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Assignment #2b



Throughout the semester, be sure to use the filenames that the assignments tell you to use. On mislab, store all files in your public_html directory. Do not create any additional directories. Do everything you can to make the job of grading your work easier!


Home Page


You must correctly set up your account on the mislab server, as explained in Assignment #1b, before you can complete this assignment.


filename: index.html

Create a web page that will be used to grade your remaining assignments. This page will provide links to each of your remaining assignments. Be sure to name your file for this assignment index.html. Also, be sure to store the file in your public_html directory.

1. Create your index.html. index.html should contain several anchor tags, providing a link to each of your assignments for the semester (provide links for assignments 1-14). Also provide links for exams 1, 2, 3, and 5. Finally, create a working email link in your links.html, so a grader can email you easily while looking at your assignments throughout the semester. Your links may be either text-based or image-based.

cd public_html

cp /home/bis3523/resources/code/lister.php .

Don't forget the period at the end, which specifies the "destination" of your cp command – the current directory.

Set the href of your anchor tag for assignment #1 to


Follow this procedure any time that you need to display the contents of a file rather than having the browser "render" the file.


4. Provide some sort of "Not available yet" page for your assignments 1-14 and exams 1, 2, 3, and 5 so your user doesn't get an error page when following those links.

5. Upload all of your required files to the public_html directory on your mislab account. Test your page, using Firefox, from the Advanced Languages student page.

Be sure to test each of your assignments in the environment in which it will be graded. If your assignment does not work under Firefox, from the Advanced Languages page, it does not work. Period.

FOR EVERY ASSIGNMENT: Be sure to go to, to the BIS 3523 page, and to your page. Your Home Page should load automatically.




Don’t forget that each programming assignment is an individual assignment. These are not group projects. Do your own work. Do not look at anyone else’s code without that person’s explicit permission. YOU should type every single character in your programs.