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Day 2 - Chapter 1


The company under review must not be associated with Mississippi State University.
Groups will be decided on Monday.

Slide Notes

This is not hacking 101.
We are trying to wrap our head around how we protect information and what business decisions are made in this process


  • CIA Triad
  • Other Security Concepts
  • Data Classification

Security in a nutshell

Subjects are allowed or denied access to an object.


The user/process/system requesting access to a protected resource


The protected resource

CIA Triad


  • Keeping information protected from unauthorized access
  • Violation
    • Capturing network traffic / Eavesdropping
    • Social engineering
    • Port scanning
    • Shoulder surfing
  • Relies on Integrity
    • Necessary, but not sufficient
  • Previous versions of Study Guide: Most important goal for government agencies
Violation of Confidentiality



  • Information can only be modified by authorized subjects
    • Information is protected from “honest mistakes”
    • Information is valid, consistent, and verifiable
  • Violations
    • Viruses
    • “Logic Bombs”
    • Sabotage
  • Dependent on confidentiality
Violation of Integrity



  • Information is timely and accessible to subjects
    • Handles interruptions and outages
  • Violations
    • Attacks (denial of service)
    • Device failure
    • Environmental issues
  • Dependent on both confidentiality & integrity
  • Most important goal for business organizations (p.7)
Violation of Availability


CIA Triad + 1

Agility (Harvard Business School)

  • “The capability to change with managed cost and speed”- Westerman and Hester
  • Could affect:
    • Developing countermeasures
    • Availability
  • Trade-off between agility and security?

Other Security Concepts


  • Multiple definitions
    • Freedom from being observed, monitored, or examined without consent or knowledge
  • Company Monitoring
    • 4th amendment rights
  • “If you gather any type of information about any person or company, you must address privacy”


  • The capability to prove a subject’s identity and track their activities


  • Ensures that the subject of an activity or event cannot deny that the event occurred
  • “A suspect cannot be held accountable if they can repudiate the claim against them” (p.32)

Data Classification

A realistic means of securing data based on its “value”

Useful for:

  • Determining where best to deploy security resources
  • Establishing access control and rights
  • Implementing procedures for data dissemination, maturation, storage, and disposal

Hierarchical View of Data


Data Classification





Security Standards

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
International Society for Automation (ISA)

Federal & State Laws

  • Sarbanes-Oxley / COBIT
  • Banking (Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act)