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72 total results found

Assignment #5

Advance Languages Assignments

  There is no assignment #5

Assignment #6

Advance Languages Assignments

GUI Payroll Application Filenames:,, This assignment re-uses the Employee class that you created in the previous assignment. You may also want to use the padString method from for formatting some of you...

Assignment #7

Advance Languages Assignments

Improved GUI Payroll Application Filenames:,, Modify your GUIPayroll project to handle invalid user input in the (expected) numeric fields. Use a try/catch block when you try to get a primitive numeric representatio...

Assignment #8a

Advance Languages Assignments

Setting up your own tomcat Server on mislab mislab runs the apache web server software. apache is open-source software, available for free from Over 60% of the web servers on the internet run the apache web server software. apache does not su...

Assignment #8b

Advance Languages Assignments

DataEntry servlet Filenames: DataEntry.html, Create an HTML form that requests data from the user. Submit that form data to a servlet. For output, display the user’s submitted data back to the user. For extra experience, also save the data i...

Assignment #9

Advance Languages Assignments

Java Source Code Lister Filenames:, Write a servlet which will display a directory listing of all of the .java files in your classes folder (on mislab). When the user clicks one of the listed file names, display the contents of...

Assignment #10

Advance Languages Assignments

Trivia Servlet Filenames: Trivia.html, In this assignment, you will write a servlet that reads records from a server-based trivia text file, and displays selected trivia events on the user’s browser. 1. Create an HTML page that provides two ra...

Assignment #11

Advance Languages Assignments

Servlet-based Survey System Filenames: Survey.html, Create an HTML data entry form for some sort of data collection/survey system. Your survey should contain at least one set of radio buttons, so you can generate some counts and statistics (it'...

Assignment #12

Advance Languages Assignments

There is no assignment #12  

Assignment #13

Advance Languages Assignments

JDBC Database Trivia Filenames: DatabaseTrivia.html, Modify your earlier Trivia assignment to retrieve trivia events from mislab's Trivia mysql table.

Assignment #xx (not this one)

Advance Languages Assignments

States Database Query System Filenames: States.html, Create an HTML form that the user can use to perform queries on the mislab States mysql table. You should provide the following options: 1. Sort order: List states alphabetically (by state nam...

Assignment #14

Advance Languages Assignments

AJAX Customer/Database Query System Filenames:, Write a servlet that lists all customers in the mislab mysql customer table. Your list should include only customer number and customer name, listed in a well-formatted ta...


Advance Languages Course Materials

<!doctype html> <html> <head> <title>put your name here</title> </head> <body> <a href='lister.php?'>Assignment #1c:</a><br> <a href='lister.php?DateTime...

Advance Languages Course Materials

/* File: This file contains several utility methods that are designed to be used by other programs. getMonthName - returns the name of the month getDayName - returns the name of the day padString - pads a numeric string v...


Advance Languages Course Materials

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Biology II

See attached  Doesn't copy/paste well at all.......

Course Outline

Advance Languages

A Brief Overview of Java Server Page (JSP) programming

Advance Languages Course Materials

JSP has four predefined variables: request the HttpServletRequest object response the HttpServletResponse object out PrintWriter object used to send output to client session HttpSession object associated with request JSP in...

Day 3 - Chapter 13

BIS Security Management Notes

Assignments First assignment will be discussed in next class Notes  

Day 4 - Ch13 cont. & Ch 11

BIS Security Management Notes

Exam Hints: Stack Layer model layers