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Integumentary System

Apparently there is no chapter/section for this in the book?


  • the skin and all accessory structure (hair, feathers, scales)


  • The largest vertebrate organ
  • major part of the integument system

Vertebrate integument and derivatives


  • Protection form abrasion
  • protects against water loss
  • barrier to disease causing pathogens
  • protection from UV light
  • temperature regulation
  • contains sensory receptors
  • excretion (limited)

Vertebrate Integument

  • skin and all other accessories
  • skin is the largest organ o vertebrates
  • skin consists of 2 layers
    • epidermis
    • dermis


  • outer layer
  • nutrients diffuse into the epidermis form the dermis
  • stratified squamous epithelial cells

Cell types

  • langerhans cells
    • defensive cells
  • Melanocytes
    • produce pigment melanin
    • skin coloration
    • protect form UV light
  • Merkel cells
    • touch receptors
  • Keratinocytes
    • primary cell type
    • produce insoluble protein Keratin
    • amount of keratin increases from the inside to outside
    • keratin fill cytoplasm and impairs nutrient diffusion, cell dies


  • Inner layer of skin
    • thinner than dermis
  • highly vascularized
  • contains:
    • sensory structures
    • vessels
    • nerves
    • glands
  • Origin of hair/scales/feathers in vertebrates
  • Sensory structures
    • Meissner's corpuscles
      • light touch
    • Pacinian corpuscles
      • deep vibrations

Sweat Glands

  • temperature regulation
  • produce sweat (primarily water)
    • evaporating cooling
    • release of waste ions
  • 2.5 million on the body
  • release of heat

Sebaceous Glands

  • all over body, except palms and soles
  • large on face, neck, and upper chest
  • produce sebum
    • lubricates and soften hair and skin
    • water proofing in aquatic mammals


  • subcutaneous layer
    • below the dermis
  • not a layer of the skin
  • contains much adipose (fat) tissue
  • females have thicker layer of adipose tissue than males


  • body contour
  • insulation
  • support the skin