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Chapter 26


  • Taxonomy and Systematics
  • Phylogenetic Trees
  • Horizontal Gene Transfer


The Science of describing, naming, and classifying living an extinct organisms and viruses.


Study of biological diversity and the evolutionary  relationships among organisms, both extinct and modern.

  • Taxonomic groups are based on hypothesis regarding evolutionary relationships from systematics 
  • Hierarchical system involving successive levels
  • Each group at any level is called a taxon
  • Highest level is Domain
    • All life belongs to 3 domains
    • Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya
      • The Eukarya Domain is often divided into Kingdoms in the next level
        This is typically called the 4 Kingdom concept


Four Kingdoms

  • Domains Bacteria and Archaea
    • Prokaryotic cells 
      • Lack nucleus
  • Kingdom Protista, Fungi, Plantae, Animilia
    • Eukaryotic cells
      • True nucleus

Types of cells


  • Lack Nucleus
  • Lacks membrane-bound organelles
  • Typically singled celled


  • Well defined nucleus
  • Membrane-bound organelles
  • internal membrane system (compartments)

Binomial Nomenclature

  • Genus name + Specific epithet
    • ex. Homo sapiens ('wise humans')
  • Genus name is always capitalized
  • Specific epithet is never capitalized
  • Both names are either italicized or underlined 

Phylogenetic Trees

  • Phylogeny
    • Evolutionary history of a species or group of species
  • To propose a phylogeny,  biologist must use the tools of systematics
  • Trees are usually based in morphological and genetic data
    • Subjective vs. Objective data
  • Diagram that describes the phylogeny
  • A hypothesis of evolutionary relationships among various species
  • Based on available information

Monophyletic Group or Clade

  • Group of species (taxon) consisting of the most recent ancestor and all of its descendants
  • Smaller and more recent clades are nested within larger clades that have a common ancestor

Paraphyletic group

  • Contains a common ancestor and some, but not all of its descendants


  • Over time, taxonomic groups will be reorganized so that only monophyletic are recognized
  • Reptiles were a paraphyletic group because birds were excluded
  • In the class and lab, we are going to separate birds and reptiles



Morphological Analysis

  • First systematic studies focused on morphological features of extinct and modern species
  • Most of early classifications were based upon morphological features

Molecular Analysis

  • Analysis of genetic data (DNA, Amino Acids, rRNA) to identify and study genetic similarities and propose phylogentic trees
  • DNA and Amino Acid sequences from closely related species are more similar to each other than sequences from more distantly related species

Horizontal Gene Transfer

  • any process in which an organism incorporates genetic material from another organism without being the offspring of that organism (by means of asexual reproduction)

Vertical Evolution

  • Changes in groups due to descent form a common ancestor (sexual reproduction)