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Chapter 36

Overview of plant behavioral responses

  • Behavior is a response of an organism to an internal or external stimulus
  • types of plant behavior
    • movement
      • bending,twisting, or rotating
        • nutation
      • rapid movement as in sensitive plants
        • response to touch
    • growth
    • seed germination
    • seasonal production of reproductive structures
    • defensive responses to attacks
      • thorns, spines, chemicals

Responses to internal and external stimuli


  • Internal biological clock
    • circadium rhythms
  • chemical signals
    • transcriptions factors and other proteins or hormones
    • often interact with each other and external signals


  • light atmospheric gases (CO2 and water vapor) temperature, touch, wind, gravity, water, rocks, and soil minerals
  • Herbivors, pathogens, organic chemicals from neighboring plants, and beneficial or harmful organisms


Plant Behavior

Involves internal and external stimuli

  • tropism
    • growth response that is dependent on a stimuli that occurs in a particular direction
  • Reception molecules
    • located in plant cells
    • sense stimuli and cause response


  • Growth response to light
  • light causes movement of hormone auxin away from said light
  • result in unequal distribution of auxin
    • causing unequal cell elongation
  • positive tropism


  • growth response to gravity
  • positive tropism
    • roots
  • negative tropism
    • shoots
  • columella cells in root cap/tip region sense gravity 


  • Growth response to touch
  • roots
    • columella cells cause roots to grow around obstacles

Regulation of plant growth



  • chemical messengers that regulate plant growth
  • most transported in phloem tissue
  • all require an expenditure of energy on part of the plant (ATP) for transport
  • interact with external environmental stimuli