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MW 2:00-3:15pm       McCool 202

Instructor:  Dr. Kent Marett


I check my email several times daily.  Will reply within 24 hours.

Office:  McCool 302P

Virtual Office Hours:  MW 1:00-2:00 PM (or by appointment)

Course Description:              (Prerequisite: BIS 3233 or consent of instructor). Three hours lecture. Concepts, skills, tools and techniques involved in management of computer security as it applies to today's business environment.

Textbooks (required):  CISSP (ISC)2 Certified Information Systems Security Professional Official Study Guide, 8th Edition by Chapple, Stewart, & Gibson.  

ISBN: 978-1-119-47593-4

You are strongly encouraged to read the suggested portions of the books before coming to class.  See schedule below for details.

course textbook

Software:  We will complete several hands-on assignments this semester that will require the use of outside software.  Where possible, we will use freeware suitable for the purpose we will need it.  I will provide links to download on the course website.

Grade Appeals:  I am willing to review grades.  If you wish to appeal a grade, you should submit a written explanation to the instructor summarizing why you believe your grade should be modified.  Appeals must be made within one week of the score being made available to you.

Exam and Assignment Policy:  If, for some reason*, you must miss class, or one of the exams or quizzes, you are obligated to contact me beforehand so we can arrange an alternative.  The same goes for dates assignments are due.  There will be no makeup exams after the fact, and late assignments will likely not be accepted.

* - a university-approved reason, such as severe illness, death, job interview, participating in an athletic event, etc.  See student handbook.

Assignments:  There will be a few homework exercises assigned to you throughout the semester.   These assignments will typically be hands-on exercises that reinforce classroom material, and depending on the assignment and should be completed individually.  These details will be thoroughly described by the instructor.

Business Security Review:  The semester-long project in this class will require you to work with 3 or 4 of your classmates on an Information Security Review of a business or organization.  This will consist of both a written report and a class presentation detailing the various policies and procedures your chosen business has instituted with regard to safeguarding its information, information systems, and computer networks.   There will be two deliverables due over the course of the semester.

Extra Credit:  There may be an opportunity to earn extra points through your participation in various research projects throughout the semester.  These projects may or may not come about, so I cannot guarantee this will happen.  You will need to be in class to take part.

Academic Dishonesty:  I will enforce university regulations regarding the MSU student honor code to their fullest.  The code states “As a Mississippi State University student I will conduct myself with honor and integrity at all times.  I will not lie, cheat, or steal, nor will I accept the actions of those who do.”  Information is also available at this link:

You will have to sign a copy of the honor code before accessing the first course assignment, and you will sign the honor code again before every exam.


Students with Disabilities:   I am committed to providing assistance to help you be successful in this course.  Reasonable accommodations are available for students with a documented disability.  Please visit the Disability Support Services (DSS) during the first two weeks of every semester to seek information or to qualify for accommodations.     All accommodations  MUST   be approved through the DSS office (01 Montgomery Hall). Call (662) 325-3335 to make an appointment with a disability counselor.

Title IX:  MSU is committed to complying with Title IX, a federal law that prohibits discrimination, including violence and harassment, based on sex. This means that MSU’s educational programs and activities must be free from sex discrimination, sexual harassment, and other forms of sexual misconduct. If you or someone you know has experienced sex discrimination, sexual violence and/or harassment by any member of the University community, you are encouraged to report the conduct to MSU’s Director of Title IX/EEO Programs at 325-8124 or by e-mail to Additional resources are available at , or at .

Classroom Technology Policy: This is a BIS course, and it is understood that many students will want to use personal technology devices (laptops, tablets, phones, etc.) to access materials during class.  I am fine with that as long as you are not distracting others and that you are actually using a device for class purposes. 

Recordings of lectures and other class videos are property of the instructor.  They will be made available to all students signed up for the course.

For more on the university's technology policies, please see the ITS website

Changes to the Syllabus:  Any changes will be announced during class and posted on the course website.  Please contact me for any clarifications.