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Deliverable 1

NOTE: Please read the project overview here first.

Deliverable #1

Identify the organization being reviewed. A brief description should be included. This should include information about the following

Name of the organization (to be withheld later)
Size and scope
Industry type, main products and services offered
Number of employees
Anything relevant about the types of facilities
If you have a point of contact already (or a probable contact), describe that
You should also include discussion about why this is an organization worthy of reviewing. Although it may be speculation at this point, what types of information assets would the organization need to protect? Do you consider them a prime target for security breaches? Any apparent vulnerabilities, either man-made or natural? Generally speaking, if someone were to ask you, “Why review this organization?”, how would you respond? That should help produce the discussion here.

NOTE: All you have to do is describe the organization in the manner described above. There is no need to thoroughly interview anyone at this point. If you would like to provide your point of contact (or the person who would grant your group permission to perform the review) some idea of what you might be asking about, please see the 2nd deliverable description on the website. Again, for the first deliverable, merely describe the organization and justify your selection.

Reasonable expectation: around 2-3 pages