crusoe is shipwrecked (according to Defoe)
09	30	1781	siege of Yorktown begins
09	30	1846	William Morris 1st tooth extraction under anesthetics Charlestown
09	30	1880	Henry Draper takes the first photograph of the Orion Nebula
09	30	1898	City of New York is established
09	30	1939	1st manned rocket flight (by auto maker Fritz von Opel)
09	30	1967	USSR's Kosmos 186 & 188 complete the 1st automatic docking
09	30	1967	Palace of Fine Arts reopens (1st time during 1915 exposition)
10	01	0331	BC Alexander of Macedon defeats Persian army at Gaugamela
10	01	1869	1st postcards are issued in Vienna.
10	01	1896	Yosemite becomes a National Park.
10	01	1903	1st World Series starts between the National & American Leagues
10	01	1908	Henry Ford introduces the Model T car.
10	01	1940	Pennsylvania Turnpike, pioneer toll thruway, opens.
10	01	1949	People's Republic of China proclaimed (National Day)
10	01	1952	first Ultra High Frequency (UHF) TV station, in Portland, Oregon
10	01	1958	Vanguard Project transferred from military to NASA
10	01	1960	Nigeria gains its independence.
10	01	1962	Johnny Carson's Tonight Show and The Lucy Show both premier.
10	01	1962	National Radio Astronomy Observatory gets a 300' radio telescope
10	01	1964	Cable Cars declared a National Landmark.
10	01	1971	Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida opens.
10	01	1979	US returns Canal Zone, not the canal, to Panama after 75 years.
10	02	1608	Hans Lippershey offers the Dutch a new invention - the telescope
10	02	1836	Darwin returns to England aboard the HMS Beagle.
10	02	1870	Italy annexes Rome & the Papal States; Rome made Italian capital
10	02	1889	first Pan American conference.
10	02	1935	NY Hayden Planetarium, the 4th in the US, opens
10	02	1936	first alcohol power plant established, Atchison, Kansas
10	02	1942	first self-sustaining nuclear reaction demonstrated, in Chicago.
10	02	1950	The comic strip 'Peanuts' first appears, in nine newspapers.
10	02	1958	Guinea gains its independence.
10	02	1967	Thurgood Marshall is sworn as first black Supreme Court Justice
10	03	1789	Washington proclaims the 1st national Thanksgiving Day on Nov 26
10	03	1863	Lincoln designates the last Thursday in November as Thanksgiving
10	03	1913	Federal Income Tax is signed into law (at 1%).
10	03	1932	Iraq gains full independence from Britain
10	03	1942	Launch of the first A-4 (V-2) rocket to altitude of 53 miles
10	03	1947	first 200 inch telescope lens is completed.
10	03	1955	Captain Kangaroo premieres.  Good Morning, Captain!
10	03	1960	San Francisco's White House department store is first to accept the BankAmericard in lieu of cash.
10	03	1962	Wally Schirra in Sigma 7 launched into earth orbit
10	03	1967	AF pilot Pete Knight flies the X-15 to a record 4,534 MPH.
10	04	1636	first code of law for Plymouth Colony
10	04	1824	Mexico becomes a republic
10	04	1926	The dahlia is officially designated as the SF City Flower.
10	04	1957	USSR launches Sputnik, the first artificial earth satellite.
10	04	1958	Transatlantic jet passenger service begins
10	04	1959	USSR's Luna 3 sends back first photos of Moon's far side
10	04	1960	Courier 1B Launched: first active repeater satellite in orbit
10	04	1966	Lesotho (Basutoland) gains independence from Britain
10	04	1985	21st Space Shuttle Mission - Atlantis 1 is launched
10	05	1908	Bulgaria declares independence from Turkey
10	05	1910	Portugal overthrows monarchy, proclaims republic
10	05	1921	first radio broadcast of the World Series.
10	05	1923	Edwin Hubble identifies the first Cepheid variable star
10	05	1931	first nonstop transpacific flight, Japan to Washington state
10	05	1970	PBS becomes a network.  TV worth watching.
10	05	1982	Unmanned rocket sled reaches 9,851 kph at White Sands, N. Mexico
10	05	1984	Challenger carries first Canadian, Marc Garneau, into orbit.
10	06	1889	Thomas Edison shows his first motion picture.
10	06	1927	"The Jazz Singer", 1st movie with a sound track, premieres.
10	06	1959	Soviet Luna 3, first successful photo spacecraft, impacts moon.
10	06	1973	Egypt and Syria invade Israel - The Yom Kippur war
10	07	1571	Turkish fleet defeated by Spanish & Italians in Battle of Lepanto
10	07	1765	The Stamp Act Congress convenes in New York
10	07	1777	British defeated by Americans at the Battle of Saratoga
10	07	1826	Granite Railway (1st chartered railway in US) begins operations
10	07	1931	first infra-red photographis taken, in Rochester, NY
10	07	1949	Democratic Republic of Germany (East) is formed.
10	07	1959	Luna 3 photographs the far side of the moon.
10	07	1968	Motion Picture Association of America adopts film rating system.
10	08	1604	The supernova called "Kepler's nova" is first sighted.
10	08	1871	The Great Fire destroys over 4 square miles of Chicago.
10	08	1896	Dow Jones starts reporting an average of industrial stocks
10	08	1933	San Francisco's Coit Tower is dedicated to firefighters.
10	08	1935	Ozzie & Harriet Nelson are married.
10	08	1970	Alexander Solzhenitsyn is awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature.
10	09	1000	Leif Ericson discovers "Vinland" (possibly New England)
10	09	1635	Religious dissident Roger Williams banished from Mass Bay Colony
10	09	1776	Mission Delores is founded by San Francisco Bay.
10	09	1888	Public admitted to Washington Monument.
10	09	1936	Hoover Dam begins transmitting electricity to Los Angeles
10	09	1962	Uganda gains independence from Britain (National Day).
10	09	1975	Andrei Sakharov wins the Nobel Peace Prize
10	10	1845	US Naval academy opens at Annapolis, Maryland
10	10	1846	Neptune's moon Triton discovered by William Lassell
10	10	1911	The Manchu Dynasty is overthrown in China.
10	10	1933	first synthetic detergent for home use marketed
10	10	1963	Nuclear Atmospheric Test Ban treaty is signed by US, UK, USSR.
10	10	1964	18th Summer Olympic Games opened in Tokyo.
10	10	1970	Fiji gains independence from Britain (National Day).
10	10	1973	VP Spiro T. Agnew pleads no contest to tax evasion & resigns.
10	10	1975	Israel formally signs Sinai accord with Egypt
10	10	1980	Very Large Array (VLA) radio telescope network dedicated.
10	10	1985	US jets force Egyptian plane carrying hijackers of Italian ship Achille Lauro to land in Italy.  Gunmen are placed in custody.
10	11	1797	British naval forces defeat Dutch off Camperdown, Netherlands
10	11	1811	"Juliana", the first steam-powered ferryboat, begins operation.
10	11	1890	Daughters of the American Revolution founded.
10	11	1958	Pioneer 1 launched; first spacecraft launched by NASA
10	11	1968	Apollo 7 launched, first of the manned Apollo missions.
10	11	1969	Soyuz 6 launched; Soyuz 7 & 8 follow in next two days.
10	11	1980	Cosmonauts Popov & Ryumin set space endurance record of 184 days
10	11	1984	Kathy Sullivan becomes first American woman to walk in space.
10	11	1987	200,000 gays march for civil rights in Washington.
10	12	1492	Columbus arrives in the Bahamas; the real Columbus Day.
10	12	1957	first commercial flight between California and Antartica.
10	12	1960	Nikita Khrushchev pounds his shoe at UN General Assembly session.
10	12	1963	Archaeological dig begins at Masada, Israel
10	12	1964	USSR launches first 3-man crew into space
10	12	1968	Equatorial Guinea gains independence from Spain.
10	12	1972	Mariner 9 takes pictures of the Martian north pole.  No Santa.
10	12	1985	International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War get the Nobel Peace Prize.
10	13	1775	Continental Congress establishes a navy
10	13	1792	George Washington lays the cornerstone of the Executive Mansion
10	13	1969	Soyuz 8 is launched
10	13	1985	13th Space Shuttle Mission - Challenger 6 is launched
10	13	1987	1st military use of trained dolphins, by US Navy in Persian Gulf.
10	14	1066	Battle of Hastings, in which William the Conqueror wins England
10	14	1774	1st declaration of colonial rights in America.
10	14	1947	Chuck Yeager makes 1st supersonic flight, Mach 1.015 at 12,800m.
10	15	1860	Grace Bedell writes to Lincoln, tells him to grow a beard.
10	15	1914	ASCAP founded (American Soc of Composers, Authors & Publishers)
10	15	1964	Kosygin & Brezhnev replace Soviet premier Nikita Krushchev
10	16	1846	Dentist William T. Morton demonstrates the effectiveness of ether
10	16	1859	John Brown attacks the armory at Harper's Ferry.
10	16	1869	A hotel in Boston becomes the 1st to have indoor plumbing.
10	16	1916	Margaret Sanger opens first birth control clinic, in New York.
10	16	1962	Cuban missile crisis begins: JFK learns of missiles in Cuba.
10	16	1964	Brezhnev & Kosygin replace Krushchev as head of Russia
10	16	1964	China becomes world's 5th nuclear power
10	16	1970	Anwar Sadat becomes president of Egypt, succeeds Gamal Nassar.
10	16	1973	Henry Kissinger & Le Duc Tho jointly awarded Nobel Peace Prize
10	16	1978	Polish Cardinal Karol Wojtyla elected supreme pontiff-John Paul I
10	16	1982	Mt Palomar Observatory 1st to detect Halley's comet 13th return
10	16	1982	Shultz warns US will withdraw from UN if it excludes Israel.
10	16	1985	Intel introduces 32-bit 80386 microcomputer chip.
10	17	1492	Columbus sights the isle of San Salvador.
10	17	1777	British General John Burgoyne surrenders at Saratoga, NY
10	17	1781	Cornwallis defeated at Yorktown.
10	17	1919	the Radio Corporation of America (RCA), is created.
10	17	1931	Al Capone is sentenced to 11 years in prison for tax evasion.
10	17	1933	Albert Einstein arrives in the US, a refugee from Nazi Germany.
10	17	1941	1st American destroyer torpedoed in WW II, USS Kearny off Iceland
10	17	1973	The Arab oil embargo begins. It will last until March, 1974.
10	17	1977	West German commandos storm hijacked Lufthansa plane in Mogadishu Somalia, freeing 86 hostages & kill three of the four hijackers.
10	17	1979	Mother Teresa of India was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize
10	17	1989	Destructive 7.1 earthquake strikes Northern California.
10	18	1685	Louis XIV revokes Edict of Nantes, outlaws Protestantism.
10	18	1867	US takes formal possession of Alaska from Russia ($7.2 million).
10	18	1869	The United States take possession of Alaska.
10	18	1873	The Ivy League establishes rules for college football.
10	18	1892	1st commercial long-distance phone line opens (Chicago - NYC)
10	18	1922	British Broadcasting Corporation, the BBC, is established.
10	18	1962	Watson of US, Crick & Wilkins of Britain win Nobel Prize for Medicine for work in determining the structure of DNA.
10	18	1967	Soviet Venera 4 is the first probe to send data back from Venus
10	18	1968	US Olympic Committee suspended Tommie Smith & John Carlos, for giving `black power' salute as a protest during victory ceremony
10	18	1968	Robert Beaman of US broad jumps a record 8.90 m.  Still stands.
10	19	1781	Cornwallis surrenders at 2PM, the fighting is over.
10	19	1845	Wagner's opera Tannh„user performed for the first time.
10	19	1879	Thomas A. Edison successfully demenstrates the electric light
10	19	1967	Mariner 5 flies by Venus
10	19	1968	Golden Gate Bridge charges tolls only for southbound cars.
10	20	1600	Battle of Sekigahara, which established the Tokugawa clan as rulers of Japan (SHOGUN) until 1865 (basis of Clavell's novel).
10	20	1740	Maria Theresa becomes ruler of Austria, Hungary & Bohemia
10	20	1803	the Senate ratifies the Louisiana Purchase.
10	20	1818	US & Britain agree to joint control of Oregon country.
10	20	1820	Spain gives Florida to the United States.
10	20	1906	Dr Lee DeForest gives a demonstration of his radio tube.
10	20	1944	MacArthur returns to the Phillipines, says "I have returned."
10	20	1979	John F. Kennedy Library dedicated in Boston.
10	21	1797	US Navy frigate Constitution, Old Ironsides, launched in Boston
10	21	1805	Battle of Trafalgar, where Nelson established British naval supremacy for the next century.
10	21	1868	Severe earthquake at 7:53AM.
10	21	1879	Thomas Edison commercially perfects the light bulb.
10	21	1897	Yerkes Observatory of the University of Chicago is dedicated.
10	21	1918	Margaret Owen sets world typing speed record of 170 wpm for 1 min
10	21	1923	Deutsches Museum, Walther Bauersfeld's first Zeiss Planetarium.
10	21	1945	Women in France allowed to vote for the first time
10	21	1975	Venera 9, 1st craft to orbit the planet Venus launched
10	21	1976	Saul Bellow wins Nobel Prize for Literature
10	21	1977	US recalls William Bowdler, ambassador to South Africa
10	22	1746	Princeton University in New Jersey received its charter.
10	22	1797	Andr‚-Jacques Garnerin makes 1st parachute jump from balloon
10	22	1836	Sam Houston inaugurated as 1st elected pres of Republic of Texas
10	22	1953	Laos gains full independence from France.
10	22	1962	Pacific Science Center opens at Seattle Center.
10	22	1962	JFK imposes naval blockade on Cuba, beginning missile crisis.
10	22	1975	Soviet spacecraft Venera 9 lands on Venus
10	22	1981	US National debt topped $1 TRILLION (nothing to celebrate).
10	22	1981	Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization is decertified.
10	22	4004	B.C. Universe created at 8:00 PM, according to the 1650 pronouncement of Anglican archbishop James Ussher.
10	23	1910	Blanche Scott becomes first woman solo a public airplane flight
10	23	1915	25,000 women march in New York, demanding the right to vote
10	23	1941	Walt Disney's "Dumbo" is released
10	23	1946	UN Gen Assembly convenes in NY for 1st time in Flushing Meadow.
10	23	1956	The ill-fated revolt in Communist Hungary starts, later crushed by Soviet tanks.
10	23	1958	Soviet novelist Boris Pasternak, wins Nobel Prize for Literature
10	23	1977	By 2/3 majority, Panamanians vote to approve a new Canal Treaty
10	23	1980	Soviet Premier Alexei Kosygin resigns, due to illness.
10	24	1836	the match is patented.
10	24	1851	William Lassell discovers Ariel & Umbriel, satellites of Unranus.
10	24	1901	Anna Taylor, first to go over Niagara Falls in a barrel & live
10	24	1929	"Black Thursday," the beginning of the stock market crash.
10	24	1945	United Nations Charter goes into effect.
10	24	1964	Zambia (Northern Rhodesia) gains independence from Britain
10	24	1973	Yom Kippur War ends, Israel 65 miles from Cairo, 26 from Damascus
10	25	1415	Battle of Agincourt, Welsh longbow defeats the armored knight
10	25	1671	Giovanni Cassini discovers Iapetus, satellite of Saturn.
10	25	1675	Iapetus, moon of Saturn, Discovered by Giovanni Cassini
10	25	1825	Erie Canal opens for business in New York.
10	25	1854	The Light Brigade charges (Battle of Balaklava) (Crimean War)
10	25	1903	Senate begins investigating Teapot Dome scandals of Harding admin
10	25	1960	first electronic wrist watch placed on sale, New York
10	25	1971	UN General Assembly admits Mainland China & expels Taiwan.
10	25	1971	Roy Disney dedicates Walt Disney World
10	25	1975	USSR Venera 10 made day Venus landing
10	25	1983	US invades Grenada, a country of 1/2000 its population.
10	26	1825	Erie Canal between Hudson River & Lake Erie opened
10	26	1861	Telegraph service inaugurated in US (end of Pony Express).
10	26	1863	Soccer rules standardized; rugby starts as a separate game.
10	26	1881	Shootout at the OK corral, in Tombstone, Arizona.
10	26	1903	"Yerba Buena" is 1st Key System ferry to cross San Francisco Bay.
10	26	1949	Pres Truman increases minimum wage - from 40 cents to 75 cents.
10	26	1956	International Atomic Energy Agency established.
10	26	1957	Vatican Radio begins broadcasting
10	26	1958	PanAm flies the first transatlantic jet trip: New York to Paris.
