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59 total results found

Chapter 26

Biology II Exam 1 - Notes

Overview Taxonomy and Systematics Phylogenetic Trees Horizontal Gene Transfer Taxonomy The Science of describing, naming, and classifying living an extinct organisms and viruses. Systematics Study of biological diversity and the evolutionary  relati...

Chapter 27-31

Biology II Exam 1 - Notes

Prokaryotic Diversity Prokaryotes dated at 3.5 billion years old Modern Prokaryotes  are most abundant, lacking sexual reproduction Domain Bacteria Proteobacteria "true bacteria" Cyanobacteria "Blue-Green bacteria" Domain Archaea ...

Chapter 32 & 33

Biology II Exam 1 - Notes

Kingdom Animilia Over 1.5 million species Estimated 73 million 35 Phylums Over half are insects More similarities within animal genomes than other kingdoms Characteristics  Multicellular Lack of cell wall Sexual reproduction mobil...

Chapter 34

Biology II Exam 1 - Notes

Subphylum Vertebrata Vertebrates Chordates with a backbone Chordate features as well as: Vertebral column Series of cartilaginous or bony elements Cranium Endoskeleton or cartilage or bone Hox genes (lots of them) Neural crest Cyclo...

Chapter 35

Biology II Exam 2 - Notes

Introduction to Plants Kingdom Plantae We will primarily be discussing the angiosperms Phylum Anthophyta Flowers and fruits Only group that does/has these things Advanced traits Seeds Advanced vascular tissues From seed to seed ...

Lab 12

Biology II Lab Notes

Exam 2 notes

BIS Security Management Notes

Four main functions of applications: Input Output Processing Storage Chapter 21, 20,7,6Sets 007-011

Chapter 36

Biology II Exam 2 - Notes

Overview of plant behavioral responses Behavior is a response of an organism to an internal or external stimulus types of plant behavior movement bending,twisting, or rotating nutation rapid movement as in sensitive plants response to touc...

Chapter 37

Biology II Exam 2 - Notes

Nutritional resources of plants Essential elements Play many roles in plant metabolism often function as enzyme factors Macronutrients required in amounts of atleast 1g per 1kg of dry plant mass Micronutrients trace elements required in amoun...

Chapter 38

Biology II Exam 2 - Notes

Transport of materials in plants Root system absorbs water and dissolved minerals from the soil Shoot system takes CO2 from the atmosphere via stomata Photosynthetic cells use these materials to produce organic compounds needed for growth and reproduction...

Chapter 39

Biology II Exam 2 - Notes

Reproduction in plants Most flowering plants display sexual reproduction Two gametes fuse to produce offspring with a unique combination of genes They undergo Alternation of Generations  Two multicellular life cycle stages diploid Spore produ...


BIS Security Management Assignments

Shodan Vulnerability Assessment & IoT The Shodan website is a “search engine for Internet-connected devices.”  There are a ton of connected devices out there that are constantly broadcasting data, video, audio, etc.  This probably does not come as a huge ...

Network Address Translation

BIS Security Management Assignments

Instructions: Run a test of your network address translation using the instructions on page 549 of our textbook.  You will need to be connected to a network. Please report your results for the assignment. There are no right or wrong answers, so report your re...

Chapter 40

Biology II Exam 3 - Notes

Intro to Animal Structure(Form) & Function Key concepts organization of animal bodies the relationship between structure and function homeostasis All Animals: Share similarities in the ways in which they: Exchange materials with their surround...

Chapter 45 & 46

Biology II Exam 3 - Notes

Digestive System Key Concepts Animal nutrition general principles of digestion and absorption of food overview of vertebrate digestive systems mechanisms of digestion and absorption in vertebrates Intro to nutrition nutrient any substance taken...

Chapter 41 - 43 (mostly 41)

Biology II Exam 3 - Notes

Nervous System

Chapter 44

Biology II Exam 3 - Notes

Musculoskeletal system

Integumentary System

Biology II Exam 3 - Notes

Apparently there is no chapter/section for this in the book? Integument the skin and all accessory structure (hair, feathers, scales) Skin The largest vertebrate organ major part of the integument system Vertebrate integument and derivatives Fun...

Tomcat notes

Advance Languages Notes Servlets go under ~/tomcat/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes