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A Brief Overview of Java Server Page (JSP) programming

JSP has four predefined variables:

  • request
    • the HttpServletRequest object
  • response
    • the HttpServletResponse object
  • out
    • PrintWriter object used to send output to client
  • session
    • HttpSession object associated with request

JSP includes four scripting elements:

  • JSP page directive
    <%@ page import="java.util.*" %>
    • The main use of a JSP page directive is to include imports for the compiler.
  • JSP declaration
    <%! private int accessCount=0; %>
    • A JSP declaration is used to define, and possibly initialize, a variable. The declaration is executed only the first time the .jsp page is executed (after translation).
  • JSP expression
    <%= new Date() %>
    • A JSP "expression" is used to insert a value directly into the output. The expression
      is evaluated, converted to a String, and inserted into the page.
  • JSP scriptlet
String wordList=(String) session.getAttribute("wordList");
  out.println("wordList is empty");
  • A JSP "scriptlet" is a block of Java code that will be executed.