10	26	1968	Soyuz 3 is launched
10	26	1970	the "Doonesbury" comic strip debuts in 28 newspapers
10	26	1972	Guided tours of Alcatraz (by Park Service) begin.
10	26	1979	St. Vincent & the Grenadines gains independence from Britain.
10	26	1984	"Baby Fae" gets a baboon heart in an experimental transplant in Loma Linda, CA.  She will live for 21 days with the animal heart.
10	27	1787	The 'Federalist' letters started appearing in NY newspapers.
10	27	1795	Treaty of San Lorenzo, provides free navigation of Mississippi
10	27	1858	RH Macy & Co. opens 1st store, on 6th Avenue, New York City.
10	27	1896	1st Pali Road completed in Hawaii (the Pali is a cliff where the winds are so strong streams flow UP! Honest!).
10	27	1938	DuPont announces its new synthetic fiber will be called 'nylon'
10	27	1961	first Saturn makes an unmanned flight test
10	27	1971	Republic of the Congo becomes Zaire.
10	27	1972	Golden Gate National Recreation Area created.
10	27	1978	Menachim Begin & Anwar Sadat win the Nobel Peace Prize
10	28	1492	Columbus discovers Cuba.
10	28	1636	Harvard University founded.
10	28	1793	Eli Whitney applies for patent for the cotton gin.
10	28	1886	Grover Cleveland dedicates the Statue of Liberty.
10	28	1904	St. Louis Police try a new investigation method - fingerprints.
10	28	1918	Czechoslovakia declares independence from Austria.
10	28	1919	Volstead Act passed by Congress, starting Prohibition.
10	28	1922	Benito Mussolini takes control of Italy's government.
10	28	1962	Krushchev orders withdrawal of Cuban missiles
10	28	1965	Pope Paul VI says Jews not collectively guilty for crucifixion.
10	28	1965	Gateway Arch (190 meters high) completed in St. Louis, Missouri.
10	28	1970	US/USSR signed an agreement to discuss joint space efforts
10	28	1971	England becomes 6th nation to have a satellite (Prospero) in orbi
10	29	0539	BC Babylon falls to Cyrus the Great of Persia.
10	29	1682	Pennsylvania granted to William Penn by King Charles II.
10	29	1727	a severe earthquake strikes New England.
10	29	1833	1st College Fraternity founded.
10	29	1863	International Committee of the Red Cross founded: It has been awarded Nobel Prizes in 1917, 1944 and 1963.
10	29	1863	Intl Comm. of the Red Cross founded (Nobel 1917, 1944, 1963).
10	29	1923	Turkey is proclaimed to have a republican government.
10	29	1929	"Black Tuesday", the Stock Market crash.
10	29	1939	Golden Gate International Exposition closes (1st closure).
10	29	1956	"Goodnight, David" "Goodnight, Chet" heard on NBC for 1st time. (Chet Huntley & David Brinkley, team up on NBC News).
10	30	1270	the 8th and last crusade is launched.
10	30	1864	Helena, capital of Montana, founded.
10	30	1905	Tsar Nicholas II grants Russia a constitution.
10	30	1938	Orson Welles panics nation with broadcast: "War of the Worlds"
10	30	1945	US govt announces end of shoe rationing.
10	30	1953	General George C. Marshall is awarded Nobel Peace Prize.
10	30	1953	Dr. Albert Schweitzer receives Nobel Peace Prize for 1952.
10	30	1961	Soviet Union detonates a 58 megaton hydrogen bomb
10	30	1961	Soviet Party Congress unanimously approves a resolution removing Josef Stalin's body from Lenin's tomb in Red Square.
10	30	1967	USSR Kosmos 186 & 188 make 1st automatic docking
10	30	1978	Laura Nickel & Curt Noll find 25th Mersenne prime, 2 ^ 21701 - 1.
10	30	1985	space shuttle Challenger carries 8 crewmen (2 Germans, 1 Dutch).
10	31	1517	Martin Luther posts his 95 Theses, begins Protestant Reformation
10	31	1864	Nevada admitted as 36th state.
10	31	1922	Benito Mussolini (Il Duce) becomes premier of Italy.
10	31	1952	first thermonuclear bomb detonated - Marshall Islands
10	31	1959	Lee Harvey Oswald announces in Moscow he will never return to US
11	01	1870	US Weather Bureau begins operations.
11	01	1943	WW II Dimout ban lifted in San Francisco Bay area.
11	01	1952	first hydrogen bomb exploded at Eniwetok Atoll in the Pacific.
11	01	1981	First Class Mail raised from 18 to 20 cents.
11	02	1917	Lansing-Ishii Agreement
11	02	1920	KDKA (Pittsburgh) on the air as 1st commercial radio station.
11	02	1947	Howard Hughes' Spruce Goose flies for 1st (& last) time.
11	02	1948	Truman beats Dewey, confounding pollsters and newspapers.
11	03	1620	Great Patent granted to Plymouth Colony
11	03	1903	Panama gains its independence from Columbia.
11	03	1917	First Class Mail now costs 3 cents.
11	03	1952	Charles Birdseye markets frozen peas.
11	03	1956	the Wizard of Oz is first televised.
11	03	1957	USSR launches the dog "Laika": the first animal in orbit
11	03	1973	Mariner 10 launched-first Venus pics, first mission to Mercury
11	03	1978	UK grants Dominica independence (National Day)
11	03	1979	63 Americans taken hostage at American Embassy in Teheran, Iran
11	03	1986	Lebanese magazine Ash Shirra reveals secret US arms sales to Iran
11	04	1854	Lighthouse established on Alcatraz Island
11	04	1922	Howard Carter discovers the tomb of Tutankhamen.
11	04	1924	1st woman governor in US elected in Wyoming.
11	04	1984	Nicaragua holds 1st free elections in 56 years; Sandinistas win 63%
11	05	1605	Plot to blow up British parliment fails - first Guy Fawkes day
11	05	1781	John Hanson elected 1st "President of the United States in Congress assembled" (8 years before Washington was elected).
11	05	1875	Susan B Anthony is arrested for attempting to vote
11	05	1895	1st US patent granted for the automobile, to George B Selden
11	05	1967	ATS-3 launched by US to take 1st pictures of full Earth disc
11	06	1844	Spain grants Dominican Rep independence
11	06	1860	Abraham Lincoln is elected the 16th president.
11	06	1862	1st Direct Telegraphic link between New York and San Francisco
11	06	1869	1st intercollegiate football game played (Rutgers 6, Princeton 4
11	06	1917	the Russian Bolshevik revolution begins.
11	06	1939	WGY-TV (Schenectady NY), 1st commercial-license station begins
11	06	1962	Nixon tells press he won't be available to kick around any more
11	07	1805	Lewis and Clark first sighted the Pacific Ocean.
11	07	1811	Battle of Tippecanoe, gave Harrison a presidential slogan.
11	07	1872	Mary Celeste sails from NY to Genoa; found abandoned 4 weeks later
11	07	1875	Verney Cameron is 1st European to cross equitorial Africa from sea to sea.
11	07	1885	Canada completes its own transcontinental railway.
11	07	1917	October Revolution overthrows Russian Provisional Government
11	07	1918	Goddard demonstrates tube-launched solid propellant rocket
11	07	1983	Bomb explodes in US Capitol, causing heavy damage but no injuries
11	08	1793	The Louvre, in Paris, is opened to the public.
11	08	1889	Montana admitted as 41st state
11	08	1895	Wilhelm R”ntgen discovers x-rays
11	08	1923	Hitler's "Beer Hall Putsch" failed, In jail, writes "Mein Kampf"
11	08	1939	Life with Father, opens on Broadway, closes in 1947, a record.
11	08	1984	14th Space Shuttle Mission - Discovery 2 is launched
11	09	1799	Napoleon becomes dictator (1st consul) of France
11	09	1865	Lee surrenders to Grant at Appomattox ending the US Civil War.
11	09	1953	Cambodia (now Kampuchea) gains independence within French Union
11	09	1965	at 5:16pm, a massive power failure blacks out New Engl. & Ontario
11	09	1967	first unmanned Saturn V flight to test Apollo 4 reentry module
11	10	1775	US Marine Corps established by Congress
11	10	1801	Kentucky outlaws dueling
11	10	1864	Austrian Archduke Maximilian became emperor of Mexico
11	10	1871	Stanley presumes to meet Livingston in Ujiji, Central Africa.
11	10	1891	1st Woman's Christian Temperance Union meeting held (in Boston)
11	10	1945	Nazi concentration camp at Buchenwald is liberated by US troops.
11	10	1951	1st Long Distance telephone call without operator assistance.
11	10	1968	USSR launches Zond 6 to moon
11	10	1969	Sesame Street premiers
11	10	1970	Luna 17, with unmanned self-propelled Lunokhod 1, is launched
11	10	1975	Ore ship Edmund Fitzgerald lost in a storm on Lake Superior
11	10	1980	Voyager I flies past Saturn, sees many rings, moons.
11	11	1620	41 Pilgrims sign a compact aboard the Mayflower
11	11	1889	Washington admitted as the 42nd state.
11	11	1918	Armistice Day -- WW I ends (at 11AM on the Western Front)
11	11	1921	President Harding dedicates the Tomb of The Unknown Soldier.
11	11	1924	Palace of Legion of Honor in San Francisco is dedicated.
11	11	1939	Kate Smith first sings Irving Berlin's "God Bless America"
11	11	1965	Rhodesia proclaimes independence from Britain
11	11	1966	Gemini 12 is launched on a four day flight.
11	11	1975	Portugal grants independence to Angola (National Day).
11	11	1980	Crew of Soyuz 35 returns to Earth aboard Soyuz 37
11	11	1982	Space Shuttle 'Columbia' makes the first commercial flight.
11	11	1987	Van Gogh's "Irises" sells for record $53.6 million at auction
11	12	1918	Austria becomes a republic
11	12	1927	Trotsky expelled from Soviet CP; Stalin is now total dictator.
11	12	1933	first known photo of Loch Ness monster (or whatever) is taken
11	12	1936	Oakland Bay Bridge opened.
11	12	1946	First "autobank" (banking by car) was established, in Chicago
11	12	1954	Ellis Island, immigration station in NY Harbor, closed
11	12	1965	Venera 2 launched by Soviet Union toward Venus
11	12	1965	Venera 2 launched by Soviet Union toward Venus
11	12	1980	US space probe Voyager I comes within 77,000 miles of Saturn
11	12	1981	First time a spacecraft is launched twice -- the Space Shuttle "Columbia" lifts off again.
11	12	1981	first balloon crossing of Pacific completed (Double Eagle V)
11	12	1984	Space shuttle astronauts snare a satellite: first space salvage.
11	13	1849	Peter Burnett is elected 1st governor of California.
11	13	1921	The Sheik, starring Rudolph Valentino, was released.
11	13	1937	NBC forms first full symphony orchestra exclusively for radio.
11	13	1940	Walt Disney's "Fantasia" is released
11	13	1956	Supreme Court strikes down segregation on public buses.
11	13	1971	Mariner 9, is the first space ship to orbit another planet, Mars.
11	13	1982	Vietnam War Memorial dedicated in Washington DC
11	14	1666	Samuel Pepys reports the first blood transfusion (between dogs)
11	14	1792	George Vancouver is first Englishman to enter San Francisco Bay
11	14	1832	first streetcar appears, in New York
11	14	1851	"Moby Dick", by Herman Melville, is published.
11	14	1889	Nellie Bly beats Phineas Fogg's time for a trip around the world by 8 days (72 days).
11	14	1910	1st airplane flight from the deck of a ship.
11	14	1922	BBC begins domestic radio service
11	14	1935	FDR proclaimes the Phillippines are a free commonwealth.
11	14	1959	Kilauea's most spectacular eruption (in Hawaii).
11	14	1969	Apollo 12 is launched
11	15	1777	Continental Congress approves the Articles of Confederation
11	15	1869	Free Postal Delivery formally inaugurated.
11	15	1881	American Federation of Labor (AFL) is founded in Pittsburgh
11	15	1920	League of Nations holds 1st meeting, in Geneva
11	15	1926	National Broadcasting Company goes on-the-air, with 24 stations
11	15	1939	Social Security Administration approves 1st unemployment check.
11	15	1949	KRON (Channel 4, San Francisco) signs on, from 7 to 10 PM.
11	16	1532	Pizarro seizes Incan emperor Atahualpa
11	16	1864	Sherman begins his march to sea thru Georgia
11	16	1907	Oklahoma becomes the 46th state
11	16	1933	Roosevelt establishes diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union
11	16	1965	Venera 3 launched, 1st land on another planet (Crashes on Venus)
11	16	1973	Skylab 4 launched into earth orbit.  Look out Australia!
11	17	1558	Elizabeth I ascends English throne upon death of Queen Mary
11	17	1800	Congress convened for its 1st Washington, DC session.
11	17	1869	Suez Canal opens.
11	17	1913	Panama Canal opens for use.
11	17	1970	Russia lands unmanned remote-controlled vehicle on Moon
11	17	1977	Egyptian President Sadat accepts an invitation to visit Israel.
11	18	1497	Bartolomeu Dias discovers Cape of Good Hope
11	18	1820	Antarctica discovered by US Navy Captain Nathaniel B. Palmer.
11	18	1903	Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty, gave US canal rights thru Panama
11	18	1913	Lincoln Deachey performs the first airplane loop-the-loop
11	18	1918	Latvia declares independence from Russia
11	18	1928	Mickey Mouse debuts in New York in "Steamboat Willy"
11	18	1936	Main span of the Golden Gate Bridge is joined.
11	19	1493	Christopher Columbus discovers Puerto Rico.
11	19	1620	Mayflower pilgrims reach Cape Cod
11	19	1863	Lincoln delivers his famous address in Gettysburg.  Expecting a long speech, the photographer wasn't ready before Lincoln left.
11	19	1895	The pencil is invented.
11	19	1919	Treaty of Versailles & League of Nations rejected by US Senate
11	19	1959	Ford cancels Edsel
11	19	1970	Golden Gate Park Conservatory becomes a State Historical Landmark
11	19	1977	Egyptian President Anwar Sadat arrives in Israel.
11	20	1789	New Jersey becomes the first state to ratify the Bill of Rights.
11	20	1888	William Bundy invents the first timecard clock.
11	20	1910	Revolution breaks out in Mexico, led by Francisco Madero.
11	20	1914	The State Department starts requiring photographs for passports
11	20	1931	Commercial teletype service began
11	20	1947	Britain's Princess Elizabeth, marries Duke Philip Mountbatten
11	20	1953	first airplane to exceed 1300 mph - Scott Crossfield.
11	20	1977	Egyptian Pres Sadat is 1st Arab leader to address Israel Knesset
11	20	1980	Steve Ptacek in Solar Challenger makes 1st solar-powered flight
11	20	1986	UN's WHO announces 1st global effort to combat AIDS.
11	21	1789	NC becomes 12th state
11	21	1933	first US ambassador is sent to the USSR - WC Bullitt
11	21	1959	Jack Benny(Violin) & Richard Nixon(Piano) play their famed duet
11	21	1964	the world's longest suspension bridge, Verrazano Narrows, opens.
11	22	1906	The International Radio Telegraphic Convention adopts "SOS" as the new call for help.
11	22	1943	Lebanon gains its independence (would that it could keep it)
11	22	1963	President John F. Kennedy is assassinated in Dallas.
11	23	1852	Just past midnight an earthquake makes Lake Merced drop 30 feet
11	23	1863	Patent granted for a process of making color photographs.
11	23	1948	Lens to provide zoom effects patented - FG Back
11	23	1948	a patent is granted for the first zoom lens to F.G. Back
11	24	1759	Destructive eruption of Vesuvius
11	24	1874	Patent granted to Joseph Glidden for barbed wire.
11	24	1963	first live murder on TV - Jack Ruby shoots Lee Harvey Oswald.
11	24	1971	"D B Cooper" parachutes from a Northwest 727 with $200,000.
11	25	1783	Britain evacuate New York, their last military position in US
11	25	1866	Alfred Nobel invents dynamite.
11	25	1884	John B Meyenberg of St Louis patents evaporated milk
11	25	1960	first atomic reactor for research & development, Richland WA.
11	25	1975	Netherlands grants Surinam independence (National Day)
11	25	1983	Soyuz T-9 returns to Earth, 149 days after take-off
11	26	1716	first lion to be exhibited in America (Boston)
11	26	1778	Captain Cook discovers Maui (in the Sandwich Islands).
11	26	1789	first national celebration of Thanksgiving
11	26	1865	Alice in Wonderland is published
11	26	1949	India adopts a constitution as a British Commonwealth Republic
11	26	1965	France launches first satellite, a 92-pound A1 capsule
11	26	1966	first major tidal power plant opened at Rance estuary, France
11	26	1985	23rd Space Shuttle Mission - Atlantis 2 is launched
11	27	1095	Pope Urban II preaches for the First Crusade
11	27	1582	the first Advent Sunday
