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Chapter 32 & 33 - Continued


Four Critical Innovations of Chordata Body Design

  1. Notochord
  2. Dorsal, hollow nerve cord
  3. Pharyngeal gill pouches
  4. Post-anal tail
  • These four features are exhibited at some point of life history/development
    • Only some Fishes exhibit all four


  • Cartilagenous supporting rod along the dorsal axis
  • Replaced by jointed "backbone"
    • Vertebral column of hardened cartilage or bone

Dorsal, hollow nerve cord

  • Expanded at the anterior end
    • Brian
  • Enclosed/supported/protected by the Notocord

Pharyngeal gill pouches

  • Gill slits
  • pharynx
    • back of mouth cavity

Post-anal Tail

  • Tail extends posterior of the anus