11	27	1895	Alfred Nobel establishes the Nobel Prize
11	27	1910	New York's Penn Station opens - world's largest railway terminal
11	27	1951	first rocket to intercept an airplane, White Sands, NM
11	27	1971	Soviet Mars 2, is the first to crash land on Mars.
11	27	1985	Space shuttle Atlantis carries the first Mexican astronaut.
11	28	1520	Magellan begins crossing the Pacific Ocean.
11	28	1895	America's auto race starts: 6 cars, 55 miles, winner avgd 7mph
11	28	1912	Albania declares independence from Turkey
11	28	1929	Admiral RE Byrd makes first flight over the South Pole
11	28	1960	Mauritania gains independence from France (National Day)
11	28	1964	Mariner 4 launched; first probe to fly by Mars
11	28	1983	9th Space Shuttle Mission - Columbia 6 is launched
11	28	1986	Reagan administration exceeds SALT II arms agreement for 1st time
11	29	1887	US receives rights to Pearl Harbor, on Oahu, Hawaii.
11	29	1890	1st Army-Navy football game.  Score: Navy 25, Army 0.
11	29	1945	Yugoslav Republic Day is first proclamed.
11	29	1951	first underground atomic explosion, Frenchman Flat, Nevada
11	29	1961	Mercury 5 launches a chimp (Ham/Enos)
11	29	1975	Kilauea Volcano erupts in Hawaii
11	30	1939	USSR invades Finland over a border dispute
11	30	1954	first meteorite known to have struck a woman - Sylacauga Alabama
11	30	1958	first guided missile destroyer launched, the "Dewey", Bath, ME
11	30	1964	USSR launches Zond 2 towards Mars
11	30	1966	Barbados gains independence from Britain
11	30	1967	South Yemen (then Aden) gains independence from Britain
12	01	1640	Portugal becomes independent of Spain
12	01	1821	Santo Domingo (Dominican Rep) proclaims independence from Spain
12	01	1913	1st drive-up gasoline station opens, in Pittsburgh.
12	01	1917	Father Edward Flanagan founds Boys Town
12	01	1918	Iceland becomes independent state under the Danish crown
12	01	1922	first skywriting over the US: "Hello USA"  by Capt Turner, RAF.
12	01	1929	Bingo invented by Edwin S Lowe
12	01	1951	Golden Gate Bridge closed because of high winds.
12	01	1958	Central African Republic established (National Day)
12	01	1959	first color photograph of Earth is received from outer space.
12	01	1967	Queen Elizabeth inaugurates 98-inch Isaac Newton Telescope
12	02	1804	Napoleon becomes the first French emperor, crowning himself.
12	02	1805	Napoleon defeats Russians & Austrians at Austerlitz
12	02	1816	1st savings bank in US opens as the Philadelphia Savings Fund
12	02	1823	President James Monroe declares his doctrine.
12	02	1942	1st controlled nuclear reaction at University of Chicago.
12	02	1957	first commercial atomic electric power plant goes to work in PA.
12	02	1971	Soviet Mars 3 is first to soft land on Mars
12	02	1975	Lao People's Democratic Republic founded (National Day)
12	02	1982	1st permanent artificial heart successfully implanted.
12	03	1621	Galileo invents the telescope.
12	03	1954	Joseph McCarthy goes too far in his attacks and is condemned by the U.S. Senate.  Not well remembered.
12	03	1967	1st human heart transplant performed, in Capetown, South Africa
12	03	1973	Pioneer 10 passes Jupiter (first fly-by of an outer planet).
12	03	1985	23rd Shuttle Mission - Atlantis 2 returns to Earth
12	04	1783	Gen. Washington bids his officers farewell at Fraunce's Tavern,
12	04	1912	Roald Amundsen reaches South pole
12	04	1915	Panama Pacific International Exposition opens.
12	04	1965	Gemini 7 launched with 2 astronauts
12	05	1492	Columbus discovers Hispaniola
12	05	1776	Phi Beta Kappa, 1st American scholastic fraternity, founded.
12	05	1978	Pioneer Venus 1 begins orbiting Venus
12	06	1492	Haiti discovered by Columbus
12	06	1534	Quito, Ecuador is founded by the Spanish
12	06	1631	first predicted transit of Venus is observed, by Kepler.
12	06	1882	Atmosphere of Venus detected during transit
12	06	1917	Finland gains its independence, from Russia.
12	06	1957	1st US attempt to launch a satellite - Vanguard rocket blows up.
12	07	1787	Delaware ratifies the Constitution, becomes the first state.
12	07	1842	the New York Philharmonic plays its first concert.
12	07	1941	first Japanese submarine sunk by American ship (USS Ward)
12	07	1941	Pearl Harbor is attacked ("A day that will live in infamy.")
12	07	1960	France grants the Ivory Coast independence (National Day)
12	07	1972	Apollo 17, last of the Apollo moon series, launched.
12	08	1931	Coaxial cable is patented
12	09	1792	the first cremation in the US
12	09	1793	Noah Webster establishes New York's 1st daily newspaper.
12	09	1907	1st Christmas Seals sold, in the Wilmington Post Office.
12	09	1961	Tanganyika gains independence from Britain
12	09	1978	Pioneer Venus 2 drops 5 probes into atmosphere of Venus
12	10	1520	Martin Luther publicly burns the papal edict demanding he recant.
12	10	1817	Mississippi becomes 20th state
12	10	1869	Women granted right to vote in Wyoming Territory
12	10	1898	Spanish-American War ends - US acquires Guam from Spain
12	10	1901	first Nobel Peace Prizes (to Jean Henri Dunant, Fr‚d‚ric Passy).
12	10	1906	Theodore Roosevelt (first American) awarded Nobel Peace Prize.
12	10	1920	President Woodrow Wilson receives Nobel Peace Prize.
12	10	1948	UN Genl Assembly adopts Universal Declaration on Human Rights
12	10	1950	Ralph J. Bunche (1st black American) presented Nobel Peace Prize
12	10	1963	Zanzibar gains independence from Britain
12	10	1975	A. Sakharov's wife Yelena Bonner, accepts his Nobel Peace Prize.
12	10	1982	Soyuz T-5 returns to Earth, 211 days after take-off
12	10	1986	Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel accepts 1986 Nobel Peace Prize
12	11	1816	Indiana becomes 19th state
12	11	1917	German-occupied Lithuania proclaims independence from Russia
12	11	1932	Snow falls in San Francisco.
12	11	1946	UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) established (Nobel 1965)
12	11	1958	Upper Volta (now Bourkina Fasso) gains autonomy from France
12	11	1975	First Class Mail now costs 13 cents (had been 10 cents).
12	12	1787	Pennsylvania becomes the 2nd state
12	12	1871	Jules Janssen discovers dark lines in solar corona spectrum
12	12	1901	Marconi receives 1st trans-Atlantic radio signal: England to US.
12	12	1937	the first mobile TV unit, in New York.
12	12	1963	Kenya gains its independence from Britain (National Day).
12	12	1964	Russia launches Voshkod I, 1st multi-crew in space (3 men)
12	13	1903	Wright brothers first airplane flight at Kittyhawk.
12	13	1918	Wilson becomes 1st to make a foreign visit while President.
12	13	1920	Interferometer used to measure 1st stellar diameter (Betelgeuse)
12	13	1974	Maltese Republic Day is declared.
12	13	1978	Susan B. Anthony dollar, 1st US coin to honor a woman, issued.
12	13	1981	Solidarity Day, in Poland.
12	14	1819	Alabama becomes 22nd state
12	14	1911	South Pole 1st reached by Amundsen.
12	14	1962	Mariner 2 makes 1st US visit to another planet (Venus)
12	15	1791	Bill of Rights ratified when Virginia gave its approval.
12	15	1859	G.R. Kirchoff describes chemical composition of sun
12	15	1877	Thomas Edison patents the phonograph.
12	15	1939	the first commercial manufacture of nylon yarn.
12	15	1964	American Radio Relay League, is founded.  Dit-Dah.
12	15	1965	first rendevous in space: Gemini 6 and Gemini 7 link up.
12	15	1971	USSR's Venera 7 becomes the first craft to land on Venus.
12	15	1984	USSR launches Vega 1 for rendezvous with Halley's Comet
12	16	1689	English Parlimnt adopts Bill of Rights after Glorious Revolution
12	16	1773	Big Tea Party in Boston Harbor.  Indians most welcome.
12	16	1893	Antonin Dvor k's New World Symphony premieres
12	16	1905	"Variety", covering all phases of show business, 1st published.
12	16	1907	Great White Fleet sails from Hampton Downs on its World Cruise
12	16	1965	Gemini VI returns to Earth
12	17	1538	Pope Paul III excommunicates England's King Henry VIII
12	17	1777	France recognizes independance of the 13 colonies in America.
12	17	1790	an Aztec calendar stone is discovered in Mexico City.
12	17	1791	New York City traffic regulation creates the 1st one-way street
12	17	1843	Charles Dickens's classic, "A Christmas Carol" is published.
12	17	1903	1st sustained motorized air flight at 10:35AM, for 12 seconds, by the Wright Brothers (of course).
12	17	1933	1st professional football game: Chicago Bears vs. NY Giants.
12	17	1969	Tiny Tim and Miss Vicki are married on network television in front of 50 million underwhelmed viewers.
12	17	1979	Budweiser rocket car hits 1190 kph (record for wheeled vehicle)
12	18	1787	New Jersey becomes the 3rd state
12	18	1849	William Bond takes first photograph of moon through a telescope
12	18	1865	13th Amendment ratified, slavery abolished
12	18	1958	first voice from space:  Christmas message by Eisenhower
12	18	1958	Niger gains autonomy within French Community (National Day)
12	18	1961	India annexes Portuguese colonies of Goa, Damao & Diu
12	18	1965	Borman & Lovell splash down, ending 2 week Gemini VII orbit.
12	18	1969	Britain abolishes the death penalty
12	18	1985	UN Security Council unanimously condemns acts of hostage-taking
12	19	1686	Robinson Crusoe leaves his island after 28 years (as per Defoe)
12	19	1732	Benjamin Frankin begins publication of "Poor Richard's Almanack"
12	19	1777	Washington settles his troops at Valley Forge for the winter.
12	19	1842	US recognizes the independence of Hawaii
12	19	1889	Bishop Museum founded in Hawaii.
12	19	1932	the BBC begins transmitting overseas.
12	19	1946	War breaks out in Indochina as Ho Chi Minh attacks the French.
12	19	1971	NASA launches Intelsat 4 F-3 for COMSAT Corp
12	19	1986	USSR frees dissident Andrei Sakharov from internal exile
12	20	1606	Virginia Company settlers leave London to establish Jamestown
12	20	1699	Peter the Great orders Russian New Year changed: Sept 1 to Jan 1
12	20	1790	first successful US cotton mill, in Pawtucket, Rhode Island
12	20	1803	Louisiana Purchase officially transferred from France to the US.
12	20	1820	Missouri imposes a $1 bachelor tax on unmarried men from 21-50
12	20	1860	South Carolina becomes the first state to secede from the union.
12	20	1892	the pneumatic automobile tire is patented
12	20	1892	Phileas Fogg completes around world trip, according to Verne
12	20	1919	Canadian National Railways established (longest on continent with more than 50,000 kilometers of track in US & Canada)
12	20	1922	14 states form the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
12	20	1939	Radio Australia starts shortwave service
12	21	1620	The pilgrims land at Plymouth Rock.
12	21	1913	1st crossword puzzle (with 32 clues), printed in New York World
12	21	1937	the first feature-length cartoon with color and sound premieres, "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs".  Still one of the best.
12	21	1968	Apollo 8 (Borman, Lovell, Anders), first manned moon voyage
12	21	1973	Israel, Egypt, Syria, Jordan, US & USSR meet in Geneva: peace?
12	22	1964	Lockheed SR-71 spy aircraft reaches 3,530 kph (record for a jet)
12	23	1672	Giovanni Cassini discovers Rhea, a satellite of Saturn
12	23	1690	John Flamsteed sees Uranus but doesn't realize it's undiscovered
12	23	1920	Ireland is divided into two parts, each with its own parliament
12	23	1947	Transistor invented by Bardeen, Brattain & Shockley at Bell Labs
12	23	1968	Borman, Lovell & Anders are the first men to orbit the moon.
12	23	1973	six Persian Gulf nations double their oil prices
12	23	1975	Congress passes Metric Conversion Act
12	23	1986	Rutan & Yeager make 1st around-the-world flight without refueling
12	24	1582	Vasco daGama Day
12	24	1814	Treaty of Ghent signed, ending War of 1812 (this news did not arrive until after the Battle of New Orleans).
12	24	1818	"Silent Night" is composed by Franz Gruber and sung next day
12	24	1851	Library of Congress burns, 35,000 volumes are destroyed.
12	24	1865	Confederate veterans form the Ku Klux Klan in Pulaski, TN
12	24	1871	Giuseppe Verdi's "Aida" premieres in Cairo, at Suez canal opening
12	24	1906	the first radio program is broadcast, in Brant Rock, Mass
12	24	1920	Enrico Caruso gave his last public performance
12	24	1936	first radioactive isotope medicine administered, Berkeley, CA
12	24	1951	Libya gains independence from Italy
12	24	1966	Soviet Luna 13 lands on moon
12	24	1968	Apollo 8 astronauts broadcast seasons greetings from the moon.
12	25	0336	first recorded celebration of Christmas on Dec. 25: in Rome
12	25	1066	William the Conqueror was crowned king of England
12	25	1776	Washington crosses the Delaware and surprises the Hessians.
12	25	1868	Despite bitter opposition, Johnson grants unconditional pardons to everyone involved in the Southern rebellion (the Civil War).
12	25	1926	Hirohito becomes Emperor of Japan
12	25	1939	Montgomery Ward introduces Rudolph the 9th reindeer
12	26	1492	first Spanish settlement in the new world founded, by Columbus.
12	26	1865	James Mason invents the 1st American coffee percolator.
12	26	1933	US foreswears armed intervention in Western Hemisphere.  Ha!
12	27	1825	first public steam railroad completed in England.
12	27	1831	Darwin begins his voyage onboard the HMS Beagle.
12	27	1903	"Sweet Adaline", a barbershop quartet favorite, is 1st sung.
12	27	1932	Radio City Music Hall in New York City opens.
12	27	1934	the first youth hostel is opened, in Northfield, Mass
12	27	1945	International Monetary Fund established-World Bank founded
12	27	1979	Soviet troops invade Afghanistan
12	28	1669	A patent for chewing gum is granted to William Semple.
12	28	1846	Iowa becomes the 29th state
12	28	1890	Battle of Wounded Knee, SD - Last major conflict with Indians
12	28	1902	Trans-Pacific cable links Hawaii to US.
12	28	1912	San Francisco Municipal Railway starts operation at Geary St. (MUNI was the 1st municpally-owned transit system)
12	29	1845	Texas becomes the 28th state
12	29	1848	Gas lights installed at White House for 1st time
12	29	1911	San Francisco Symphony formed.
12	29	1931	Identification of heavy water publicly announced, HC Urey
12	29	1937	Pan Am starts San Francisco to Auckland, New Zealand service.
12	29	1949	first UHF TV station operating regular basis, Bridgeport CT
12	29	1952	first transistorized hearing aid offered for sale, Elmsford NY
12	30	1809	Wearing masks at balls is forbidden in Boston
12	30	1817	first coffee planted in Hawaii
12	30	1853	Gadsden Purchase 45,000 sq miles by Gila River from Mexico for $10 million. Area is now southern Arizona & New Mexico
12	30	1924	Edwin Hubble announces existence of other Milky Way systems
12	30	1938	Electronic television system patented, VK Zworykin
12	30	1975	Democratic Republic of Madagascar founded
12	31	1600	British East India Company chartered
12	31	1744	James Bradley announces earth's motion of nutation (wobbling).
12	31	1857	Queen Victoria chooses Ottawa as new capital of Canada
12	31	1862	Union ironclad ship "Monitor" sinks off Cape Hatteras, NC
12	31	1879	Cornerstone laid for Iolani Palace (only royal palace in US).
12	31	1879	Edison gives public demonstration of his incandescent lamp.
12	31	1890	Ellis Island opens as a US immigration depot
12	31	1946	President Truman officially proclaims the end of World War II
12	31	1961	Marshall Plan expires after distributing more than $12 billion
12	31	1974	US citizens allowed to buy & own gold for 1st time in 40 years
12	31	1999	Control of the Panama Canal reverts to Panama                                                                                         


<!doctype html>
 <meta charset='utf-8'>
 <!-- File: AjaxTrivia.html
   This web page uses AJAX concepts to load a standard HTML document, then use Javascript
   to get the client's month and day, submitting them to a servlet, which will respond
   with the appropriate trivia events. A Javascript "callback" function receives the response,
   and displays the response in a table on the current page.
 <link rel=stylesheet type='text/css' href='/BIS3523.css'>
 <script type='text/javascript'>
 function start()
   // get the client's month and day
   var date=new Date();
   var month=date.getMonth()+1;
   var day=date.getDate();
   // construct an AJAX request for the AjaxTrivia servlet
   // appending two name=value pairs of data to submit to the servlet  
   var element=document.getElementById('triviaTable');
   element.innerHTML='<tr><td>submitting request '+url+'</td></tr>';
   request=new XMLHttpRequest();'get',url);
   // set up the "callback" function
 function responseHandler()
   // when our request's readyState property is 4, we have the server's response
   // use it as our table's new innerHTML
     var element=document.getElementById('triviaTable');
 <body onLoad='start()'>
 <table id=triviaTable>

 /* File:
   This servlet reads the contents of the file Trivia.dat and echoes today's trivia events
   to the browser as an HTML table (to be rendered by the browser). "Today" is based on the
   server's date and time, not the client.
   Since Trivia.dat contains variable-length, delimited records, this program uses the String
   class's split method to split the records into their subordinate fields.
 import*;                                       // import statements
 import javax.servlet.*;
 import javax.servlet.http.*;
 import java.util.*;
 public class AjaxTrivia extends HttpServlet
   public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response)
                     throws ServletException,IOException
     response.setContentType("text/html");               // set the response header (content-type)
     // retrieve two pieces of submitted data (submitted in name=value format)
     int todayMonth=Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("month"));
     int todayDay=Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("day"));
     int listCount=0;                                    // initialize a counter
                                                         // generate a heading
     PrintWriter out=response.getWriter();               // get a PrintWriter object to print to browser
     out.println("<tr><td colspan=2>On "+todayMonth+"/"+todayDay+", the following events happened:</td></tr>");
     try                                                 // put I/O stuff in a try/catch block
       String filename="/home/rpearson/tomcat/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes/Trivia.dat";
       BufferedReader in=new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename));  // data file is now open
       String record=in.readLine();                      // attempt to read next record
       while(record!=null)                               // execute loop if record was read
         String[] fields=record.split("\t");
         int thisMonth=Integer.parseInt(fields[0]);
         int thisDay=Integer.parseInt(fields[1]);
         if(todayMonth==thisMonth && todayDay==thisDay)
         record=in.readLine();                           // attempt to read next record
       in.close();                                       // close the file
     catch(Exception e)                                  // catch any exceptions
       out.println("<tr><td>error attempting to open Trivia.dat</td></tr>");
     out.println("<tr><td colspan=2>"+listCount+" trivia events listed</td></tr>");


<!doctype html>
 <meta charset='utf-8'>
 <!-- File: AjaxLogin.html
   This page uses AJAX concepts to provide login/password data validation.
 <link rel=stylesheet type='text/css' href='/BIS3523.css'>
 <style type='text/css'>
   border: none;
 <script type='text/javascript'>
 function submitRequest()
   // retreive the login and the password from the form fields
   var loginData=document.getElementById('loginField').value;
   var passwordData=document.getElementById('passwordField').value;
   // construct an HTTP request, complete with two name=value pairs of form data 
   // prepare and submit the AJAX request
   request=new XMLHttpRequest();'get',url);
   // set up a callback function to be called any time the readyState property changes
 // the callback function
 function responseHandler()
   // we're really interested only in a readyState value of 4
     // get references to the two td's we use to display messages
     var loginElement=document.getElementById('loginMsg');
     var passwordElement=document.getElementById('passwordMsg');
     // process the AJAX response by updating the msg td's
       loginElement.innerHTML='invalid login';'red';
       passwordElement.innerHTML='invalid password';'red';
 <table id=triviaTable>
     <td>Login id:</td>
     <td><input type=text id=loginField></td>
     <td id=loginMsg></td>
     <td><input type=password id=passwordField></td>
     <td id=passwordMsg></td>
     <td><input type=button onClick='submitRequest()' value='  Login  '></td>

/* File:
 This servlet accepts a submitted login id and password, then checks for the existence
 of the login id in the server-based file ValidLogins.dat, and verifies that the
 submitted password matches the associated password in the file.   
 Since ValidLogins.txt contains variable-length, delimited fields (delimited by tab characters),
 the String class's split method is used to split the record into its sub-fields. The split method
 returns an array of String objects.
 This servlet responds to an AJAX request, and responds with the word:
 login - if the login id was not found in ValidLogins.dat
 password - if the login id was found but the submitted password did not match
 valid - if login id and password were valid
 On a successful login, the servlet adds a record to a login-tracking file.
 import*;                                       // import statements
 import javax.servlet.*;
 import javax.servlet.http.*;
 import java.util.*;
 public class AjaxLogin extends HttpServlet
   public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response)
                     throws ServletException,IOException
     response.setContentType("text/plain");             // set the response header (content-type)
     // retrieve the two pieces of submitted data
     // also, set a flag to false
     String login=request.getParameter("login");
     String password=request.getParameter("password");
     boolean found=false;
     PrintWriter out=response.getWriter();               // get a PrintWriter object to print to browser
     BufferedReader in=null;
     try                                                 // put I/O stuff in a try/catch block
     {                                                   // try to open the ValidLogins.dat data file
       in=new BufferedReader(new FileReader(
       String record=in.readLine();                      // attempt to read next record
       while(record!=null)                               // execute loop if record was read
         String[] fields=record.split("\t");             // split record into its sub-fields
         if(login.equals(fields[0]))                     // does submitted login match field #0?
           found=true;                                   // if so, set flag to true
           if(password.equals(fields[1]))                // and check to see if submitted password matches
           {                                             // field #1
             out.print("valid");                         // echo response back to client
             this.logfile(login);                        // call our logfile method
             return;                                     // exit the doGet function
             out.print("password");                      // echo response back to client
             return;                                     // and exit the doGet function
         record=in.readLine();                           // attempt to read next record
     catch(Exception e)                                  // catch any exceptions
     in.close();                                         // close the file
     if(!found)                                          // if flag was never changed to true
       out.print("login");                               // echo appropriate message back to client
     }                                                   // (submitted login was not found in file)
   private void logfile(String login)                    // our logfile method
   {                                                     // writes a record into a log file
       Date date=new Date();
       FileWriter file=new FileWriter("LoginLog.txt");
     catch(Exception e)


ValidLogins.dat (variable-length, tab-delimited records)
each record consists of: login id, tab, corresponding password

rap10	password
gb497	1119
cac834	1111
tc318	1105
ng254	1105
wh373	1108
zbm6	2698
jds835	1116

A Brief Overview of Java Server Page (JSP) programming

JSP has four predefined variables:

  • request
    • the HttpServletRequest object
  • response
    • the HttpServletResponse object
  • out
    • PrintWriter object used to send output to client
  • session
    • HttpSession object associated with request

JSP includes four scripting elements:

  • JSP page directive
    <%@ page import="java.util.*" %>
    • The main use of a JSP page directive is to include imports for the compiler.
  • JSP declaration
    <%! private int accessCount=0; %>
    • A JSP declaration is used to define, and possibly initialize, a variable. The declaration is executed only the first time the .jsp page is executed (after translation).
  • JSP expression
    <%= new Date() %>
    • A JSP "expression" is used to insert a value directly into the output. The expression
      is evaluated, converted to a String, and inserted into the page.
  • JSP scriptlet
String wordList=(String) session.getAttribute("wordList");
  out.println("wordList is empty");
  • A JSP "scriptlet" is a block of Java code that will be executed.


<!doctype html>
 <!-- File: Counter.jsp
      This program demonstrates using JSP code for its dynamic content.
 <%@ page import="java.util.*" %>
 <%! private int accessCount=0; %>
 Today is:
 <%= new Date() %>
 <%= ++accessCount %>
 String ip=request.getRemoteHost();
 out.println("Thank you for connection from "+ip+"\n<br><br>\n");
   out.println("Please stop reloading this page.");


<!doctype html>
 <!-- File: Trivia.jsp
      This program uses JSP to read the records from Trivia.fil and display
      trivia events in an HTML table.
 <link rel=stylesheet type='text/css' href='BIS3523.css'>
 <%@ page import="*" %>
 <%@ page import="java.util.*" %>
 Date date=new Date();                               // instantiate a Date object (deprecated)
 int todayMonth=date.getMonth()+1;                   // getMonth returns 0-11 (increment by 1)
 int todayDay=date.getDate();                        // day of the month (1-31)
 int listCount=0;                                    // initialize a counter
 // create an array of month names
 String monthNames="Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec";
 String[] names=monthNames.split(",");
 // display first table row
 out.println("<tr><td colspan=2>On this day in history, "+names[todayMonth-1]+" "+todayDay+":</td></tr>");
 try                                                 // put I/O stuff in a try/catch block
 // open the trivia file (it's stored in the classes folder)
   BufferedReader in=new BufferedReader(new FileReader("/home/rpearson/tomcat/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes/Trivia.fil"));
   String record=in.readLine();                      // attempt to read next record
   while(record!=null)                               // execute loop if record was read
     // extract fixed-length fields from the record
     int thisMonth=Integer.parseInt(record.substring(0,2));
     int thisDay=Integer.parseInt(record.substring(3,5));
     if(thisMonth==todayMonth && thisDay==todayDay)
       String year=record.substring(6,10);
       String event=record.substring(12);
     record=in.readLine();                           // attempt to read next record
   in.close();                                       // close the file
 catch(Exception e)                                  // catch any exceptions
   out.print("<tr><td>error attempting to open Trivia.fil");


<!doctype html>
 <!-- File: Customer.jsp
      This program uses JSP code to read the records from Customer.dat and display
      the customer data in a table on the document.
 <link rel=stylesheet type='text/css' href='/BIS3523.css'>
 <%@ page import="*" %>
 try                                                 // put I/O stuff in a try/catch block
   BufferedReader in=
new BufferedReader(new FileReader("/home/rpearson/tomcat/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes/Customer.dat"));
   String record=in.readLine();                      // attempt to read next record
   while(record!=null)                               // execute loop if record was read
     String[] fields=record.split("\t");
     record=in.readLine();                           // attempt to read next record
   in.close();                                       // close the file
 catch(Exception e)                                  // catch any exceptions
   out.print("<tr><td>error attempting to open Customer.dat");


<!doctype html>
 <!-- File: AjaxCustomer.jsp
      This program uses JSP code to read Customer.dat and display customer data
      in an HTML table, then uses AJAX concepts to display detailed information
      for a customer when the user clicks on a customer row in the table.
 <link rel=stylesheet type='text/css' href='BIS3523.css'>
 <style type='text/css'>
 .width8 {width: 8in}
 <script type='text/javascript'>
 // define two global variables
 function submitRequest(custNum)
   // if priorElement is not null, it is a td that is displaying a customer's info
   // erase its contents
   // save parameter into global variable
   // construct an AJAX request, complete with name=value data to submit
   // submit the AJAX request
   request=new XMLHttpRequest();'get',url);
   // set up callback function
 function responseHandler()
   // if readyState is 4, we have our response; display in td
 <%@ page import="*" %>
 try                                                 // put I/O stuff in a try/catch block
   BufferedReader in=
new BufferedReader(new FileReader("/home/rpearson/tomcat/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes/Customer.dat"));
   String record=in.readLine();                      // attempt to read next record
   while(record!=null)                               // execute loop if record was read
     String[] fields=record.split("\t");
     out.println("<tr onClick='submitRequest("+fields[0]+")'><td>"+fields[0]+"</td><td>"+fields[1]+
", "+fields[2]+"</td><td class=width8 id=cell"+fields[0]+"></td></tr>");
     record=in.readLine();                           // attempt to read next record
   in.close();                                       // close the file
 catch(Exception e)                                  // catch any exceptions
   out.print("<tr><td>error attempting to open Customer.dat");

/* File:
   This servlet responds to an AJAX request for a specific customer's information,
   and responds with some HTML to be displayed.
 import*;                                       // import statements
 import javax.servlet.*;
 import javax.servlet.http.*;
 public class AjaxCustomer extends HttpServlet
   public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response)
                     throws ServletException,IOException
     response.setContentType("text/plain");              // set the response header (content-type)
                                                         // retrieve submitted form data
     int custNum=Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("custNum"));
                                                         // generate a heading
     PrintWriter out=response.getWriter();               // get a PrintWriter object to print to browser
     try                                                 // put I/O stuff in a try/catch block
       String filename="/home/rpearson/tomcat/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes/Customer.dat";
       BufferedReader in=new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename));  // data file is now open
       String record=in.readLine();                      // attempt to read next record
       while(record!=null)                               // execute loop if record was read
         String[] fields=record.split("\t");
           break;                                        // break out of loop, no reason to read more recorfds
         record=in.readLine();                           // attempt to read next record
       in.close();                                       // close the file
     catch(Exception e)                                  // catch any exceptions
       out.print("<tr><td>error attempting to open Customer.dat");

/* File:
    This text-based application is used to list all of the customers in the bis3523
    mysql Customer table.
 import java.sql.*;                                      // import classes and interfaces from sql package
 public class CustomerDatabaseList
   public static void main(String[] args)
     try                                                 // put the whole shebang in a try/catch block
                                                         // connect to the mysql database server
                                                         //   database name: bis3523
                                                         //       user name: abc123
                                                         //        password: password
       Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver").newInstance();     // load database driver
       Connection connection=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost/bis3523",
       Statement statement=connection.createStatement();
       String query="select * from Customer";                    // set up select command
       ResultSet resultSet=statement.executeQuery(query);        // and execute the select command
       while(                                   // step through resultSet, processing each row
         int number=resultSet.getInt(1);                         // get the first field, which is an int
         String name=resultSet.getString(2);                     //  second field is a String
         int balance=resultSet.getInt(7);                        //  and third is an int
     catch(Exception e)                                  // catch any database exceptions
       System.out.println("database error");

/* File:
    This servlet is used to list all of the customers in the bis3523
    mysql Customer table.
 import java.sql.*;                                      // import classes and interfaces from sql package
 import*;                                       // import statements
 import javax.servlet.*;
 import javax.servlet.http.*;
 import java.util.*;
 public class CustomerDatabaseListServlet extends HttpServlet
   public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response)
                     throws ServletException,IOException
     response.setContentType("text/html");               // set the response header (content-type)
     PrintWriter out=response.getWriter();               // get a PrintWriter object to print to browser
     out.println("<!doctype html>");
     out.println("<link rel=stylesheet type='text/css' href='/BIS3523.css'>");
     try                                                 // put the whole shebang in a try/catch block
                                                         // connect to the mysql database server
                                                         //   database name: bis3523
                                                         //       user name: abc123
                                                         //        password: password
       Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver").newInstance();     // load database driver
       Connection connection=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost/bis3523",
       Statement statement=connection.createStatement();
       String query="select * from Customer order by balance desc";  // set up select command
       ResultSet resultSet=statement.executeQuery(query);        // and execute the select command
       while(                                   // step through resultSet, processing each row
         int number=resultSet.getInt(1);                         // get the first field, which is an int
         String name=resultSet.getString(2);                     //  second field is a String
         int balance=resultSet.getInt(7);                        //  and third is an int
         String strBalance=Utility.padString(balance,10,2);
         out.println("<tr><td>"+number+"</td><td>"+name+"</td><td class=right>"+strBalance+"</td></tr>");
     catch(Exception e)                                  // catch any database exceptions
       out.print("<tr><td>database error");


<!doctype html>
 <!-- File: CustomerDatabaseQuery.html
      Use this form to get a report of all customer accounts which have a balance
      greater than or equal to a specified minimum.
 <b>Customer Database Query System</b>
 Enter a minimum balance.
 <form action='/servlet/rap10.CustomerDatabaseQuery' method=post>
 Minimum balance:
 <input type='text' id='minBalance' name='minBalance'>
 <input type='Submit'>

/*  File:
     This servlet responds to requests for a Customer Outstanding Balance report.
 import*;                                       // import statements
 import javax.servlet.*;
 import javax.servlet.http.*;
 import java.sql.*;
 public class CustomerDatabaseQuery extends HttpServlet    // subclass HttpServlet
                                                           // prevent direct access via the Location field
                                                           //  by over-riding doGet
   public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response)
                     throws ServletException, IOException
     response.setContentType("text/html");                 // set HTTP response header type
     PrintWriter out=response.getWriter();                 // get a PrintWriter object for output purposes
     out.println("break-in attempt detected<br><br>");
     out.println("<a href='/CustomerDatabaseQuery.html'>Click here</a> to conitnue.");
                                                           // doPost will handle a request from the HTML form
   public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response)
                      throws ServletException, IOException // over-ride HttpServlet doPost method
     response.setContentType("text/html");                 // set HTTP response header type
     PrintWriter out=response.getWriter();                 // get a PrintWriter object for output purposes
     out.println("<!doctype html>");
     out.println("<link rel=stylesheet type='text/css' href='/BIS3523.css'>");
     String minBalance=request.getParameter("minBalance");  // get parameter from form
       Connection connection=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost/bis3523",
       Statement statement=connection.createStatement();
       // find out how many rows in table match the query
       String query="select count(*) from Customer where balance>="+minBalance+" order by balance desc";
       ResultSet resultSet=statement.executeQuery(query);   //  execute the query statement;                                 // this resultSet will have only one row
       int count=resultSet.getInt(1);
       // construct the actual select statement to retrieve the rows
       query="select * from Customer where balance>="+minBalance+" order by balance desc";
       out.println("<tr><td colspan=4>"+query+"</td></tr>"); // for debugging purposes, echo the query
       out.print("<tr><td colspan=4>"+count+" row");     // echo # of rows that match query
       if(count==1)                                      // properly handle singular and plural
         out.print(" matches");
         out.print("s match");
       out.println(" query</td></tr>");
       resultSet=statement.executeQuery(query);          // execute the query statement
       int i=0;                                          // number the rows in the table
       while(                           // process results of select statement
         int number=resultSet.getInt(1);
         String name=resultSet.getString(2);
         int balance=resultSet.getInt(7);
         out.println("<tr><td class=right>"+i+".</td><td class=right>"+number+"</td><td>"+name
           +"</td><td class=right>"+Utility.padString(balance,15,2)+"</td></tr>");
     catch(Exception e)                                  // catch any database exceptions
       out.print("<tr><td>database error");


<!doctype html>
 <!-- File: CustomerDatabaseUpdate.jsp
      This program uses JSP code list all customers in an HTML table, displaying each
      customer's balance in a textfield. To the right of the textfield is a button,
      which the user can use to update the customer's balance (change the balance in the
      textfield, and click the button). Clicking the button will submit the form on the
      page, which requests a servlet (notice that this does not use AJAX, but a regular
      HTTP request).
 <link rel=stylesheet type='text/css' href='/BIS3523.css'>
 <script type='text/javascript'>
 // this function is called when an Update button is clicked
 // it receives one parameter: customer number 
 // it then gets the current value that is in the associated textfield
 // it uses these two values to set the values for two hidden form fields (the values
 //  of these two fields will be retrieved by the servlet)
 function submitUpdate(custNumber)
 <%@ page import="java.sql.*" %>
 <form action='/servlet/rap10.CustomerDatabaseUpdate' method=post>
 // see if there is an attribute named "updatedNumber" associated with this request
 // (this is used to communicate from the servlet back to the jsp, to highlight the updated row)
 int updatedNumber=-1;
 String string=(String) request.getAttribute("updatedNumber");
                                                         // connect to the mysql database server
                                                         //   database name: BIS3523
                                                         //       user name: abc123
                                                         //        password: password
   Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver").newInstance();     // load database driver
   Connection connection=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost/bis3523",
   Statement statement=connection.createStatement();
   String query="select * from Customer";                    // set up select command
   ResultSet resultSet=statement.executeQuery(query);        // and execute the select command
   while(                                   // step through the resultSet, processing each row
     int number=resultSet.getInt(1);                         // get the first field, which is an int
     String name=resultSet.getString(2);                     //  second field is a String
     int balance=resultSet.getInt(7);                        //  and third is an int
     String strBalance=Utility.padString(balance,10,2);
     out.print("<tr class=highlight");
     if(number==updatedNumber)                               // if servlet passed back an updatedNumber
     {                                                       //  set this row to white text on green background
       out.print(" style='color: white; background-color: green'");
     out.print("<td><input type=text id=cell"+number+" value="+strBalance+"></td>");
     out.print("<td><input type=button value='  Update  ' onClick='submitUpdate("+number+")'></td>");
 catch(Exception e)                                  // catch any database exceptions
   out.print("<tr><td>database error");
 <input type=hidden name=custNum>
 <input type=hidden name=balance>

/* File:
    This servlet updates a customer balance, and then redirects the user back
    to the initial JSP page.
 import java.sql.*;                                      // import classes and interfaces from sql package
 import*;                                       // import statements
 import javax.servlet.*;
 import javax.servlet.http.*;
 public class CustomerDatabaseUpdate extends HttpServlet
   public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response)
                     throws ServletException,IOException
     PrintWriter out=response.getWriter();
     try                                                 // put the whole shebang in a try/catch block
     {                                                   // retrieve two submitted form fields
       int customerNumber=Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("custNum"));
       String string=request.getParameter("balance");
       string=string.replace(",","");                    // remove any commas from new balance
       double newBalance=Double.parseDouble(string);
                                                         // connect to the mysql database server
                                                         //   database name: bis3523
                                                         //       user name: abc123
                                                         //        password: password
       Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver").newInstance();     // load database driver
       Connection connection=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost/bis3523",
       Statement statement=connection.createStatement();
                                                         // construct an SQL Update statement
       String sql="update Customer set balance="+newBalance+" where number="+customerNumber;
       statement.execute(sql);                           // and execute the SQL statement
                                                         // set a value for an attribute to be retrieved
                                                         //  by the jsp when we return to it
       RequestDispatcher rd=getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/CustomerDatabaseUpdate.jsp");
       rd.forward(request,response);                     // submit request for the original .jsp
     catch(Exception e)                                  // catch any exceptions
       out.println("database error (or some type of exception)");


<!doctype html>
 <!-- File: SessionTracker.jsp
   This page demonstrates "session tracking" for persistence.
   Session tracking could be used to implement something like a shopping cart,
   with page-to-page persistence of the contents of the cart.
 <%@ page session="true" %>
 <%@ page import="java.util.*" %>
 <link rel=stylesheet type='text/css' href='/BIS3523.css'>
 <table class=noBorder style='width: 96%; margin: auto'>
 <tr><td valign=top class=noBorder>
 <form action='/servlet/rap10.SessionTracker' method=post>
 next item? <input type=text name=item size=30>
 <input type=submit value='Add item'>
 </td><td valign=top class=noBorder>
 <table style='margin-right: 0px'>
 <tr><td class=center>
 // retrieve the value for the session attribute named "cart"
 Vector cart=(Vector)session.getAttribute("cart");
   cart=new Vector();
   out.print("Your shopping cart is empty.");
   out.print("Shopping Cart:<br>");
   out.print("<a href='/servlet/rap10.SessionLister'>"+cart.size()+" item");

/* File:
 This servlet adds an item to the session-based shopping cart.
 import javax.servlet.*;
 import javax.servlet.http.*;
 import java .util.*;
 public class SessionTracker extends HttpServlet                 // subclass HttpServlet
   public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response)
                      throws ServletException, IOException       // over-ride HttpServlet doPost method
                                                                 //  to respond to Post requests
       HttpSession session=request.getSession(true);             // get an HttpSession object
       String item=request.getParameter("item");                 // get the new "item" from the submitted data
       Vector cart=(Vector) session.getAttribute("cart");        // get the value of the "cart" session attribute
       if(cart==null)                                            // if it's null, create new Vector object
         cart=new Vector();
       cart.addElement(item);                                    // add the new "item" to the vector (cart)
       session.setAttribute("cart",cart);                        // set "cart" as a session attribute
       response.sendRedirect("/SessionTracker.jsp");             // redirect browser to jsp page
                                                                 // (notice no HTML generated)
     catch(Exception e)                                          // catch any exceptions
     {                                                           // generate HTML response only on exception
       response.setContentType("text/html");                     // set HTTP response header type
       PrintWriter out=response.getWriter();                     // get a PrintWriter object for output purposes
       out.println("<!doctype html>");                           // generate valid HTML for a web page
       out.println("<link rel=stylesheet type='text/css' href='/BIS3523.css'>");
       out.println("Strange error adding item to shopping cart. Please call customer service.<br><br>");
       out.println("<a href='/SessionTracker.jsp'>Click here to continue.</a>");

/* File:
 This servlet lists the contents of the session-based shopping cart.
 import javax.servlet.*;
 import javax.servlet.http.*;
 import java .util.*;
 public class SessionLister extends HttpServlet                 // subclass HttpServlet
   public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response)
                      throws ServletException, IOException       // over-ride HttpServlet doGet method
                                                                 //  to respond to Get requests
     response.setContentType("text/html");                       // set HTTP response header type
     PrintWriter out=response.getWriter();                       // get a PrintWriter object for output purposes
     out.println("<!doctype html>");                             // generate valid HTML for a web page
     out.println("<link rel=stylesheet type='text/css' href='/BIS3523.css'>");
       HttpSession session=request.getSession(true);             // get an HttpSession object
       Vector cart=(Vector) session.getAttribute("cart");        // get the value of its "cart" atrribute
       if(cart==null)                                            // if attribute is null,
         out.println("Your shopping cart is empty.");            //  cart is empty
         out.println("Your shopping cart contains:<br>");        // display contents of cart
         for(int i=0;i<cart.size();i++)
     catch(Exception e)                                          // catch any exceptions
     out.println("<br><br><a href='/SessionTracker.jsp'>Click here to continue.</a>");